Bacon's Rebellion

Obama and Haiti on Memorial Day

As another Memorial Day comes to a close I find it noteworthy that most US troops will be leaving Haiti next Tuesday. A good synopsis of the situation can be found here.

The American response to the catastrophe in Haiti seems like a rare bit of good news amidst a background of oil leaks, recession, partisan health care debates, etc.

The Obama Administration performed admirably with regard to the situation in Haiti. Our armed forces, as usual, worked to perfection. We, as Americans, should be proud.

There are still worries in Haiti. The rainy season / hurricane season is approaching. Elections, which were deferred by the earthquake, still need to be held. Moreover, it will take many years of work before Haiti will be a fully functioning society again.

However, the Obama Administration proved that it could put the capabilities of the United States quickly to work on a massive humanitarian effort.

So, let me offer a “Well Done!” to President Obama and an even bigger “Well Done!” to the men and women of the United States military who directly participated in the Haitian relief effort.

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