Online Porn Star/Democrat Candidate Continues to Play Victim

Susanna Gibson at work

by Kerry Dougherty

Let me get this straight. A married mother of two, a Democrat, who engaged in smutty livestream sex for money with her husband, is still playing the victim card because she lost her bid to represent Virginians from the 57th House District.

Politico just featured a laughable Q and A with the “victim” headlined: “Her Online Sex Life Was Exposed. She Lost Her Election. Now She’s Speaking Out.” In which Gibson basically said that the only people who cared about her escapades were aging Republicans.

The cool kids — you know, millennials like her — know that abortion rights are way more important than anything she did on her side hustle with “Chaturbate.”

“Younger voters don’t care. Very, very few of them, I would say. My age and younger, maybe even mid-40s up to 50 or so, didn’t care. I’m a millennial, I’m the oldest possible millennial — 90 percent of millennials have taken nude photos. So, I think we all understand.”

So, the entire younger generation is morally bankrupt? Good to know.

While it may be true that 90% of millennials have taken nudies, that’s not smart or a sign of good judgment. Still, there’s a difference between a nude snapshot and live-streamed sex acts for cash.

Just as there’s a difference between men snapping disgusting photos of their genitals. And weirdos, like former Rep. Anthony Weiner, who took pictures of his and sexted them to a minor.

Susanna Gibson is right that many voters didn’t care about her lewd behavior. I was stunned when the votes were counted and found that although Gibson lost — barely — more than 17,000 Henrico voters wanted to be represented in Richmond by someone with her sense of judgment.

It wasn’t so much a sign of how smart Henrico voters are, but just how debased the Democrat Party has become.

We wrote about Gibson back in September when the story broke. She was working on her victimhood even then.

The Associated Press reports that Gibson is angry and indignant about the story and accused Republicans of being behind it.

Hilarious. Typical hard-left move, refusing to accept responsibility for her own actions.

According to the AP, Gibson said that exposing the videos is “an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me and my family.”

No, dear. YOU humiliated yourself and your family. You and your husband, that is. You didn’t need any help. I hope the kids weren’t in the house when you were canoodling for cash in the bedroom.

You’d expect any candidate who engaged in sex acts while her lawyer/husband begged strangers for tips, and who reportedly described herself as a “slut” in the videos to be mortified that their antics had been captured for posterity.

Then again, mortification requires a sense of shame. Rare these days. Especially among the young and woke.

Not that Susanna Gibson is all that young. The online porn star/nurse practitioner is 40. Old enough to know better. Gibson isn’t embarrassed. She simply seems indignant that her “privacy” was invaded.

This phony victim is threatening legal action against the person who peddled the tapes to The Washington Post, which first published the story. After all, she’s just a misunderstood, clandestine sex worker who was persecuted by those who found the tapes — and her lewd behavior on them — repulsive.

Good luck with that.

Even this creaking, out-of-touch, old-fashioned, never-taken-a-nude-selfie Baby Boomer knows that once something is on the internet it’s there forever.

Odd. You’d think a savvy millennial would know that.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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45 responses to “Online Porn Star/Democrat Candidate Continues to Play Victim”

  1. Old news.

    The election is over. Susanna Gibson lost and should now move on. So should Kerry Dougherty.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Why should Kerry move on?
      Or do you object to Kerry’s befuddlement that Gibson barely lost because Gibson’s zealous support for killing babies made it close?
      Or do you want people to shut up about the moral coarseness of killing babies as a political strategy?

      1. Why move on?

        As stated, I thought it was old news. Nothing much there we haven’t already read and discussed.

        There’s lots going on in Virginia and the world that we haven’t covered. Why not write about something new?

        I thought this was interesting. Don’t universities care about plagiarism any more?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Ok. Let’s get Gay fired. She is a fraud, and a hack, and she chased away a real black academic for publishing things contrary to the DEI narrative.
          But it was the WaPo that is running the rehab article, poor, poor Susanna.
          I think Pubbies need to wake up – should have been a cakewalk, but the silence on abortion doesn’t work. The Dems are the zealots. Call them out. Tell the truth. Embarrass them for their inhumanity.
          The Glenn Youngkin plan didn’t work while the Dem lies did, almost to the point of this unfit person winning.
          Don’t move on. Learn the lesson.

