Nursing Home Carnage Continues in Virginia

by Kerry Dougherty

With nursing home deaths in the news, perhaps you’re wondering how well the Rajah of Richmond — Ralph Northam — protected the commonwealth’s most vulnerable citizens.

The answer: Not well.

As of February 16, there have been 908 outbreaks in Virginia’s long-term care facilities and 3,147 COVID deaths.

That represents a whopping 52% of all 6,047 confirmed COVID fatalities in the Old Dominion. Yes, you read that correctly, more than half of all Virginia COVID deaths occurred in nursing homes.

That ought to be a scandal. Especially since the carnage continues. But it’s rarely mentioned at the governor’s pressers or in the media.

For instance, of the 20 confirmed COVID deaths recorded yesterday in Virginia, 18 were in nursing homes.

Yet executive order after executive order issued by the governor appeared to ignore nursing homes, while cracking down on random activities, such as farmers’ markets, mask-less 5-year-olds and campgrounds.

Yep, according to Executive Order 72, issued on December 10, patrons of Virginia’s outdoor farmers’ markets and campgrounds must wear masks at all times.

That sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

Is there any indication that campgrounds are breeding grounds for COVID? Of course not. No doubt Northam suddenly realized folks were having fun in RV parks and decided to put a damper on it.

Same goes for the ridiculous rule that slapped masks on the faces of 5-year-olds last fall. No data was presented to justify such a sweeping order. No evidence of science behind the decree. Perhaps Northam saw small children giggling in a supermarket aisle and decided to wipe those smiles off their little faces.

Likewise, curfews that demand Virginians remain in their homes from midnight to 5 a.m. do nothing to curb the nursing home slaughter. Neither does banning the sale of alcohol after 10 p.m. Or limiting social gatherings to just 10 people.

It’s almost as if the governor is issuing arbitrary rules that make life miserable for ordinary Virginians to avert our eyes from the one area that is getting clobbered by COVID: Long-term care facilities.

Beyond that, Northam’s edicts appeared to do nothing to stop the inevitable peaks and valleys of this pandemic. Virginia’s latest spike and now the decline in cases and deaths follow the same pattern of almost every other state, including those without mask mandates, curfews and where bars and schools are fully open.

Cases and deaths rose with the order in place. Now they’re declining with the order in place.

Originally, Executive Order 72 was set to expire on January 31. The governor merrily extended it until 11:59 p.m. on February 28th.

That needs to be the end of it.

In a state with 8.5 million people, Virginia has had 2,900 deaths outside of nursing homes. There are currently more than 7,000 empty hospital beds, ICUs are at 78% capacity and not a single hospital in the commonwealth is experiencing a shortage of PPE.

Enough with the paternalistic curfews, Prohibition-style booze rules and arbitrary crowd limits.

Do something about the nursing homes, Governor. Get vaccines in the arms of Virginians. Makes sure public schools open five days a week, now.

And let members of the general public weigh the risks of their own behavior and make their own decisions.

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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29 responses to “Nursing Home Carnage Continues in Virginia”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Why is all the responsibility for nursing home deaths being foisted upon Northam? Shouldn’t the owners and operators of nursing homes bear most of the responsibility? After all, they are the ones who have control over who comes and goes in those facilities. They could be testing staff frequently.

  2. djrippert Avatar

    Why is all the responsibility for nursing home deaths being foisted upon Northam?

    “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown” When King Ralph took on dictatorial power he also took on nearly unlimited liability.

    As Kerry’s article makes abundantly clear – it’s the residents of nursing homes who are disproportionately dying of COVID-19. So, why is Virginia vaccinating teachers until all the nursing home residents have been vaccinated?

    Why? Because my governor is an idiot. As a monarch King Ralph bears much similarity to King George III.

  3. Forget an Emmy. And the 2021 Oscar goes to…..?

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Fauci. Hands down….

      1. djrippert Avatar

        Ha. Fauci seems to be an honest broker who worked hard and did a very good job. Contrast that with Cuomo who was dishonest and did a very bad job.

        However, the Biden / Harris Administration has seen no reason to tell the truth even when they are corrected by Dr Fauci.

        Biden claimed there was no vaccination distribution.
        Fauci disputed Biden’s claim.
        Undeterred, Harris claimed two days ago there was no national distribution plan.

        It seems the Lieden Administration has its propaganda machine revving up.

        1. Fauci?

          The guy who said we have nothing to worry about and we should not wear masks?

          Now we should wear two masks?

          He is the highest paid Federal employee I believe. Been there since Noah’s flood.

          He enjoys the limelight more than doing his job. He needs to retire.

        2. KevinR. Avatar

          Fauci an honest broker?

          Fauci stated March 8 2020 that Americans did not need to worry, did not need and should NOT wear masks.. and said they would not keep you safe.

  4. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    So, that nursing home population was the focus for vaccines from day one, now more than two months ago. The state’s website indicates there is a separate federal allocation directly to them (the program with CVS and Walgreens, presumably.) Based on my observation, in this last wave the deaths were skewed even higher into the upper age groups (90% over 60 now.) Are residents and staff refusing the vaccines? VDH tracking indicates about 35 NEW outbreaks in nursing homes since the end of January (six weeks into the vaccine campaign.)

    Overall, Virginia remains at the lower end of the list of “deaths per capita” among the states, so perhaps that reflects lower impacts outside the nursing homes. Perhaps it is not that the nursing home issues are worse here, but the rest of the population is doing so much better than most other states. Looking at VA versus other states does not indicate failure on Virginia’s part. The whining about the masks has long gotten boring.

