One Hand Applauds for Dominion “Bill Relief”

by Steve Haner

Dominion Energy Virginia’s customers still owe it $1.26 billion for fuel they have already used, as of the end of June.  The utility is going to give us either seven or ten years to pay off that debt, but at a total cost of over $1.54 billion if we take seven years or almost $1.7 billion if we take the full decade.

The difference, of course, is interest, a return on investment (profit) for the lender, almost $300 million on the seven year plan or $400 million on the ten year plan.  And that initial $1.26 billion already includes some interest.  It was clear from the beginning that extending this debt out like a credit card balance would produce a profit for the lender.

Now it turns out that the lender may actually be the utility itself, or its parent company, and the interest may accrue to its stockholders.  Once bonds are authorized, however, they could start to change hands like any other investment.  The utility collects what it is owed right away (no risk there.)

The State Corporation Commission will decide whether this debt should be converted into long-term bonds and decide between seven or ten years for the payback period.  The SCC could say no and order the costs paid off over a shorter time frame.

The politicians who approved this plan to kick the cost down the road, to be imposed only after the next election, are assuming voters will mainly just notice the short term reduction in their bills.  Without the deferral, the fuel cost portion of the monthly Dominion bill would have shot up effective this month.  The fact that is decreasing instead is already being touted in political messaging.

They are probably correct that the average customer will not know, and thus not care, that in 2033 they will still be paying (with accumulated interest) for natural gas or uranium purchased and used in 2021 and 2022.  It will not be the same set of customers.  People or companies not yet in Virginia will be paying, and those who leave Dominion service escape the debt.

With recent regulatory filings at the State Corporation Commission, the impact of the 2023 legislation that was advertised as so strongly pro-consumer is growing clearer.   The application to convert the fuel debt into a bond is one case filed July 3.  On the same day, Dominion filed its massive application for a review of its operations for 2021 and 2022, and a request to set its base rates for 2023 and 2024.   It is seeking no change in those base rates, up or down.

This is the application directed by the 2023 legislation and that law settled one of the key questions normally decided by the SCC.  The allowed profit margin for the period will be 9.7%, an increase from the period before.  The legislation also settled another issue usually in dispute before the commission, the capital structure of the company.  That will increase to 52% equity rather than the previous 50% equity.

It is equity funding that qualifies for that 9.7% profit margin.  Move the needle on equity versus debt for a project like the $10 billion offshore wind farm over 30 years and more money moves from the customers to the stockholders.

So the SCC cannot make those decisions on return on equity and the equity percentage.  But let the politicians continue to claim that the bill they passed increased the SCC’s autonomy and authority.

Dominion’s take on its own accounting for the 24 month period ending December 2022 is that it earned a profit margin of just over 9%, within the target range set by the SCC in the previous rate review.  The SCC and other interested parties will get their own chance to pick apart those books, and often they find different results.  They might end up claiming Dominion earned excess profits for the period.

So where are we on the issue of “bill relief”?

There were two parts of the 2023 legislation that allowed Dominion and the bill’s backers to claim it delivered immediate bill relief.  The first was the deferral of the unpaid debt on fuel costs, and that actually costs consumers more over time, not less.  The second “bill relief” element involved a decision by Dominion to suspend collection of three of its many standing rate adjustment clauses, or riders, which are in addition to the base rates under consideration in this case.

Beginning this month, the annual capital and operating costs of three power plants which had been recovered by riders are now included in base rates.  Those base rates are not changing, however.  The base rates are absorbing that additional $350 million in costs ($700 million over two years), the higher allowed profit margin of 9.7%, and the general economic inflation throughout the utility’s other operating costs.

Does that not raise a question as to whether those base rates for 2021-22, not needing to cover those costs, might have been excessive?  The coming accounting process should answer that question.  With all those new costs now rolled in, of course, there is no chance the SCC could decide a reduction in those base rates is now in order.

Preventing a reduction in base rates and minimizing any possible customer refunds has been the overriding theme of years of Dominion’s legislative maneuverings to control the outcomes at the SCC, to prevent a finding that its rates were excessive.  This time, it may actually have provided a benefit to its customers to get to that goal, by eliminating those three standalone bill charges.

But remember, in exchange for that the General Assembly and Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) gave the utility 1) the first-ever profit margin dictated by state law (an increased one to boot);  2) an increase in its allowed equity percentage; and 3) a chance to extract $30 to 40 million in interest income per year over ten years on the unpaid fuel debt.

