Odd Behavior by a Loudoun County Teachers / Parents Group

by DJ RippertAuthor’s note.

There is a story circulating about a private Facebook group focused on Loudoun County schools that is keeping an “enemies list” of people opposed to Critical Race Theory (CRT) as it is being used in the Loudoun County Public Schools. The members of the group reportedly include teachers, parents, school board members and at least one prosecutor. Some within the group have reportedly gone so far as to seek hackers to compromise the websites of groups opposing CRT in Loudoun County.

I initially picked up this story from an article in The Bull Elephant written by Jeanine Martin. The story was titled, “Loudoun County teachers plot war of harassment against parents and others who disagree with racial curriculum.”  That article, published Tuesday, relied on information from Townhall.com and The Daily Wire. I was not sufficiently confident in those sources to either ask for permission to repost Ms. Martin’s article or to write my own summary. However, the story continued to gain traction yesterday and today in the conservative media  Fox News and The Washington Times have picked up on the story. Finally, there is a direct quote attributed to a spokesman for the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office (Kraig Troxell) stating, “The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office is aware of the situation and the information has been forwarded to our criminal investigations division to review the matter.” Given that, I believe there is something going on that merits the attention of Bacon’s Rebellion readers.

Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County. That’s the name of a private Facebook group with a reported 624 members. In and of itself that would be of no consequence. However, The Daily Wire claims to be in possession of material from that group which is fairly explosive. One of the group’s participants, a former teacher named Beth Barts, was elected to the school board in 2019. Ms Barts has been so outspoken in her defense of CRT and her disdain for those who disagree that she has been censured by her colleagues on the school board and temporarily removed from committee assignments. The Daily Wire documented Barts’ goals for the Anti-Racist Facebook group using materials from the group it claims to possess. To wit:

“I wanted to share that I’m very concerned that the [anti-] CRT movement for lack of better word is gaining support,” Barts wrote to the “anti-racist” Facebook group March 12. She said she hoped to “call out statements and actions that undermine our stated plan to end systemic racism.”

And now it gets interesting.

Bart’s call to action prompted a response from a local Loudoun mother who detailed what she hoped the members of the Anti-Racist Facebook group could accomplish (again, from The Daily Wire):

“This is a call for volunteers to combat the anti-CRT activities of the P.A.C.T. folks, the stoplcpscrt website, and the like. Looking for folks who are interested in volunteering to organize, lead, execute, and donate regarding the following points:

  • Gather information (community mailing lists, list of folks who are in charge of the anti-CRT movement, lists of local lawmakers/folks in charge)
  • Infiltrate (create fake online profiles and join these groups to collect and communicate information, hackers who can either shut down their websites or redirect them to pro-CRT/anti-racist informational webpages)
  • Spread information (expose these people publicly, create online petitions, create counter-mailings)
  • Find a way to gather donations for these efforts. Volunteering is great, but these activities can be costly and not everyone has extra funds readily available”

From there, a retired Loudoun County Public Schools teacher and educational consultant to the district provided additional marching orders:

“Regarding the anti-CRT movement, we’d like to compile a document of all known actors and supporters. Please comment below with legal names of these individuals, area of residence and or school board Rep known, known accounts on social media, and any other info that you feel is relevant.”

One Adam-12.

As mentioned previously, the materials obtained by The Daily Wire have allegedly been turned over the criminal investigations division of the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Department.

My take. First, I am increasingly convinced that this story is real rather than “fake news.” However, I remain a bit suspicious of anything that is only reported by rightwing (or leftwing) outlets. Second, this would be a non-story if it were only some anonymous social media cowards kibitzing on a secret Facebook group. However, the fact that the group supposedly has teachers, school board members and prosecutors within its membership changes things. How is it reasonable for people in official positions to plot the hacking of websites, doxxing of those with whom they disagree and the compilation of Nixon-like “enemies lists”? It’s also my understanding that it is a crime in Virginia to encourage anyone to commit a felony (like hacking a website). This entire situation needs considerable attention and ongoing reporting from all Virginia media outlets, not just conservative organizations.

