Bacon's Rebellion


The Risse Household has celebrated the 4th of July for as long as EMR can recall.

During WWII there were pot luck barbeques in the live-oak-shaded picnic grove next to the orchard. Households with members serving in the military from that part of the Santa Inez Valley – some years one or more were home on leave – and Households stationed at Camp Cook who were living off-post on nearby farms were guests of honor. The first 4th of July after The War ended, there was fireworks at the Lompoc Airport and a lug of cherries – no cherry bombs.

In the Northern Rocky Mountain Urban Support Region the 4th was often celebrated with fellow trail crew members – college students who were working for the Park Service for the summer. Home made ice cream and newly ripe Flathead Lake cherries were on the menu. No fireworks, roman candles start forest fires, even in July.

It was only after THE ESTATES MATRIX was completed that EMR fully realized how profoundly different the world was after 4 July 1776. It was not JUST that date but 4 July 1776 was the most important landmark in the fifty years from 1770 to 1820. This era included the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Haitian Revolution the Louisiana Purchase and the War of 1812. As documented by THE ESTATES MATRIX, that period witnessed Fundamental Transformations of the Estates that manage human society.

Now it is time to embrace new set of Fundamental Transformations. These Transformations are required to accommodate what has happened since 1800 with respect to the economic, social and physical context of human existence.

These Transformations must evolve in a way that preserves the rights of all citizens and not just the privileges of individuals, Agencies, Enterprises and Institutions who have taken control at the top of the Ziggurat.

Which brings us to 2010 and Bacon’s Rebellion.

Jim, Larry, Groveton and Peter continue to throw rocks at empty pigeon holes.

Citizen need those rocks – and all those that are tossing rocks – to work together to rebuild a foundation that will support a sustainable society now that there are 6.9-Billion humans who are dependent on the remaining Natural Capital.

Enough of having fun with red meat. It is time to get to work.

Things are not looking good.

Groveton may be right that, in light of recent events, the traditional Donkey Clan will not be able to win an election for 20 years, if ever.

Based on that criteria, it will 40 years, if ever, for the traditional Elephant Clan to win an election. The friends of Big Enterprise are not riding a wave of popularity.

A recent CNN poll: (“Who is to blame for the current economic conditions?”) Donkey Clan 24 percent, Elephant Clan 48 percent, Both 24 percent, Undecided 4 percent.

On the current trajectory neither Clan will ‘win.’ The way the cards are being played, there will again be a 49.9 percent to 51.1 percent split between two coalitions beholden to least-common-denominator platitudes and fueled by The Anger of Ignorance.

Groveton says the stock market is a ‘leading indicator’ of the economy.

EMR suggests a better indicator is the US NET National Savings as a percentage of GNP. (See CNNMoney’s 30 June reprint of a Fortune article “Personal savings rate: worse than we thought.”)

The stock market is a gambling venue.

Personal savings rates, and more important the “US NET National Savings as a percentage of GNP,” is an indication of individual and Organizational commitment to preparing for the future.

Recall Jared Diamond’s the two criteria for avoiding Collapse…

See “Collapse, An Appreciation” Column # 64, 8 Aug 2005.

Fundamental Transformations OR count on your fingers the number of times that you will be able to celebrate the 4th of July in public and without guilt.

Happy Fourth!


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