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One Good Reason to Support the GOP Transportation Compromise

Christina Nuckols at the Virginian-Pilot provides a sympathetic portrait of Sen. John H. Chichester and his opposition to the GOP transportation compromise. There is a human side to the ringleader of the Axis of Taxes. Writes Nuckols:

Nicknamed “Chichi” by reporters, the senator has a fondness for Labrador retrievers, sushi, the Red Sox and barbershop choruses. He gave up his motorcycle after two crashes but still pilots his own small airplane. A mischievous charmer when he chooses, John Hansford Chichester also can be curt and condescending toward hapless legislators who appear before his committee, earning him the less affectionate moniker “Jesus H. Christ” among junior delegates.

Nuckols contends that Chichester is driven by principle, not politics. I find that entirely plausible. Unfortunately, his principles, which invariably favor higher spending and higher taxes, are not ones that I share.

The good news for those who would like to depose “Lord Chichester”: The senator told Nuckhols that he will decide next month whether to seek re-election. His decision could be influenced by the outcome of the transportation debate. If passing the GOP transportation compromise would prompt Chichester to resign, then the god-awful thing just might be worth enacting!

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