‘not mark warner’

The Kaine campaign is ‘not mark warner’ — Because sources say Gov. Warner is very disappointed with Kaine’s effort — and there’s noticable separation with them. I’ve been told Warner no longer wants to be associated with Tim Kaine’s campaign.

A politico buddy shares the sense that Warner isn’t keen on Kaine. But he says the Dog’s source seems to make the separation official. And harsh. The truth hurts… and sometimes draws emotional responses.

Today, the Blue Dog and others have checked out John Behan’s Salem posting and the one on Commonwealth Commonsense, there’s quite a storm brewing over on the wires today. Think anyone in the Kaine campaign, or Democratic Leadership is paying attention?

Kilgore’s campaign manager, Ken Hutchesen traded emails with the Blue Dog concerning the latest in campaign fodder.

Hutch wrote, “I have not heard the Mark Warner tidbit you referenced, but I will say the Kaine presence across VA this weekend was dismal. We had some to significant presence at 137 events around the state and all but a handful had no discernable Kaine presence.”

“In fact, the big showdown in NOVA never took place—the Kaine folks barely had a presence in the 2 biggest parades of Monday.”

Commonwealth Conservative » Tim Kaine’s meltdown — UPDATED
I’ve had a few emails about Tim Kaine’s unpleasant experience Saturday at the Salem Fair, so I thought I’d see if any of our readers witnessed the scene. Evidently, the entire fair was covered in Jerry Kilgore signs and balloons, and Marty Kilgore was there for 5 hours. My sources say that Kaine showed up at 4:30, after saying he would be there at 3:30 — and that’s when the drama began. For starters Kaine was an hour late, and he had a 5PM event scheduled elsewhere, so he was just stopping by the Fair for twenty minutes or so. But when he saw that there were no Kaine signs anywhere, he proceeded to lay into his staff at the fair so loudly and viciously — I’m told he was cursing — that even bystanders could hear it (a couple of whom contacted me, saying that people were startled by it). Sounds like a public meltdown, and a bad time for the Kaine campaign. It really does seem like that campaign has been in a slow burn for a while. The ship is sinking. Were any of you at the Salem Fair at that time?

Commonwealth Commonsense: Passion from Kaine
As evidenced by one of the comments, organization, or lack thereof, for both campaignsis spotty. But I wonder if it’s time for some heads to roll in the Kaine campaign. The candidate certainly seems exercised about it. If the status quo remains, how can we be sure he’ll have a sense of urgency once elected?

The Cherry on the GOP Cake: It looks like Howard Dean’s minions are assisting the Kaine campaign in Northern Virginia. But most believe, it’s going to take a lot more than a bunch of Dean re-treds to get Kaine back on track.


How do you spell, m-e-l-t-d-o-w-n?

~ the blue dog

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  1. The Kilgore campaign manager says Kaine’s campaign isn’t going very well. That’s a big scoop.

    It also turns out that Ken’s going to vote for Kilgore! What a surprising turn of events.

  2. MR JMS Avatar

    Not to mention that it is July. This campaign will be won from Spet 1st through Nov 8th. Anyone that tells you otherwise is crazy.

  3. Steven Avatar

    Oh Paul…

    Media sources, not Hutch, have confirmed there’s something wrong with the Kaine campaign.

    About Salem:

    First rule of politics: Never let the press, public or opposition see you mad.

    And no boss should belittle his employees in public…

    That’s uncalled for.

    ~ the blue dog

  4. Waldo Jaquith Avatar
    Waldo Jaquith

    “Meltdown” is more than a little hyperbolic here. The worst you can say is that the man has a poor sense of timing. Sounds to me like the employees screwed up — and bad — and got their licks for it.

  5. Steven Avatar

    OK, meltdown was a little over the top, but … a poor sense of timing is not a good trait for a leadership position.

    ~ the blue dog

  6. Ronald T. Avatar
    Ronald T.

    Steven Sisson,
    What a hypocrite you have turned out to be!!! I stood and personally watched you scream at your then campaign manager David Mills at the Rockingham County Fair in 2003 for having the temerity to suggest that you greet people in a similar fashion to what candidate Fulk was doing. How dare you take such a position now considering your behavior as a candidate at the Rockingham County Fair. I am now fully disgusted with you. David Mills gave you more than he actually had to give and you know it. And in front of the world that was the County Fair you laid into him like he was the bastard stepchild.
    Shame on you…

  7. Steven Avatar

    Oh please! Tell me more… I love how history can be rewritten on the ‘Net by anonymous bloggers.