  5. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    So, that nursing home population was the focus for vaccines from day one, now more than two months ago. The state’s website indicates there is a separate federal allocation directly to them (the program with CVS and Walgreens, presumably.) Based on my observation, in this last wave the deaths were skewed even higher into the upper age groups (90% over 60 now.) Are residents and staff refusing the vaccines? VDH tracking indicates about 35 NEW outbreaks in nursing homes since the end of January (six weeks into the vaccine campaign.)

    Overall, Virginia remains at the lower end of the list of “deaths per capita” among the states, so perhaps that reflects lower impacts outside the nursing homes. Perhaps it is not that the nursing home issues are worse here, but the rest of the population is doing so much better than most other states. Looking at VA versus other states does not indicate failure on Virginia’s part. The whining about the masks has long gotten boring.

  6. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Is Orangeman-Bad literally killing the ederly himself or is this just a continuation of this being his figurative handiwork?
    For Equity’s sake I can only hope the death toll is heavy on the NonPOC end.

  7. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Is Orangeman-Bad literally killing the ederly himself or is this just a continuation of this being his figurative handiwork?
    For Equity’s sake I can only hope the death toll is heavy on the NonPOC end.

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    If not mistaken, a large number of long term care workers will not get covid shots. Am I wrong?

    gonna fire them ?

    uh huh….

    Northam is not covered in glory, true, but he’s got LOTS of company including Cuomo and I hear – Maryland also…

    Somewhere, way back in grade school – there was a teacher who likely wnet home every night tearing her hair out – Kerry’s teacher.

  9. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Why is all the responsibility for nursing home deaths being foisted upon Northam? Shouldn’t the owners and operators of nursing homes bear most of the responsibility? After all, they are the ones who have control over who comes and goes in those facilities. They could be testing staff frequently.

  10. Policy Student Avatar
    Policy Student

    I made this point previously but it bears repeating: Some LTC facilities function as covid wards. They dedicate entire buildings or wings to covid-positive hospital transfers (patients arriving with severe covid). It is not a “scandal” to relieve ICU beds, isolate the sick from society, or to treat (and in some cases bury) patients that no-one else wants. Do some outbreaks reflect public policy failings? Probably. But context is everything.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Ok, maybe so. Can you please list a few nursing homes (not just LTC facilities) in Virginia that have had some of their space (buildings, wings, etc) converted to COVID-19 wards? Thanks.

      1. Policy Student Avatar
        Policy Student

        The term “nursing home” is a bit tricky because it means different things to different people. I most recently looked at “nursing” facilities. These offer high-level care, the sort Medicare might pay for. I did not request their permission to disclose whether or not they are covid-patient focused right now, sorry.

        1. djrippert Avatar

          Ok. The issue, obviously, is that (by a huge margin) age is the primary determinant for who dies from COVID-19 and who does not. Any mixing of known COVID positive patients with congregate living situations of elderly people seems beyond questionable.

  11. Policy Student Avatar
    Policy Student

    I made this point previously but it bears repeating: Some LTC facilities function as covid wards. They dedicate entire buildings or wings to covid-positive hospital transfers (patients arriving with severe covid). It is not a “scandal” to relieve ICU beds, isolate the sick from society, or to treat (and in some cases bury) patients that no-one else wants. Do some outbreaks reflect public policy failings? Probably. But context is everything.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Ok, maybe so. Can you please list a few nursing homes (not just LTC facilities) in Virginia that have had some of their space (buildings, wings, etc) converted to COVID-19 wards? Thanks.

      1. Policy Student Avatar
        Policy Student

        The term “nursing home” is a bit tricky because it means different things to different people. I most recently looked at “nursing” facilities. These offer high-level care, the sort Medicare might pay for. I did not request their permission to disclose whether or not they are covid-patient focused right now, sorry.

        1. djrippert Avatar

          Ok. The issue, obviously, is that (by a huge margin) age is the primary determinant for who dies from COVID-19 and who does not. Any mixing of known COVID positive patients with congregate living situations of elderly people seems beyond questionable.

  12. djrippert Avatar

    Why is all the responsibility for nursing home deaths being foisted upon Northam?

    “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown” When King Ralph took on dictatorial power he also took on nearly unlimited liability.

    As Kerry’s article makes abundantly clear – it’s the residents of nursing homes who are disproportionately dying of COVID-19. So, why is Virginia vaccinating teachers until all the nursing home residents have been vaccinated?

    Why? Because my governor is an idiot. As a monarch King Ralph bears much similarity to King George III.

  13. Forget an Emmy. And the 2021 Oscar goes to…..?

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Fauci. Hands down….

      1. djrippert Avatar

        Ha. Fauci seems to be an honest broker who worked hard and did a very good job. Contrast that with Cuomo who was dishonest and did a very bad job.

        However, the Biden / Harris Administration has seen no reason to tell the truth even when they are corrected by Dr Fauci.

        Biden claimed there was no vaccination distribution.
        Fauci disputed Biden’s claim.
        Undeterred, Harris claimed two days ago there was no national distribution plan.

        It seems the Lieden Administration has its propaganda machine revving up.

        1. Fauci?

          The guy who said we have nothing to worry about and we should not wear masks?

          Now we should wear two masks?

          He is the highest paid Federal employee I believe. Been there since Noah’s flood.

          He enjoys the limelight more than doing his job. He needs to retire.

  14. LarrytheG Avatar

    If not mistaken, a large number of long term care workers will not get covid shots. Am I wrong?

    gonna fire them ?

    uh huh….

    Northam is not covered in glory, true, but he’s got LOTS of company including Cuomo and I hear – Maryland also…

    Somewhere, way back in grade school – there was a teacher who likely wnet home every night tearing her hair out – Kerry’s teacher.

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