So give this Zen applause, the sound of one hand clapping.

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6 responses to “One Hand Applauds for Dominion “Bill Relief””

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    “The fact that is decreasing instead is already being touted in political messaging.”

    Who is doing the political messaging?

    Terry Gilgore and Todd Gilbert

    Terry Kilgore –

    Biggest political contributor for 2023?

    Dominion Energy – $150,000

    Next biggest contributor?

    Va Operators for Skill – $30,000

    Todd Gilbert –

    Biggest political contributor for 2023?

    Dominion Energy – $250,000

    Next biggest contributor –

    John P. Good, Jr – $100,000

    And 2023 is only 1/2 over!

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    As I was driving up to Northern Virginia Wednesday afternoon to attend the granddaughter’s dive meet, a story came on the radio that made me smile and think of you. As part of its “news” sector, WTOP of Washington was reporting on how Dominion customers will see their bills go down with the beginning of the fiscal year. There was even a blurb from a Dominion flack saying how delighted Dominion was to be able to reduce electricity rates, since consumers are seeing price increases on so many other things. Because I have had the benefit of your analysis and commentary, I knew the real story.

    I readily admit that I don’t have the financial or legal chops to understand this idea of Dominion “lending” billions to itself and then issuing more than a billion in bonds. (I understand the legal concept of Virginia Power being a subsidiary of “parent” Dominion, but in the end, it doesn’t seem to make much difference.

    Personally, I would rather pay for the excess fuel charges up front. It does not seem that the surcharge would be that much of a burden for rate payers. And there is something about these financial machinations that doesn’t smell right. I suppose that, if I am going to pay 10 years’ worth of interest, it shouldn’t matter if I paying bond holders or Dominion, but, if it actually is Dominion, that ain’t right.

    The newspaper article you linked had this little tidbit. The $1.26 billion bond sale includes this in its costs: “$12 million of costs for arranging the sale.” That means some law firms and investment banks are going to get even richer at the expense of Dominion rate payers.

    I hope the SCC looks at this “deal” with a great deal of skepticism and then turns it down. By the way, where is the office that is supposed to be looking out for the interests of ratepayers, that of Attorney General Jason Miyares, on this question?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      We’ll find out as the case develops, but with both GOP and D legislators crowing about how wonderful this is, and how it means they should be re-elected, I’m not sure Miyares will throw cold water on it.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    “The fact that is decreasing instead is already being touted in political messaging.”

    Who is doing the political messaging?

    Terry Gilgore and Todd Gilbert

    Terry Kilgore –

    Biggest political contributor for 2023?

    Dominion Energy – $150,000

    Next biggest contributor?

    Va Operators for Skill – $30,000

    Todd Gilbert –

    Biggest political contributor for 2023?

    Dominion Energy – $250,000

    Next biggest contributor –

    John P. Good, Jr – $100,000

    And 2023 is only 1/2 over!

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      And neither of those two gentlemen are opposed in the November election.

  4. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    This violates the long-standing principle of regulatory law of matching current expenses incurred by utilities and revenues paid by customers. Today’s customers must pay rates that recover today’s reasonable costs and return on investment.

    Courts recognize that, in very unique circumstances, it is reasonable to amortize investments valid at the time made but no longer needed to avoid confiscation of the investment. A prime example occurred in the 1970s and 1980s when the FCC allowed telephone companies to amortize their capitalized investments in station connections. When customer ordered service with telephones (they were a package deal back then), the telephone company treated the costs for installation and removal as capital expenses that earned a rate-of-return and were depreciated over time. This was done to keep the costs of telephone service more affordable by artificially reducing the costs for installing service.

    But when the FCC and courts allowed customers to buy their own telephone sets, it was no longer feasible to keep telephone company installation charges below cost. That would hurt the competitors. So, going forward, all installation and removal costs were expensed immediately and the imbedded investments amortized over a short period of time.

    These extraordinary circumstances don’t exist for Dominion’s fuel charges. They have a right to what they could recover from current customers. Remember that current rates include an allowance for bad debt. Bad debt in excess of this amount is not recoverable. The solution is to file a new rate case with higher debt losses, but that opens all other costs. Moreover, one can make a good argument that the high debt levels were extraordinary and do not represent a fair estimate of future costs. Dominion’s stockholders should eat this.

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