Paid In Full, State Needs to Give Us Our Change

By Barbara Hollingsworth

Imagine a merchant refusing to hand over the change when a customer paid with a $20 bill for a $17.50 item. Virginians would be irate if a restaurant, bar, grocery store, or other private establishment decided to keep the change because the business might “need” the extra money in the future. Yet the Virginia General Assembly is attempting to do the same thing on a much larger scale.

The latest preliminary figures from the Virginia Department of Revenue put the current general fund budget surplus at more than $5.1 billion for fiscal year 2023, which ended June 30. This is more than double the $1.94 billion surplus the commonwealth posted in 2022. This huge surplus is money left over after every single item in the state budget was fully funded under the amended 2022 Appropriation Act, including education, health and welfare, transportation, public safety, and every department and program funded with state tax dollars.

This unprecedented revenue surplus was largely due to higher-than-expected payroll withholding of individual income taxes (which are still not indexed to inflation), as well as corporate and sales taxes.

In other words, Virginia taxpayers were overcharged $5.1 billion over the past two years and $3 billion more than the commonwealth’s own 2023 revenue forecast. And yet some members of the General Assembly, all of whom are up for re-election in November, don’t want to give any of it back.

The record budget surplus also undermines the argument that lowering taxes results in reduced state revenue. As Governor Glenn Youngkin pointed out, “Last year we provided $4 billion of tax relief for individuals, families, and veterans. What this year’s preliminary numbers tell us is that even after that historic tax package the Commonwealth ended fiscal year 2023 with $5.1 billion in excess resources, far more than forecasted.”

California is learning the hard way that overtaxing residents has unintended consequences. Unlike Virginia, California is now facing a $31.5 billion budget deficit after posting a $100 billion surplus just last year. But the state legislature spent all the surplus funds instead of returning the excess money to taxpayers. And wealthy Californians took notice.

In fact, in what is being called “The Great Wealth Migration,” the Golden State now has the largest net negative tax income migration in the U.S., losing $343.2 million in tax revenue as high-worth individuals took their money and moved to more tax- and business-friendly states such as Florida, Texas, and Arizona.

These are individuals who not only pay the bulk of state income taxes (the top 1 percent in California pay 50 percent of all state income taxes) but also have the means to start businesses and hire workers. Their loss is hard to replace.

In Virginia, after reaching an impasse in June, budget negotiators from the Republican-controlled House of Delegates and the Democrat-controlled state Senate met again in an attempt to iron out their differences. Republicans support Gov. Youngkin’s tax refund proposal; Democrats do not.

The Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy has recommended that GOP legislators refuse to bargain away a tax refund this year. If the economy goes south or the commonwealth faces dire reductions in revenue, state legislators can cut spending, adjust taxes or do whatever is necessary at that time to make up the difference. They’ve done it before and they can do it again if necessary.

But allowing the commonwealth to overcharge taxpayers to the tune of $5.1 billion in unappropriated funds sets a terrible precedent. It tells future lawmakers that they can overcharge taxpayers with impunity.

Virginia taxpayers paid for everything the General Assembly included in its last budget. Now they want their change back. It’s as simple as that.

Barbara Hollingsworth is a visiting fellow with the Thomas Jefferson Insitute for Public Policy, which first published this commentary this morning. 

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14 responses to “Paid In Full, State Needs to Give Us Our Change”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “ Imagine a merchant refusing to hand over the change when a customer paid with a $20 bill for a $17.50 item.”

    Bought an airline ticket lately? Do you renegotiate your auto and homeowner insurance annually? Does your cellphone and internet service providers offer better deals to new customers than the loyal customers?

    It’s life. Get used to feeling cheated. Just hope that it’s less than you imagine.

  2. VaNavVet Avatar

    So the plan is to follow CA from a surplus to a deficit by failing to retain any of the funds in a contingency account. Sure that makes sense.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The state has never had so fat a contingency account. Seriously, the one set up by the Constitution is brimming and a second fund that is just there is also flush. The combined balance was projected to be at $3.8 billion as of June 30, and that is ON TOP of the reported “surplus.”

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    There are two fallacies in this argument. First, the state government is not like a retail business. Its function is to provide for the welfare of the Commonwealth. That is quite different from the ice cream store that sells ice cream cones and cups. Second, there is the declaration that “every single item in the state budget was fully funded.” There are many that contend that is not accurate. For example, there is general consensus that the provision of mental health services has not been “fully funded.” The recent JLARC report make it clear that the state has not “fully funded” education. At the very least, the state is not putting up its share of the current total SOQ expenditures.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      State should not fund porn, only academic education that is not related to ideology. That means everything I took was fact based. Until these kids are graduated without needing remedial classes in college, have some logic and soft skills, don’t come in with BS ideology but ready to work and be part of a team, I will act like a liberal female until we stop paying for stupid robots throwing temper tantrums when they don’t get their way.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore


    2. Whether or not some are of the opinion the GA underfunded certain items in its budget is different from whether the adopted budget was fully funded/paid.

      The author claimed that taxpayers paid for everything the GA included in their budget. As far as I can tell, that claim is correct.

  4. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    I have to admit, I don’t get it. The author says: “This unprecedented revenue surplus was largely due to higher-than-expected payroll withholding of individual income taxes”.

    As I do my own taxes, I know that if there was over withholding of taxes in your payroll, you get it back when you file your year end tax return. There must be something else going on.

    I also don’t get the California argument unless they are saying they increased spending and then baked it into future spending, which I would not doubt occurred.

    In any event, my view is you don’t do permanent tax cuts, nor permanent spending increases, just because of a one year surplus.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      How about a third year surplus? The pattern is getting kinda clear. I’m not one saying “give it all back!” but there is room now for some adjustments, especially adjustments that correct for inflation.

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        I agree with you wholeheartedly the standard deduction was paltry until adjusted up. I’m not following the details like you are but do agree with the concept that if there is a pattern of higher revenue, and we all know the standard deduction and probably other things have had the effect of inappropriately increasing tax collections as inflation takes place, they should be adjusted.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        Your colleague at the TJIPP is saying, “Give it all back.”

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    My preference is still give us a price break (tax cut) rather than a refund. 🙂 Shockingly, a state university conducted a poll assembled by state employees and found that most of the public wants the schools to get the money. Who would have predicted that result? 🙂 Time to examine the questions…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I’d rather a pay raise than a bonus.

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