One Candidate Was Snippy. It Wasn’t Jen Kiggans.

by Kerry Dougherty

Elaine Luria is snotty.

That’s my takeaway from Wednesday’s 2nd District debate sponsored by the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce at the Oceanfront Marriott.

Yes, the Democrat had the built-in advantage of incumbency and a command of lots of numbers, which she spouted with abandon during the debate with Republican challenger State Sen. Jen Kiggans, but it was Luria’s asides, the condescending way she treated a fellow Naval officer that revealed much about this close political ally of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden.

Want proof? Here, go to 1:18:51 in this link. Debate moderator Chris Saxman tells the candidates that there are just “two more questions.”

In a barely audible voice, Luria mutters “Thank God.”


Is Luria completely unfamiliar with history? Is she unaware that many analysts say the moment President George H. W. Bush looked at his watch during a 1992 town hall-style debate with Bill Clinton and Ross Perot was the moment he lost the election.

By looking at his watch, Bush appeared bored, indicating he had somewhere better to be.

Luria’s snide under-her-breath-but-into-the-microphone comment gave the same impression. She didn’t want to debate Kiggans. There were other things she’d rather be doing. She wanted the audience to know that.

Throughout the debate Luria referred to the state senator as “Mrs.” Kiggans, a not-so-subtle refusal to acknowledge that Kiggans, too, holds elective office.

The deliberate use of “Mrs.” seemed odd, coming from this outspoken feminist.

After all, Luria dressed in all-white like AOC and the rest of the loon squad at President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union Address, to show her “solidarity” with American women.

Just not Republican women, I guess.

Actually, Luria set her tone for the debate in her catty opening statement.

Kiggans won the coin toss and went first. She introduced herself by saying that a few years ago she was alarmed by the direction of the country and decided to “get up off the couch” and run for office.

Luria snidely opened her remarks by saying “I was never on the couch so I never had to get up.”

Honestly. What was the point of THAT?

Luria knows that Kiggans was a Naval officer and a helicopter pilot who served overseas during the Gulf War. And that after she left the Navy, Kiggans became a geriatric nurse practitioner who also raised four children. I think it’s safe to say that — like most accomplished women — Kiggans spent little time sitting around.

Clearly she was speaking metaphorically.

When Saxman asked the candidates to rate the Biden economy, on a scale of 1 to 10, Kiggans gave it a “one, maybe one half.”

Luria said she wanted to be “more realistic” and gave Biden’s inflationary mess a 6.

That alone should be disqualifying. I don’t know anyone else who would rate the current economy higher than a 1.

Luria proved masterful at spinning and taking credit for the entire defense budget. Something Kiggans said was inadequate.

Kiggans landed some punches — and clearly pushed Luria’s buttons — when she pointed out the massive profits Luria made on stock market trades while in Congress, adding that even fellow Democrat Rep. Abigail Spanberger supports a ban on stock trading by members, something Luria – and Pelosi – adamantly oppose.

(Pelosi, sensing the mood of the country, has tepidly agreed that members of Congress shouldn’t hold stocks because of potential conflicts of interest. Luria wants to stick with the status quo.)

When it came to abortion, Luria attempted to paint Kiggans as a pro-life extremist, while Kiggans nimbly pivoted. She pointed out that Luria continuously “lies” about her position – Kiggans says she supports abortions in cases of rape and incest and to save the life of the mother – and that it’s Luria who voted twice in Congress to pass a federal law legalizing abortion in all 50 states up through the 9th month of pregnancy. At taxpayers’ expense.

Luria couldn’t resist interjecting a nasty aside into the abortion discussion too. She claimed that as soon as the Supreme Court released the Dobbs decision “Mrs. Kiggans” jumped into “her car. Not a car a MINIVAN” Luria sneered, her voice dripping with contempt for moms who drive the kid-friendly vehicles.

We get it, Elaine. You don’t respect mothers who drive minivans. Perhaps that will endear you with the Tesla crowd.

In a final act of political desperation Luria closed by saying Kiggans was “unfit” to serve in Congress.

Correct me if I’m wrong, Navy vets, but for one Naval officer to comment on another’s fitness while in the service would be grounds for disciplinary action.

Vote accordingly.

Experts say debates usually change few minds. Voters know where the candidates stand on issues before the debate begins. The only thing revealed during a debate is the demeanor of the candidates.

In that case, Kiggans, who was polite and poised throughout, was the winner. By contrast, the cranky congresswoman appeared angry, irritable and indignant that she had to share the stage with Kiggans, a woman.

