Nyah, Nyah! Our Illegal Immigrants Are Smarter Than Yours!

Illegal immigrants in the Mid-Atlantic states (Maryland and Virginia) are different from illegals in other states — they tend to be better educated, they make more money, and they’re less likely to have slipped across the border illegally, maintains the Center for Immigration Studies. Summarizes the Washington Post:

The average household income for illegal immigrants is $45,748 nationally. In Maryland, it’s $58,061; in Virginia, $61,112. The findings may reflect the greater overall wealth of the two states: The average household income for native residents is $83,964 in Maryland and $79,524 in Virginia, compared with $66,952 nationwide.

The study suggests that a greater share of illegal immigrants in the Washington region are people who overstayed their entry visas rather than sneaked across the border, says Steven A. Camarota, who wrote the report. “People who overstay are more likely to be foreign students and guest workers who are more educated. People who cross the border illegally tend to be the least educated.”

That conforms with my personal experience. Some of the immigrants that I know personally entered the country legally, overstayed their visas illegally and melted into the population. Some have since obtained green cards. One married a U.S. citizen, thus becoming a U.S. citizen herself. Of course, the individuals I know best are of Brazilian or Caribbean origin. It’s difficult to “sneak across the border” when you arrive by airplane.

You can view the study here.

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6 responses to “Nyah, Nyah! Our Illegal Immigrants Are Smarter Than Yours!”

  1. Darrell -- Chesapeake Avatar
    Darrell — Chesapeake

    “The average household income for illegal immigrants is $45,748 nationally. In Maryland, it’s $58,061; in Virginia, $61,112.”

    What the article inadvertently shows is the disparity between NoVa and RoVa. Illegals make more per household in NoVa than the average legal household in the state’s second greatest economic engine, Hampton Roads.

    Yet another testament of the state’s failed economic development strategy.

  2. Paradox13VA Avatar

    Of course, the study was done by the Center for Immigration Studies which has been criticized in the past for data and methodologies that are biased towards the worst perspectives and consequences on immigration.

    We should take their general results with a heap of salt.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Here is the study itself.


    It must be recognized that most of the MSM tends be biased towards the BEST perspectives and consequences THAT COULD CONCEIVABLY OCCUR WHETHER LIKELY OR NOT on immigration and so should be taken with a heap of salt so take a look for yourself.

    Deena Flinchum

  4. NoToPhaseTwo Avatar

    Illegal immigrants in the Mid-Atlantic states (Maryland and Virginia) are different from illegals in other states — they tend to be better educated, they make more money, and they’re less likely to have slipped across the border illegally,

    Am I the only person that sees a problem with this statement?

  5. Jim Bacon Avatar

    There is no problem with the statement. Many immigrants came here legally and *stayed* here illegally. They didn’t sneak across the border — they arrived by airplane.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    ” Many immigrants came here legally and *stayed* here illegally. They didn’t sneak across the border — they arrived by airplane.”

    Including a number of the well-educated young men who brought us 9/11. I suspect that’s what notophasetwo is talking about.

    Deena Flinchum

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