Photo credit: Daily Caller

Operation Shoedrop, profiled in The Daily Caller, is a brilliant protest. The sign in the picture above speaks for itself and needs no commentary.

Hopefully, the U.S. Department of Justice won’t feel triggered enough to investigate. But the demonstration is not without risk. Uber-woke Loudoun County Commonwealth Attorney Buta Biberaj may have grounds for prosecuting the organizers, “Citizens for Freedom,” for violation of the county’s litter ordinance!


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31 responses to “Operation Shoe Drop”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hopefully someone will collect those shoes and donate them. There are countries where shoes are among the chief methods for stopping the spead of disease and organizations that will ship them there.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This is a clever way to make a visual point. However, the actual data tells another story. The Sept. 30 membership data from DOE shows the number of pupils enrolled in Loudoun schools on Sept. 30 2021 (81,186) down 2.9 percent from September 2019 (83,606). However, the September 2020 enrollment, during the shutdown caused by COVID was 81,066. All the CRT and other controversies roiling the Loudoun County School Board occurred after September 2020, so one would have assumed, if that many parents were disaffected, the 2021 membership would have dropped even further. However, as noted, the September 2021 membership (81,186) is slightly higher than September 2020 (81,066).

    1. You also have to figure that Loudoun is a fast-growing locality with an enrollment expected to grow every year under normal conditions. Still, it’s a fair question to ask “Citizens for Freedom” where they got their number of 650 families leaving Loudoun schools.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        You are correct that enrollment in Loudoun has increased significantly every year of the last decade, although it had slowed in recent years. It grew by “only” 1,300 pupils from 2018 to 2019. A lot of the difference of 2,400 between 2019 and 2021 could probably be attributed to COVID–parents still leery of sending kids back or being more satisfied with home school or private schools begun in reaction to COVID.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          PVI relocated from Fairfax to Chantilly in 2020. So that move may have grown their rolls in accordance with your comment.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            I apologize. What is PVI?

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            Paul the VI, it’s a Private Catholic High School. The build a new building and migrated from their old facility close to GMU (Fairfax County) out to near South Riding in Loudoun County.

          3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Unless they picked up some additional students from Loudoun, I doubt if that would have affected the Loudoun membership numbers.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Matt Adams Dick Hall-Sizemore • 2 hours ago
            PVI relocated from Fairfax to Chantilly in 2020. So that move may have grown their rolls in accordance with your comment.

            Which is exactly what I stated in my initial comment to which you asked bout PVI.

          5. how_it_works Avatar

            You have to cut Dick some slack, he probably has no clue that Chantilly is much closer to Loudoun than Fairfax (city) is. Many folks in RoVA remain blissfully ignorant of NoVA.

    2. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      It is also a lot more expensive and harder to find a private school in NoVA and many are full.

    3. killerhertz Avatar

      Loudon is also dominated by government bureaucrats and NPC contractor types that believe their children are getting a great education. I would know I work in this space.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Citizens for Freedom is demanding an increase in “parental rights, children’s safety, medical freedom…”

    “…as long as it doesn’t involve the rights, safety, and freedoms of trans kids and their parents, of course…”

    1. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      There are 2 sexes and only two, the others have mental issues including the parents.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Children can’t drink (age 21), vote (age 18), get tattooed (age 18) or drive a car (age 16.5). However, they can determine that they are not the gender of their birth?

        C’mon man.

        Leave the gender reassignment efforts until the kids have reached maturity.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          So you waited until you were 21 before you figured out you were a man…?? Must have been one confusing adolescence for you!!

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            I was born a male. Never had any doubts. However, if I would have had doubts at, say … age 15 I would hope that those adolescent doubts would not have translated into gender swapping action until I reached my majority.

            As the father of five I can assure you that teenagers have many doubts, insecurities and issues with growing up. There are times in almost every teenagers life when they look for something to make them stand out. Some excel in academics or sport. Some dye their hair green. Some go on violent rampages. Most mature and outgrow their youthful behavior. Green hair grows out and can be cut. Sexual reassignment procedures are deeper.

            If you are too young to get a tattoo until you are 18 because you may regret it later, how can a 15 year old undergo sexual reassignment without the same concern?

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            A trans kid is not just a teenager beset with doubts.

          3. A trans kid is not just a teenager beset with doubts.

            Some of them are. You can deny that as many times as you want and you’ll still be wrong.

            There is no legitimate reason to not require that a person be both physically and emotionally mature before allowing them the choice of undergoing such radical surgery.

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Sorry, but trans kids do not opt for “radical surgery” simply because they have “doubts, insecurities, and issues” with their birth sexuality.

            As usual, conservatives wish to use the State to dictate what a person decides is best for their own body. I prefer to leave that decision up to the child, their parents, and their doctor who knows the most about each individual situation.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Eric the half a troll WayneS • 39 minutes ago
            Sorry, but trans kids do not opt for “radical surgery” simply because they have “doubts, insecurities, and issues” with their birth sexuality.

            As usual, conservatives wish to use the State to dictate what a person decides is best for their own body. I prefer to leave that decision up to the child, their parents, and their doctor who knows the most about each individual situation.”

            Spoken like someone who has had zero role in their children’s growing up. Also, your broad-brush statements are old.

            There are sensible barriers for lots of medical procedures, lets not increase a child’s mental anguish because they were allowed to partake in something they couldn’t undo before they were old enough to process it.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Eric the half a troll DJRippert • 3 minutes ago
            A trans kid is not just a teenager beset with doubts.”

            You seem to have an obsession with transgender individuals. You feel the need bring them up in every article almost, you don’t seem to be aware that you’re stigmatizing them more by your actions. You’re not helping and clearly you don’t GAF about them outside of using them for political points.

        2. …or use tobacco, smoke legal cannabis (21), gamble in a casino (21), book a hotel room (21), carry a concealed handgun (21), become an Uber driver (21), adopt a child (21)…

          I agree with you 100%.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        …and there you have it… I am glad you so readily agree…

  4. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Well don’t expect anything to change. The child pornography kings are in charge in Fairfax and I would imagine the same child pornography books are in a lot of VA school libraries. The Dept of JUSTUS will only go after those elites that are threatened by people like Maxwell. Maybe our new Sate AG will go after them.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Are you familiar with “The Art of Racing in the Rain”?

      Educate yourself.

  5. tmtfairfax Avatar

    Fire 2/3 of the central staff. Treat all parents or guardians as if they were customers.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    BTW, the pink Crocs and the several pairs of Uggs are not a CRT protest. They’re a fashion awakening.

    FWIW, there are fewer than 100 pair of shoes in that photo. That’s significantly fewer than the number the spousal unit has in the attic cedar locker. I snicker in Imelda Marcos’ general direction.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Finally! That was funny.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Your shortcoming, not mine. Get thee to a comedy club! You need the exercise.

  7. killerhertz Avatar

    These people are buffoons for thinking they can save the public school system. It is irredeemable.

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