          1. Learn the lesson, sure. But lets look forward. Have you seen this interview?

            VA Lt. Gov Winsome Earle-Sears on the importance of education: Without it ‘you will get nowhere, and you’ll get there very fast’


          2. Learn the lesson? Sure, but lets look forward. Have you seen this interview?

            I think Lt. Gov Winsome Earle-Sears did a great job on Fox News Sunday. I assume she will run for governor.


          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No. Didn’t see her.
            I believe though we should always keep Patrick Henry’s admonition in mind – “I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.”

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “So the entire younger generation is morally bankrupt? Good to know.”

    Remember the good old days when the boomers were all about free love and don’t tread on me? Good times…

    1. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      We have a juicy one here in FL involving the GOP chair and a ménage a trois gone awry.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yes, you do. That one should be covered on a daily basis. It’d push The Bachelor right off the top of reality TV mountain.

        1. John Harvie Avatar
          John Harvie

          Assure you in largely Dem PB County it is fully covered every day and night.

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    1) Republicans in general and her opponent in particular never really made this an issue. No ads on the topic, for example. So don’t underestimate how many voters might not have known anything about it.
    2) As she continues to seek and love the spotlight, one is moved to ask, what part of the word “exhibitionist” do you not understand? This is how she gets her jollies, clearly.

    1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
      Virginia Gentleman

      “Republicans in general …” — you obviously did not receive the mailer sent to every voter in the district saying “Do not open if you are a minor”.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        It takes five to ten mailers and about two weeks of TV/social media to penetrate today’s distracted electorate. But you’re right, it wasn’t completely ignored. I’m old school, when I would go negative it would be hard to miss. 🙂

        Your earlier comment about Trump helping to make all this just par for the course now was spot on.

        1. Forwarding the video to the distracted electorate would probably have grabbed their attention rather quickly…


          1. Or 5 – 10 of them as Haner believes is necessary to form opinions. She apparently provided enough, and varied, content for multiple distributions.

            I think Haner’s got it about right, it takes repeated exposures over time to sway opinion. Years ago we figured it took about a half dozen contacts to make an impression.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Nancy Mace, anyone?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        ouch! gonna be late for that prayer breakfast!

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Play victim? Well, one of my favorite requests, but don’t tell anyone.

    1. More than I need to know.

  5. …Gibson basically said that the only people who cared about her escapades were aging Republicans.

    “Aging republicans” were not going to vote for her anyway, so obviously somebody else cared. After all, she lost.

    1. The votes it attracted need to be counted as “caring” too.

  6. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Hilarious that someone who supports the leader of a party that openly encourages genital grabbing and has been found liable for sexual abuse can take the high ground now. The fact remains that the Dems did not vote her in to an office in an election cycle where Dems overperformed. “Almost” simply doesn’t count. Republicans definitely need to clean up their Party Leader before throwing any rocks on this subject.

    1. I somewhat agree, but like many others here, I’m powerless to change the party’s nominee.

      And don’t kid yourself, Biden isn’t any better.

      “Comparing Trump and Biden’s sexual assault allegations”

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        You may not like Biden … but he can’t hold a candle to Trump on this subject. Biden has unproven accusations. Trump has been found guilty and there are tape recordings, hush money payments, and nobody even defends him anymore on this topic.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          Ahem, Trump while Trump has only been found liable in Civil Court bub.

          The threshold for conviction is far less in that situation.

          Also, if you’re just gonna ignoring sniffing minors, that’s on you.

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            My bad … I should have said that the leader of the Republican Party and leading candidate to be the next President was only found liable for sexual assault and defaming his victim in a Civil Court. And impeached twice. And led an Insurrection. And has several major trials that could put in him jail for the rest of his life. But Joe was accused of sniffing children.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            Not accused of, has done so on national television and on multiple occasions, but please go on with your whataboutism.

            Edit: Also, if you really want to go into it, we can discuss the guy you voted into office twice who paid a 6 figure settlement to someone that he sexually assaulted. So you lack any and all moral superiority you claim to have.

            Beyond that what it took for the E Jean Caroll case to move forward was to pass legislation (Adult Survivors Act) that had a sunset of a year and is nothing more than a money grab.

