by Kerry Dougherty

He could barely contain his glee. He was positively giddy.

I’m talking about White House medical advisor Anthony Fauci who held a press conference yesterday to declare that the long-awaited moment had arrived: We had our first confirmed case of the Covid omicron variant.


Now the government has an excuse — however flimsy — to institute more arbitrary rules and extend others all while quietly nudging governors to crack down on civil liberties just in time for the holidays.

No doubt Fauci would have preferred that the case arrive in Florida, the state with the lowest COVID rate in the country right now, so that Gov. Ron DeSantis could shoulder the blame.

Alas, it was in California, the blue state with some of the most stringent, stupid and relentless COVID restrictions.

Oh, well.

Fauci, who always lights up when the cameras are on, didn’t let that ruin his day and didn’t dwell on geography.

It’s worth noting that the Californian who tested positive had just returned from South Africa, was experiencing mild symptoms and was fully vaccinated.


That, of course, caused Fauci to remind everyone that vaccines are the best way to protect against this variant. Even though the CEO of Moderna has already said the vaccines probably offer little protection against this new variant.

But, sure. Whatever you say, boss.

Everything went well at the presser until a member of the press corps from Mozambique dared to ask why his country was included in Biden’s travel ban, even though they don’t have a single case of the new variant.

“There are zero cases of COVID — of Omicron in Zimbabwe, in Namibia, in Lesotho, in Mozambique,” Simon Ateba of Today News Africa pointed out. “What justifies imposing a travel ban on countries that have zero cases of the Omicron variant?”

Fauci gritted his teeth and tossed out one of his characteristic word salads.

“You know that’s a very good question and important question, and we did struggle with that,” Fauci answered. “But we wanted to see if we could buy time temporarily, so I do hope that this gets sorted out and lifted before it has any significant impact on your country.”

In other words, the Biden administration can’t tell one African country from another so they banned eight nations in the vicinity of South Africa even though the variant was found in just two.

Next question!

Naturally, the only White House reporter who reliably does his job — Peter Doocy of Fox News — asked the most glaringly obvious question: If all travelers to the U.S. need to show a negative COVID test before being admitted, what about the illegals pouring in over the southern border?

“As you advise the president about the possibility of new testing requirements for people coming into this country, does that include everybody?” Doocy asked Fauci.

“The answer is yes,” Fauci said. “Because you know that the new — the new regulation, if you want to call it that, is that anybody and everybody who’s coming into the country needs to get a test within 24 hours of getting on the plane to come here.”

“What about people who don’t take a plane — just these border crossers coming in in huge numbers,” Doocy asked.

“That’s a different issue,” Fauci shrugged.

Next question!

Actually, it’s not a different issue. It’s the same. It’s people entering the country from many different nations and fanning out to parts unknown without being tested or vaccinated. And Biden’s welcome mat has caused this problem to explode.

If this were really about public health, the first thing the president would have done would have been to close the border. But COVID regulations have always been about control and obedience to government. If they were truly following the science, Fauci and friends would acknowledge natural immunity instead of pretending it doesn’t exist.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that the Biden administration may ask those arriving in the U.S. (by plane, not on foot or wading across the Rio Grande) to produce a negative COVID test and then quarantine for seven days regardless of vaccination status.

That would be insane.

It’s estimated that 200,000 travelers arrive in the country every day on commercial airlines. That’s 1.4 million people a week.

How exactly would a seven-day quarantine for more than 1 million travelers be monitored? Will Biden set up detention centers, slap electronic ankle bracelets on folks, or simply use the honor system?

And what’s the point of getting vaccinated if quarantine rules apply to both the vaxxed and unvaxxed?

In other news, the president used the appearance of omicron to extend the transit and airline mask mandate until March, despite the fact that the air filtration systems on commercial airlines are so sophisticated that they render the cabin air about as clean as a surgical theater. Plus, the masking rules are making passengers a tad surly.

It may take an act of a new Congress to lift these useless mandates. The 2022 mid-terms are coming.

If it wasn’t clear before, it is now, that the administration has no plan to deal with COVID and that this virus doesn’t care about lockdowns and quarantines and masks.

One reporter did ask Fauci that if this new variant turns out to be highly transmissible but very mild — as the South African doctor who discovered it says it is — wouldn’t that be a good thing? It would confer natural immunity on its victims without making them terribly sick.

No, no no. That’s dangerous, Fauci snapped.

Next question!

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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29 responses to “Omicron: It’s Here!”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Theater of the Absurd has no final act.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You’re right. Karen will write again.

      1. And you will troll again.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          And, I will reel you in again. Who’s the carp?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            funny how trying to keep facts involved in discussions in BR is “trolling”, eh?

  2. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

    Fauci is the highest paid civil servant in the federal government, he is over 80, and in the eyes of many, he is compromised. Why is he hanging on? He’s not the indispensable man.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Man, he’s got survival skills! In his own press conference, Biden kept calling it omni-cron, mispronouncing the greek letter. He said it over and over, omnicron. Then Fauci got a question and without skipping a beat also said omnicron, hoping to avoid any embarrassment to the boss. Clearly, he knew better.

