One Good Reason to Support the GOP Transportation Compromise

Christina Nuckols at the Virginian-Pilot provides a sympathetic portrait of Sen. John H. Chichester and his opposition to the GOP transportation compromise. There is a human side to the ringleader of the Axis of Taxes. Writes Nuckols:

Nicknamed “Chichi” by reporters, the senator has a fondness for Labrador retrievers, sushi, the Red Sox and barbershop choruses. He gave up his motorcycle after two crashes but still pilots his own small airplane. A mischievous charmer when he chooses, John Hansford Chichester also can be curt and condescending toward hapless legislators who appear before his committee, earning him the less affectionate moniker “Jesus H. Christ” among junior delegates.

Nuckols contends that Chichester is driven by principle, not politics. I find that entirely plausible. Unfortunately, his principles, which invariably favor higher spending and higher taxes, are not ones that I share.

The good news for those who would like to depose “Lord Chichester”: The senator told Nuckhols that he will decide next month whether to seek re-election. His decision could be influenced by the outcome of the transportation debate. If passing the GOP transportation compromise would prompt Chichester to resign, then the god-awful thing just might be worth enacting!

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13 responses to “One Good Reason to Support the GOP Transportation Compromise”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Dear Jim Bacon:

    I challenge you to post an editorial published in The Daily Press (see Raising Kaine posting
    this morning) critical of the General Assembly’s so-called
    compromise transportation plan.

    It is only fair that you give both sides of the arguements about this critical issue.


    Rodger Provo

  2. D.J. McGuire Avatar
    D.J. McGuire


    If you’re so determined to get “both sides of the arguments about this issue” into the blogosphere, how about launching your own blog instead of trying to tell JB how to run his?

  3. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Provo: The primary purpose most thoughtful and educated persons have for posting an editorial from The Daily Press is to mock the Stalinist Editors. Socialism, Liberalism, Human Secularism, Nanny Statism, Blame America Multiculturalism, and every other sort of Leftist Goofyism is the substance of the words that pass for their ‘thinking’.

    Not that I have a strong opinion or anything like that.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    You are a right-wing blowhard!
    “Sic Semper Blowhardus!”

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    Dear Jim Bacon and others:

    What a crude, impolite series of
    comments from D.J. McGuire and his
    pal James Atticus Bowden.

    This blog is sometimes a worthless, poor use of space
    and time.

    This is not one Bacon’s Rebellion Blogs best moments.


    Rodger Provo

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    Does anyone sort of get the impression that Rodger does not exactly get how blogging works?

    On the other hand, his “letter” format of posting is rather quaint.

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    It seems these comments have nothing to do with the merits of the issues now before the General Assembly that prompted Jim Bacon
    to file a posting earlier today
    attacking John Chichester.

    Might that be because those making these remarks know they have a weak case concerning these issues.

  8. Darrell -- Chesapeake Avatar
    Darrell — Chesapeake

    “The problem in Richmond is not a lack of resources. The problem is a lack of fiscal discipline and a willingness to direct the resources we have to our highest priorities.”

    Bolling, just stop right there. Not another word. Don’t give us some song and dance about how the Republicans are going to keep taxes low, while backdooring more taxes.

    Look, I don’t care about the freakin general fund. That’s money you have already taken. I care about the blank check that the good ole boys from both parties are going to give to HRPDC. I care about the increased property taxes the cities are going to charge to make up the difference in revenue and will now pay for all those local roads they pawned off on VDOT years ago.

    Hampton Roads is not Northern Virginia. We already have the highest local taxes in the state, one of the lowest overall wage scales, and slim ability to absorb any increased taxes. And if you NoVa guys really want to get ticked off, check out where your money has really been going. Look it up. It’s in VAStats.

    None of the damn projects down here address the real congestion problem. There is no money to fix I64/264 or HRBT. None to redo the 1960 era interchanges. No money for nothing, except to build a 3rd crossing that doesn’t do squat except allow thousands more trucks on the road. And rest assured, that is exactly where the money will go before the SEP or 460. Sure, they will fix the Downtown and Midtown tunnels, just so more trucks will fit through.

    This scheme is nothing but electioneering to maintain the majority. Big deal. I don’t care, when a D and an R equals the same result Bolling can take a flying leap. Come back when you are serious about addressing transportion. My personal goal is simple. I will make sure I’m at the head of the line every election to help to kick their incumbent asses out.

  9. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Darrell: As far as I can see from The Peninsula, “By Jove, I think you’ve got it!” Actually, nailed it.

    Well done. The plans do NOT work. The compromise does NOT work. Their own analysis says so.

  10. Anonymous Avatar

    Angry foul comments applauded by
    persons of similar like minds does
    little to help us find solutions to
    our complex problems … boys why
    don’t you grow up.

  11. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    I’m somewhere between Rodger and Darrell and company.

    It appears to me that Darrell and company are perfectly fine with VDOT calling the shots in HR/TW and that if they decide the best way to deal with the roads is to TOLL them all … then so be it.

    Worse scenarios can be thought of by abdicating decisions to a 3rd party external to HR/TW.

    I AGREE with Darrell and company about how wrong some of our MPOs have gone.. but unline them I think that a concerted local effort could impact MPOs – at least your chances seem to be better than trying to affect VDOT or the rest of the GA from RoVa.

    And I AGREE with Darrel and company about the Republicans hyprocritical “back-dooring” of taxes. At least the Dems/Chichester/RINOs are up front and honest about their intentions.

    I don’t agree with Rodger on his tax and spend .. build LOTs more mega projects…business as usual.. approach.

    And I also don’t buy the side tactic of “Can’t we all get along with a Growth Management initiative” while we give VDOT full rein for a few more years until we figure out what to do about growth and development.

    I AGREE with Darrel, Wamsley and others who believe that our focus should be on specific measureable objectives for congestion management – and not just some PR rope-a-dope spinning by VDOT.

    While I simply don’t buy the concept that more mega roads.. is the answer for less congestion but if someone wants to agree to use VALIDATEABLE objective performance measures to judge the prospect of a particular project to relieve congestion… fine but not one of VDOT’s usual bogus approaches – it would have to be an independent firm with credentials – one where they do not answer to VDOT for money or guidance or direction.

    Finally… what would be wrong for VDOT to solitit PPTA proposals explicitly for Congestion Reduction vice new lane miles and new capacity?

    Would it be harmful to actually find out some strategies that might work?

    I’d actually buy this approach before I bought Rodgers.

  12. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Larry Gross: If you take some of the reforms in the GOP House bill and make them a stand alone bill, then you could make some improvements in VDOT.

    I trust any Governor (Ds included) and VDOT over any local government and any collection of local governments in Tidewater.

    Familiarity breeds contempt – and children!

    The analysis of the MPO projects – by the HRPDC says building the projects will INCRTEASE congested miles by 91 – 91 more congested miles in Tidewater. Is that quantitative enough?

  13. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross


    not… off the planet…

    but realistic…

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