One Surprise on Virginia’s Primary Ballot

by Kerry Dougherty

I’d almost forgotten that last summer I signed up to be an absentee voter.

Until this arrived in yesterday’s mail, that is.

Yep, it’s a Republican primary ballot. Early voting starts Friday for Super Tuesday and Virginia is one of 15 states participating in what promises to be an essentially empty exercise on March 4.

Trump is building an insurmountable lead and his opponents are bowing out. Nikki Haley didn’t totally embarrass herself last night in New Hampshire, yet she lost by almost 12 points in the state many thought was most friendly to her brand of conservatism.

Her home state of South Carolina is next. Prospects for her are bleak there. It’s likely there will be a strike-out through her name too by the first week in March..

But one big question remains: who the heck is Ryan L. Binkley, the second name on Virginia’s GOP ballot?

A quick Google search tells me this is a 56-year-old Texas pastor who’s made the ballots in 33 states. He’s CEO of Generational Equity Group and the father of five. Photos show a Romneyesque fellow who declared that he was running for president last April and is mostly self-funded.

I’m not the only one who was taken by surprise when I saw his name. In fact #WhoIsRyanBinkley is a thing.

He posted on X:

I am on the ballot in 33 states. I have been campaigning daily with a full staff since April. I finished 5th in the Iowa caucus (4th after Vivek dropped out). By the way, in Iowa I got more votes than Tulsi Gabbard or Mike Bloomberg. In the upcoming Nevada Caucus the only candidates on the GOP ballot are myself and Donald Trump. You should be covering my campaign, NBC. YOU are not the electorate, and you are subverting democracy. Let the people decide.

Instead of MAGA hats his supporters sport WTF hats: Way To Freedom. He seems to have a sense of humor; I’ll give him that.

Well, I’ve spoiled my ballot. Guess you know who won’t be voting in the GOP primary. May request a Democrat ballot and make a little mischief instead.

There are three names on that one: Marianne Williamson, Joe Biden and Dean Phillips

Good luck to all of the candidates. Especially Ryan Binkley, WTF.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited. 


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97 responses to “One Surprise on Virginia’s Primary Ballot”

  1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    My brother in New Hampshire received lengthy texts from Brinkley’s campaign. No one seems to know much about him.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Months and months in and he still hasn’t had his 15 minutes of fame. At least Pat Paulsen earned some name ID back in the day. 🙂

      This is over. Haley’s strength in NH illustrates Trump’s vulnerability, given he is effectively the incumbent, but she will never overtake him now and nothing he does, or the prosecutors spring at trial at the last minute, will stop this steamroller.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        and where is Pat Paulson in our time of need? Guess he stiffed us.

        1. Well done! Pat would have liked that.

        2. Well done! Pat would have liked that.

        3. Well done! Pat would have liked that.

  2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    I don’t think it will matter in Virginia. I assume that the twice impeached, found liable for sexual assault that was later interpreted by the Judge as meaning “rape”, who has over 90 indictments, genital grabbing, narcissistic, lying, multiple bankruptcies and marital affairs, who paid off porn stars, and continues to publicly state that he will act like a dictator if he wins, who led an insurrection against our country, who is a conspiracy theorist who refuses to accept the critical democratic process of transition of power and steals top secret government documents and refuses to give them back — will be the Republican’s candidate. Slam dunk candidate!

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Totally rational. Why someone like you should never be allowed to have power, which is the biggest problem in this country now… Too many people like you do have power, and are in charge of academia, the propaganda press, law schools, hold judgeships.
      Destroying all norms to “save our democracy” is not how you do it. Buy a mirror to see the danger.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        So interesting that personal attacks get through the filtering process but whatever. But please feel free to suggest where anything written was inaccurate. I won’t hold my breath.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          “who led an insurrection against our country” among other things.

          Despite all the partisan blather, neither Trump nor anyone else has been charged with or convicted of insurrection.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “So interesting that personal attacks get through the filtering process but whatever. ”

          Complete and totally irony given your initial comment is nothing more than a personal attack.

