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Online Porn Star/Democrat Candidate Continues to Play Victim

Susanna Gibson at work

by Kerry Dougherty

Let me get this straight. A married mother of two, a Democrat, who engaged in smutty livestream sex for money with her husband, is still playing the victim card because she lost her bid to represent Virginians from the 57th House District.

Politico just featured a laughable Q and A with the “victim” headlined: “Her Online Sex Life Was Exposed. She Lost Her Election. Now She’s Speaking Out.” In which Gibson basically said that the only people who cared about her escapades were aging Republicans.

The cool kids — you know, millennials like her — know that abortion rights are way more important than anything she did on her side hustle with “Chaturbate.”

“Younger voters don’t care. Very, very few of them, I would say. My age and younger, maybe even mid-40s up to 50 or so, didn’t care. I’m a millennial, I’m the oldest possible millennial — 90 percent of millennials have taken nude photos. So, I think we all understand.”

So, the entire younger generation is morally bankrupt? Good to know.

While it may be true that 90% of millennials have taken nudies, that’s not smart or a sign of good judgment. Still, there’s a difference between a nude snapshot and live-streamed sex acts for cash.

Just as there’s a difference between men snapping disgusting photos of their genitals. And weirdos, like former Rep. Anthony Weiner, who took pictures of his and sexted them to a minor.

Susanna Gibson is right that many voters didn’t care about her lewd behavior. I was stunned when the votes were counted and found that although Gibson lost — barely — more than 17,000 Henrico voters wanted to be represented in Richmond by someone with her sense of judgment.

It wasn’t so much a sign of how smart Henrico voters are, but just how debased the Democrat Party has become.

We wrote about Gibson back in September when the story broke. She was working on her victimhood even then.

The Associated Press reports that Gibson is angry and indignant about the story and accused Republicans of being behind it.

Hilarious. Typical hard-left move, refusing to accept responsibility for her own actions.

According to the AP, Gibson said that exposing the videos is “an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me and my family.”

No, dear. YOU humiliated yourself and your family. You and your husband, that is. You didn’t need any help. I hope the kids weren’t in the house when you were canoodling for cash in the bedroom.

You’d expect any candidate who engaged in sex acts while her lawyer/husband begged strangers for tips, and who reportedly described herself as a “slut” in the videos to be mortified that their antics had been captured for posterity.

Then again, mortification requires a sense of shame. Rare these days. Especially among the young and woke.

Not that Susanna Gibson is all that young. The online porn star/nurse practitioner is 40. Old enough to know better. Gibson isn’t embarrassed. She simply seems indignant that her “privacy” was invaded.

This phony victim is threatening legal action against the person who peddled the tapes to The Washington Post, which first published the story. After all, she’s just a misunderstood, clandestine sex worker who was persecuted by those who found the tapes — and her lewd behavior on them — repulsive.

Good luck with that.

Even this creaking, out-of-touch, old-fashioned, never-taken-a-nude-selfie Baby Boomer knows that once something is on the internet it’s there forever.

Odd. You’d think a savvy millennial would know that.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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