ODU Professor Allyn Walker Put on Administrative Leave

by Kerry Dougherty

That didn’t take long.

Two days after Old Dominion University issued a tepid word salad supporting assistant professor Allyn Walker, who’s attempting to normalize pedophilia, the president of the university, Brian O. Hemphill, placed Walker on administrative leave.

Looks like the brass at ODU heard loud and clear from the parents, donors and students — you know, normal people — who are outraged that an assistant professor in the department of sociology and criminal justice is urging society to dignify pedophilia by referring to these freaks as “minor-attracted people” or MAPs.

This is the person — who uses they/them as pronouns – who’s been in the news for the past few days:


In a letter addressed to students, faculty and staff, Hemphill minced no words in his disapproval of the “research” performed by this assistant professor. His strongly worded missive stands in sharp contrast to that bizarre gibberish the university produced on Sunday essentially supporting Walker.

“Many individuals have shared with me the view that the phrase ‘minor-attracted people’ is inappropriate and should not be utilized as a euphemism for behavior that is illegal, morally unacceptable and profoundly damaging. It is important to call pedophilia what it is. As a father, I am troubled by this narrative and its potential consequences for my children and that of future generations.”

Well put, Dr. Hemphill.

Pedophilia is an abomination. It doesn’t deserve cute euphemisms concocted by a twisted cult trying to gain acceptance for increasingly abnormal behavior.

People who lust after children are sick. The notion that there should be no moral judgement attached to these creatures who prey on society’s most vulnerable members is repugnant.

Walker is gone. For now, at least.

Excellent news, indeed.

One more victory for parents and others who are pushing back against the left’s perverse influence in education.

Let the woke crowd howl.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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20 responses to “ODU Professor Allyn Walker Put on Administrative Leave”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    He isn’t gone. They’ll keep it quiet and bring him back.

    1. From the Virginian-Pilot: “The university said that reactions to Allyn Walker’s research have prompted concerns for Walker’s safety and that of the campus.”

      Interpret as you will.

      1. vicnicholls Avatar

        Uh huh, he’ll work from home.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Probability. There will be a clarifying statement about poor wording with some er and ah, and things will move on.

      Or, if the guy is irredeemable, he’ll leave for some school in Arkansas with crappy broadband service.

  2. I totally share Kerry’s revulsion of Walker’s attempt to normalize the aberrant sexual behavior of pedophilia. But….

    Everyone has a right to due process. Presumably, Walker enjoys certain rights as a tenured-track professor. Notice that “they” are being placed on administrative leave — not fired. It’s appropriate for Walker to undergo whatever administrative procedures exist at ODU. We should be sure to find out what happens next. Will Walker’s employment be terminated, or will “they” be quietly reinstated after the furor dies down?

    While Walker’s views are beyond the pale in the eyes of society at large, they may not be as nausea-inducing in the world of academia, sociology departments, or the academic LGBQT community. To some, Walker’s views might seem a little “out there” but not all that outrageous.

    How do you change that without engaging in a wholesale demolition of professors’ right to free speech and free expression?

    Remember, in their narrow little circle, many academics think our ideas are beyond the pale and, accordingly, often feel justified in canceling people who express views that they find abhorrent.

    What sets us apart from them in that regard? (Other than the fact that we’re right and they’re wrong?)

    If conservatives want to reform higher ed, we need to find answers to these questions.

    1. To reform the campus conservatives must return to college as ‘Professors of Practice’ upon retirement and teach from experience. Students crave such real world insights which tenured ivory tower idiots who have only read books to write about what they’ve read cannot give. That is why my classes are over registered 100-200%.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Depends on what he meant by “normal”. Within the bounds of civilized society? Questionable. Within bounds of physiological response? It’s cerainly a spectrum. Within the French Catholic churches? Oh boy.

    3. vicnicholls Avatar

      Reinstate. The “narrative” is hard line at ODU.

    4. What sets us apart from them in that regard?

      What sets me apart from them? Well, for starters, none of the ideas I have which they find ‘beyond the pale’ will ever result in the sexual abuse of children.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive


  4. tmtfairfax Avatar

    Everyone deserves due process. I’d even argue for protecting Derek Chauvin’s and journalists’ rights to due process. But due process doesn’t mean you win. Adults preying on children is both reprehensible and criminal.

  5. so our taxes are paying him to stay home in his bunny slippers and talk to his research subjects?

    And the left remains silent….

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      One of your congressmen is actually a pedophile and has been trafficking minors and the right remains silent…

      1. i haven’t seen those charges and investigation results. do you have a link to the charges?

        AND still no criticism of this so called prof, his efforts to ‘normalize’ his fetish, nor ODU.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Hmmm…. since that is now your standard, what criminal activity has this professor been charged with?

          1. no one ever said this ‘prof’ had committed a crime. you mentioned a congressman IS a pedophile – a descriptor which is applied after a court case. or did you mean to say he had been accused of being such? if so – what is the accusation? and from whom?

            this prof did say that this controversy is an attack on the LGBTQ community – -does this prof think all in that community is a pedophile?

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You demand criticism from me of a professor in a backwater university who has been accused of saying controversial things about pedophiles and has done nothing illegal. You demand that I take a stand yet you will not take a stand against an actual pedophile and sexual predator who is a standing Republican member of Congress because official charges have not yet been filed. So my answer to you is … you first…

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    And yet Gaetz is still in Congress…

  7. Merchantseamen Avatar

    How did this creepy character attain an Assistant Professorship in the first place. He, thee, they, zot, looks and sounds like a 12 year female/girl. Oh my I said it. Well no one must complains becasue have announced my preferred pronoun…..Let go Brandon. Thank you….Thank you very much.

  8. AcademicFreedom Matters Avatar
    AcademicFreedom Matters

    Pretty rich for people that decry “cancel culture” and praise academic freedom. ODU is in violation of Walker’s 1st amendment rights. Plain and simple. The whole premise of this outcry is BS. Their work keeps kids safer by preventing pedos from ever offending in the first place. Sure, it’s an uncomfortable topic–and thats why they study it and not me. Misrepresenting their work doesn’t make anyone safer. Spare us the faux outrage and pearl clutching and read up on their work if you actually care.

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