Off to See the Mouse

Well, Wonkish Ones, I am departing today on the uniquely American hajj — the mandatory, once-in-a-lifetime trip with a 10-year-old to Disney World. I will be gone all next week. I may or may not have wireless Internet access, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to stay in touch.

But never fear, Ed Risse has promised two file a couple of posts, and Peter Galuszka has dangled the prospect of dropping a bombshell or two, time permitting. And, if you’re lucky, Norm Leahy will cross-post from Tertium Quids.

If any of you read Ed’s column, “Learning from the Mouse,” on Bacon’s Rebellion, you’ll know he’s referring to Disney World. I suspect that I’ll be far more interested in Disney’s transportation solutions than its jungle rides. With luck, I’ll be able to gather enough notes to submit a coherent column when I return.

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  1. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    Have a good time… though if EMR discussed with you what a mobility and access disaster the Mouse is.. you’d have to keep a stiff upper lip.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Mr. Bacon:

    Have a great trip!

    Mr. Gross:

    If you just took the time to read Dr. Risse’s columns instead of guessing what they said, you coumments would make a lot more sense.

    Anon Zeus

  3. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    Tongue in cheek – Zeus…

    though there does appear to be a double standard…

    apparently Disney is a wonderful place in Orlando but not so wonderful in NoVa…


  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Too repeat you have to start reading and not jumping to conclusions.

    According to Dr. Risse it is a matter of LOCATION and design.

    Just read “Chasing out the Mouse” column 4 Oct 2004 and “Learning From the Mouse” 25 Feb 2008 the second column that is part of “The Problem With Cars” rather that jumping to conclusions.


  5. Anonymous Avatar

    different stokes for different folks.

    A team of Clydesdales couldn’t drag me to that place, but have fun.


  6. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    I am contrite.

  7. Groveton Avatar


    You should be more “green”. I am disappointed. I understand your interest in seeing cartoon characters with a 10 year old. However, you could have accomplished the same by visiting the General Assembly – right there in Rich Mound. Maybe we need proposals for relating well known cartoon characters to Virginia state politicians. I’d start with Saslaw as Popeye. He seems to be constantly muttering something under his breath.

    Have fun.

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