      Nobody should have been shocked when a case was confirmed in the U.S. Yet the market tanked, and I noted CNN was giving it the kind of coverage a new war might rate. Plenty just love this adrenalin rush. The “scariant” has been here for months, I betcha. Gottlieb yesterday said it looks much like something that was spotted a year ago, but never really spread. This is endemic now. Annual shots, effective anti-virals, slowly growing natual immunity. Adaptation is well along.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    The Angel of Death posts… but is silent on the reports that Typhoid Trump went to the Biden debate after testing positive for Covid and told no one about his results…

    “How exactly would a seven-day quarantine for more than 1 million travelers be monitored?”

    The same way they did it for months in Europe and Canada… never mind… I forgot that sane answers don’t get you the hits you want…

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Gee, if that worked so well, why are all those countries locking down yet again? Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. It is your folks who are meeting that definition, sorry. Fauci gave Trump bad advice and is repeating it to Biden. Amazing.

      And yes, there is insanity on all sides. South Africa has a 25% vaccination rate. What a shock that a new variant would take hold there. Yet the anti-vax effort rages on.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Another quippy post Herr Bonhoffer?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          It is usually a sign I am procrastinating…

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Intelligence is being able to see the differences between runs.

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Canada is not locked down, Mr. Haner. And the issue raised was how you could enforce the quarantine not one of effectiveness.

        BTW, Germany (still open) requires either a negative test result, proof of vaccination, or documentation proving their recovery from COVID-19. So even your premise is false.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Canada had some strict travel rules, stricter than here. Germany just ordered all the unvaccinated into House Arrest again. Nothing has really worked. Well, some islands have been successful, but it won’t hold forever. Fast or slow are the only choices: We vaccinated are still likely to get it, and the unvaccinated are asking for trouble. Damn good bug.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Ahh the UNVACCINATED under house arrest – well, yes, that is just good defense. BTW, only the unvaccinated who can’t prove prior recovery.

            Another btw, Travelers may enter France if they can show proof of vaccination, recovery, or a recent negative test result. Unvaccinated individuals arriving in France from green list countries must present a negative PCR or antigen test, or proof of recovery from COVID-19.

            Unvaccinated individuals from red list countries may enter France only for important purposes. They must take further COVID-19 tests and quarantine for 10 days.

            There is absolutely nothing new here and everything seems to be logical and well thought out to me.

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner


            More central than western, but parts of Europe and indeed getting quite tight.

  4. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    This seems to be an unduly harsh criticism. Fauci has a sterling reputation and we continue to deal with a virus for which there are many unknowns. And, it is well established that the federal bureaucracy is risk adverse. Time has not been on our side as variants keep popping up. What is the alternative that any of you would recommend?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No alternative. Just ride it out. Get the shots as advised. If in a vulnerable category, show extra care about contact with strangers or crowded places. Even if you think it is only a cold, be kind and isolate when you are sneezing and hacking or suspect you are coming down with something. You watch: Omicron will prove less virulent, as is usually the course with these viruses.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I sincerely hope you are correct, Mr. Haner. I think we are all watching closely and (excuse the pun) holding our breath…

        The big “news” from Kerry The Angel of Death… the media demands answers from Fauci and he replied ” we really don’t know yet”… but that headline does not produce clicks from the base… better to vilify…

        1. VaNavVet Avatar

          Not sure where “Kerry The Angel of Death” came from. All this time I thought that she was just a provocateur driving clicks to her site so as to boost the donations.

        2. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          “We really don’t know yet” hasn’t slowed down the Media Fearmongers playing to the base on the left, either. It has been a fascinating exercise from Day One.

          Since I am wasting my morning here….there’s this:

          “No doubt Fauci would have preferred that the case arrive in Florida, the state with the lowest COVID rate in the country right now, so that Gov. Ron DeSantis could shoulder the blame.”

          I checked again this morning. Looking at the death rates per capita in the various states, Florida is in the top ten. It had the delta wave early and looks good now, but a while back it was a good copy of NYC for a month or so. DeSantis deserves no special plaudits. Virginia under Northam has fared FAR better.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    Obviously the solution to fearmongering on the left is lies and conspiracy theories from the right. Pick your poison… oh wait….

  6. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    “In other words, the Biden administration can’t tell one African country from another so they banned eight nations in the vicinity of South Africa even though the variant was found in just two.”

    Viruses don’t obey country boundaries anymore than they do US state boundaries when propagating and I’m sure Kerry knows this. Right now we are relatively good in Florida but not too long ago we weren’t. We border on states that aren’t so well off. I also suspect different variants spread at possibly different rates.

    The sensible solution seems to be maximum vaccinations. Fauci means well and overall is usefull in the effort to fight the plague. Let’s at least give him an ear.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      John, I was curious. Do you support your Governor’s approach to COVID?

      1. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        Partially. In getting vaccinated: Yes. In requiring mandates: Not so sure.

  7. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

    I am new to this, so I haven’t yet sorted it out. But I would like to know whether “Nancy Naive” has anything to say, anything at all. In this thread, she has (thus far) posted five times for a total of 7 sentences, none of them compound sentences. One of the posters, below, referred to her as a troll. I am not sure what a troll is, but since I was raised in the 1950’s, I can recognize a “know-it-all” when I see one.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      She is a “he”, and a troll is someone who posts inflammatory things mostly off topic to disrupt the discourse.

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