by Kerry Dougherty

To those of us who live in Virginia Beach, Pat Robertson, who died yesterday at the age of 93, was more than just a religious broadcaster who ran for president in 1988.

He was a man who built a television network, a university, a major charity, and a law school in our city. His enterprises provided good jobs to thousands of folks and his international evangelization put Virginia Beach in the spotlight.

Yet politics was also in Pat’s blood. He was, after all, the son of a prominent U.S. Senator, A. Willis Robertson, a conservative Democrat who served in that chamber from 1946 to 1966. When Pat stunned pundits by finishing second in the Iowa caucuses, he established evangelical Christians as a powerful bloc in the Republican Party.

Pat Robertson was loathed by the left and by most members of the media. Yet reporters found him curiously addictive and waited for him to say something they thought was kooky on The 700 Club so they could mock him and invite late-night talk show hosts to join in.

There were eye rolls and outright groans whenever the local newspaper had to cover Robertson. You see, the media instinctively distrusts most Christians and almost all Republicans.

Trust me on this one. I was on the inside for decades.

When I met Pat Robertson on several occasions, he was kind, soft-spoken and attentive, giving no sign that he knew or cared where I worked. You see, his stage was far bigger than the local and even the national media. The Christian Broadcasting Network has a global reach.

News of Pat Robertson’s death reached us just before Mike and I were going on the air Thursday morning. We didn’t have much time to prepare, but we agreed that we would tolerate no negativity after we told our listeners about his death.

When Mayor Bobby Dyer phoned in, he was effusive, calling Robertson a “rock star” for Virginia Beach. Dyer’s voice cracked with emotion as he reflected on his long friendship with the former chancellor of Regent University.

After the show I texted the mayor and asked for his thoughts. Here’s his reply:

Those who got to really know Pat Robertson found a man who was extremely likable, humble and caring, who loved his Lord and willingness to reach out to people who needed help and prayers. He was an icon who put Virginia Beach on a national and world stage with his ministry and 700 Club viewed and appreciated by millions over decades past. Through Operation Blessing and Mercy Chefs, he went to places around the world whenever needed. His organizations employed many people and had a profound positive impact on Virginia Beach.

Personally, for me, he provided me with a foundation and a moral compass to be a leader, especially when confronted with times of challenges.

I first met him as a student in the 1990s. I later was on the faculty for 12 years at Regent, now back again in the School of Government.

Over decades past Pat was an inspiration, mentor, prayer warrior, counselor, friend, and fellow Marine.

I will miss him big time, but I find great comfort in knowing his legacy of good deeds will continue in perpetuity by his family and those who worked for and those who love him.

Rest in peace, my brother, you have done much for many.

My favorite part of Roberston’s legacy is Operation Blessing, the international charity he founded more than 40 years ago. This nimble non-profit has operated in more than 90 countries, quickly distributing food and emergency aid to those suffering from natural disasters or extreme poverty.

In addition, The Regent University/Founders Inn campus is a Virginia Beach gem. We were lucky to have Pat Robertson here in the city where he and his late wife, Dede, reared their large family: four children, 14 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren.

Pat Robertson will be missed and mourned by many. Including those of us who didn’t know him well.

As Tony Macrini said on his show yesterday, “When God puts his hand on a man, we should take ours off.”

Any unpleasant comments about Pat Robertson will be deleted.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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85 responses to “Pat Robertson, 1930-2023”

  1. M. Purdy Avatar
    M. Purdy

    “Any unpleasant comments about Pat Robertson will be deleted.” Can we quote Pat Robertson directly or talk about his father’s “legacy” in Congress and the VA Senate?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Blue Virginia took up Twitter space to attack a dead man yesterday. That is the only time you folks can win, attacking people who cannot respond.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar
        M. Purdy

        Oh, I don’t know. Yesterday was a huge win for our side, and that had nothing to do with Pat Robertson;-).

        1. Before counting your chickens:

          In the case titled Judicial Watch v. National Archives and Records Administration – also known as the “Clinton sock drawer” case, Justice Amy Berman Jackson, the judge presiding on that case, wrote that “the President enjoys unconstrained authority to make decisions regarding the disposal of documents: ‘[a]lthough the President must notify the Archivist before disposing of records . . . neither the Archivist nor Congress has the authority to veto the President’s disposal decision.’”

