Note to Readers: BR Website Upgrade

Bacon’s Rebellion

is in the midst of a website upgrade, and some issues are cropping up that didn’t appear on our test site. Please bear with us as we work through them.

WordPress is no longer supporting the design/layout theme we were using, Coraline, with the result that functionality and security are expected to degrade over time. Additionally, years of accumulated dreck in the back end of WordPress have been slowing down page download times. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and upgrade to a new theme and clear out the dreck. The look and feel is similar to the old Bacon’s Rebellion. Hopefully, download speeds will improve. Comments, which reside on a Disqus platform, should not be affected.

Let me know if you spot any issues.

Thanks to modest advertising and a loyal corps of readers who contribute through the donation button, Bacon’s Rebellion covers its ongoing expenses for web hosting, registrations, security, and a variety of web-related subscriptions. However, the cost of making a major overhaul to the website comes out of my own pocket. I don’t make a dime from the blog, and neither do our regular contributors (Steve Haner and Dick Hall-Sizemore), proofreader (Janice Stewart), or comments monitor (Carol Bova). We all volunteer our time to bring the blog to you.

I have rarely, if ever, asked readers to donate to the blog. Having nearly drained the Bacon’s Rebellion bank account dry, I’m making an exception this year. I would like to continue making upgrades to improve the reader experience. Advertisers offer to pay us to post content on Bacon’s Rebellion, but I refuse to lower our editorial standards. Unlike some Virginia news sites, we don’t tap into wealthy foundations for funding. We are beholden to no one but you. Please support independent journalism and commentary in Virginia by chipping in a few bucks. The donate button is in the upper left-hand corner of the blog.

Many thanks. Jim Bacon

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10 responses to “Note to Readers: BR Website Upgrade”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    i like the new look.

    1. Rafaelo Avatar

      Me too.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It feels more, I dunno, uncluttered, black and white. Kinda like a mid century modern among a lot of colonial 4-up, 4-down.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I was going to say the new look is more aesthetically pleasing. Then I saw NN said it…
    I still say it!
    Bacon's Rebellion is a uniter!

  3. Marty Chapman Avatar
    Marty Chapman

    Perhaps some of the more frequent commentors could contribute content or be limited to 10 free comments per month and charged a nominal fee thereafter.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    is there a "suggested" donation? range?

  5. WayneS Avatar

    I also like the new look.

  6. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    I notice the liberal spam is still popping up in the comments.

  7. Rafaelo Avatar

    After the interweb killed newsprint-news, some papers went online and nonprofit.

    A 501(c)(3): eligible for grant funding, and donations tax deductible.

    Like a think tank.

    Bacon's Rebellion might consider it. Because "a penny for your thoughts" otherwise is not a dependable business model.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      such an arrangement, I fear, would have a pretty good chance of turning BR into an echo chamber. I suspect JAB realizes that.

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