Oh Look! It’s Mock Jesus Night at the Ballpark.

by Kerry Dougherty

During a freak heat wave in April of 2022 I went to a Tides game. To our surprise, it was also “bark in the park” or bring-your-dog-to-the ballpark day.

The experience was Gothic.

It was so hot and blindingly bright that all of the dogs and their owners huddled in the shade on the concourse. The dogless had to weave their way through a herd of panting, miserable mutts just to get a hotdog.

Have you ever been in a ballpark, your feet resting on the seat in front of you, your scorecard on your lap and found yourself thinking that the only way the experience could be more sublime would be if you had your dog with you?

Me neither.

Dogs and baseball don’t go together.

Neither do drag queen nuns and baseball. But that’s what fans of the Dodgers are going to get if they’re foolish enough to buy tickets to the annual Pride game on June 16th.

A week ago the management of the Los Angeles team disinvited the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of drag queens who dress up like nuns and then mock Catholicism and Christianity to the game. Part of their show includes a “hunky Jesus” a guy in a loincloth who prances around parodying our Lord.

After the LGBTQ+ community howled in protest Dodger management backtracked. They issued an abject apology to the “sisters” this week and reinvited them.

Appparently, they were more worried about offending the drag community than the legions of Catholics who buy tickets or who suit up for the team. I went through the 40-man roster and found about 10 players with Hispanic surnames who were born in Mexico and Venezuela. I’d be willing to bet they’re all Catholics. Probably practicing. Does management care about offending them?

Nope. They’re on their knees offering mea culpas and begging for the forgiveness of drag queens.

After much thoughtful feedback from our diverse communities, honest conversations within the Los Angeles Dodgers organization and generous discussions with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. the Los Angeles Dodgers would like to offer our sincerest apologies to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, members of the LGBTQ+ community and their friends and families.

We have asked the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to take their place on the field at our 10th annual LGBTQ+ Pride Night on June 16th. We are pleased to share that they have agreed to receive the gratitude of our collective communities for the lifesaving work that they have done tirelessly for decades.

In the weeks ahead, we will continue to work with our LGBTO+ partners to better educate ourselves, find ways to strengthen the ties that bind and use our platform to support all of our fans who make up the diversity of the Dodgers family.

Stop, please. You’re humiliating yourselves.

I’m embarrassed for you. And I wouldn’t set foot in Dodger Stadium on June 16th.

Or any other day.

Just one question: would ever invite a group of drag queens making fun of Muslims and their prophet? Would anyone dare parody that religion?

We all know the answer.

Why are Christians fair game?

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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61 responses to “Oh Look! It’s Mock Jesus Night at the Ballpark.”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Drag queens making fun of Christians…? I guess the LA trans community figures turnaround is fair play… PLAY BALL!!

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Christians make fun of them; Muslims throw them from the tops of tall buildings.

      Yet who do they resent more?

      Go figure…

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Where in California have Muslims thrown a transsexual from a building…?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          I don’t remember the day but Koufax was pitching…

          1. WayneS Avatar

            The more I return to your comment the funnier it gets.

          2. WayneS Avatar

            The more I return to your comment the funnier it gets.

        2. Nathan Avatar

          Not only will Catholics be mocked at Dodger Stadium, it is likely that Christ will be as well.

          If the Dodger Stadium event were done to Muslims, there would be violence.

          Remember this?

          ‘Draw Muhammad’ Contest Shooting: Two Suspects Dead, Guard Shot in Texas

          Two gunmen were killed and a security guard was shot outside a “Draw Muhammad” contest in Garland, Texas, police told NBC News.


        3. WayneS Avatar

          That’s a rather closed-minded attitude you have there.

          I care about more than just the spoiled, wealthy, and privileged drag queens here in this country.