          This ruling has existed without challenge or question for ten years.
          It seems pertinent to this case.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Hmmm, that’s interesting. But I think you can answer your own question about whether it’s pertinent. Think about it…

          2. I did think about it; that’s why I posted it. If you think I’m wrong, I’m willing to listen to your reasons, but not willing to guess what they may be.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Didn’t see the Twiiter posts if any, but the piece at was neutral at worst. However, provided with the announcement was a long list of articles about Pat and his, shall we say, somewhat zany thoughts. Who can forget the 19 “avenging angels” who brought down 9-11 on the heads of gay New Yorkers?

        1. WayneS Avatar

          My early warning system just told me to avoid It says they are a conduit for phishing scams.

          I’m not sure why. I’ve visited the site before.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I get no such warning. AI. Maybe your security determines you spend sooooo much time on BR that a visit to BV could cause a stroke? 😉

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I get no such warning. AI. Maybe your security determines you spend sooooo much time on BR that a visit to BV could cause a stroke? 😉

          3. WayneS Avatar

            That is quite possible. I had not considered that. It’s nice to know my AI cares about my well-being.

            Oh! I’ve got a story which is peripherally related to Pat Robertson.

            Back in 1974, when I was about 9 years old, I and the rest of my Sunday school class were in the live audience for a brand new children’s show on CBN in Virginia Beach.

            That brand new children’s show was called “The Jim and Tammy Show”. Nothing weird or strange happened, but they were both so over-the-top nice to all us kids that it was borderline creepy. Tammy Bakker wore almost as much makeup then as when she became much more well known, and to me as a kid, her hair looked like it was about 2 or 3 feet tall.

            They gave each of us a copy of a record they had made, and I think this is it:


          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I consider them all to be snake oil salespersons, but if it’s snake oil you need, ya gotta get it someplace. Besides, I once drank a bottle, or two, of Ripple, so no room to judge others for what they put in their heads to rot the brain.

            It’s an industry. It sells. It moves money. I have no more or less respect for one of them as for any given CEO. They contribute. I wish they were taxed.

            But as for Tammy Faye, whe she strolled on the set of Drew Carey as Mimi’s mom, it was hysterical.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Was hurricane Gloria not an attack on the folks on Fire Island?

        I wish no man ill, but certain obituaries provide for short, pleasant reads.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And James Watt.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        Here are the opening lines of AP’s obituary for James Watt.

        “CHEYENNE, Wyo. — James Watt, the Reagan administration’s sharp-tongued, pro-development interior secretary who was beloved by conservatives but ran afoul of environmentalists, Beach Boys fans and eventually the president, has died. He was 85”.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          He might have like that. They say he was sharp tongued. At least they didn’t mention make up of his pallbearers. I know if I were him, I would have arranged for a particular mix.

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Under pressure from Nancy of all people, Watt was self deprecating on the Beach Boys incident. Don’t forget the plaster of paris foot given to Watt.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yeah, but it was given to him. It’s not like he picked it out.

          I mean, seriously, getting stoned and listening to music; Zappa, yes. Bach, yes. Beach boys?

          Hell, if Watt were 40 years younger and still alive, Youngkin would appoint him to replace LtC Love at VMI. He was ahead of his time on DE&I.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            You have it all wrong. Youngkin will appoint Mike Love at VMI. I met him last summer. Really nice dude. Very tall. I thought surfers were all short.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Wait, now I’m confused. All wrong? Is he going to appoint Mike Love because;
            1) he actually shot himself in the foot,
            2) he has the same last name,
            3) he gets stoned and listens to the Beach Boys, and/or
            4) he’s tall?


          3. WayneS Avatar

            …getting stoned and listening to music; Zappa, yes. Bach, yes. Beach boys?

            Pet Sounds.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ah. Just the song, not the whole album, and only while eating blueberry pie… the whole pie.

    3. WayneS Avatar

      What does his father’s legacy have to with him?

      1. M. Purdy Avatar
        M. Purdy

        It was brought up in the original post.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Okay. But what does his father’s legacy have to with him?

          1. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Ask the author of the post.

          2. WayneS Avatar

            I’m asking you. You are the one who brought up his father’s “legacy”.

          3. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            “Yet politics was also in Pat’s blood. He was, after all, the son of a prominent U.S. Senator, A. Willis Robertson, a conservative Democrat who served in that chamber from 1946 to 1966. When Pat stunned pundits by finishing second in the Iowa caucuses, he established evangelical Christians as a powerful bloc in the Republican Party.” No, the poster brought up his legacy.

