“Our Life Is Always Threatened”

Insult to dead White man inspires outcries against racism by campus radicals. Photo credit: Daily Progress

by James A. Bacon

Last week an unidentified White man draped a noose from the statue of Homer at the University of Virginia. Without any evidence of the perpetrator’s motive, University Police and President Jim Ryan promptly proclaimed the incident a hate crime. Yesterday, a group of 60 or so students gathered near the statue of the ancient Greek poet to protest racism and White supremacy and The Daily Progress, Charlottesville’s newspaper, was there!

In the resulting 19-paragraph story, the newspaper gave full voice to the protesters’ rhetoric without a single dissenting view.

“For Black men and Black women here on this campus and in this country, our life is always threatened. There’s always a noose around our neck,” said one Black UVa student organizer. “This is nothing new for us. I was hurting, especially when it first happened.” 

“It is critical that Black students feel both safe at the University of Virginia, but also feel empowered to claim this university as our university,” said a statement of the UVa Black Student Alliance read to the group.

Continued The Daily Progress: “UVa professor and community activist Dr. Jalane Schmidt spoke to the group about the racist history and imagery of the noose, which was once a key tool in violence against Black Americans. The noose remains a threatening symbol of racially charged violence.”

No word on how the other 25,000 or so students and grad students at UVa reacted to the incident.

Apparently, the reporter did not see fit to ask an obvious question: how is it racist to hang a noose on the statue of an old dead White man?

Nor did the reporter delve into why a Black person attending UVa might feel that his life is “always threatened.”

For context, it might be useful to know how many Black UVa students have been assaulted or killed by racists recently. It might be informative to know how long ago the last altercation between a Black student and city police occurred. But, no, the heated rhetoric went unchallenged. The Daily Progress article treated it as self-evidently true.

If the individual who placed the noose on Homer is ever caught, it could turn out that he did have racist motives. But if the history of many other supposedly racist incidents is any guide, his motive might have been to stir up agitation over racial injustice. Both explanations are plausible. And, based on the evidence available to the public, there is no way to know which one might be right.

But you can count on the campus radicals — following the lead of the Ryan administration — to act on the presumption of racism. And you can count on the local journalists to do the same. Once upon a time, journalists were trained to be skeptical, to ask questions, to solicit different sides of a story. That kind of journalism appears to be dead at The Daily Progress, and it is increasingly rare elsewhere.

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33 responses to ““Our Life Is Always Threatened””

  1. Was the BYU Volleyball team and fans in the vicinity…..oh wait…. that turned out to be a lie too
    … like the NASCAR rope pull……like Juicy Smellit….. and the Duke Lax team…and Al Sharpton [just about everything]
    ….. kind of like the FBI padding the incidents of ‘domestic extremist violence’.

    I’m surprised the FBI Tactical Response Team hasn’t invaded C-ville like the Army of the Potomac — guess those Feds are still busy raiding homes of school board critics.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    On it’s face, it does seem like an over-reaction but given the long and sometimes recent history of nooses associated with the historical killing of black folks along with groups like the KKK and other hate groups also using nooses symbolically today, it’s something that is going to be immediately called out and rejected and sometimes it is an over-reaction and not what it seemed.

    Unfortunately, we have numbers of people who like to use hate symbols – against races, religions, and other.

    But we typically do not “investigate” before we determine it to be a “possible” hate symbol. It would be a waste of law enforcement resources to do so IMO and doing so would have
    the effect of rewarding the perpetrators and encourage more of it IMO.

    So it gets called out immediately and sometimes wrongly.

    1. Apparently 20% of Virginia lynchings were done to whites, according to a recent study.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        done by blacks for being white?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        done by blacks for being white?

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Uncertainty is raised by the absence of a “dissenting view” concerning the noose incident. The coverage criticized appears to be straight forward reportage, not a journalistic endeavor to examine the racial dynamics. What might be the substance of a dissenting view of the incident? Nooses are non-normative symbols? Characterization by lay people that the incident was a hate crime is simply that – a lay opinion. Too much conservative wokeism is unhealthy.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      A while back, a student put up her FU UVA sign on her Lawn dorm room. The idea was to shock and incite and insult, and boy it worked. Those who cheered then are whining now, but in my mind the behavior is the same both ways. Students have poor judgement. Who knew?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Judgement is a, uh, ahem, a judgement. You said to start with; if the goal was shock & awe, well then, it was a damned good judgement call.

        Of course, it’s UVa and JAB comes with a mercury switch on the detonator when it comes to UVa. That poison apple gonna choke him someday.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        No. Lots of folks put up stupid signs , more than just students, in fact.

        That’s not the same as putting up explicit hate symbols.

        I’ll grant there may be a gray/questionable area sometimes, but in the vast majority of cases it’s not even close and equating the two starts getting on to trying to normalize it in my mind.

        We do not tolerate hate symbols – period. We call it out.

        And sometimes we screw up in calling it out, but to use those times when we do screw up to move towards normalizing it as just like other stupid signs is a no go IMO.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner


          Spare me the pontificating, Larry. Students do stupid things.

        2. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner


          Spare me the pontificating, Larry. Students do stupid things.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I don’t think the noose was a part of a Halloween costume, Haner…

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            He did make a dumb mistake, no question, and rightly called out but hardly the noose thing and no one tried to normalize it and say stupid stuff like it was “normal” for that time.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            1984 Larry.
            Bert Ellis in the 1974-1975 year would have been 22. He sponsors a debate and he doesn’t fund a gay student union event.
            That makes him a racist and homophobe in the Idiotic Left, while someone in MED school wears blackface and his date (future wife?) wears a Klan robe. Sorry – no credibility ever. I say we go Hira Azher on all you Lefties…it would at least be as intelligent as your baseless accusations.