          I care about all drag queens.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So nowhere then… let’s broaden the inquiry… in the United States…? Of course, once you increase the geography to include Texas and Florida, we really see the anti-trans crowd step up their game…

          2. WayneS Avatar

            Yes, the Islamic anti-trans crowd:


            Countries where being LGBTQ+ is legally punishable by death:

            Saudi Arabia

            Not a single one of those countries is majority Christian. Nor are they majority Jewish. Not even majority Pagan. They are all, every one of them, majority Islamic.

            The fact is, compared to most of the rest of the world, this country is a paradise for LGBTQ+ people.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So because other countries are harsh on transsexuals, here the trans community should just smile and play the rube when Christians ridicule them or worse…

            Pretty much the definition of a non sequitur.

          4. WayneS Avatar

            1) They, and everyone else, need to learn to thicken their skin when being “ridiculed”.

            2) If people are hurting, physically assaulting, murdering, or otherwise performing illegal acts on/to “trans” people here in the United States, then those people need to be arrested, prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned.

            And what does this have to do with “trans” people anyway? The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are almost all gay men. And I don’t know if you know this or not, but they are not the same thing.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I suppose the “everyone else” would include Kerry and the poor ridiculed “Christians” then… hence my original comment that you have taken such issue with.

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I suppose the “everyone else” would include Kerry and the poor ridiculed “Christians” then… hence my original comment that you have taken such issue with.

          7. WayneS Avatar


            Are you straight on the difference between trans and gay?

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Intersting choice of words. Yes, I am. I did not research the “Sisters” though and simply assumed given the name…. and Kerry’s description:

            “A week ago the management of the Los Angeles team disinvited the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of drag queens who dress up like nuns and then mock Catholicism and Christianity to the game.”

            I also get that not all drag queens are transsexual nor necessarily gay.
            Nonetheless, the comment works with both communities…

          9. Martin Pal Avatar
            Martin Pal

            So you’re supporting the ridiculing of people?

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    As WayneS has pointed out, the Dodger organization is private and thus not bound by the First Amendment in this respect. From Kerry’s description of the organization and its “routine”, if the group was to perform at the stadium, then it should not have been invited. If the idea was that the group be on the field, with other such groups, during Pride Night, then there should be no problem inviting them.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      I got the impression they are to receive some kind of award, and that they will be performing. But I could be wrong.

      1. Martin Pal Avatar
        Martin Pal

        They will most likely be in drag, but no one performs anything at Dodger games except the National Anthem, throwing out the first pitch and the Mariachi Band on Taco Tuesdays! And anyone is free to pray the team wins.

  3. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    That is one problem with freedom of speech and the 14th amendment, you can’t discriminate I. Favor of good versus evil. Not that I embrace evil, but I would rather have free and undescriminated than the other like Hitler deciding who can and cannot live based on race. Or the Chinese government disallowing and killing those who voice disagreement.

    The problem here started when they invited the group to begin with. Very poor judgment. Most schools don’t like to rent their buildings to clubs. You allow Boy Scouts to meet, then you must also allow Satanic groups to meet. They teach you this in school law. Perhaps they missed business law 101. Now they pay the price.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I get your point. However, I think Kerry has a valid point as well …. “Just one question: Would ever [SIC] invite a group of drag queens making fun of Muslims and their prophet? Would anyone dare parody that religion?”

      Of course liberals would howl if people dressed up in Abaya mocked the prophet Mohammed. Or, if a White person showed up in blackface pretending to be a modern day Fredrick Douglass.

      But transsexuals dressed up as Catholic nuns is just fine and dandy.

      Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        This group provides life-saving services to a marginalized community that is not of the type that Kerry and her crowd embrace. As an aside it deals in satire of which religion has long been a staple. Compare this to the “Christians” that are vandalizing Target stores and threatening the employees.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Tell the employees of Charlie Hebdo about satire and religion. How did that work out for them?

        2. Nathan Avatar

          If any Christian does something bad, all are guilty, and deserving of public ridicule?

          Does that also work for Pro Choice advocates?

          Hunter College fired the art professor after she held a machete to the neck of a New York Post reporter and threatened to “chop you up.”

