NoVa Transit Study Now Online

The McDonnell administration has released its “Transit/TDM Vision Plan” for Northern Virginia. The document projects population, employment and traffic trends for the region through 2040 and recommends investments in transit-oriented  and TDM (transportation demand management) to accommodate the changes.

I’ve got a lot on my plate right now, so I don’t know if I’ll get a chance to review the study or not. A big concern I expressed in a previous post was the utility of making 30-year population, employment and transportation-demand projections based upon past trends that in my humble opinion are not likely to continue on the same trajectory.


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One response to “NoVa Transit Study Now Online”

  1. re: 30 year projections…

    roger that – ESPECIALLY since transit and other transpo projects can take almost that long to go from paper to operation.

    that sort of argues that planning and projections as bad as they might be have even bleaker alternatives.

    Of course the Smart Growth folks will tell you (and I would agree) that when you build a transit line – it actually drives development and especially geographic allocation of development.

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