by Robin Beres

In less than a week, Virginians, like Americans everywhere, will celebrate Independence Day. This year, despite high inflation, high gas prices, a sharply divided electorate, and rising crime rates, there seems to be a growing consensus that we celebrate this occasion with all the gusto we can muster.

Despite the holiday falling on a Tuesday, from Winchester to Norfolk to Abingdon, plans are afoot for a glorious Fourth, complete with fireworks, parades, and hot dogs. Mount Vernon is celebrating the naturalization of hundreds of new American citizens. Colonial Williamsburg is offering free admission to its historic area and art museums on July 4. Virginia Beach is hosting free concerts on 17th Street, 24th Street, and 31st Street. Just about every small town and village is having a parade. With 27 military installations around the state, expect to see lots of marching troops and military static displays.

Audience members hold their hands over their hearts while the U.S. Air Force Band plays the national anthem at Williamsburg, Va., July 4, 2012.

Thankfully, Virginia has so far managed to avoid the oppressive heat dome that sits over much of the United States. But even if the temps do soar above the 90-degree mark, it probably wouldn’t deter many Virginians from celebrating our Independence Day. It’s what we do — and studies show we do it with more pride than any other state in the union.

Last week, the personal finance website, WalletHub, came out with its annual ranking of the most patriotic states in the country. According to the website, Virginia is the most patriotic state in the country. WalletHub uses 13 key indicators of patriotism to compare the 50 states. Data included factors such as the number of active-duty military members and veterans, the share of adults who voted in the last presidential election, and the share of residents who have active civic lives. Below are the metrics WalletHub used.

Military Engagement – Total Points: 25

Average Military Enlistees per 1,000 Civilian Adults Between 2015 & 2020 (No Prior Service);

Veterans per 1,000 Civilian Adults;
Active-Duty Military Personnel per 100,000 Civilian Adults;
Share of Civilian Adult Population in Military Reserves.

Civic Engagement – Total Points: 75

Share of Adults Who Voted in 2020 Presidential Election;
Share of Adults Who Voted in 2020 Primary Elections;
Volunteer Rate;
Volunteer Hours per Resident;
AmeriCorps Volunteers per Capita;
Peace Corps Volunteers per Capita;
Trial- & Grand-Jury Participation per Civilian Adult Population;
Share of Residents Who Participate in Groups or Organizations (Civic Life);
U.S. History/Civics Education Requirement.


has been compiling this data for nine years, since 2015. The Old Dominion took first place every year between 2015 and 2018. Then suddenly, in 2019, the commonwealth plummeted to 15th place. Notable drops in civic engagement metrics were the primary factor in that stunning decline.

Looking back, it’s understandable why Virginians weren’t feeling very proud in 2019. It wasn’t a great year for the Old Dominion. In late January 2019, then-Gov. Ralph Northam’s blackface scandal erupted, causing a national uproar.

Northam initially apologized for the photo in his medical school yearbook but then recanted and claimed he wasn’t in the photo — but he did confess to wearing blackface to a Michael Jackson concert in 1984. That only made matters worse. Prominent Democrats across the country called for his resignation.

And just days later, out of the blue two women launched serious accusations of sexual assault against Virginia Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax. The lieutenant governor adamantly denied the accusations. Calls for his resignation also rolled in.

Covering his bases, Attorney General Mark Herring also admitted he too had worn blackface in college. The trifecta of scandals sent shock waves throughout the Democratic Party.

For Virginians, who have always seemed to believe that because of the commonwealth’s momentous history, our leaders and our institutions are imbued with greater respectability than most, it was a national embarrassment to see the scandals being discussed and dissected on national cable shows and in publications like The New York Times and Politico.

It didn’t help that just four years earlier, the state had made national headlines because of accusations against then-Governor Bob McDonnell.

It was a painful time for Virginia.

As it turned out, of course, in the end none of the three resigned. Northam was able to remain in office by admitting to his racial insensitivity and holding multiple private listening sessions with Black leaders across the state. But he remained out of public sight for more than two months.

