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‘not mark warner’

The Kaine campaign is ‘not mark warner’ — Because sources say Gov. Warner is very disappointed with Kaine’s effort — and there’s noticable separation with them. I’ve been told Warner no longer wants to be associated with Tim Kaine’s campaign.

A politico buddy shares the sense that Warner isn’t keen on Kaine. But he says the Dog’s source seems to make the separation official. And harsh. The truth hurts… and sometimes draws emotional responses.

Today, the Blue Dog and others have checked out John Behan’s Salem posting and the one on Commonwealth Commonsense, there’s quite a storm brewing over on the wires today. Think anyone in the Kaine campaign, or Democratic Leadership is paying attention?

Kilgore’s campaign manager, Ken Hutchesen traded emails with the Blue Dog concerning the latest in campaign fodder.

Hutch wrote, “I have not heard the Mark Warner tidbit you referenced, but I will say the Kaine presence across VA this weekend was dismal. We had some to significant presence at 137 events around the state and all but a handful had no discernable Kaine presence.”

“In fact, the big showdown in NOVA never took place—the Kaine folks barely had a presence in the 2 biggest parades of Monday.”

Commonwealth Conservative » Tim Kaine’s meltdown — UPDATED
I’ve had a few emails about Tim Kaine’s unpleasant experience Saturday at the Salem Fair, so I thought I’d see if any of our readers witnessed the scene. Evidently, the entire fair was covered in Jerry Kilgore signs and balloons, and Marty Kilgore was there for 5 hours. My sources say that Kaine showed up at 4:30, after saying he would be there at 3:30 — and that’s when the drama began. For starters Kaine was an hour late, and he had a 5PM event scheduled elsewhere, so he was just stopping by the Fair for twenty minutes or so. But when he saw that there were no Kaine signs anywhere, he proceeded to lay into his staff at the fair so loudly and viciously — I’m told he was cursing — that even bystanders could hear it (a couple of whom contacted me, saying that people were startled by it). Sounds like a public meltdown, and a bad time for the Kaine campaign. It really does seem like that campaign has been in a slow burn for a while. The ship is sinking. Were any of you at the Salem Fair at that time?

Commonwealth Commonsense: Passion from Kaine
As evidenced by one of the comments, organization, or lack thereof, for both campaignsis spotty. But I wonder if it’s time for some heads to roll in the Kaine campaign. The candidate certainly seems exercised about it. If the status quo remains, how can we be sure he’ll have a sense of urgency once elected?

The Cherry on the GOP Cake: It looks like Howard Dean’s minions are assisting the Kaine campaign in Northern Virginia. But most believe, it’s going to take a lot more than a bunch of Dean re-treds to get Kaine back on track.

How do you spell, m-e-l-t-d-o-w-n?

~ the blue dog

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