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Personal attack? What was written that was inaccurate? Plus – my understanding was personal attacks on the people who post on this blog are not allowed — not those directed at Presidential candidates.

          2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Personal attack? What was written that was inaccurate? Plus – my understanding was personal attacks on the people who post on this blog are not allowed — not those directed at Presidential candidates.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Virginia Gentleman a few seconds ago
            Personal attack? What was written that was inaccurate? Plus – my understanding was personal attacks on the people who post on this blog — my assumption is that Presidential candidates can handle the personal attacks.”

            Clearly you should learn what a personal attack is before you assign it.

            A personal attack, is a personal attack, is a personal attack. You can’t complain about them, when you use them yourself. Besides there is also a stark difference between someone using their name and you, hiding behind an anonymous account.

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “…my understanding was personal attacks on the people who post on this blog are not allowed…”

            It all depends on whether the censor agrees with what one writes or not… alas…

          5. LarrytheG Avatar


        3. Lefty665 Avatar

          “who led an insurrection against our country” among other things.

          Despite all the partisan blather, neither Trump nor anyone else has been charged with or convicted of insurrection.

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            I believe that a Colorado judge did find that he engaged in an insurrection.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Trump was not charged with or convicted of insurrection in Colorado. The judge unilaterally came to the insurrection conclusion.

            Trump did not have due process, the right to confront and examine his accuser. The Constitution is clear on those matters and courts have ruled that the 14th Amendment is enforced through laws passed by Congress. In the case of insurrection that is Title 15 Section 2383 of the US Code. Neither Trump nor anyone else has been charged or convicted under the insurrection statute that enables the 14th Amendment over 1/6.

            I don’t like Trump, but I value the Constitution. Trump deserves due process just like the rest of us. I’d bet good money that the SC will be a solid majority if not unanimous that Colorado is in la la land on Trump and insurrection.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Trump was not charged with or convicted of insurrection in Colorado. The judge unilaterally came to the insurrection conclusion.

            Trump did not have due process, the right to confront and examine his accuser. The Constitution is clear on those matters and courts have ruled that the 14th Amendment is enforced through laws passed by Congress. In the case of insurrection that is Title 15 Section 2383 of the US Code. Neither Trump nor anyone else has been charged or convicted under the insurrection statute that enables the 14th Amendment over 1/6.

            I don’t like Trump, but I value the Constitution. Trump deserves due process just like the rest of us. I’d bet good money that the SC will be a solid majority if not unanimous that Colorado is in la la land on Trump and insurrection.

        4. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          First, what was a personal attack? I said that your hatred of Orange Man was delusional, and that people who are moved by hatred and believe in lies should not hold power. I’ll go further. Immoral people should not have power. If you subscribe to “by any means necessary,’ you should not have power. That is what we are observing now.
          So, let me “Fisk” your hate-filled, fact light comment, as a public service to you – speaking the truth in love.

          “I assume that the twice impeached,”
          A failure of norms. He was right about Ukrainian corruption. The “whistleblower” worked for Biden, and it was hearsay, and a plot by the globalist, Deep State “rules based order” types – who all went to Georgetown or an Ivy and are political hacks with great self-importance issues, claiming elite status by “education” and not merit. The second one was likely unConstitutional already – he was out of office. And did nothing wrong. But that doesn’t matter to demented, power-crazed, hate-filled ideologues.

          “found liable for sexual assault that was later interpreted by the Judge as meaning “rape”, ”

          This is a joke beyond jokes, but remember when the Star Chamber comes for you, you applauded it. Reid Hoffman helped lobby to pass a law in NY to take away Statutes of Limitations so the crazy E. Jean Carroll could claim she was raped by DJT. (And that’s my opinion Crazy Jean and Dem operatives, who are evil – my opinion too!)
          EJC can’t say the date, and the trial Judge ran a kangaroo court. EJC even said the rape occurred in a certain dress. Only problem, that dress was not made until a few years after the allegation. Totally made up. You know what, when I was in college, I went to the Georgetown bar scene and had too much to drink. I thought drinking four “iced teas” were iced teas! I didn’t know about the Long Island type… Anyway, I was homosexually attacked by Chuck Schumer and Jerry Nadler. I can’t remember the bar or the exact time, but it happened! Pay me!