Not a good look, Mrs. Luria.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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44 responses to “One Candidate Was Snippy. It Wasn’t Jen Kiggans.”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Tough choice… between snippy and the “doh”.

    1. LesGabriel Avatar

      What is “doh”?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Homer Simpson.

  2. Teddy007 Avatar

    In the U.S. quasi-Parliamentarian system that exists today, all that one is doing is voting whether to put McCarthy inot the U.S. House Speaker position (the only position in the House that seems to matter these days) or Adam Schiff/Hakeem Jeffries as the Speaker. The individual positions of any single candidate are pointless.

    At best, the only other thing the candidates can really affect is constituent services.

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Talk about gender confusion. Kiggans scolded Luria for criticizing her as a “fellow” female Navy officer.

    1. Thank you for proving the point I made in my other post.

      It’s not literally true, and it was said by a republican, so it is evidence of confusion on her part.

      By the way, the Cambridge Dictionary offers this as one of the definitions of “fellow”.

      fellow (adjective) [ before noun ] – used to refer to someone who has the same job or interests as you, or is in the same situation as you.

      No mention of sex or gender.

      So I guess she was literally correct after all.

    2. Thank you for proving the point I made in my other post.

      It’s not literally true, and it was said by a republican, so it is evidence of confusion on her part.

      By the way, the Cambridge Dictionary offers this as one of the definitions of “fellow”.

      fellow (adjective) [ before noun ] – used to refer to someone who has the same job or interests as you, or is in the same situation as you.

      No mention of sex or gender.

      So I guess she was literally correct after all.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    It is so boring here in the Richmond market. No drama in either the 1st or 4th District races, which are on the local ballots. No TV, no radio, no mail…I envy those parts of the state with a real donnybrook underway. I thought some of the money from the 7th (Spanberger v Vega) would slosh into this market but not so far.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      May you live in interesting times.

  5. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Oh – you mean the debate that was moderated by one of Virginia’s best Republicans? Great guy – but why can’t the Chamber find a moderator that doesn’t come with a political label? Also – if Kerry doesn’t know anyone who would rate the economy greater than a 1 – then she needs to get off the couch and turn off Fox news. There was only one candidate on that stage who isn’t afraid to call out truth over lies — and that was Luria. Until Kiggans demands truth from her own party leaders — people should run from that brand of politics.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Truth from a Republican? Trump has opened their eyes to consequence-free lying, and as a result he has emasculated the Republican leadership in the process.

      If the entire bunch dropped trou, they’d be as smooth as a Ken doll, figuratively speakin’. Geez, he literally called Vance an arse kisser, Cruz’s wife ugly, and has publically whipped Graham more than a woman.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Truth from a Republican? Trump has opened their eyes to consequence-free lying, and as a result he has emasculated the Republican leadership in the process.

      If the entire bunch dropped trou, they’d be as smooth as a Ken doll, figuratively speakin’. Geez, he literally called Vance an arse kisser, Cruz’s wife ugly, and has publically whipped Graham more than a woman.

      1. You really have nothing productive to add to the discussion, do you? Snark and invective is your entire repertoire.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Was that an ad hominem? Sheesh.
          Okay, let’s try. Who won the 2020 presidential election?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You know who, don’t you?
            Why SlowJoe with 8 million more votes than Barack Hussein Obama!

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Why do you guys have the need to emulate Idiot Trump’s name calling?

            Should we start referring to Youngkin as Lying Youngkin?

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            If you want to, knock yourself out.
            I mean you are Mr. SCIENCE!
            Nicknames are a sign of love… and I love how you are always wrong, always trusting the government (when Dems are in charge) and always repeating the Dem line. I’m (in your parlance) a wackadoodle, which really only proves I’m correct, so I can live with being called names. I grew up in the world where kids knew to say “sticks and stones…”

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            I just noticed that most of you are name-callers… right?

            re: ” I grew up in the world where kids knew to say “sticks and stones…”

            did you grow up?

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Young at heart

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I know these are wasted questions but did Fox cover the J6 Hearings today, and did the nurse turn the volume high enough for you to hear? 🙂

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith


          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I SAID, “I KNOW THESE ARE…”. NEVER MIND. 😉

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Oh, wait…you meant this?
            I missed it. I had my pudding and Ovaltine and was taking my Biden schedule (“The schedule for winners and people who love DEMOCRACY! (And SCIENCE!)”) nappy…

          10. By the way, Fox did cover the J6 hearing yesterday, at least once. I watched it for about 15 minutes while I waited for the Capitals pre-game show to start, and whichever talking head talks from 6:00 to 7:00 covered the goings on, including a factual report on the subpoena, without commentary.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          I thought this was a good and true point:

          ” Trump has opened their eyes to consequence-free lying, and as a result he has emasculated the Republican leadership in the process.”

