by Kerry Dougherty

I’ve seen this movie before. And I’m not buying a ticket this time.

I’m talking about the latest remake in the theater of the absurd: “A New COVID Variant Is Coming! We’re All Going To Die!”

Fear hustlers managed to spook the stock markets on Friday with panic porn about a variant detected in South Africa among a handful of healthy people being tested for travel.

Naturally the nation’s biggest attention whore, Anthony Fauci, was on the Sunday shows hinting at the possibility that more lockdowns and mandates could be coming. (When he wasn’t weirdly dabbling in politics and bringing up January 6th, that is.)

If there’s one thing public health officials learned during the pandemic it’s that scaring the bejabbers out of the populace is the best way to prepare them to knuckle under and surrender their civil rights.

News flash: We may not be immune to COVID but we’re immune to Fauci’s scare tactics after 20 months of non-stop hysteria.

Remember, it’s unknown whether this strain will be more or less virulent than the others and there is no indication that the vaccines will be effective against it.

Still, that didn’t stop the hair-on-fire public health officials and opportunistic politicians from sounding the alarm and using it to push people into getting vaccinated or boosted and into issuing premature emergency orders.

It’s worth noting that Australia is reporting a couple of Omicron cases and, since the unvaxxed are not allowed in or out of that country, clearly a vaccinated traveler brought it to the continent.

Over the weekend and from Nantucket, Joe Biden banned travel to eight African nations, conveniently forgetting that when President Donald Trump issued similar travel bans to China, candidate Biden accused Trump of xenophobia and racism. Other race baiters on the left are curiously silent now that it’s their guy stopping travel from countries that are predominantly black and brown.


There is reason to hope that all of this hysteria will amount to nothing.

According to The Hill: “The WHO cautioned in an update on Sunday that much remains unknown about the new variant.

“It is not yet clear whether Omicron is more transmissible (e.g., more easily spread from person to person) compared to other variants, including Delta,” the WHO said. “The number of people testing positive has risen in areas of South Africa affected by this variant, but epidemiologic studies are underway to understand if it is because of Omicron or other factors.”

Nevertheless, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, who loves tyranny every bit as much as her predecessor did, declared a new state of emergency, while conceding that the Empire State — heck, the U.S. — still hasn’t seen a single case of the “omicron” variant.

She took the opportunity to halt most elective surgeries beginning Dec. 3, in preparation for the onslaught. Cynics point out that her vaccine mandate for health care workers — one of the strictest in the nation — is putting the state’s medical systems in peril as workers who toiled throughout the pandemic are losing their jobs because they won’t get vaccinated.

Looks like Hochul may be using the new variant as a scapegoat for the crisis she’s created with her mandates.

Elective surgery bans are the sort of heavy-handed executive actions I argued against during the first set of lockdowns in 2020. Why should a governor have the power to meddle in medical procedures? Aren’t hospitals perfectly capable of halting elective surgeries if their facilities are overwhelmed? Does this order really need to come from Richmond or Albany?

In Virginia, Ralph Northam directed all hospitals to stop elective surgeries on March 25, 2020, and again on April 23 even though many facilities in the commonwealth were not at capacity and were nearly empty after his executive order.

Sweeping, one-size-fits-all orders like these result in suffering for folks who can’t get the surgeries they need. Remember, elective surgeries are not just face lifts and breast implants, they’re joint replacements, hysterectomies, hernia repairs, kidney stones, shoulder repairs, tonsillectomies and essentially any surgery that can be scheduled ahead of time.

Bans such as these are a toxic taste of government-run healthcare. If you like elected officials deciding whether or not you can get that painful knee replaced, keep electing Democrats.

Oh, and just in case Lame Duck Northam is thinking about a similar move, someone remind him that last time I checked there were 3,187 empty hospital beds in Virginia right now. That’s the highest number in months. Yesterday there were 955 deaths nationwide attributed to COVID. That’s the lowest in several months.

Maybe we should all calm down and face the fact that this coronavirus is going to be with us forever. And unless we’re all willing to have vaccines and boosters shots every few months we’re all going to catch it. Lockdowns won’t stop it. Neither will masks. Or travel bans.

It’s hard to take seriously health officials who still refuse to recommend a regimen that we KNOW will save lives. We’re 20 months into this pandemic and the CDC has yet to tell Americans to lose weight, exercise, get enough sleep and some sunshine every day to boost natural immunity.

Then again, the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t make money off of healthy life styles. Check the stock market prices of Moderna and Pfizer. Those were two stocks that were soaring on Friday, amidst a general sell-off.

Let’s all pause to realize just how lucky we are in Virginia. In just 47 days we’ll have Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who has promised no lockdowns or mandates.

We’ll no longer be a blue state with a lemming-like governor jumping into the race to stomp on civil liberties in one fruitless attempt after another to stop an unstoppable virus.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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51 responses to “Omigod, Omicron Is Coming!”

  1. HOW DARE you attack ‘Mr. Science’!!! Are we closing the Canadian border? What about the Southern border since many Africans have come across thru Mexico!