          “who has over 90 indictments,”
          All totally legit, amirite! At least DJT was a President and had the power to declassify. Dementia Joe OBiden didn’t. And he had the docs all over the place for lots longer, and was bribed by Ukraine, Russia, China and other places. But no charges for SlowJoe or Hunter, even thought the FBI knew in 2019 that Hunter’s laptop was real…

          ” genital grabbing, narcissistic, lying,”
          And this is unusual among what politicians? Slick Willie? Friends of Epstein? How many aren’t narcissists? Tara Reade – attacked by Biden – say her name!

          “multiple bankruptcies and marital affairs,”
          See above
          “who paid off porn stars,”
          See above
          “and continues to publicly state that he will act like a dictator if he wins,”
          Play the clip – he was joking that his dictatorial actions would be closing the border and re-authorizing drilling, both of which “DictatorJoe” reversed his first day. So, I guess SlowJoe was dictator first. Seriously, are you that humorless or that propagandized?

          ” who led an insurrection against our country,”
          That’s interesting. An unarmed insurrection… With a riot that appears to have been instigated /encouraged by federal assets, like the fake Michigan Whitmer kidnapping plot. Reichstag fire much? And you have to love the J6 Committee show trial, where the unlawful committee edited tapes, withheld evidence and now has destroyed evidence – thousands of documents, videos, etc. Nothing to see here at all… In the real world, you lose the case, get censured, maybe disbarred, but your team is full of such good people who believe “by any means necessary.” (See earlier comment)

          ” who is a conspiracy theorist who refuses to accept the critical democratic process of transition of power”
          Is the idiot Joe Biden currently President? With the findings in Pa, Wi, Mi, Ga (that you and the rest of your lemming allies don’t know about) it seems there is plenty of evidence that indicates what was complained about was actually true. Sort of like the people complaining about the Covid policy and origin and later being proved true. It seems the people with problems with the Democratic process are the Democrats who criminalize dissent and abuse power and engage in lawfare…all to SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY!!!!

          “and steals top secret government documents and refuses to give them back — ”
          Dealt with this above – he had declassification power. How many violations of the Constitution and normal due process things have happened here, while Joe has documents he shouldn’t have…for 30 years, and skates. Seriously, your hatred is demented. In America, the one before you Marxists took control, all people were to be treated equally under the law, and all have due process.

          “will be the Republican’s candidate. Slam dunk candidate!” – if you want to know why, read the above. And listen to Rich Men North of Richmond. We have Donald Trump because of a feckless political and “elite” class – status based, not merit based.

          I hope this helps you, but you and your friends are probably too triggered by the fattie on welfare buying fudge rounds…

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Wow – just wow! I have never read such nonsense in my life. The Orange Man was right when he said he could shoot a person on 5th Avenue and not lose any voters. The boogie man is behind every corner and everyone is to blame except for Trump. The US has become Jonestown for about 74M people –(which is still less than the 81M people that voted for Biden). Enjoy your cult …

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I see that you substantively addressed all of my points.
            I am not the cultist. I am a free human with the capacity to reason, not suffering Stockholm Syndrome like all the TDSers.