    Also, I’m not running for office.

    And it has absolutely no bearing on the Kaine outburst.

    ~the blue dog

    Btw, I had surgery that same morning. But wouldn’t know that.

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    I covered my first campaign in 1977 and started working on them in 1986 and it is rare candidate who doesn’t lose it now and then, even in a public venue where a bit more discretion would be advised. And you know, I’ll bet one-third of the time it was because they thought the other guy has more signs up, which has about as much political importance as which one wasted money to put his name on pencils and emery boards. Kilgore’s sign display in Salem didn’t change five votes. And he is just reacting to the shellacing he took on signs at the Shad Planking. Sheesh. This is going to be a record (low) turnout unless somebody does something to fire up a very bored, very jaded electorate.

  9. MR JMS Avatar

    Have to agree with Anon 7:45 on this one. No one cares about this election right now, period.

    Anyone who tells you otherwise is crazzzzzzy

  10. Scott Avatar

    Everyone is ignoring the truth- does not matter what Kaine does or does not do- his legacy at Richmond’s City Hall is going to sink him like a rock.
    Wilder is cleaning house and the dirt he is finding goes back to Jamison, McCollum, Kaine.

  11. Ronald T. Avatar
    Ronald T.

    Steven Sisson,

    Your hypocrisy knows no bounds and your work to demean and ridicule candidates on behalf of the Republican party isn’t even denied. You’re not a canine of any kind unless FOX is somehow genetically related to dog.

    First on the issue of religion you say:

    “Blue Dog question: Why not leave religion out of the campaign?

    I say let us all defend America against the proselytizing theosophs-politicos.”

    And then you proceed to work overtime to make religion THE issue.

    Second on the issue of a candidate’s treatment of staff you say:

    “First rule of politics: Never let the press, public or opposition see you mad.

    And no boss should belittle his employees in public…

    That’s uncalled for.

    ~ the blue dog”

    And when someone pointed out that you did the very same thing that you condemn you can only respond:

    “…I’m not running for office.

    And it has absolutely no bearing on the Kaine outburst.

    ~the blue dog”

    Steven Sisson, just admit that you’re working for the Republicans. I challenge you to come clean.

    And if you can’t stand the heat on that admission, here’s one that if what you maintain is true that you should have no trouble answering at all:

    Are you, or are you not planning to seek the Republican nomination against Emmett Hanger in 2007?

    Either confirm or deny. Which is it Steven?

  12. Steven Avatar

    yo anon!

    Hypocrisy Is: An anonymous blogger who dares to take the ‘higher’ ground.

    But I’ll play along… with the questions.

    1. Republican Party: I’m not their payroll, but have many conservative friends.
    2. Fox News: I have discussed past columns with them (hmm… ‘Hannity & the Blue Dog’ sounds good to me)
    3. Religion: What can I say? I’m a democratic ‘dumbass magnet’ … Cha-cha-cha!
    4. Staff treatment: If you tell me your true identity, I’ll introduce you to fun-loving attorney.
    5. Republican nomination: First, confirm or deny Senator Emmett Hanger running for reelection in 2007.
    6. Troubling Truth: There’s been a number of contribution offers, but I would need to switch parties.
    7. State Senate: I will neither confirm, nor deny a ‘future’ candidacy.
    8. Joining political parties: Democrat, Republican, or Libertarian — Who knows?
    9. Tell us more, you demand: The Blue Dog book is due out this fall.
    10. Cost: Only $24.99

    ~ the blue dog

  13. Anonymous Avatar

    The Kilgore campaign is lying about “being” at many of their events, if they mean to imply that they had people there. I was at the Chesapeake ones. They put out a couple lawn signs, end of story. Meanwhile, the Kaine folks were out in force, in person, working the crowds, marching in the parades (with no Kilgore folks). So, I call spin bullshit on taking this seriously. “Press sources” ha. Not to mention, Marty Kilgore chewed out her staff on Saturday too. And meltdown? Jerry has a meltdown any time he meets with a normal human being outside his personal campaign Neverland bubble. So let’s not throw stones from glass houses.

