One-Size-Fits-All COVID Policy Vs. Precision Medicine

by James A. Bacon

What a revelation. It turns out that a person’s genes have a big influence over how or his or her immunological system responds to the COVID-19 virus. A Charlottesville company, Ampel Biosolutions, has developed a blood test, which it claims predicts with 90% accuracy if a COVID-infected patient is at risk for a serious, life-threatening case.

Ampel executives say that the test, dubbed CovGene, could help physicians tailor treatments depending upon the patient’s genetic profile. It might make sense, for example, to implement anti-viral therapy such as Paxlovid for someone at acute risk, while patients at low risk could forego the expensive treatments.

The company based its findings on research conducted in collaboration with researchers at the University of Virginia hospital based on a longitudinal study of two-dozen COVID patients in UVa’s intensive care unit and a study of 100 patients from Duke and Harvard. The results were published in the Frontiers in Immunology journal.

Ampel officials make no claim beyond the efficacy of their blood test. Their pronouncements do not address broader issues regarding public health policy. Assuming its claims stand up to scrutiny, however, some conclusions about U.S. COVID policy seem warranted.

It has been widely known since early in the COVID pandemic that individuals respond differently to the virus. Most obviously, there was a powerful correlation between age on the one hand and hospitalizations and death on the other. But outcomes varied even within the same age cohort. Physicians learned that pre-existing conditions — obesity, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Vitamin D deficiency, and low testosterone — put individuals at higher risk. Now Ampel provides strong evidence that genetic factors do as well.

The Masters of the Universe who dictated the U.S. response to the COVID pandemic issued one-size-fits-all diktats that limited public access to businesses, schools, universities, churches, and other public places without regard to personal risk factors. The resulting social isolation proved to be a catastrophe for mental health and K-12 learning. Dissenting views about optimal policy — the Great Barrington Declaration, which advocated “focused protection” for the most vulnerable, comes to mind — were actively suppressed on Twitter and other social media with the connivance of the federal government.

Additionally, instead of focusing on pre-existing conditions that actually influence the body’s response to COVID, America’s policy maestros, viewing public health through a social-justice lens, fixated on race, which is medically irrelevant except to the extent to which race might be correlated with actual risk factors like obesity, diabetes and hypertension.

How bad was U.S. COVID policy? Check out the Johns Hopkins University COVID map. Globally, it has been documented that 6.7 million people have died from COVID. In the U.S., 1.1 million people have died. Put another way, the U.S. accounts for 4.1% of the world’s population but 16.3% of its COVID deaths.

One must treat those figures with care. Some countries do a better job of identifying COVID deaths than others. The U.S. likely captures a higher percentage than, say, the Republic of the Congo. And who can trust anything coming out of the People’s Republic of China? Furthermore, it is reasonable to adjust for age. Countries with higher percentages of elderly are likely to suffer more COVID fatalities than countries with younger populations, regardless of the quality of their public health systems.

Even so, how can the U.S., which was thought to have the best-prepared hospital system in the world to deal with an emergency like this, and which first rolled out effective vaccines on a large scale, have one of the highest rates of COVID fatality in the world? I have yet to see someone ask that question, much less answer it.

Traffickers in snark will say the U.S. has the stupidest population in the world, and MAGA hat wearers died in disproportionate numbers because they refused to wear masks and take the vaccine.

I’ll throw out a different answer for readers to chew on: we have the most ineffectual ruling class in the world. The U.S. ruling class is peerless in its self- regard, without equal in its conviction that it knows better than anyone else, and unsurpassed it its ability to explain away its failures and ignore evidence that doesn’t fit its preferred narratives. An unstated thread of its COVID response is that policies should be applied to everyone, regardless of individual risk factors, that the only differences that matter are race and ethnicity, and that all dissenting views must be stifled. The science is settled!

Let’s set aside the debates over mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and Ivermectin. Let’s just consider that:

U.S. COVID policy did not factor obesity, diabetes, and hypertension into its guidance.

U.S. COVID policy did not factor Vitamin D deficiency into its guidance.