          The most remarkable aspect of the story may not be a professor brandishing a knife, but a college actually finding a basis to fire an activist academic.

          Hunter College, after all, had refused to fire Rodríguez after she trashed a pro-life table run by students.

          She is not the first academic to attack a pro-life display or even assault others.

          Indeed, prior professors were celebrated at their schools for taking such actions against pro-life or conservative displays.


          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Caution in reading (and crediting what appears in Murdoch’s NY Post). The author of the article is Jonathan Turley, an attorney and prof at GWU law school. Musta been in the Bronx on assignment. He writes in the article, “ Despite my disgust at these comments, I supported theses faculty as a matter of free speech.” But he did approve of the college’s firing of the prof at the center of the incidents. Go figure.

        3. Nathan Avatar

          “This group provides life-saving services to a marginalized community …”

          Good for them.

          Catholic Health Care in the United States

          CHA advances the Catholic health ministry of the United States in caring for people and communities. Comprised of more than 600 hospitals and 1,600 long-term care and other health facilities in all 50 states, the Catholic health ministry is the largest group of nonprofit health care providers in the nation. Every day, more than one in seven patients in the U.S. is cared for in a Catholic hospital.”


          1. Amazing Jesus America's King Avatar
            Amazing Jesus America’s King

            Amazing Grace!
            God IS Good.

            satan is a mimicking copycat

        4. Nathan Avatar

          I’ve looked at their site and don’t see that the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence provide any life saving services. What they appear to do is donate some of the money they receive to charities that they support.

          “Historically, The Sisters have given grants to under-funded, smaller organizations and projects providing direct services to our communities. The majority of these organizations and projects receive little, if any, government or main-stream funding and may be in the early stages of development. Our grants are typically $250 to $1,000.”


          1. VaNavVet Avatar

            These small grants can be life changing as this charity serves aids patients and helps to provide services such as suicide prevention and help to the homeless in the queer community.

      2. Nathan Avatar

        If the same were to be done to Muslims, the howling of liberals would be the least of it. People would likely be killed.

        Remember this?

        The Islamist gunmen who attacked the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo five years ago, killing 12 people, sought to avenge the Prophet Mohammad, a French court heard on Wednesday on the first day of the trial of more than a dozen alleged accomplices.


        1. Martin Pal Avatar
          Martin Pal

          LGBT+ people get mocked all the time, but I don’t see hordes of people condemning those things.

          1. Nathan Avatar

            I see you upvoted your own comment. That’s funny.

            Yes, some people do mock LGBT people, and others condemn it. That’s not the issue here. The article and my comments are about the Dodger Organization sponsoring and endorsing the mocking of Catholics and Christians.

            And if the Dodgers sponsored a mock LGBT night, or a mock Muslims night, I would object to that too.

            The issue for me is about time and place. Bacon’s Rebellion is a place to debate controversial topics. Baseball games shouldn’t be. In my view, sporting events serve society the best when they stay away from controversial issues and provide a venue for everyone to unwind and relax.

          2. Nathan Avatar

            I see you upvoted your own comment. That’s funny.

            Yes, some people do mock LGBT people, and others condemn it. That’s not the issue here. The article and my comments are about the Dodger Organization sponsoring and endorsing the mocking of Catholics and Christians.

            And if the Dodgers sponsored a mock LGBT night, or a mock Muslims night, I would object to that too.

            The issue for me is about time and place. Bacon’s Rebellion is a place to debate controversial topics. Baseball games shouldn’t be. In my view, sporting events serve society the best when they stay away from controversial issues and provide a venue for everyone to unwind and relax.

          3. Martin Pal Avatar
            Martin Pal

            I always upvote my comments because I don’t regret making them.

            Where you are wrong is that the Dodgers are not sponsoring and endorsing the mocking of Catholics and Christians. You really think that’s what’s happening? If so, you are the victim of incorrect thinking. Or just laziness. By saying that you aren’t even considering that there are LGBT people who are also Catholics and Christians.

