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Northam’s New Rules. Worse Than the Old Ones

by Kerry Dougherty

I missed Gov. Ralph Northam’s Thursday presser. But I heard and read all about it.

Two things stand out: First, his idiotic curfew is simply the action of a little man attempting to flex his muscles for a populace that is growing weary of his arbitrary and capricious rules. Second, this secular leader is dancing dangerously close to telling Virginians how to worship.

Careful, there, Ralph.

As usual, Northam’s edicts had nothing to do with science or data, despite his insistence that he was being guided by both.

Will someone please tell this man that simply saying “science” over and over doesn’t make it so. While you’re at it, tell Joe Biden too.

Just as there was no science behind Northam’s order several weeks ago to slap masks on the little faces of 5-year-olds and there was zero science behind his punitive order that limited the number of spectators to 250 at football games in stadiums that hold more than 60,000, there is no science behind his new curfews.

Yet Northam sternly ordered us to stay home between midnight and 5 am.

Just because he can.

In fact, when asked what led him to this latest infringement on the rights of Virginians, Northam glibly parroted something his parents used to say when he was a naughty teenager.

“Nothing good happens after midnight,” he replied, according to The Roanoke Times. 

Seriously? That’s the best he could do? Why should any of us pay attention to this man’s foolish bromides?

Even if you never venture out after midnight, you should be infuriated by a government official ordering you to stay in your home. We are not children in need of a bedtime. We are adults, Northam works for us and he insults the intelligence of Virginians every time he calls a press conference and enacts some nutty new rule.

There’s more.

Newsweek reports that Northam then blamed churches for the spread of Covid:

“Northam told reporters that while most places of worship have implemented safety measures, the ones that have not have contributed to a rise in coronavirus cases.

‘Quite frankly, we know that a lot of the spread is coming from this because individuals that are in places of worship and contract the virus then go out to their place of work, or to the grocery store or convenience store, and that’s how it spreads,’ he said.

He asked worshippers to think about attending indoor services, saying that ‘you don’t have to sit in a church pew for God to hear you.’

‘This year we need to think about what is truly the most important thing. Is it the worship or the building? For me, God is wherever you are.’”

Thank you for the sermon, Rev. Northam, but how dare a secular public government official tell Virginians that they needn’t go to church to be close to God.

Frankly, this fervent supporter of abortion is the last person in Virginia who ought to be lecturing us on what the Good Lord wants.

Stay in your lane, Governor. You’re way out of line.

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