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26 responses to “Odd Behavior by a Loudoun County Teachers / Parents Group”

  1. RJ Hall Avatar

    So, you are skeptical about the story because no left-wing outlets are reporting it. Are you also skeptical about the Hunter Biden story? There are a myriad of accurate stories that CNN and other mainstream media outlets do not report. You’re going to have a hard time believing anything if that is your criteria.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I’m skeptical of anything carried by only one or two fringe media outlets – no matter if they are right or left. I’ve seen too many articles written based on fake news on both sides.

    2. Don gives right-wing media enough credence to report their findings in detail here. But I agree with him (a) that this story is potentially big enough that mainstream media should be reporting it, and (b) that it’s good to have news outlets with differing ideological biases to act as checks against one another. That’s basically our role here at Bacon’s Rebellion — to act as a check on Virginia’s mainstream media. But we’re not perfect, and I have no problem with people fact checking us or adding new perspectives.

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Don the Ripper,

    I keep telling people this and no one takes me seriously. “Critical race theory” is small beer. What really matters is “Critical LIZARD Theory.” It is far more invasive and important.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Jim Morrison was The Lizard King. Jim Morrison graduated from high school in Alexandria, Va. I graduated from high school in Alexandria, Va. There are no known pictures of me until after Jim Morrison died.

      Form your own conclusions.



  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Soon enough it should be clear whether this is just social media bloviation or something real. If real, the targets will begin to feel the impact of efforts to punish them for their views.

  4. tmtfairfax Avatar

    If true and if pressure is put on the “bad people” with any involvement of the Loudoun County government and its officials, watch for suits against them under Section 1983 of the Civil Rights Act, violations of civil rights under color of state law. If I were a Loudoun County official, I would stay miles away from this one.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      There has already been that precedent with Phyllis Randall. Check out the ordinance they did against Del. Dave LaRock.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    More “boogeyman”.. stuff masquerading as “possible News”.

    This is what happens when folks reject mainstream media…” I heard this about this group and I don’t have any proof but I suspect something so pretty sure they’re quility”.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      And the quote from the Loudoun County Sheriff’s spokesman …. ?

      He’s generating fake news too?

      I thought QAnon was a conservative group.

      Sounds like you joined up.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Anytime you have FOX ‘news” , the Washington Examiner and social media “quoting” a Sheriff… let me see that actual quote…

        I say again. When “news” is social media and FOX is “covering”it, FOX does not exactly have an exemplary record of reporting facts instead of misinformation, disinformation and actually promoting outright conspriacy theories.

        don’t get your “facts” from social media nor FOX.

        1. Will you please point out where the Washington Examiner was mentioned in the article.

          Larry, you are what you accuse others of being.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            My bad – it was Washington Times –

            got similar issues as FOX and Examiner IMHO

            ” he Washington Times was founded on May 17, 1982, by Unification movement leader Sun Myung Moon and owned until 2010 by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate founded by Moon. It is currently owned by Operations Holdings, which is a part of the Unification movement.[4][5]

            Throughout its history, The Washington Times has been known for its conservative political stance,[6][7][8][9] supporting the policies of Republican presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump.[10][11]”

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    School officials are always saying that they would like for parents to be involved with the schools. It looks like the Loudoun school system has gotten involvement in spades! (A good example of the warning…Be careful of what you wish for.)

    There are loonies in both camps. It sounds like Beth Barts is the Amanda Chase of the Loudoun County School Board.

