Search results for: “amazon”

  • Solid, Prescient, Calm and Alarming…

    Barnie Day has reviewed “Boomergeddon” over on Bob Holsworth’s “Virginia Tomorrow” blog. Barnie doesn’t like the cover… make that, he hates the cover… but he praises what’s inside. Here’s the juiciest nugget: The cover not withstanding, Boomergeddon should be required reading. Period. This is not some policy Pooh-Bah’s slanted screed, although Bacon can hold his…

  • The Myth of Racial Disparities in Public School Funding

    We hear the mantra so often that we have stopped questioning it: A major cause of sub-par educational performance for African-American and Hispanic students is due to the fact that school districts where minority students predominate suffer from less funding than school districts where white students predominate. But that so-called disparity is a myth, argues…

  • The Wonk Salon: April 19, 2011

    Why ACOs Are Doomed to FailHeritage FoundationAccountable Care Organizations are the latest big-government “silver bullet” for bringing health care costs under control. They will only make matters worse. How to Make Health-Insurance Exchanges WorkThe Manhattan InstituteCritics expect Obamacare-mandated health insurance exchanges to get bogged down in politics and bureaucracy. Here is how to make an…

  • Surprise! Virginia Hosed by Federal Highway Funding Formula

    Federal fuel taxes (18.3 cents per gallon) paid into the federal highway trust fund are returned to the states according to mathematical formulae that have become increasingly outdated, contends Ronald D. Utt with the Heritage Foundation in a new report. The methodology creates winners and losers. “The shortchanged states are typically those with above-average population…

  • The Wonk Salon: April 11, 2011

    I’m filing this a day late. My apologies. From now on, I will list only those Wonk Salon entries that I have not otherwise highlighted on Bacon’s Rebellion with their own blog posts.Free the SchoolsHeritage FoundationThe federal involvement in K-12 education has been a budget-busting disaster. It’s time to re-think the federal role in education.…

  • The Wonk Salon, April 5, 2011

    Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children: A Look at Cash, Medicaid, Housing, and Food ProgramsCenter for Immigration StudiesIt’s pretty simple, really: Immigrants are poorer than native Americans. Poor people use more welfare. Ergo, Immigrants use more welfare.A New State of the StatesBrookings InstitutionIt’s time for states to rethink their purpose. In the 20th century,…

  • Save NPR Funding!

    The wolves are circling NPR, the supposed bug-a-boo of liberal bias. The conservatives are building momentum, in one form or another, to cut the influential radio, television and Internet system that provides badly-needed news, analysis and foreign reporting when market-driven news sources have chopped away most of their assets in pursuit of ever-dwindling net income…

  • A Review of “Boomergeddon”

    “Boomergeddon” is a useful, breezy primer on the problems confronting the U.S. as its Baby Boomer population ages and face what the author believes to be a rising firestorm of government debt and entitlement programs that the nation can no longer afford. The author, Jim Bacon, is a journalist with a libertarian point of view…

  • Boomergeddon Update

    In case you are one of those who pre-ordered a copy of Boomergeddon, here’s a status update. A small volume of books was delivered to late last week but they were insufficient to cover the number of preorders, so in the blink of an eye, the book status went from “preorder” to “out of…

  • Buy “Boomergeddon” Now

    It’s only 2-3 weeks before the “Boomergeddon” publication date. If you pre-order your copy now, will give you a discounted price — $10.08, or half the list price. (For those who have pre-ordered already, will honor the lower price.) If you’re not quite ready to make that big $10 investment, you can download…


    Things are slow here at B R Blog so here are a couple of items worthy of a quick read: Currently on CNN there is a column by David Frum titled “Unhealthy habits are what’s killing us” that is worth the time to read and consider. Citing a recent study for the National Bureau of…


    EMR is trying to catch up now that TRILO-G is going out for Beta Review and the fourth printing of The Shape of the Future is about to ship to Amazon, et. al. First we will do a post on the other theme raised in Peters ‘Northrop’ post (Governance Transformation) to answer some questions and…

  • The Coming Green Boom — and Bubble

    Most prophets of doom are a relentlessly dour lot – not only do they tell you why you’re heading straight to oblivion, they scowl at you while they do it. But John Rubino is different. He leavens his gloom mongering with a joke, a grin, and tales of life in Moscow, Idaho, where he skis,…

  • Traffic, Humans and Culture

    Tom Vanderbilt has written what looks to be a fascinating book, “Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (And What It Says About Us),” that examines the human interaction with streets, roads and highways. Remember, transportation systems are more than sluices of bedrock, asphalt and steel. They are designed for use by human beings.…


    The WaPo series “Oil Shock” continued today. All in all a good series that has been running since 27 July. How can you not like a series that profiles your past life? The oil field profiled in the 29 July story looks EXACTLY like the oil lease North and West of Bakersfield where our family…