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Oh, That Changes Everything

Joe Morrissey with bride-to-be Myrna Pride and baby.

Former Del. Joe Morrissey, D-Henrico, is back in the news after a brief absence from the front pages while simultaneously serving in the General Assembly and serving work-release jail time for contributing to the deliquency of a minor, his 17-year-old receptionist. He is now living with the young woman, now 19, and their baby boy. Morrissey, 57, invited reporters over to say a few words, including these, as reported by the Times-Dispatch:

[Morrissey] said he was hurt by rumors that he had fathered three children with three different African-American women and that he had abandoned those children.

“That’s patently false,” he said. “All of it.”

In reality, Morrissey said, he has four children by four different women. Two of them are biracial, the other two are white.

As the saying goes, “Res ipsa loquitur” — the thing speaks for itself.


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