          4. WayneS Avatar

            You are confusing a list of historical facts about a man with a discussion of that man’s a legacy.

          5. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Nope, not when the statement says that politics was “in his blood” then cites his father’s contributions to the state. That’s a legacy.

          6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            You are phishing for the Byrd Machine legacy. If you only knew some of the real history. Aside from civil rights, Absolom stood apart from the Byrd Machine on many key issues of the time.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I think that is a perfect summarization. I suspect you’ll still get the same response.

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Kerry, as a Catholic and a lefty, I never have loathed Pat Robertson. Just saying….

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    During my decade with the Roanoke Times, and due to the proximity of Jerry Falwell, Sr., I covered the rise of the so-called Religious Right in American politics. That gave me several opportunities to meet Robertson, who differed from Falwell more on the religious front than on the political front. Jerry was not given to expressing personal messages he had received from the Almighty.

    Probably my last real conversation with Robertson was at the 1987 Republican Advance as he was deep in his run for the presidency. Our bosses at Landmark, Kerry, didn’t want me coming to your part of the state to write about their local evangelist/politician. Likewise when I wanted to travel down to NC to interview the Bakkers. They were the purview of the Greensboro paper.

    As with Falwell, the legacy will indeed be the ongoing success of the institutions he built, and their impact on thousands of other lives. Both Regency and Liberty have exceeded my expectations as educational powerhouses, largely because they now represent such a clear contrast to their larger competitors. The people I knew who did know him well spoke just as your mayor did.

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      LIberty University has a six year graduation rate of 58%. Not a sign of an educational powerhouse. Liberty University is more of an online scam university with a brick and mortar university attached.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Fare thee well, oh mighty warrior.

    Apologies to HW.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Nancy, you are not even up to your usual standards with this. No idea what you are getting at. As to James Watt, I have a great photo of myself with him and Falwell, me with my reporter pad out.

      Purdy, if you think indicting Trump was a big win, I think you won’t like how it plays out. Even I (no fan) don’t think he was any more loose with such documents, or any less truthful when challenged, than Mrs. Clinton during her losing campaign. Then we have Biden’s garage stash. Even I think DOJ is engaged in selective, political prosecution. And you don’t want to motivate voters like me to feel some sympathy for Trump. But clearly that is the plan.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar
        M. Purdy

        Whattaboutism is not actually a legal defense outside of Fox News and OAN. So yes, we’ll see how things pan out for the guy you claim you’re not a fan of.

        1. Tom B Avatar

          I think that the “Whattaboutism” you refer to was not an attempt to justify Trump, but a pointed reference to the left’s hypocrisy and double standard. I.E., it was not a defense of Trump but an attack on you.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Ah, well I welcome such unfounded, unsupportable attacks b/c it says a lot more about the attacker, Tom. But good luck keeping your boy out of prison.

          2. Tom B Avatar


            Ah, well I am in denial about such well founded, easily supportable attacks b/c they force me to accept reality, Tom.

          3. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            One suggestion — try watching news outlets outside of OAN and Fox.

          4. Tom B Avatar

            I don’t watch either one.
            Perhaps you have a list of acceptable propaganda sources?

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          And a lack of fairness under the law is the hallmark of banana republics, not the United States.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Have you seen the indictment? It’s a nuclear bomb. Trump is not smart, and he will go to prison.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Well, there’s no indictment to see with Hillary, Biden or Pence. Why? Because charges were never brought.

            The deep state likes its insiders and hates outsiders. Senile Joe’s weaponized DoJ is only too happy to oblige that hatred.

            BTW – the best thing that could happen to the GOP (whether they know it or not) would be for Trump to be unable to run.

          3. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Uhh, yeah. Deep state….that’s what it is…

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            Interesting that the Trump indictment drops on the same day that the FBI finally discloses a document accusing Joe Biden of taking a $5m bribe from Burisma.

            I’ve worked in Ukraine. It’s one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Trust me, Hunter Biden’s appointment to Burisma’s board was not an arm’s length transaction.

            Senile Joe may be about to fry (metaphorically speaking).

          5. VaNavVet Avatar

            Interesting that the so called party of law and order is now attacking the DOJ and thereby law enforcement while calling to defund the FBI. The GOP would be better off without Trump.