          3. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Every point that was made by me and countered by you is a stated fact. Not an opinion but a fact. You simply can’t explain away facts. Twice impeached – FACT. Found liable for sexual assault that was later interpreted by the Judge as meaning “rape” – FACT. Has over 90 indictments – FACT. genital grabbing – FACT that was recorded on tape.
            Narcissistic – FACT. Lying – FACT. Multiple bankruptcies – FACT. Multiple marital affairs – FACT. Paid off porn stars – FACT. Continues to publicly state that he will act like a dictator if he wins – FACT. Led an insurrection against our country – FACT. A conspiracy theorist who refuses to accept the critical democratic process of transition of power – FACT. Steals top secret government documents and refuses to give them back – FACT. All FACTS – to everyone with a brain and not a cult member.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And I replied with facts.
            Was Eric Chiamarella (the “whistleblower”, back when “whistleblowers” were noble bc trying to take down Trump) a Biden flunkie, who overheard (hearsay) and manufactured the first fake impeachment out of whole cloth, like RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA? And the 2nd impeachment was also bogus. Trump was already out of office. How about I posthumously impeach FDR? Maybe you racializing grifter types can impeach Washington and Jefferson and Madison and Monroe (I mean you want to erase them anyway). Hey, maybe I should indict Obama for droning/killing an American, amirite? Genital grabbing – on tape for sure, and that, if true differs from likely 90% of politicians how? Slick Willie? Even Slow Joe grabbed genitals with Tara Reade. Believe all women! Did you call for Slick Willie to go away when he attacked the Richmond Willey woman the same day her husband committed suicide? Narcissist – all politicians. Bankruptcies? So what. How does that disqualify? Explain. Then apply that same rule to everybody. I have a better idea – require all politicians to have a real job for 10 years before entering public service, and working for the Leftists NGOs doesn’t count. A real business. Not an insurrection – truly demented, besides the Reichstag fire aspect and the illegal Congressional “committee” that altered evidence and destroyed evidence. Refuses to accept transition? Again – you are demented. Is the senile perverted shell of a man whose entire family is corrupt the President or not? Real world calling Va Gentleman – pick up the phone! He did not “steal” documents. If he “stole” documents, so has Obama, and GWB and likely Jimmuh Carter. But SlowJoe was not a President and had no colorable claim to have the docs. Those are facts. Are you capable of seeing beyond your TDS colored glasses?

          5. FYI – Unless you are a certified psychologist or psychiatrist who has interviewed Mr. Trump extensively enough to make a diagnosis, “Narcissistic” is an opinion, not a fact.

            With that said, I would argue that every single person who has run for president in the last 30 years or so has exhibited some narcissistic tendencies – some more than others.

          6. Not Today Avatar

            Unless or until they offer up each and every one of the characteristics VG outlined that ARE proven…this comment is just so much noise. Do better.

          7. Please do me the favor of accepting it as “WayneS’s Pedantic Post of the Day”. I have not posted one of those in a while…


          8. Please do me the favor of accepting it as “WayneS’s Pedantic Post of the Day”. I have not posted one of those in a while…


          9. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            That is a fair response. I accept this criticism and admit that what I wrote regarding him being a narcissist is not a fact. Thank you for your response. However, the other comment above yours is full of whataboutisms, conspiracy theories, and MAGA garbage. So sad to see people taken advantage of who obviously aren’t able to grasp facts and prefer a partisan fantasy world of lies and deceit.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Behold. Vladimir Lenin. The man has been dead for 100 years now. But he looks more alive than the current squatter in the White House.

      1. Funny!

        Biden’s handlers probably have to pin an “I’m Not Dead!” sign to his shirt every time he lies down to take a nap – to make sure no mistakes are made…

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Probably have an assigned agent making sure his chest and rising and falling.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Probably have an assigned agent making sure his chest and rising and falling.

          1. And the agent probably also carries a pocket-mirror.

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      ” … who is a conspiracy theorist who refuses to accept the critical democratic process of transition of power …”

      24 minutes of Democrats denying elections:

    4. DJRippert Avatar

      ” … who is a conspiracy theorist who refuses to accept the critical democratic process of transition of power …”

      24 minutes of Democrats denying elections:

      1. In the comments to the link you posted is a posting by a user named ‘Marc’ to a video titled “24 minutes of democrats denying election results”.

        It’s quite entertaining. If you’re very busy just play it in the background. You’ll probably recognize most of the voices without even seeing the video.

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Speaking of election denial. I thought our governor had a pretty good response to Joe Biden the other day.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Indeed. Youngkin beat McAuliffe over Virginia’s “terrible” SOL/NAEP scores and promised to “fix” it and he did….by doing away with SOLs after he told parents they should decide what their kids are taught!

          All this blather about “accountability” from Youngkin and conservatives and the fix is to remove the performance metrics!

      3. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        To be fair, perhaps POTUS Biden thinks it’s 2014?