    1. I guess those Africans aren’t ‘black enough’ for China Joe. Remember what B. Obama said, “Don’t underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to f*^$# things up.”

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        The only thing Donald Trump did to combat the pandemic was green light Operation Warp Speed to deliver a vaccine that his supporters won’t take. 🤷‍♂️

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    The Angel of Death posts…

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      And the Ghost of Fearmongering replies…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well, what are you going to say?

  3. Will Kerry never tire of conspiracy theories? Hopefully, she did enjoy Thanksgiving with her new son-in-law.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      The Democratic Governor of New York did declare a state of emergency. Fauci did go on the Sunday morning talk shows to “pre-sell” more lockdowns.

      How are those facts a conspiracy?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Only if they are unnecessary. Fauci did say the travel lockdowns were ineffective.

      2. So you are willing to believe that a cabal of health officials are scaring people to take away their civil liberties? Are you interested in buying the Brooklyn Bridge? I will take medical advice from Dr. Fauci before Kerry on any day of the week.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Yes and include all the like-minded Kerry “thinkers” to boot.

          Fauci is probably “over-exposed” and the liberals love him and Conservatives can’t stand him but on the merits and the facts, he is aligned pretty much with most of the legitimate science that comes from credible and credentialed folks with the requisite academic knowledge and career experience, unlike the plethora of “smart” people who offer their views.. even though they lack academic background.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      This is her variant… omicron in her case is an anagram.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    Fauci – 80 years old.
    Biden – 79 years old.
    Pelosi – 81 years old.

    There needs to be a political expiration date.

    One can imagine all three, wearing Bermuda shorts, standing in the front yard, shaking their fists at clouds.

    It’s time for Fauci to retire.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      What should that age be, DJ…??? 75, perhaps…?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        70. Mandatory retirement age for non-flag military officers is 62. Flag officers is 64. Health professionals and chaplains can go to 68.

        Minimum age for president is 35.

        Lots of rules in the federal government.

        Why not for Fauci?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Well, I can get behind that… anything to knock Trump out…

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        One year older than their god, Trump. Preferably one year younger than DJ to my liking.

    2. how_it_works Avatar

      Welcome to the gerontocracy.

      1. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        Not so much as you might think. Total US percentage is about 16.5% and we are just over 21%. Aaaaand … we have lots of money! And … no snow shovels.

    3. read that Speaker Botox is retiring to Florida. Can the Gov deny entry?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I sure wouldn’t stay one more day than necessary in SanFrancisco.

      2. No tax on retirement income in FL Lots of taxes on pretty much everything in CA.

        It’s a no-brainer, so even she has figured it out.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Yep, him too … 79.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          What about a rule that if you’ve spent more than, say, 40 years in elected office, you are not eligible to run again for any elected office? (and have to go get a real job).

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    780,000 dead + >1000/day. Your appetite for death is voracious.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      But Kerry garnered 45 comments and counting… so mission accomplished…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Nothing more cocksure than an old woman. Wait.

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Listened to BBC on National Socialist Radio over the weekend. Hour long story about the worsened problems with cancer, HIV, TB, measles and other infectious or pernicious diseases because of the disruptions to the health care system, worst in the less-developed countries but evident everywhere. If not worse, the shutdown and panic “cure” has been every bit as bad as the disease. For a virus that still only kills a tiny, miniscule percentage of those infected unless aged or infirm already.

    But attacking Northam for what he has not done and may not do is shall we say premature? Biden is the one spreading undue panic. By the time Trump shut down travel to China, it was 90 days too late. Yet here we go again. This variant is here, well dispersed, and now competing with Delta.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “But attacking Northam for what he has not done and may not do is shall we say premature?”

      …or maybe “fear mongering”…??

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Shhh, it’s called “being prudent” when they do it.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    Who should I listen to – Kerry or attention whore, Anthony Fauci, Kerry or Biden, Kerry or tree stump..????

    Choices , choices….

  8. When I first heard about the Omicron variant and tracked down a story that gave details quoting the doctor who identified it, it was the NY Post. There was a piece on and the Post got their details from the Telegraph in the UK, which has a video of Dr. Coetzee, the doctor who discovered the variant, talking about how mild the symptoms are. “The patients are mostly complaining about a sore body and tiredness, extreme tiredness and we see it in the younger generation, it’s not the older people… We’re not talking about patients that might go straight to a hospital and be admitted,” Dr Angelique Coetzee said.” I almost forgot to mention the symptoms she observed only lasted a couple of days.

    This morning, we have the US media jumping on the WHO scare statements, putting the details of mild symptoms near the end of their stories, if at all, and pushing vaccinations–which may or may not have any effect on the new variant. Here’s hoping it continues to be much ado about nothing.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Remember, for most people the other variant symptoms were mild to nonexistent, i.e., asymptomatic . Just having an ID10T component of the population who won’t vaccinate makes this variant worrisome since the transmissivity will ensure a large surge in the extreme cases.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        If getting vaxxed prevents extreme cases then those unvaxxed people experiencing extreme cases have only themselves to blame.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yeah, their fault, all their fault. But, that 28-day hospital stay is paid by you.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            and those folks are also incubating (mutating) variants….

