One Day, a World of Peace… of Justice… and No Stoplights

One last post before I head off to the sunny south…. Here’s a computer simulation of what a major intersection would look like in a world of self-driving automobiles. Dude, can you imagine life without stoplights? It may be pure fantasy, but I like the fantasy. — JAB

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  1. VirginiaMom Avatar

    Before you go away and leave the rest of us here in the rain, could you enlighten me regarding posting as comment on an article in the Archives? Are comments closed and the subject put to rest once in the Archives? I have something to add to the discussion on state universities. What an eye-opener to have a senior in high school this year.

    1. Everyone is welcome to leave comments (as long as they are civil). It shouldn’t matter how old the original blog post is. However, if someone is commenting for the first time, he/she must register, and the comment must be manually approved. I’ll be on vacation for a week, so newbies might have to wait a while. But I’ve approved this comment of yours, so you should be good to go.

  2. This works because the cars entering have sufficient lead space.

    you might compare this with films from an anctual intersection in Rome or New Delhi.

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