          6. Those in favor of true law enforcement are opposed to Gestapo like organizations and tactics.

          7. VaNavVet Avatar

            Yes it always helps to invoke the Nazi’s and it depends on who is calling the shots. You don’t have to believe everything that Trump says!

          8. We know that the FBI and DOJ conspired with the Clinton Campaign and DNC
            to use the false Steele Dossier (which they knew at the time was false)
            to get FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Sounds like Gestapo tactics to me.

            We know that the DOJ and FBI lied to the federal courts to convict Sen Ted Stevens (Alaska) and give Obama his 60 vote senate majority, and that the Obama admin rewarded the perpetrators with promotions. Sounds like Gestapo tactics to me.

            It’s your constant denial of anything conservative that is wrong and damaging to our nation.

          9. VaNavVet Avatar

            Don’t say “we” when none of those statements can be proved. Feel free to say that they are your opinions or even beliefs which you are entitled to and everybody has one! BTW I served our country in uniform for 20 years and don’t believe that either of our opinions do damage to the nation.

          10. It’s my opinion shared by the court.

            In re the Stevens case, from WiKi:
            February 2009, FBI agent Chad Joy filed a whistleblower affidavit,
            alleging that prosecutors and FBI agents conspired to withhold and
            conceal evidence that could have resulted in acquittal.[12] As a result
            of Joy’s affidavit and claims by the defense that prosecutorial
            misconduct had caused an unfair trial, Judge Sullivan ordered a hearing
            to be held to determine whether a new trial should be ordered.[13] At
            the hearing, Judge Sullivan held the prosecutors in contempt for having
            failed to deliver documents to Stevens’s legal counsel.
            Sullivan held the prosecutors in contempt, Holder replaced the entire
            trial team, including top officials in the public integrity section. The
            final straw for Holder was the discovery of a previously undocumented
            interview with Bill Allen that raised the possibility prosecutors had
            knowingly allowed Allen to perjure himself.[15]

            On April 7, 2009,
            judge Sullivan formally accepted Holder’s motion to set aside the
            verdict and throw out the indictment, declaring “There was never a
            judgment of conviction in this case. The jury’s verdict is being set
            aside and has no legal effect,” and calling it the worst case of
            prosecutorial misconduct he’d ever seen.[16]

            There is
            even more documentation to support my assertions about the actions of
            the DNC, Clinton campaign, DOJ, etc. You can find it easily if you do an
            honest search.

            In the Stevens case, the timing of the false
            charges ruined his reelection chances. In Trump’s case, they were
            designed to ruin his election chances by allowing the dems to spy on his
            campaign, the same thing that Nixon was impeached for. After his
            election, those lies were used to weaken his presidency and are being
            recycled today.

          11. VaNavVet Avatar

            One court case does not a conspiracy theory make.

          12. Your denial of reality doesn’t make it go away.

          13. DJRippert Avatar

            Matt Taibbi: “My feeling is if you’re gonna take the very extreme step of indicting somebody who is the likely nominee of the opposition party, the charge has to meet two tests: It has to be extremely serious and it has to be an airtight case. And I think both of these cases fail on both of those points.”

          14. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            And he’s credible why exactly?

          15. DJRippert Avatar

            A well respected, left of center, journalist who has covered politics for many years …

            Not credible?


          16. DJRippert Avatar

            Chris Cuomo: “So these concerns — everybody loves conspiracies these days — I’m not so sure that these investigations aren’t done in a way that winds up intentionally or unintentionally helping the former president, to be honest. Because every time there’s a swing, it seems to expose the fact that they go after him with what seems to be at or below a level of anything that would be impressive to people reviewing the documents.

            “I think that to the majority, the optics are terrible if you’re swinging at somebody during an election, and you don’t have what we deem ‘the goods.”

          17. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            No idea what that has to do with anything.

          18. DJRippert Avatar

            You think the indictment is a “nuclear bomb”. Chris Cuomo disagrees.

          19. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            You are correct. And there will be a price to pay for that.

          20. VaNavVet Avatar

            Yes no one is above the law and Trump is entitled to his day in court. The charges seem to be well documented and we will have to see how it plays out. It would have been a miscarriage of the law not to indict.

        3. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Fox News, OAN, and the voting booth.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Yes, of course. I wish you the best in getting Trump reelected.

