Last night I took down a post that published the text of a letter from a parent unhappy with the drift toward wokeness of a prestigious Atlanta, Ga., prep school. I did so at the request of the author’s ex-husband who was distraught at the potential impact on their children should the existence of the letter become common knowledge in the student body. Our nation’s culture wars are ugly enough as they are. I have no desire to inflict collateral damage on innocents. — JAB

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12 responses to “Note on Deleted Post”

  1. Michael Phelps Avatar
    Michael Phelps

    That his worry has legs goes to the root of the wokeness/pc way of looking at life. 🙁

  2. Well done JB…… at least someone is looking out for the regular people against the wokenestas.


    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive


  3. DJRippert Avatar

    Unless you received the letter through unsavory means I am surprised that you took it down. If the author sent you the letter I am unsure why you would let the author’s ex-husband censor his former wife and censor you.

    The Westminster Schools have a long history of controversy.

    In 2014 they were sued for firing older, white teachers.

    In May a 5 page letter was sent to the board of trustees and community of the Westminster Schools addressing many of the issues raised in the letter you took down. It was signed by “The No Longer Silent Majority.”

    This was newsworthy.

  4. Publius Avatar

    As a matter of decency, taking it down was correct. And that shows a number of other problems. First, the fear of the woke mob. Second, broken homes. Mom wrote the letter and said she is a single Mom. So she presumably has custody of the boy most of the time. Dad fears the consequences from the student body (and maybe in his business world). A unified front from Mom and Dad would have been better. We liberalized divorce laws and we have accepted illegitimacy. Maybe those were bad policy decisions…
    Now it’s time for Larry to cite Norwegian illegitimacy rates, etc, which still begs the point – an intact family unit is society’s best organizing model.

    And Mom’s criticisms were valid – I have a teacher friend there – Sometime prior to 2010 (I think fairly recently before that) – the teacher was put in the penalty box for making an anti-abortion comment. So the New Age, globalist/universalist, anti-Christian straying from Christian doctrine has been going on for a while…

    And just to cut off the usual stupidity from Larry, NN and Troll – it’s a private company! The teacher needed to stick to the subject! It is a school. Comments from the other direction are spoken and tolerated without teacher punishment, even when they are far from their subject. People are supposed to be in relationships with rational discourse encouraged – that is how you pursue truth. But when you punish only one side… Also, if the teacher strayed from the subject all the time, then presumably it would show as bad outcomes and you would fire the teacher. Free speech and the open exchange of ideas…such a crazy concept! And change schools…yeah, but why let others take it over? Why not fight to preserve it? Why does the Left have the right to destroy good things? Is it OK to fight back, or must we just surrender to your supposed superiority?

  5. Steve Gillispie Avatar
    Steve Gillispie

    I am sure it was a difficult decision. Did you consult the author? If not, I am amazed at your decision. By siding with a divorced spouse to cancel his ex, you persuade yourself you are not creating collateral damage?

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Whew! I thought for a moment there you might’ve gotten a “cease & desist” letter from the school’s attorneys. You know, these private corporations are becoming emboldened by these lawsuits by Dominion Voting. Public institutions have to take it. Private institutions don’t.

  7. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    You are to be commended for being mature and responsible.

  8. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    Baron Trump will be attending Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach County which I can assume is far from woke. Maybe a good school for your parent’s child.

  9. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Kinda proves the original point of the letter, doesn’t it?

  10. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Good call.

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