That was then. We moved on from those scandals, just as we have from others in the past. By 2022, Virginia was in third place and today, we’ve reclaimed the No. 1 spot. Which only seems fitting for the birthplace of the world’s greatest experiment in representative democracy.

Happy July 4.

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13 responses to “Patriotism in Virginia”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “This year, despite high inflation…”

    The current inflation rate is 4%…

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Apparently, Jerome “one trick pony” Powell doesn’t share your sense of optimism.

      Of course, Powell can sleep easy as he destroys the value in hard working Americans’ IRAs and 401(k)s – his retirement is funded by the taxpayers.

    2. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      First of all, 4% is too high, so yes, that is high inflation. We will be treated to a dip into 3% next month when a 1.2% June 2022 is replaced with whatever comes out in June 2023 (if June 2023 comes in at .2%, then headline inflation will be 3%), but then the next two months are 0 and .2%, so don’t celebrate too soon.

      Secondly, for years when inflation was bumping around 2% give or take, and things were volatile, everyone said ignore the headline rate, take out energy and food, and look at core. Gas prices go up and down, so ignore them. Guess what, you don’t hear that much now because Core sits at 5.3.%.

      So you might want to think inflation is 4% and heading down, but your wrong, and the Fed and everyone suffering high prices knows it and that is why they are looking to raise rates some more, and more importantly, not drop rates.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I’m sure they meant high interest rates.

      “The inflation rate, 13.5% in 1980, fell to 4.1% in 1988, in part because the Federal Reserve increased interest rates (prime rate peaking at 20.5% in August 1981). The latter contributed to a recession from July 1981 to November 1982 during which unemployment rose to 9.7% and GDP fell by 1.9%.“

      Brilliant GOP leadership.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Gee, Nancy … who was president in 1980? You remember … stagflation, Iranian hostages, gas lines, an oil embargo …

        The election in November? Reagan won 489 of 538 electoral votes.

        It took the GOP just under 2 years to undo the fiasco created by Jimmy Carter.

        How long will it take to undo the fiasco created by Joe Biden?

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          That one was a long term buildup that started in ’65 when LBJ proclaimed we could have “guns and butter” and declined to raise taxes to pay for the Vietnam war. By the time we got to the late ’70s it had been building for more than a decade.

          Deficit fueled fiscal stimulus is a stinker when it gets out of hand.

          This time it was fueled by over compensation for Covid shutdowns after Obama’s under stimulus following the collapse of ’08. Biden’s ’21 stimulus was the straw that spiked inflation, and was the final discredit of “Modern Monetary Theory Fantasy”, as if any more was needed for anyone with any sense.

          Interesting post on debt interest expense going up dramatically:

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Carter, but that covered to 88. You should see Nixon-Ford’s and GHW’s numbers.

          Have fun…

  2. LesGabriel Avatar

    One of the more patriotic annual 4th of July events is the Conservative Soiree put on by the Leadership Institute. This year, as in recent years, it will be held at the Occoquan Regional Park. This is the 50th year of “the nation’s largest Independence Day gathering of conservatives. It features patriotic speakers, bluegrass music, BBQ, drinks, and fun for the whole family.”

    1. WayneS Avatar

      That sounds like fun, but it’s in Fairfax and I’m not sure my passport is up-to-date…

      1. LesGabriel Avatar

        Its just across the bridge from Occoquan. There won’t be any lefties there to take your license plate number.

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Closer to those of us who do not live in Northern Virginia, the Virginia History and Culture Museum will be holding its annual July 4 naturalization ceremony, as well.

    For anyone in the Richmond area looking for an old-fashioned celebration, I recommend the Ashland Parade and Celebration. Anyone can participate in the parade. One of the traditional favorites is the Lawn Chair Brigade. Here are two welcome rules for parade participants: “No flags besides the United States flag are permitted. No politically themed brigade or campaigning is permitted.”

    I can’t decide which event to attend.

  4. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    So, the dip in Patriotism in Virginia was because of the scandals of the elected leaders in VA and had nothing to do with dealing with the worst US President in our history? OK. I believe it is really hard to feel patriotic when the central figure in our country is someone who lies constantly and lacks any semblance of morals. It seems things turned around when our US President turned over.

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