U.S. COVID policy did not factor Alzheimer’s disease into its guidance.

U.S. COVID policy did not factor in the possibility of an individual’s genetic makeup into its guidance.

If such factors were ever considered, neither the government nor the media communicated to the public that they were significant.

Ampel Biosolutions bills its CovGene tests as part of the larger “precision medicine” revolution, which is built around the recognition that medical responses should be tailored to a patient’s individual genetic profile, biochemical markers, and pre-existing conditions. That’s real science. But the insight was totally ignored during the COVID pandemic. We can only hope that it will carry more weight in the next one.

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51 responses to “One-Size-Fits-All COVID Policy Vs. Precision Medicine”

  1. Nancy hit the nail on the head: we did not know the things we know now in February 2020. We had hunches about certain factors, yes, but nothing to gamble literal lives on.

    Not to mention covid’s ability to have lengthy asymptomatic periods, where you may not be susceptible to fatal illness, but your neighbor might. Your coworkers might. The lady behind the cashier might. Then you have people who have no idea they’re vulnerable, and can’t afford to get screenings. Imagine offering free health screenings to every American. You’d all have popped a blood vessel.

    Sitting here haughtily with 20/20 vision is like a person who bet it all on black telling you the bet was a good idea AFTER they won.

    And nobody was questioning why the country botched the covid response. Once a sitting president politicized the pandemic, we had our answer in April 2020.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      It don’t stop the anti-govt folks and their narratives…

      1. Thomas Dixon Avatar
        Thomas Dixon

        The founders were anti-govt folks,

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          so they formed a GOVT anyhow?

          But you may misunderstand.

          When someone thinks the CDC SHOULD actually exist and do that job but they say it does it wrong – as opposed to saying it should be abolished… then that has a different connotation, no?

        2. I would not say anti-government. .

          Each and every one of the founders recognized that in order for a society to prosper and be successful it needs some type of government. Their goal, to a person, was to keep their new federal government as weak and small as it could possibly be while still having the powers to perform the duties needed to build and maintain a prosperous country.

          This brings us to today. I hope we can agree that were our founders to visit us today they would be immensely impressed and pleased with our technological, scientific, and economic achievements and by the prosperousness of the nation they designed, while also being equally sad and appalled by some of the things our society thinks it needs the government to do for them. I think they would be saddened that we have allowed our government to become the oversized behemoth we live with today.

          I think that our founders underestimated how large and successful the United States would become, and that as a result they did not bestow upon the federal government quite as much power as it needed to adequately maintain such a country. I also think that, just as many of them feared, once we allowed the government to collect more and more powers for itself, we let it go well beyond what was necessary and proper for the general welfare of the country.

          I’m sure there are those who will disagree, though, and wish for still more government control of our lives.

  2. So far, not a single comment to dispute that U.S. COVID policy provided a blanket, one-size-fits-all solution antithetical to the concept of precision medicine. Carol nailed it. Fauci and the media blew it. And the inveterate apologists for increased government power in the face of manifest incompetence seek to ignore it.

    1. Because we dispute that precision medicine works in a pandemic where little confirmable data is available.

      And such a proposal would have required national health screenings for vulnerabilities to covid. Which would have my approval, but you all tend to have an issue with socialized medicine.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        it’s grade A BS from the right wing, little more.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Because it’s a false claim , an opinion and one not agreed to by quite a few others.

      It’s your basic anti-govt, anti-media, anti-Fuci right wing rant.

      It’s what Ya’ll do.

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      You and Carol would have sent infected Johnny home from his Covid infested and asymptomatic school party to kill Grandma. The lockdowns save innumerable lives as did the vaccines Conservatives railed against – done on your own blog, JAB.

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Maybe JAB can provide a list of physicians specializing in “precision medicine.” I’m tired of being a test animal in a nation of 325 million. Hope the next POTUS appoints a precision medical specialist to head the CDC.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      If his name is Fauci all bets are off! 😉

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Dr. Gregory House, MD

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Here’s plan James. Hop in your DeLorean, set the Wayback Machine dial to December 1999, and tell this all to the CDC. Better take Peabody with you as an authority figure.