            How come Ralphie gets forgiveness but not Bert (who doesn’t need it and didn’t do anything offensive)? How come TJ is judged by the intolerant, but not Robert Byrd? Ted Kennedy the Swimmer?
            What happened to MeToo? MoveOn? Believe all women (except Tara Reade)? Gold Star Moms? Everything you do is temporary and political and thrown away as soon as you have achieved your desired destruction. The current Monticello slave descendants are useful only until the Left gets rid of Jefferson and Jim Ryan will say he tried so hard, but we must respect DEMOCRACY! (meaning the establishment of Marxism one party rule forever), like the non-existent SCIENCE! behind UVA’s failed Covid policies and “climate change” (really humane for the Europeans to starve and freeze in service of Gaia and Greta), so let’s pretend to weep for long enough for the alumni to fall for it, then move on to Washington and the slave descendants in C-ville will be discarded.

          4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Correction. Ralph was not an 18 year foolish college freshman when this photo was snapped. He was a 25 year old foolish man who had the rank of 2nd Lt in the US Army.

    2. Charlie Potatoe Avatar
      Charlie Potatoe

      That it is an act intended to create a racial incident and smear the University community.

      It usually takes time to determine the Facts in these incidents, so it is reasonable to wait before making vile accusations.

      Charlie Potatoe • a minute ago

      It is difficult to believe in the Good Faith of those who immediately jump to the conclusion, without seeing the facts, that incidents such as these are perpetrated by anti black racists, in light of the long list of provocative Hoaxes intended to create racial discord.

      In Wilfred Reilly’s book Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War, Reilly assembled a data set of 409 allegedly false or dubious hate crime allegations (concentrated during the past five years), which he describes as hoaxes on the basis of reports in mainstream national or regional news sources. Reilly has stated this data set is available to anyone who requests it.

      He uses this data to support his claim that a substantial percentage of all hate crime allegations must be hoaxes.

      Reilly is a Black American political scientist. He is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Southern Illinois University and a J.D. degree from the University of Illinois College of Law.

      The dissenting view is that, like many recent racial incidents, it may be a Fraud, designed to create racial discord, so it is prudent to await the facts before accusing
      your neighbors of vile acts and attidues.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          This one is pretty clearly not a hoax.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Without any evidence of the perpetrator’s motive, University Police and President Jim Ryan promptly proclaimed the incident a hate crime.”

    After reading the coverage, it does seem to be pretty self-evident what the message was. If the message was so misunderstood, after 4 days someone would surely have corrected the record. Silence is confirmation.

    “…without a single dissenting view.”

    What dissenting view is that? That it is perfectly fine to put a noose on a statue at UVA…? free speech…?!

    “… his motive might have been to stir up agitation over racial injustice…”

    You are going with the old “false flag” claim…? How very Conservative of you… sorry but the perp in the security camera doesn’t look the type to me…

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      “You are going with the old “false flag” claim…? How very Conservative of you… sorry but the perp in the security camera doesn’t look the type to me…”

      Wow. You have transmogrified not only into a facial recognition application in human form but some type of expert system which can tell the intent of a person by looking at a grainy photograph. How very liberal of you.

      Who can forget the obvious hate crime that happened when some white haters fashioned nooses to hang in the garage assigned to Black NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace.

      What? It wasn’t? Those door pulls had been there for months? You don’t say …


      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Just saying that if he had a man bun, I would be more open to the potential argument… you guys are grasping at straws here….

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Bet he had a bun (or maybe ponytail) when he was in college…

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          DJ is not usually that way… he seems to be changing. He’s the “Plantation Elite” and Richmond Clown Show” guy.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Excellent analysis, Columbo.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Thanks, Sport!

  5. killerhertz Avatar

    The next time I’m in cville I’m seriously going to consider putting some paracord in my car to use for laughs. How can we take these idiots seriously?

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Their lives are always threatened. Your way of life is always threatened. Guess who took first choice without asking?

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Here, put this on your face and breathe normally,” she said…

    Headline: Alabama could use nitrogen hypoxia for executions in death sentences.

    Oh boy, oh boy, fun and games with the death sentence in a backward State.

  8. Charlie Potatoe Avatar
    Charlie Potatoe

    It is difficult to believe in the Good Faith of those who immediately jump to the conclusion, without seeing the facts, that incidents such as these are perpetrated by anti black racists, in light of the long list of provocative Hoaxes intended to create racial discord.

    In Wilfred Reilly’s book Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War, Reilly assembled a data set of 409 allegedly false or dubious hate crime allegations (concentrated during the past five years), which he describes as hoaxes on the basis of reports in mainstream national or regional news sources. Reilly has stated this data set is available to anyone who requests it.

    He uses this data to support his claim that a substantial percentage of all hate crime allegations must be hoaxes.

    Reilly is a Black American political scientist. He is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Southern Illinois University and a J.D. degree from the University of Illinois College of Law.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      “No serious researcher believes the majority of hate crime reports are false. Even Wilfred Reilly, a political scientist at Kentucky State University and author of “Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War,” believes that fewer than 2 out of 10 reported hate crimes are fabricated. Where academics disagree is on just how many hoaxes take place.

      Reilly estimates that as much as 15 percent of the hate crimes reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation are falsified. Another researcher who has closely examined the subject — Brian Levin of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University at San Bernardino — puts the hoax rate much lower, at less than half of 1 percent.”


  9. Ruckweiler Avatar

    Expecting another black, racist hoax at UVA after this “protest” charade.

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