      4. Not Today Avatar

        Bwaaaahhhaaaa. Biden actually *is* joking. Trump means it and speaks from the gut. lol. Y’all are entertaining. May the odds be ever in your favor.

        1. And Donald Trump was joking when he said he would be a dictator for one day after returning to office.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            so why does he openly admire dictators like Putin and others?

          2. Not Today Avatar

            Evidence matters, Wayne. You’re better than that. Trump got the benefit of the doubt in 2015-16. He doesn’t deserve it/hasn’t earned it now. He denied (and later was fund liable for) raping a woman. Now he wants us to believe he’s not lying aout wanting to suspend the constitution and seek vengeance against opponents using the levers of government? Riiiiiight. There’s one born every minute.

    5. Lefty665 Avatar

      More or less true, but compared to what? Senile dementia Joe Bribem was not a bright bulb even back in the days when he had something that passed for a brain.

      The scary part is that one of them will win and we will all be screwed.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Speaking of Bribem – he was in Virginia yesterday claiming that the Virginia gubernatorial election was stolen.

        Of course, when you are completely senile I suppose calling McAuliffe “the real governor” might be some kind of demented joke. Like, “Don’t jump”.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          He was “the real desk clerk” for the Lincoln bedroom when Bill & Hill were dangling it as a prize for big dollar contributors.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          He was “the real desk clerk” for the Lincoln bedroom when Bill & Hill were dangling it as a prize for big dollar contributors.

    6. Not Today Avatar

      Forcibly inserting your fingers in a woman’s vagina against her will is rape. IJS. If you call that a judge’s ‘interpretation’ with air quotes, you’re further demonstrating the bankruptcy of your cause.

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I’m not a Donor Barbie fan. She is OK only in that she would be better than the full-strength crazy Dem nominee.
    To me, she is the Pubbie version of Hillary, and maybe a little less condescending than Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe Clinton.
    Something like 70% of Nikki’s votes were independents and Ds. Maybe some of the independents were legitimate independents expressing their choice. But the majority (? Significant?) amount of her vote was organized Dem signaling to prolong the long-over race and waste more money, and perhaps some element of UniParty attempt to cut a deal to remain entrenched should Trump win despite all the lawfare and propaganda…to Save Our Democracy!

  4. Even after reading the article, I still know next to nothing about Ryan L. Binkley other than the fact that he is not Donald Trump and he is not Nikki Haley.

    That’s enough information for me to decide that if I end up casting a vote in the ‘R’ primary, he will be my choice…

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Interesting, the only reason I may not vote in the D primary is that Biden will surely win and I am perfectly fine with him as our candidate. I probably will still vote. Sounds like you don’t like either the R front runner or current #2. I would think that would provide more incentive to vote your choice. If you wonder why Trump is winning, it is very possible it is because Republicans are opting out of the primary and handing it to him. But, of course, it is your vote to do with what you see fit.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        If I have to sit there all day March 5, the day goes way faster if people are coming in!

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I could never get a good nights sleep the night before I had to get up a 4am and be at the precinct until 8-9pm. Hours and hours of one or two voters every 20 minutes or so until people got off from work. Especially bad at primaries. And don’t know about you but “training” was a joke. I congratulate you for being able to do that job!

        2. Not Today Avatar

          True that! I could do without sitting outside a majority black precinct when a guy rolls up in a lifted, noisy truck bearing Trump and Confederate flags, and proceeds to happily accept refreshments/snacks from black church youth group teens/volunteers outside. I’ve seen some things.

        3. Not Today Avatar

          True that! I could do without sitting outside a majority black precinct when a guy rolls up in a lifted, noisy truck bearing Trump and Confederate flags, and proceeds to happily accept refreshments/snacks from black church youth group teens/volunteers outside. I’ve seen some things.

        4. Not Today Avatar

          True that! I could do without sitting outside a majority black precinct when a guy rolls up in a lifted, noisy truck bearing Trump and Confederate flags, and proceeds to happily accept refreshments/snacks from black church youth group teens/volunteers outside. I’ve seen some things.