            You see, that in itself if a demonization of gay people. Gay people are an easy target for those who want demonize something. I’ll refer back to the actual Catholic Nuns I wrote about who support the group being demonized and actually understand what they’re about. Now THAT’S something to be honored.

            You wrote: “In my view, sporting events serve society the best when they stay away from controversial issues and provide a venue for everyone to unwind and relax.”

            That’s a bit naive. The Olympics are one of the greatest sports events and they are, and always have been, controversial in so many ways. What you actually mean is that they should stay away from issues that you find controversial. I’ve been to a great deal of Dodger games over the years and I happened to be at the Pride Night game with the Mets last year that was sold out. I sat next to a Latino family. I sat next to Mets fans from NY who came to see a game there. Nobody who was there cared it was Pride night.

            I’ve been to the stadium when it’s been all sorts of different kinds of nights. The Dodgers honor someone or some folks from the military at every game.

            This year I read that David Archuleta will be singing the National Anthem on Pride NIght. A Mormon boy who came out of the closet this past year, known for American Idol is one doesn’t know. The Mormon church is famously not a fan of LGBT people (note CA’s Prop. 8) and I haven’t seen Mormons condemning this or Pride night at Dodger stadium.

            My general rule about religious or spiritual groups is that one should stay away from any of them that do not have a sense of humor. (Scientology has a notorious lack of humor.) This goes for politicians, too. Actually, it’s good rule of thumb to stay away from anyone or any group without any sense of humor.

      3. Martin Pal Avatar
        Martin Pal

        Obviously you are unaware that their are Muslim stand-up comics in the United States.

        Just for clarification, here are the standard dictionary definitions of liberalism and conservatism:

        Liberalism: 1.) willingness to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own; openness to new ideas. 2.) a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.

        Conservatism: 1.) commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation. 2.) the holding of political views that favor free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas.

        Both of these in moderation is optimal, but at present not in actuality.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      I get your point, but what do you think the reaction of the LGBTQ+ community would be if a troupe which makes fun of and parodies the LGBTQ+ community announced they were going to perform in a place of public accommodation?

      I am virtually certain it would be “free speech for me but not for thee”.

      On the other hand, Dodgers stadium was 100% privately funded, so the owners have the right to invite whomever they please to perform there.

      1. Nathan Avatar

        The Dodgers have the right to honor those who mock and ridicule Christians, and people of faith have every right to boycott and condemn them for doing it.

        I wish I could boycott them, but it’s hard to attend fewer games than the zero I normally attend.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          The Dodgers have the right to honor those who mock and ridicule Christians, and people of faith have every right to boycott and condemn them for doing it.

          Exactly. If enough people “Bud Light” them, they may decide differently next time.

        2. WayneS Avatar

          The Dodgers have the right to honor those who mock and ridicule Christians, and people of faith have every right to boycott and condemn them for doing it.

          Exactly. If enough people “Bud Light” them, they may decide differently next time.

          1. Martin Pal Avatar
            Martin Pal

            The meme out there that most everyone is spreading is that the Dodgers are honoring a group that mocks and ridicules Christians. So people believe that in toto and like an electric shock it spreads among everyone who accepts that as fact, reacts, and doesn’t think beyond that.

            1.) Do you think the Dodgers sat down and said “Let’s invite a group to Pride night that mocks and ridicules Catholics?” Be real. If you really wanted to know who the group is you’d know that it started when the Catholic church was demonizing LGBT people. So the group was formed to minister to those in the gay community who were being ostracized by the church and they chose to use religious imagery as a retaliation against that, but also to provide help, care and services to those who needed them.

            2.) Did you read the post I wrote about actual Catholic Nuns and what they had to say? It’s not at all demonizing. It’s welcoming, which is what a religion should be, and not demonizing like many leaders of the church are doing, simply because they found something to distract from the Catholic Church’s own problems. Judge not lest ye be judged.