          2. Tom B Avatar

            And there we have it. It’s not about the law, it’s about ruining Trump’s election chances.
            Jack Smith, the spl prosecutor – isn’t he the one who prosecuted Bob McDonnell and got destroyed by the Supreme Court?

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Yep. Shut out at the Supremes…but ended McDonnell’s political career. Remember Obama, the real Manchurian candidate was prez, and SlowJoe is just a puppet for BHO.
            Also, have you checked out how many higher ups in UVA have BHO ties?
            Just sayin…
            Meanwhile, Pat Robertson did far more good than any of his Liliputian critics…

          4. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            No, it’s about the law. 38 counts of serious charges, 31 pertaining to the Espionage Act. I’m just happy for the republic. And happy his movement will be relegated to the dustbin of history.

          5. Tom B Avatar

            Serious charges? Wasn’t Smith’s assistant prosecutor, Karen Gilbert, the DOJ lawyer who was guilty of wiretapping the room used for attorney/client conferences, thus violating attorney privilege? That’s a serious matter. Wonder why she was chosen for this witch hunt?

          6. Tom B Avatar

            Babylon Bee is reporting:

            PALM BEACH, FL — Former President Donald Trump seemed to have outsmarted federal prosecutors once again, as reports out of Mar-A-Lago indicated the 45th President and current 2024 candidate had chosen Joe
            Biden’s son, Hunter, as his running mate, leading the Department of Justice to halt all investigations against Trump.

            “It really is a brilliant, ‘4D chess’ type of move,” said disheveled political analyst Steve Bannon after Trump made his announcement. “There’s no way the DOJ or the FBI will do any investigating when Hunter Biden is attached to the campaign. Checkmate, losers!”

            Within minutes of naming Biden
            his new running mate, Trump was notified by the government that the indictments against him were being thrown out, leading Trump to make a celebratory post on his Truth Social account. “TRUMP WINS ONCE AGAIN,” he said. “I REMAIN UNDEFEATED AGAINST THE CORRUPT DEEP STATE’S EFFORTS

            Unable to continue their quest against Trump, DOJ officials admitted defeat. “It’s over,” said a
            source within the department. “We’re not allowed to go anywhere near Hunter Biden, so Trump and his campaign can now run roughshod. Much like the women Hunter hires at night, our hands are tied.”

            At publishing time, new vice presidential candidate Hunter Biden, who had last been seen passed out in an alley after a 3-day crack cocaine bender, was unavailable for comment.

          7. VaNavVet Avatar

            Babylon Bee is a satire site!

          8. LAMO!

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Couldn’t think of anything to say.

        How about Viraf? “Taking the first footstep with the good thought, the second with the good word, and the third with the good deed, I entered paradise.”

        No, that contradicts belief as the way.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well, I must have crossed a threshold yesterday. It’s either age or lifetime donations to The Fund for W&M.

        They sent me an invitation to learn more about being interred in the campus Memorial Garden.

        I’m not sure I’m flattered.

    2. Kurt Eberly Avatar
      Kurt Eberly

      What would you like us to say about you when you pass?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Depends. He wore ‘em at the end.

        But seriously, if you want to say something nice, just a toast to cheerful people at your favorite bar.

        If you wish to tell the truth instead, I insist that you dance on my grave as you do.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Gosh, he lived a long life…”

      3. WayneS Avatar

        Here is what I would say at his funeral:

        “His name wasn’t really Nancy, but here goes anyway:

        Nancy Nancy Bo Bancy
        Banana Fana fo Fancy
        Fee Fi Fo Fancy

        I’ll see you in the next life, wake me up for meals”.

  5. DJRippert Avatar

    Pat Robertson wasn’t as unidimensional as some would say.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s not like Larry Bird never spoke to Isiah Thomas.

      Players in the same game. But be honest, have you ever gave praise to Al, except for his amazing weight loss?

      1. WayneS Avatar

        I loathe Al Sharpton’s politics, but I like Al Sharpton.

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Why would anyone praise Al Sharlatan?
        Anti-Semite. Tawana Brawley shakedown artist. He may be fun to hang with, but that doesn’t merit praise. I bet Bill Clinton was fun to go out with, drink beer and chase women…but I wouldn’t introduce him to my sister!

      3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Isiah threw away a ring that year. What a dummy! Tough layup by DJ to seal the deal.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          It was a perfectly executed play… as Trump would say.

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