          1. That comment is in the running for top ten most racist things I have seen posted to this blog.

            Is the guy who rolled up in a “lifted, noisy truck bearing Trump and Confederate flags” a resident of the district in question? If so, he had every right to be there. If not, he had every right to be there, as long as he did not try to vote and/or proselytize for his candidate within the restricted area at the polls – of course, that restriction applies to everyone, even voters registered in the district.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            but to take refreshments from folks not supporting trump is true cretin…..

          3. Seriously?

            Okay, then, I’ll just accept that as one more glimpse into the mind of a tolerant, accepting, inclusive, open-minded “progressive”.

          4. Seriously?

            Okay, then, I’ll just accept that as one more glimpse into the mind of a tolerant, accepting, inclusive, open-minded “progressive”.

          5. Seriously?

            Okay, then, I’ll just accept that as one more glimpse into the mind of a tolerant, accepting, inclusive, open-minded “progressive”.

          6. Not Today Avatar

            I don’t find his acceptance of the goods abhorrent but his obvious effort, much like the Confederate statues, to intimidate.

          7. I hope you taught your sons not to be intimated by a@@holes (of any kind). I know I tried to teach my son.

            It can be difficult to ignore your fear and refuse to be pushed around, but you sure do feel good about yourself later.

          8. Not Today Avatar

            Oh, I taught my kids that being a vocal, right-thinking, “jerk” is the ONLY way to make bullies back down. I’m afraid Tim Scott missed that lesson.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar


          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            One is a cretin if he takes goodies from folks advocating for a candidate other than the one the taker of the refreshments is voting for.

            really crude and rude behavior IMO

          11. How do you know the guy was not voting for the candidate the youth group was supporting?

            By the way, ‘Not Today’ does not like it when you make assumptions about her comments. In that regard she is a lot like I am.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            ” I could do without sitting outside a majority black precinct when a guy rolls up in a lifted, noisy truck bearing Trump and Confederate flags, and proceeds to happily accept refreshments/snacks from black church youth group teens/volunteers outside. I’ve seen some things.”

            Did you assume something else?

            OH I GET IT!

            Just because he ha TRump stuff on his pickup, it does not prove he voted for Trump?


          13. I assumed nothing.

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            true. but with that kind of observation, I wonder about situational awareness in general… 😉

          15. I was well aware of what I perceived was being implied. However, the original commenter does not appreciate people making assumptions about the things she says in her comments, and I try to accommodate.

          16. LarrytheG Avatar

            very accommodating of you! But not so much on the “Dems” and racism before the party names switched.

          17. Not Today Avatar

            Why? I never identified the man’s race. What are YOU assuming and why? Could it be that you know something about the conservative base and white nationalist movement that you don’t want to acknowledge? Speaking for myself, those teens only knew that Trump called them animals and wanted them shot on site if ‘rioting’. Anyone supporting talk like that is potentially threatening to those kids who were, obvs, congregating outside the polling location. I never said he had no right to be there. I simply found his behavior abhorrent. Do you not?

          18. Please read my comment again. I did not identify (or assume) the man’s race, either. In fact, I did not even make an assumption regarding the preferred candidate for whom I stated he is not permitted to proselytize within a certain distance of the polls.

            As far as the guy’s behavior goes, based on your description of his obvious intent to intimidate (which in my defense you did not include in your first post), yes, I absolutely find his behavior abhorrent.

            Imagine, though, how much better off you, your family, and those teens are than that guy. He has so much hatred and fear in his life, and such a low opinion of his own self-worth, that the only way he can even pretend he is happy and satisfied is by trying to intimidate and belittle others.

            Pretty sad. Almost makes me feel sorry for the racist jackass…


      2. Not Today Avatar

        This part. I just received my ballot. I may return it, or not. Doesn’t matter. I’m voting blue up and down the ballot (to include scouring the records of local candidates and exposing book-banning school board candidates).

      3. I’m not a republican.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Just another Republican encouraging voting in a Democratic primary. True character on display….

    1. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      How about the character of this Democratic organization who advocates switching parties to vote against Trump? Its pretty easy to find a whole list of Democrat’s advocating for this.