            This groups performative imagery may be distrubing to some, but they really do a lot of good work and that is why they were getting the community service award on Pride night.

            And if this is the way people treat a group that does real good for people then the Catholic Church isn’t doing a very good job of things.

        3. Martin Pal Avatar
          Martin Pal

          As I first noted above, perhaps you should start a boycott of places like Party City and Amazon for their decades long selling of Sexy Nun Costumes, Sexy Priest outfits, Cardinal and Pope attire…etc. Why has that not been a thing to do? Is it because the Sisters group is mostly gay? In this whole brouhaha that group and their spokesman have been the kindest, most thoughtful, forgiving and levelheaded than any of their detractors. Tells me a lot.

        4. Martin Pal Avatar
          Martin Pal

          As I first noted above, perhaps you should start a boycott of places like Party City and Amazon for their decades long selling of Sexy Nun Costumes, Sexy Priest outfits, Cardinal and Pope attire…etc. Why has that not been a thing to do? Is it because the Sisters group is mostly gay? In this whole brouhaha that group and their spokesman have been the kindest, most thoughtful, forgiving and levelheaded than any of their detractors. Tells me a lot.

          1. Nathan Avatar

            You seem to have forgotten the context here. We’re talking about baseball games.

            When I lived in the LA area, I went to many Dodger games. I didn’t go there to make a statement for or against anyone’s sexual or gender preference. I went there to have a relaxing time with friends watching baseball.

            Additionally, baseball, and sports in general, is not the place to trash or promote anyone’s religion.

            In my view, inviting the Sisters was a mistake. It’s not unifying and its not baseball. I also happen to think Christian Faith and Family Day is a mistake. Not everyone who goes to baseball games is a Christian. I am, but I don’t go to baseball games for that.

            BTW – If someone wants to sell sexy nun or sexy priest outfits, I don’t give a crap. Who cares?

          2. Nathan Avatar

            You seem to have forgotten the context here. We’re talking about baseball games.

            When I lived in the LA area, I went to many Dodger games. I didn’t go there to make a statement for or against anyone’s sexual or gender preference. I went there to have a relaxing time with friends watching baseball.

            Additionally, baseball, and sports in general, is not the place to trash or promote anyone’s religion.

            In my view, inviting the Sisters was a mistake. It’s not unifying and its not baseball. I also happen to think Christian Faith and Family Day is a mistake. Not everyone who goes to baseball games is a Christian. I am, but I don’t go to baseball games for that.

            BTW – If someone wants to sell sexy nun or sexy priest outfits, I don’t give a crap. Who cares?

          3. Martin Pal Avatar
            Martin Pal

            Apparently the Catholic Church doesn’t care if people buy these costumes, but they do care that the Sisters group does. Why? What’s the difference except the people who buy the costumes are doiong it as cosplay and the Sisters is an actual organization that does charity work.

          4. Nathan Avatar

            Not true, and you have no basis for interpreting it that way.

          5. Martin Pal Avatar
            Martin Pal

            Explain what is true then.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      There are no First Amendment guarantees in privately owned Dodger Stadium.

      The Los Angeles Dodgers professional baseball team is owned by Guggenheim Baseball Management. The group is headed by financial services exec and attorney Mark Walter and includes investors such as Magic Johnson, Stan Kasten, Peter Guber, Bobby Patton, and Todd Boehly. Billie Jean King and her wife Ilana Kloss joined the ownership group in 2018.

      They hired those hateful people because they wanted to do so, then changed their minds momentarily, then did so again. It is not their right to make that business decision that is questioned, but its wisdom. I suspect they will find out about the wisdom from some of the 4 million Catholics in LA.

      1. Martin Pal Avatar
        Martin Pal

        I like people keep throwing around this and that idea about Catholics, when there are gay Catholics and those that support them.