            Without due process and statute of limitations you have zero justice, just money grabs. However, since you’re okay with that please go on and hope you didn’t piss off someone in your past, whom without any evidence can sue you and extract wealth from you.

          3. how_it_works Avatar

            “whom without any evidence can sue you and extract wealth from you”

            Not a problem when your net worth is in the low 4 figures, at best. People like that benefit from laws that allow them to “money grab” via the courts.

          4. how_it_works Avatar

            “whom without any evidence can sue you and extract wealth from you”

            Not a problem when your net worth is in the low 4 figures, at best. People like that benefit from laws that allow them to “money grab” via the courts.

          5. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Can you provide a source for the claim of the “6 figure settlement to someone that Biden sexually assaulted”?

          6. Matt Adams Avatar

            In my comment, indicate where I said POTUS Biden settled anything for six figures.

          7. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            “Edit: Also, if you really want to go into it, we can discuss the guy you voted into office twice who paid a 6 figure settlement to someone that he sexually assaulted. So you lack any and all moral superiority you claim to have.” Is that not referring to POTUS Biden?

          8. Matt Adams Avatar

            How could that be POTUS Biden, he’s not been elected President twice.

          9. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            I thought you were suggesting as VP and now as POTUS. Who are you referring to then?

          10. Matt Adams Avatar

            I’d you’re unable to employ critical thinking, perhaps you shouldn’t have discussions.

          11. or showering with his daughter, according to her.

        2. OTOH, he’s not senile, and he has not bragged about extorting deeds from foreign governments.

          Please spare us from both of them.

          Oh, and Trump’s tastes at least appear to run to adult women, not little girls. That does not excuse his behavior, but it does distinguish it from the pedophile end if the spectrum.

        3. VaPragamtist Avatar

          “Trump has been found guilty”

          If you’re referring to the Jean Carroll trial, that was a civil trial. He was not found “guilty”, but rather “liable.”

          It’s an important distinction because of the different standards of proof in civil and criminal legal proceedings. In a civil case, the plaintiff typically has to establish that her claims are true under a preponderance-of-the-evidence standard, which essentially just means that it is more likely than not that the plaintiff’s allegations are true. In a criminal case, the government has to establish that the defendant committed the alleged crimes beyond a reasonable doubt, a higher threshold.

          Trump was never “found guilty” in this trial. And because he was never found guilty, he is presumed innocent.

  7. DJRippert Avatar

    I had to read the poorly written Politico article twice before I understood the thesis.

    The article and Susanna Gibson completely glossed over the fact that she was giving a live sex show for money on Chartubate.

    It was the recording of the live sex show that bothers Gibson.

    Gibson claims that she never knew her live public sex show waas being recorded.

    I have no idea whether Chartubate normally records their live sex shows or not. I’ve never viewed the service. I’m not interested in such things (and wifey pays the bills, including the credit card bills where such a charge would show up).


    Unfortunately for Gibson, somebody did record her show. And stored it on the internet. Where it was found by some dastardly Republican and used to, shall we say, expose poor Susanna.

    Now the law says that it’s illegal to record a person in undress without their knowledge. And Gibson claims she had no knowledge that her Chartubate show was being recorded.

    Hence, her claim of victim.

    One suspects that the law was intended more for weird boyfriends with hidden cameras or motel managers using peepholes than for people willingly conducting online sex shows but, by the letter of the law (and assuming Gibson didn’t know she was being recorded), she may have a point.

    1. Although, when one broadcasts such exploits over the internet, it is reasonable for one to assume that somebody, somewhere, is recording it for “posterity”…

      1. and sombodies probably records it for posteriors…

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yep. If someone believes they can have sex online and others will never see it,
        I’m not sure I want them involved in governing anyhow…

  8. Let’s see: Gibson continues to be vilified while the founder of Moms for Liberty gets a free pass?

    In case you have not heard: Bridget Ziegler, founder of “Moms for Liberty” and her husband, Christian Ziegler, Chair of the Florida Republican Party, have admitted to having a years-long three-way sexual relationship with a woman whom Christian attempted to rape in here home. Seems as though Bridget Ziegler — who is banning books from school libraries, attacking LGBT kids, and generally telling everyone else how to live –has had a long-term lesbian relationship with the woman.

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