    Instead of an overly cautious one-size-fits-all response, we could have rounded up all the old, infirm, and at-risk individuals, put them in cattle cars bound for the plains,… oh wait. This is taking an ugly turn.

    1. Warmac9999 Avatar

      Cuomo actually did what you infer

  5. NN snark ignores the fact the information was out there and the federal government failed to use it.

    In April, 2020, I wrote “Autoiommune Response and Unequal Impacts. I said , “The disparities are not limited by race but tie into genetics and early life experience.”

    In September, 2020, “Vitamin D and COVID-19.”

    The issues of diabetes and obesity that have genetic predispositions were not new ideas. It took deliberate head-turning to avoid addressing them.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      A population of 325 million evidencing an equal number of exceptions to Covid infection and resistance. This tone deaf article would have been perfect on a Monday!

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        This is the way the right is these days. No matter what the govt does, it’s bad, wrong, no good, blather, blather, blather.

        1. They give us so many opportunities, it must seem that way to you.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            If you’re expecting/demanding perfection, yes.

            Name a better system.

            Name a better performing govt.

            You guys are basically and fundamentally anti-govt and you spend every opportunity blaming them.

            It’s the same old, same old.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            “They” is you also. Not an alien group.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            no no . they know “better” than the govt. All they need to do is “read” and they know more and better.

            it’s right-wing myopia on steroids.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Carol, the point is there was a lot we did not know and even when we did know some things, it was still not conclusive.

      Ya’ll just can’t accept this reality.

      The fact that ya’ll tend to be anti-govt in general on a range of issues is relevant.

      1. The point is there was a lot that WAS known–and ignored by the CDC and Fauci. The early studies were strongly indicative and could have saved more lives if given proper attention. There’s no room in your attitude for judging specifics. It’s all good or all bad. And my objections to government actions are specific, not total, so it is irrelevant.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          re: ” There’s no room in your attitude for judging specifics. It’s all good or all bad.”

          No. The opposite. I’ll allow that the CDC and Fauci are not perfect and did not get it 100% right but your attitude is they got it mostly wrong which is just patently false.

          Yet you’ve concluded they “failed” which is simply not true.

          And when you name personalities and individuals, it’s apparent that you’re not really objective. That’s just parroting a rancid right wing narrative IMO. Demonizing one guy is just ignorant.

          One guy does not control the CDC, yet you choose to target him as an individual which is what the right wing has been doing.

          The CDC did not execute as well as they might have but when you compare them to the rest of the world, can you name any other that did better?

          So the complaint is basically anti-govt, right?

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      In April of 2020, POTUS was wondering about drinking bleach and shoving UV flashlights up…

      “ The issues of diabetes and obesity that have genetic predispositions were not new ideas. ”

      What was it that Brutus said about saving Caesar from worrying about death?

  6. As you noted, the largest risk factor by far, age, was obvious early on. Over 70 and you are a prime candidate for covid to kill. That did not stop Cuomo from putting covid patients in nursing homes. Talk about stupid, ineffectual is far too kind.

    Other risk factors like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease quickly became evident. The big one was and is age, although it is not surprising a genetic component of risk has been identified. None of our public policy was tailored to protect old people or to scale precautions by risk, reducing both as risk lowered.

    Our response to covid has been abysmal. The 4:1 ratio of deaths to population is evidence and seems prima facie reasonable. I mourn for the CDC, long a world standard for disease information but a laughingstock of ill conceived and contradictory covid pronouncements that is ongoing. Also, Fouchi needs to be in the dock for his funding of gain of function research, repression of information and admitted lies. If Fouchi was science as he arrogantly and falsely proclaimed, we would be better off without it.

    Our public policies have been a disgrace. They are shameful yet there is very little analysis of what went wrong, why, and how to improve going forward. For a country with a lot of bright people we often are profoundly dumb. Go figure.

