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The “Other” Poll

Given the Democratic blogger triumphalism manifested after the Mason-Dixon poll, which showed Tim Kaine running neck-and-neck with Jerry Kilgore, I’m surprised that GOP denizens of the Bacon’s Rebellion blog haven’t brought attention to the latest Rasmussen poll, which shows Kilgore maintaining a six percent lead.

Other Virginia bloggers have taken note of the poll, however:

Commonwealth Conservative: Noting that nine out of 10 polls have shown Kilgore ahead, John Behan is more convinced than ever that Mason-Dixon is an outlier.

One Man’s Trash: Norm Leahy doesn’t critique the poll, but he does predict that the MSM won’t give it the same attention that it gave to the Mason-Dixon poll.

Given the margin for error and possibly different methodologies, the differences between the two polls may not be as significant as they seem at first blush. But if I had to go with one based on its past track record, I’d go with Mason-Dixon. In my recollection, Mason-Dixon has consistently outperformed the national polls in picking the margins for presidential races here in Virginia.

(This blog entry has been edited since the original post.)

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