          The Republican Party pretty much follows Trump and fears him – a despot who is a mortal threat to the country because his followers choose him over normal GOP.

          There is no doubt who Kiggans is nor Kerry whom you give a platform to,

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            So sad to hear yesterday that Biden’s son Beau died in Iraq. Given that Biden got a nomination to the Naval academy in 1965 I guess he knows a lot about war.

            The imbecile lies continually.

            Funny how you libs never seem to remember Biden’s almost daily lies.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            You’re emulating Trumps name-calling. Admire that?

          3. DJRippert Avatar


            a stupid person.

            I stand by my comment. Biden is a stupid person.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Right. So if Biden is an imbecile what is Trump?

          5. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Check your facts for Biden’s exact words.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Perhaps you should take your own advice.

          7. He said his son “…lost his life in Iraq”.

            Not true.

            His son may very well have lost his life as a result of chemicals he was exposed to in Iraq, but even that has not been determined for certain.

            If Mr. Biden had stated that his son lost his life as a result of his service in Iraq I would concede that he had not intentionally lied. He is entitled to his own opinions about the cause of his son’s cancer. However, every reasonable person knows the meaning of “lost his life in Iraq”.

            Why is it that you interpret everything a republican says literally, and deem it a lie unless it is literally true, but you give vast leeway to democrats for hyperbole, misstatements, and inaccurate language?

        3. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          “Consequence- free lying” is a substantial contribution.

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      Biden claimed yesterday that his son Beau died in Iraq. That was a lie. Beau died in Bethesda, MD of cancer.

      Biden claimed that he got a nomination to the US Naval Academy in 1965. That was a lie. There was no nomination and Biden graduated from college in 1965.

      Biden claimed that he once drove 18 wheel trucks. That was a lie.

      Biden claimed that inflation is worse everywhere but here. That was a lie. Inflation is lower in Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and many other countries.

      Biden claimed that since he took office, families are carrying less debt, their average savings are up. That is a lie. Household debt has risen by $1.29 trillion in just the first 15 months of Biden’s presidency.

      Biden claimed that he was a ‘full professor’ for four years at the University of Pennsylvania. That was a lie.

      It’s always interesting to hear liberals spew about Donald Trump’s lies while the senile clown in the oval office now can’t go a day without telling another whopper.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I almost forgot a few:

        Biden claimed he was arrested in apartheid South Africa. That was a lie.

        Biden claimed he marched in the civil rights protests. That was a lie.

        He claimed he opposed the Iraqi War from its very start.; That was a lie.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        The Washington Times and Fox reported that the President said his son “died” in Iraq. His actual words were that his son “lost his life” in Iraq due to exposure to toxins from the burn pits. Lie?? Spin?? More like the characterization of your post.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          And typical of Conservatives these days who see no problem with this kind of
          shading of the truth.

          And yep, you can tell what media DJ is getting his “news” from.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          A Cpt. in the JAG Corp wasn’t anywhere near burn pits in Iraq or Afghanistan.

          He was also fact checked on that very statement in 2019, by and they called his bluff.

          So the next time you accuse someone of lying, make sure you’re not parroting your usual partisan talking points and covering for POTUS Biden’s exaggerations and outright lies.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Employment Rate in the United States averaged 59.23 percent from 1948 until 2022, reaching an all time high of 64.70 percent in April of 2000 and a record low of 51.30 percent in April of 2020.”

    “When Saxman asked the candidates to rate the Biden economy, on a scale of 1 to 10, Kiggans gave it a “one, maybe one half.”

    Luria said she wanted to be “more realistic” and gave Biden’s inflationary mess a 6.

    That alone should be disqualifying. I don’t know anyone else who would rate the current economy higher than a 1.”

    That “1” doesn’t leave much room for April 2020. Who was President?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      That “1” doesn’t leave room for the USDX being at a 22 year max.

      I forgot. Go cry in a bag of money.

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    According to one report I read, Kiggans said that Luria was “shameful”. Kerry must have missed that part. Or maybe it is OK for one Naval officer to call another “shameful”. Kiggans still won’t say if she believes the Big Lie.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      It was shameful and worse. I may not agree with Sen. Kiggans but in an official debate like that, I would not diss everything she has worked for. She had a Navy career, she is a medical professional, she was elected. That says Rep. Luria is *INCAPABLE* of working with and doing anything positive for those who disagree with HER positions. #tyrantDefinition

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hope for Karen and all Trump Republicans…

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