Now They’re Going After Lee’s Horse!

from The General’s Redoubt

Washington and Lee President William C. Dudley is hell-bent on eliminating all references to Robert E. Lee from the campus of W&L. And now that Lee has been almost completely erased, Dudley is going after Traveller.

That’s right. We’re not exaggerating! Robert E. Lee’s beloved equestrian companion, who served with Lee through some of our nation’s most historic battles, and who gave Lee much-needed comfort through afternoon rides in his post-war years in Lexington, is the latest victim of Dudley’s cancel campaign.

This is getting ridiculous. Let’s recap the actions that Dudley has orchestrated in his effort to purge W&L of any association with Lee:

  • Removed Lee’s portrait from Lee Chapel (along with the famous Charles Wilson Peale portrait of George Washington);
  • Removed the Lexington Garden Club plaque outside of Lee Chapel due to its reference to Lee;
  • Removed from Lee Chapel all plaques referencing Lee;
  • Initiated the practice of closing the gates in Lee Chapel to block the view of the Recumbent Statue;
  • Supported the movement to remove Lee’s name from Washington & Lee (which failed to pass the Board of Trustees);
  • Renamed Lee Chapel to University Chapel;
  • Removed the images of George Washington and Robert E. Lee from graduates’ diplomas;
  • Cancelled Founders’ Day;
  • Ordered the construction of a wall to permanently obscure the Recumbent Statue;
  • Removed two plaques in Payne Hall marking the location of Lee’s first office and the spot where Lee was sworn in as president of Washington College;
  • Removed the plaque from Traveller’s stall adjacent to the President’s house.

As if that’s not enough, Dudley now seeks to remove Traveller’s grave marker outside of Lee Chapel. For decades, this simple marker has been visited by children bearing apples for Lee’s horse, while other well-wishers have placed pennies on the site in recognition of the storied role that Traveller played in our nation’s history.

If Dudley’s goal is to rid W&L of Robert E. Lee once and for all, he should at least have the decency to be honest about it. Instead, he has conducted a mostly covert offensive, rarely inviting the input of alumni or other stakeholders.

We call upon the Board of Trustees to stop the insanity. Robert E. Lee’s place of honor on campus must be restored. The same goes for the horse he rode in on.

For more information, you can read the story from a special edition of The W&L Spectator.

The Generals Redoubt (TGR) is a non-partisan 501 (c) (3) organization that is not aligned with, nor supports, any political party, individual, or organization. 

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39 responses to “Now They’re Going After Lee’s Horse!”

  1. M. Purdy Avatar
    M. Purdy

    Hell’s Bells, not the hOrSE!!!

  2. HATERS only know how to hate and destroy

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Apparently, such respect didn’t come until 1971…

    “Traveller was initially buried behind the main buildings of the college, but was unearthed by persons unknown and his bones were bleached for exhibition in Rochester, New York, in 1875/1876. In 1907, Richmond journalist Joseph Bryan paid to have the bones mounted and returned to the college, named Washington and Lee University since Lee’s death, and they were displayed in the Brooks Museum in what is now Robinson Hall. The skeleton was periodically vandalized there by students who carved their initials in it for good luck. In 1929, the bones were moved to the museum in the basement of the University Chapel, where they stood for 30 years, deteriorating with exposure.

    Finally in 1971, Traveller’s remains were buried in a wooden box encased in concrete next to the chapel on the Washington and Lee campus…”

    Sorry, 1971 doesn’t make it stare decisis, now do it?

    1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      You are an SNL skit of a blindly Progressive apologist.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        And you’re the joke I tell.

        1971 is a little late to be erecting monuments to slavers or their horses.

        1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

          Proud of it👍

    2. Skep41 Avatar

      Our modern slavers, the Woke executives at companies like Apple who are making billions from Africans mining minerals up to their knees in water and Chinese locked in warehouse factories, are honored by you Progressive idiots. You vandalize our history and destroy our freedom on the altar of your secular Marxist religion which in a hundred years of existence has introduced an Orwellian human servitude that is worse than anything in the past.

  4. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    What will be next? Why not change the college name to Washington, oops, nevermind. The College of the Whose Names Shall Not be Spoken (below from Wayne S.)

    1. HEART of TEXAS Avatar
      HEART of TEXAS

      Voldemort U.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Well, if the sign and the small battle flag trigger you, Half T, that’s all I need to know about why they should stay.

      If indeed this is coming from the current W&L president, it is sad and pathetic that he is this petty, but when the crunch comes this is not one of the schools that is going to survive anyway. I’m surprised he doesn’t dig up the horse and burn the remains. Clearly he wants to to that to Lee, too. It won’t help. The history is just…there for all time.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well, I’ve seen more confederate flags at other monuments here in Va. It’s especially funny when they’re decorated for the 4th with alternating little CSA and USA flags. “A house divided…”, don’t ya know.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Or maybe that’s a symbol of a house reunited?