  6. Not Today Avatar

    I am here for all of the republican foolishness. I think folks mistake the lack of enthusiasm for Biden with confusion over whether Biden or Trump is the best of a bad lot. That’s not a thing for the voters who will decide this election. Marking your ballot for a man who has serial sexual misconduct issues, stole national secrets, celebrates the withholding of healthcare from women, and SAYS he plans to use the levers of government to exact revenge ala Viktor Orban is…well…a choice–immoral, unethical, and craven but it is a valid choice. It’s not a position that’s likely to prevail.

    I think Nikki Hailey is every bit the chameleon Tim Scott is (bless his heart, last night’s humiliation had to hurt) but at least she’s a viable alternate candidate. You know what winning 55% of a shrinking share of the electorate gets you?? Nothing. Nothing at all.

      1. Not Today Avatar

        I’m being generous. I think they want everyone else to bow down to their AUTHORI-TAY! while they violate people (mostly women), laws and norms at will.

      2. It’s pretty clear to me, and any other fair minded person, that the card reader at that turnstile was malfunctioning. And why was there only one turnstile open with that many people standing in line?

        This is not the best example for you to use in your crusade to insult the intelligence of people who disagree with you.

        Finally, You can be 100% certain that if the group had been a bunch of “progressive” protesters, every turnstile would already have been wide open, and the metro system would not even have been tying to collect fares. Either that, or the turnstiles would be destroyed and metro personnel assaulted as they tried to perform the assigned duties of their blue-collar jobs.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          No. More than a few didn’t realize that you had to pull the card back out. I know this from personal experience.

          They’re white nationalists. You think they’re smart?

          BTW, think Slim Pickins and Blazing Saddles..

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Typically the group you describes just jumps the fare gates, after all it’s their “right” to traverse for free.

          You are correct though, Metro people won’t confront them in fear of being assaulted.

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          No. More than a few didn’t realize that you had to pull the card back out. I know this from personal experience.

          They’re white nationalists. You think they’re smart?

          BTW, think Slim Pickins and Blazing Saddles..

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Well you might to consider reevaluating that “personal experience”. That wasn’t METRO and you don’t insert anything into their fare gates anymore.

            However, don’t let those facts get in the way of you attempting to insult people.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            They’re white nationalists. They insult themselves. You understand that.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That has what to do with my comment?

          4. On the other hand, maybe most of them were from more rural areas and had never before used public transportation. Did you know exactly what to do the first time you rode a subway?

            I did not say, and did not mean to imply, that I think white nationalists are smart. However, intelligence and personal values are not connected in any statistically significant way. What I said was, the video you posted is not a good example to use when trying to show their stupidity.

            Also, in their defense, they had probably already sent a guy back to get “a s**t-load of dimes”, and were just killing time until he got back. 😎

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            No. I didn’t. That’s why the “personal experience” comment. My first trip on the Metro (that’s NYC, but appears the same), I thought the card was just a ticket, not a paper debit card, so I put only 50 cents on it. When the machine sucked it in, I moved up. The guy behind me pulled it out opening the gate and handed to me on the other side after he came through. 50 cents to go from JP5 to NatAP was dirt cheap. A cab was $3 in those days and took longer.

            BTW, did you catch the IG report on the WH pharmacy during the Trump years?

            Passing out Rx drugs like candy.

            “Possible side effects include an insurrection lasting more than four hours”

          6. Okay, that was funny.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Okay, so here’s the plan. We crash the economy. Defund CBP and turn down the best immigration legislation ever. Allow our State legislators to turn away hungry children, take people off Medicaid, and pass complete abortion bans. Then when Donny is reelected….

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    ” I could do without sitting outside a majority black precinct when a guy rolls up in a lifted, noisy truck bearing Trump and Confederate flags, and proceeds to happily accept refreshments/snacks from black church youth group teens/volunteers outside. I’ve seen some things.”

    Did you assume something else?

    OH I GET IT!

    Just because he ha TRump stuff on his pickup, it does not prove he voted for Trump?


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