    4. Martin Pal Avatar
      Martin Pal

      Kathleen, the problem didn’t start when they invited the group to begin with because they do charity work and raise funds for many worthy groups, organizations like hospitals and the like. The problem is that they were demonized from the start by those who have no idea of the good that they do. All most people know about them, or want to know, is that they dress up in drag and people just repeat the inaccuracies thrown about by those who “cast the first stone,” shall we say. One has to ask why people are so quick to judge and/or believe things without question.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Well, California was the land of fruits and nuts (not referring to produce) even before we moved back East in 1967, with my last Dodger home game at Chavez Ravine probably in 1966 (probably went with my Scout troop!). Embarrassment is hard to achieve there.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      1966 – great year … to be an Orioles fan. One of my first clear memories was watching my beloved Orioles stomp the Dodgers in the 1966 World Series.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Had to play hooky to catch some of those games… 🙂

  5. DJRippert Avatar

    Yet more managerial incompetence. First Bud Light, then Disney, then Target, now the Dodgers.

    There are a lot more Catholic baseball fans then there are transsexual Catholic-hating baseball fans.

    I have no idea what the Dodgers management is thinking in allowing people to openly mock a religion followed by a large percentage of the population. Even in LA LA land, how can that be a good business decision?

    1. Martin Pal Avatar
      Martin Pal

      You have no idea because Catholic groups and anti-LGBT folks have been spinning this as exactly what you wrote. Read my first post about what actual Catholic Nuns think of the group. If that doesn’t change your mind then you might ask yourself why?

  6. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Interestingly, the Dodgers dodged, reversed field, and re-issued the invitation to the Sisters after careful consideration. Free speech can sometimes be a bit painful like allowing the KKK to march.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Maybe they should have taken a lesson from the bishop…

    2. Nathan Avatar

      “Free speech can sometimes be a bit painful like allowing the KKK to march.”

      Sorry, that’s not comparable at all. The KKK was not invited, nor were they embraced as honored guests.

      If the Sisters just showed up, that would be different. Instead, the Dodgers are embracing and supporting anti-Catholic bigotry.

  7. Martin Pal Avatar
    Martin Pal

    It’s interesting that so many call the group that dress up as nuns as mocking the Catholic Faith, and yet for years and years you can buy Sexy Nun and Priest outfits at Party City. You can order all that plus sexy Pope and mock Cardinal costumes on Amazon without nary a peep from the church and it’s supporters. Wonder why? Is it because this group is gay? Otherwise, mock all you want, I guess.

    In any event, what do actual Catholic Nuns think of this group?

    “A Catholic Sister of the Holy Names in California said that she finds kindred spirits in the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence—both as fellow activists and in their commitment to acts of social justice. “We used to refer to them as the ‘corporal works of mercy,’” Jo’Ann De Quattro, S.N.J.M., told America. “They visit the sick, they feed the hungry, clothe the naked. So that’s good.”

    Sister De Quattro, 84, said she had been aware of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence for a while, “because I live in California,” where the organization has a visible presence. She was not offended by their costumes, she said, but she was unaware of what they did until this latest controversy. “I just thought they were trying to attract attention by their kind of outlandish garb,” she said.

    A retired activist herself—Sister De Quattro protested against U.S. military involvement in Central America in the 1980s, fought corporal punishment in California and advocated for a stronger social safety net for Californians—she said individuals rallying people around a cause do whatever they can to attract attention and donors. “You can’t do the corporal works without money,” she noted.

    As for the organizations pressuring the Dodgers to rescind the invitation, Sister De Quattro said their anger is misplaced. “For me, it’s about trying to embrace people who might be different from us,” she said. “Because Jesus said, ‘Come to the table.’ Not, ‘You don’t deserve a place at the table.’”

    Sister De Quattro said she and a group of sisters thought the Dodgers made a mistake in uninviting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, especially after they learned about their work supporting the L.G.B.T. community, people with H.I.V. and individuals struggling to get by. “I only wish that members of Congress would see fit to do the same thing, rather than cut social programs,” she said.”

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