    1. That did not stop Cuomo from putting covid patients in nursing homes.

      One could argue it was the functional equivalent of putting them in cattle cars bound for the plains…

      1. Along with cattle infected with anthrax..

        Cattle cars without wheels could describe some of our “nursing” homes.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          A Carlyle Group scandal involved a group of nursing homes…

          1. Okay. As far as I can remember, and some years are a bit fuzzy, I have never worked for Carlyle Group, nor for the government of the state of New York. Therefore, I can criticize Cuomo’s nursing home policies with my conscience clear*.

            * Or at least clear of any blame for killing old people in nursing homes…

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            It’s just an attempt to besmirch Youngkin. It’s his SOP on the matter.

          3. There is plenty of nursing home scandal to go around. None of it challenges Cuomo’s putting covid patients in nursing homes for sheer quantity of deaths. He should be in the slammer.

  7. To be fair, I’m pretty sure the results of this genetic research were not available at the time Covid policy was being set.

    Was one-size-fits all a decent starting point for Covid policy? Probably.

    Should these policies have been adjusted as more as learned about the disease? Absolutely.

    1. No, it wasn’t. But it was known early on that obesity, diabetes, heart disease, Vitamin D deficiency, and other pre-existing conditions were high-risk factors. None of that was factored into public health policy in a meaningful way. The discovery that certain gene variations influence COVID risk is icing on the cake.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Please advise precisely how un-meaningfully the subsequent info was factored into public health policy. Monday morning carping.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “No, it wasn’t”. Yeah, but.

        Sure, they knew only certain people were at risk. But everyone could spread it. We have vaccine policies just for that reason. Measles doesn’t kill everyone. But if nobody gets it then those it would kill are safe…er.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Part two of Mr. Bacon’s series will be published on Monday. The next edition, entitled “Microsurgery Could Have Saved Lincoln” will show how just simply placing a shunt to reduce swelling could have allowed time to develop the surgical techniques to remove the bullet…

  9. Turbocohen Avatar

    My pronouns are Arrest / Fauci

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Captain Hindsight now has a sidekick. Captain Hindsight and Major Recall fighting bad public policy by showing how it could have been done better if only Democrats had access to their amazing powers of reminiscence.

    Well, TJIPP is going to have the future of a Fox News reporter.

    1. In the last issue of Super Hero Quarterly there was a piece announcing that the Monday Morning Quarterback had joined up with Captain Hindsight and Major Recall to form the Trust Us League.

      Also, the Second-Guesser might be coming on board some time in the next few months. She is one of the foremost practitioners of Plato’s anamnesis in the world today.

    2. In the last issue of Super Hero Quarterly there was a piece announcing that the Monday Morning Quarterback had joined up with Captain Hindsight and Major Recall to form the Trust Us League.

      Also, the Second-Guesser might be coming on board some time in the next few months. She is one of the foremost practitioners of Plato’s anamnesis in the world today.

  11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Occam’s Razor says the U.S. has the stupidest population in the world, and MAGA hat wearers died in disproportionate numbers because they refused to wear masks and take the vaccine.”

    Fixed it for you…

    1. Warmac9999 Avatar

      Keep getting those boosters.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Keep not getting those boosters… I love when you Rightwingers lose more voters to your own stupidity…

        1. Warmac9999 Avatar

          I follow the current data. You follow the old ideology. Keep getting those boosters.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            And the data says that your anti-vax campaign cost you the Senate because you killed your own voters. 😢

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            And the data says that your anti-vax campaign cost you the Senate because you killed your own voters. 😢

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    BTW, still 500 per day, mostly Republicans because the one-size-fits-all vaccine is a “CDC trick to put a tracking chip in you.”

    Self solving problems are my forte.

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    0.04×0.169×360,000,000 dead

    Death rate over 65 x percentage of population over 65 x population.

    Now don’t consider the bodies. Consider the $$. Consider 30 days in the ICU for each of them.

  14. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    Follow our constitution. Then be free to refuse ridiculous and deadly mandates or take enough boosters to make that clot eleven feet long.

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