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Obviously, the headstone of a horse (just weird to even type that phrase) has become yet another symbol of the Lost Cause… not triggered just agreeing with eradication of the myth.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Or perhaps yet another symbol of woke excess run amuck.

        2. Grintsum Avatar

          If it’s a myth, then why are you so agitated by it?

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Here’s one to frost you over Eric. Traveller was the name given by Lee when he purchased the horse in the fall of 1861. Traveller’s name before that? Jeff Davis. Won numerous ribbons at the Lewisburg Virginia fair in 1859.

    3. WayneS Avatar

      What? Because he misspelled traveler?

      Please don’t be so rigid in your thinking. In the context of the horse’s name, the word was used as a proper noun, so the rules of spelling are flexible

  5. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    President Dudley is a petty, small person who doesn’t deserve to be president of any institution. It is a sad day indeed.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      My grandmother was a Dudley. Tis the D between my other two names. I don’t want to do the research and find out….

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive


        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          But at W&L it’s Dudley Dowrong.

  6. Sounds like President Dudley has been reading “1984” — not as a warning but as a training manual.

  7. WayneS Avatar

    Well, Traveller did fight for the confederacy. I don’t think he was a slave owner, though.

    Instead of removing Traveller’s grave marker, they could just scratch out Robert E. Lee’s name and replace it with He Whose Name Shall Not be Spoken (Except When Saying the Name of Our School).

  8. David Wojick Avatar
    David Wojick

    As a horseman I agree with Dudley. If you are going to erase the history of my honor you must include my horse.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Sort of goes with the phrase “… him and the horse he rode in on.”

  9. beachguy Avatar

    How about the “Lee” on the checks from their benefactors?

  10. Gundog Avatar

    Maybe Mr. Dudley can get fellow progressive, Taliban Mullah Omar (who similarly signed an edict to destroy all statuary in Afghanistan) to teach a course on Woke care of antiquities.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Uh, that was religious intolerance… unless you worship Alpo…

      1. Gundog Avatar

        It’s not bad fried.

  11. Turbocohen Avatar

    Honor is dead at W&L.

  12. Clearly, we are the most moral and perfect generation who has ever lived. There should be no visual reminders of anything that happened before yesterday.

  13. The sad thing is not that he (Dudley) did it, but that so many think there is virtue in doing it.

    Traveller had no choice in serving Gen Lee, and lacked the mental ability to make a moral decision. Holding him responsible in any way seems irrational.

    In any case, Traveller seems to have been a fine example of a horse, while Dudley is a fine example of a horses ass. Perhaps we could bury Dudley next to him (also without note).

  14. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    This is not a laughing matter. President Dudley promised when he was offered the job in January 2017 that he would uphold the traditions of W&L. He has proven to be an inveterate liar.

    Eradicating Robert E. Lee from W&L is despicable but expected from Dudley’s relentlessly Marxist perspective. Now he has to even remove any reference to Lee’s war horse? Dudley has no sense of decency.

    He needs to fired as soon as possible. How can the members of the W&L Board look themselves in the mirror each day?

    I am sure there are dozens of relentlessly leftist universities in the Northeast or West Coast that would love to hire Dudley. I suggest he fire up his resume, mass mail it to potential new colleges, and leave before the Board finally summons up the guts to fire his sorry ass.

  15. Skep41 Avatar

    Stalinists rename.
    Washington & Lee University will soon be renamed The George Floyd Center For Correct Thought.
    You mention our nation’s ‘history’… but what has been more of a target to these communist iconoclasts than our nation’s history, especially if it is symbolized by compelling works of art?
    In case you havent noticed, the grads of these ‘Top-Notch Universities’ are astonishingly ignorant of history (few would be able to pass a third-grade history test from the 1960s) and have the artistic taste of drunken troglodytes. Few read books or do anything interesting.
    A generation of Stalinist apparatchiks needs no fables of loyal horses or noble generals… they will be guided by what they are told to think on the internet.

  16. Skep41 Avatar

    Stalinists rename.
    Washington & Lee University will soon be renamed The George Floyd Center For Correct Thought.
    You mention our nation’s ‘history’… but what has been more of a target to these communist iconoclasts than our nation’s history, especially if it is symbolized by compelling works of art?
    In case you havent noticed, the grads of these ‘Top-Notch Universities’ are astonishingly ignorant of history (few would be able to pass a third-grade history test from the 1960s) and have the artistic taste of drunken troglodytes. Few read books or do anything interesting.
    A generation of Stalinist apparatchiks needs no fables of loyal horses or noble generals… they will be guided by what they are told to think on the internet.

  17. jguy1957 Avatar

    My sons are in their 30s and I had them do Trade Schools and they make 6 figures. It is clear that Colleges are nothing like when me and my wife went in the mid 70s. Nobody should go to these Colleges that are too far left like Washington and Lee and let them fail.

  18. minute57 Avatar

    Probably the best way to express your distaste and intolerance for anything associated with Robert E Lee would be to resign from your position there, Mr Dudley.

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