  14. Anonymous Avatar

    Jerry Kilgore has a meltdown whenever he sees a man shirtless.

  15. Joe Fitz Avatar
    Joe Fitz

    Maybe that’s why Sisson got 25% in his 2003 race. 25% does not qualify you to even speak again in public, let alone run for something.

  16. Not Virgil Goode Avatar
    Not Virgil Goode

    Bill Clinton had many well documented public fuming sessions with his campaign staff. It could mena that Kaine is really intense and is man enough to fix the problems.

  17. Anonymous Avatar

    This contrasts with Kilgore’s discipline style:

    slapping people with a wet noodle then giggling and running out of the room.

  18. Ronald T. Avatar
    Ronald T.

    1. Republican Party: I’m not their payroll, but have many conservative friends.

    Oh I understand you’re not their payroll Steven, you have a proven record of “not” being able to raise money.

    2. Fox News: I have discussed past columns with them (hmm… ‘Hannity & the Blue Dog’ sounds good to me)

    Or how about “Hannity & his Lap Dog” or “Scooby Doo Doo”???

    3. Religion: What can I say? I’m a democratic ‘dumbass magnet’ … Cha-cha-cha!

    Typical non-answer. You’re not a democrat, and you’re certainly not magnetic, but I think the third descriptor is dead on… One out of three ain’t bad… Cha-cha-cha! (What’s with the cha-cha deal anyway?)

    4. Staff treatment: If you tell me your true identity, I’ll introduce you to fun-loving attorney.

    Oh I’ve heard that with your latest foray into publishing outright lies about certain candidates and stating them as truth, your fun loving attorney is about to get a workout. Hope you’ve got him on retainer.

    5. Republican nomination: First, confirm or deny Senator Emmett Hanger running for reelection in 2007.

    Typical non-answer.

    Confirm or deny:
    A) That you will oppose Hanger for nomination if he does run.
    B) That you will seek the nomination if he doesn’t run.

    6. Troubling Truth: There’s been a number of contribution offers, but I would need to switch parties.

    Don’t delude yourself on this on my boy/dog. Currently you don’t have a party and you know it. Let’s see, you’ve claimed to be a member of the Reform Party, the Democratic Party, and now your all out grovel to the extreme right to become a Gilmore/Norquist Republican. Hint: They don’t want you either, they’re just using you. Break into song-Your Momma don’t want you, your Daddy don’t want you… Poor thing, a dog with no home…

    7. State Senate: I will neither confirm, nor deny a ‘future’ candidacy.

    Typical non-answer. See number 5 above.

    8. Joining political parties: Democrat, Republican, or Libertarian — Who knows?

    Typical non-answer. See number 6 above.

    9. Tell us more, you demand: The Blue Dog book is due out this fall.

    Who cares? Oops, I mean I can hardly wait!!! (Vomit)

    10. Cost: Only $24.99

    I don’t think it’d be a good idea to be taking any loans in anticipation of the income you’ll generate. See number 1 above.

    ~ the blue dog

    Of course you’re the blue dog, who else would claim what you write?

  19. James Young Avatar
    James Young

    This is one reason why I oppose anonymous blogging and commenting: it’s easy to slander or libel someone without having to take any responsibility for it. And then candidates — mostly unfairly — are forced to respond when the drumbeat becomes loud enough. Perhaps it’s old-fashioned, but I’m of the school that, if you can’t or you’re not proud to put your name on it, it probably shouldn’t be said.

    And I thought the GOP was supposed to be the party of personal responsibility.

  20. criticallythinking Avatar

    OK, I’m coming in late. I was in New Market on Monday, they have a nice picnic event. The Kilgore folks had done a good job of putting signs up at this event. And several people had Kilgore stickers on, including the man running the Moon Bounce.

    There was not a Kaine sticker or sign to be seen anywhere.

    I missed the parade, so I don’t know if there was any advertising there…..

  21. Anonymous Avatar

    I believe meltdown is spelled S-I-S-S-O-N-2003

  22. Joseph Gus Fitzgerald Avatar
    Joseph Gus Fitzgerald

    Wonder who Joe Fitz is. I wish whoever it was had the sense and nerve to post his full name, so that everybody would know it is not me. I sign what I write with my full name. Anonymous is another word for gutless.
    Joseph Gus Fitzgerald

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