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            From a 2002 study…

            “Daily costs were greatest on intensive care unit day 1 (mechanical ventilation, 10,794 dollars; no mechanical ventilation, 6,667 dollars), decreased on day 2 (mechanical ventilation:, 4,796 dollars; no mechanical ventilation, 3,496 dollars), and became stable after day 3 (mechanical ventilation, 3,968 dollars; no mechanical ventilation, 3,184 dollars). ”


        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I, unlike you, would never single out any race for ridicule. They are equally ID10T.

      2. If it’s more transmissible, then more people, with or without vax, will get it without major impact and will then have natural immunity. There are no indications yet of Omicron extreme cases, even in unvaxed.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I don’t understand how you know how it will work – ahead of time.

          Aren’t you pre-supposing here?

          1. There are no indications yet of Omicron extreme cases, even in unvaxed.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            So far, yes. But that’s all we know at this point. Do you remember how the Delta variant played out in terms of what some thought early on versus what actually played out and even now we have folks who say natural immunity is just as good a vaxx immunity despite the science and data?

            Finally, when science gives assessments early on – and over time it turns out that their early assessments were not correct, they are accused of “lying”.

            Right now, we simply do not know and speculation as to how it will play out is premature for sure.

            It could well be this is a tempest in a teapot… or not…..

  9. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Make that 1,005 hours until His Excellency rents a U Haul.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Karen’s ignorance is on full display — AGAIN.

    Covid19 is going to be with us forever? Really Karen? Really, forever? Where’s SARS-COV1? MERS? Polio? Small Pox? Yellow fever? Oh, that’s right. They’re still around, some just in labs, but they don’t have an effect on willfully ignorant Karens because of vaccines and the mandated use thereof.

    Uh yep, some vaccinated someone did bring Covid19-omicron into Australia.

    Vaccines are not condoms, Karen. N95 masks are condoms. Vaccines don’t prevent infections. Vaccines prevent infections from being successful infections from the virus POV.

    The goal of vaccines is to train the immune system to mount a successful defense where success is defined on a broad spectrum of preventing viral loads that cause either;
    serious illness,
    mild illness,
    immune response symptoms,
    transmissible loads, and
    testable virus load.

    Even with the vaccine, Karen, you can, and will, get the virus inside your body if exposed without a mask. What the body does then depends on the immune system, whether trained by a vaccine or not.

    If you don’t like mask and vaccine mandates, partial and full shutdowns, and/or travel bans and restrictions, move from society. Move to, oh say, Alaska where you are more likely to be murdered than in any other State, and that includes Illinois, even with Chicago.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      you’re speaking actual science to a heathen…and they do re-produce….

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Oh well, it was a harsh, if not directed individually, response to those called “Karens” in general. Didn’t think it would survive.

        OAN, amazing how people, who should know better, cannot tell the difference between rate and probability.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar

      There sheer amount of ignorance you just displayed is frightening.

      1) SARS – only transmissible when patient exhibited symptoms. SARS-COV-2 not so much.
      2) MERS – still hanging around, we just don’t have the promulgators (Dromedary Camels) that they have in the Middle East, hence Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.
      3) Polio – while not prevalent in the US, it is still contracted world wide. Even with a highly effective vaccine available (most recently September 2021 in Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Tajikistan).
      4) Small Pox – eradicated thanks to vaccines, however the wonderful thing called moneypox still exists and is in the same genius, it’s prevalent in Africa.
      5) Yellow Fever – one thing is not like the others that you just tried to list, yellow fever still exists and it’s a byproduct of a mosquito bite. It’s not a virus, it’s an infection.

      N95 masks are not prophylactic’s, they don’t prevent disease they prevent spread when used properly.

      “Vaccines don’t prevent infections. Vaccines prevent infections from being successful infections from the virus POV.”

      Wow, just wow. Is all I can say to that garbage of a statement. It’s anti-science and wrong. Vaccines by definition prevent infection (invasion of the organism’s body tissue and replication), they prevent the virus from infecting in most cases.

      “The goal of vaccines is to train the immune system to mount a successful defense where success is defined on a broad spectrum of preventing viral loads that cause either;
      serious illness,
      mild illness,
      immune response symptoms,
      transmissible loads, and
      testable virus load.”

      Yep, no. You’re quoting the definition for the HIV vaccine.

      “Even with the vaccine, Karen, you can, and will, get the virus inside your body if exposed without a mask. What the body does then depends on the immune system, whether trained by a vaccine or not.”

      Yeah, that’s completely bollocks.

      “If you don’t like mask and vaccine mandates, partial and full shutdowns, and/or travel bans and restrictions, move from society. Move to, oh say, Alaska where you are more likely to be murdered than in any other State, and that includes Illinois, even with Chicago.”

      That is also false, the highest probability of murder in the US is Mississippi. Alaska doesn’t even break the top 10, Illinois does.

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