    Before everybody gets too excited, I just want to point out that the call for the CRT folks to infiltrate, hack, and harass the other side seems to have come from a single parent. There is no indication that this proposal has been taken up by others. If there is a prosecutor in the CRT group, as alleged, hopefully she has advised the group to not get carried away. By the way, I wonder if the Daily Wire has been selective in the materials it has turned over or reported on. Is it reporting just the juicy stuff and leaving out the replies from the other members telling the one person that she has gone too far?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      this is what happens when people get their “news” from social media. It’s rampant and some can’t seem to get enough of it. It’s like we’ve reverted to “tribes”.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Three different people were cited as calling for inappropriate action. However, there are 624 people in the secret group. So, who knows how many were in on it? In any regard, teachers as part of a secret Facebook group complaining about parents of their students who disagree with them looks bad.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        how much of it is actually true and not what someone “suspects”?

        are there any real Facts here or just insinuations?
        From some anonymous FB fools?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          The Daily Wire claims to have printouts of the actual postings to the Facebook group. A resident of Loudoun County has publicly described how he was named as one of the “enemies list”. The real question is as Dick Hall – Sizemore states … is this just a few disgraceful snippets from a large and rambling Facebook group or is the overall tenor of the group inappropriate?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            The Daily wire “claims” and someone else has “publically describe how he was named” ? Really? And we know this is the gospel truth how? Because he said so?

            These are genuine FB “facts”?

            The MSM IS biased, has been for decades….but FB as the fountain of truth, reality and facts? I’d say there is some serious gullibility going on. FB is a cesspool of false claims conspiracy theories and whatever else people can dream up and convince others to believe.

            Relying on FB for “facts” ? uh no.

          2. Larry, what you totally ignore in your response to Don is that he did NOT uncritically accept the Daily Wire’s claims as fact. He wants to see independent verification of its claims. He is acutely aware of the danger posed by relying upon journalism sources — and the Daily Wire material is reported by journalists hewing to traditional journalistic standards — that may be biased by ideology. The Daily Wire is an avowedly conservative publication, therefore, one should subject its reporting to critical analysis — but not dismiss it outright.

            Your approach, by contrast, is essentially to apply an ideological litmus test to the source of news. If a study, report, or news story originates from a conservative source, that is grounds in itself to dismiss anything it has to say, regardless of how factual or logically argued it is. You have created an impermeable world view that rejects any fact or argument that you find discomfiting.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well no James.

            The sources DJ cited are already known to engage in even worse than bias , outright lies and propaganda such that one would never take what they say as if it were true until proven not.

            The same is true of folks who blather on Twitter and FB. Taking what they say as true until proven otherwise is a fail.

            As bad as you say the MSM and WaPo is – and I concede it CAN be biased at times in some articles – it does not have a reputation the likes of the Daily Caller . It does not traffic in disinformation, misinformation and conspiracy theories so no person would take their stuff or FB stuff at face value.

            Private Groups on FB, are NOT “secret” groups… jeeze.. if they were “secret” how would we know they existed at all? Just speculate they do?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Just got around to reading the so-called Daily Wire.

            I cannot believe people are posting this stuff as if it is legitimate “news”. Geeze


    3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      One of the things hurting LCPS right now is a lack of leadership. Williams fled to Texas in January and the interim superintendent is really a human resources guy way out of his league. I have no confidence in the school boards ability to find the right person for what is now an impossible situation all across the district. Good ole Dr. Hatrick would have nipped all of this in the bud. He sure is missed. Hatrick had a good staff. His deputy Ned Waterhouse was extremely skilled at putting out fires before they turned into 6 alarm blazes.

  7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    If there is criminal activity with Anti Racist Parents of Loudoun facebook group I do not expect Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj to pick up the case. Hand picked and backed with $845,000 from the Soros Group. If Jim Plowman was still in that office something might be done, but he is a judge now. According to Loudoun parent Ian Prior, Biberaj was a member of this facebook group. You have to watch this interview at the 1:40 mark to pick up on this.

    PACT or Parents Against Critical Theory in Loudoun has raised $2,000 to fight back.

  8. Maritime Warrior Avatar
    Maritime Warrior

    Just wondering how much more you need to see here. Skepticism is one thing, but you are indulging these activities with too much largess.
    That’s always the problem with Journalists. They can’t believe when “their” side does wrong.

  9. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    lol…………………….quite the list you have there for your sources of “information”. My goodness…….starting with Jeanine herself. Yikes.

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