Northam’s “Anti-Asian, Anti-Immigrant” School Initiative

Thomas Jefferson High School

by James A. Bacon

More than 1,500 parents, students and alumni of the prestigious Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology have petitioned Governor Ralph Northam to halt the “secretive and bigoted, anti-Asian, anti-immigrant effort” to substitute race-based admissions for the meritocratic admissions criteria now in place.

The petitioners accuse Secretary of Education Atif Qarni of using Thomas Jefferson and other elite Governor’s schools around the state as a “Petri dish for experiments in social engineering.” They share the goal of increasing the number of black, Hispanic and economically disadvantaged students at “TJ,” as the Fairfax-based science and technology school is known, but not through the use of “short-sighted race-based solutions.”

The school created a furor this summer when it publicly released the admissions statistics for the entering class. Seventy-three percent were classified as Asian, 18% as white, 6% as multiracial and other (including black) and 3% Hispanic.

Without notifying the public, Qarni, select Democratic Party legislators, other educators, and members of a “Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Group” met online July 24 to discuss how to increase the number of Black, Hispanic and low-income students at the state’s 19 Governor’s Schools. It is expected to issue recommendations in a few days.

The petition urges policy makers to consider four points:

First, TJ is an excellent school with a long tradition of providing a world-class education for academically advanced students in STEM fields, and it is a magnet for businesses, families and investment in Fairfax County. U.S. News & World-Report lists TJ as the No. 1 high school in America.

Second, changes proposed by the Northam administration will have a disproportionate impact on Asians and immigrants, who make up 70% of the student body.

“There can be no claims of this TJ overhaul battling ‘white privilege,’” the petition says. ‘There is simply no equitable or moral basis for this task force admitting certain students based on race and forcing out immigrants and other people of color who have gained admission to TJ based on merit.”

There is a name for these policy considerations. it is called RACISM, and racial discrimination and “race leveling,” which these efforts are clearly promoting, are unconstitutional. It is particularly galling to the Asian and immigrant members of this group that policy makers making decisions about the future of TJ are powerful and privileged US citizens, many of them white.

In short: we are outraged.

Third, the contemplated changes threaten to undermine the reputation and academic integrity of TJ by severing TJ’s admissions from admissions based purely on academic merit.

The changes likely won’t do black or Hispanic students any favors either.

We anticipate that many of [students admitted for non-meritocratic reasons] will struggle academically or lead the school to revamp its curriculum to make it less academically advanced. A far better course of action is to improve the pipeline to TJ through the county’s Advanced Academics Program, the Young Scholars Program, nurturing students from underrepresented communities, and other initiatives to support these students.

Finally, we question the legitimacy and lack of transparency of this task force.

Secret task forces meeting in private under the guise of being “informal” smacks of back room political dealing and is grossly undemocratic. There should be transparency and much greater opportunity for public comment in this entire process that so importantly affects so many families in northern Virginia.

Interested citizens can read — and sign — the petition here.

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24 responses to “Northam’s “Anti-Asian, Anti-Immigrant” School Initiative”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I said it before and I will say it again. Fairfax County and the other feeder counties should make a serious investment in readiness for TJHS. Same deal for Loudoun County and the Academies of Science and Technology. Start the investment in K and push it hard to the 8th grade for blacks and Hispanics. The focus should be on English, Math, and Science. A carefully tailored program would remedy this. All it takes is time, patience, hand picked teachers, and cash. Readiness is the authentic and true antidote.

    I do see where the petition is coming from. Hints of Executive Order 9066.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I said it before and I will say it again. Fairfax County and the other feeder counties should make a serious investment in readiness for TJHS. Same deal for Loudoun County and the Academies of Science and Technology. Start the investment in K and push it hard to the 8th grade for blacks and Hispanics. The focus should be on English, Math, and Science. A carefully tailored program would remedy this. All it takes is time, patience, hand picked teachers, and cash. Readiness is the authentic and true antidote.

    I do see where the petition is coming from. Hints of Executive Order 9066.

  3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Uh…. to the victors go the spoils? Apparently, one group of us has learned that it’s pillage THEN burn.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Wah? Snark is especially annoying when it is so dense you have no idea of the point.

      Whitehead hits the home run, and on this one I go back to my in-house education expert, she who taught higher math. You can see the trend lines in elementary school, you can see the schools making an effort (and those not) to foster advanced math skills, using contests, additional testing and things like the Mathcounts competition, which in Fairfax starts in late elementary. Yes, it is in part about resources but it is more about parental demands and expectations. The success (dominance even) of the Asian families in this realm is a wonderful embarrassment for those idiots who still believe in white supremacy, but equally an embarrassment for those who claim our society is so racist it crushes opportunity for anyone without European ancestry. No, no it doesn’t.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Steve, you obviously have mistaken my intent. At this time, the US is still dominant in mathematics, and by a wide margin. Denmark runs number 2, I think. In the remainder of the STEM, alas we are running 2nd. One is a measure of the immediate future, the other measures the likelihood of dominating a more distant one.

        What I cannot say, is are we cultivating or importing.

        One of the problems with the “White Privilege” attitude is the slow slide, boiled frog results.

  4. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Uh…. to the victors go the spoils? Apparently, one group of us has learned that it’s pillage THEN burn.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Wah? Snark is especially annoying when it is so dense you have no idea of the point.

      Whitehead hits the home run, and on this one I go back to my in-house education expert, she who taught higher math. You can see the trend lines in elementary school, you can see the schools making an effort (and those not) to foster advanced math skills, using contests, additional testing and things like the Mathcounts competition, which in Fairfax starts in late elementary. Yes, it is in part about resources but it is more about parental demands and expectations. The success (dominance even) of the Asian families in this realm is a wonderful embarrassment for those idiots who still believe in white supremacy, but equally an embarrassment for those who claim our society is so racist it crushes opportunity for anyone without European ancestry. No, no it doesn’t.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Steve, you obviously have mistaken my intent. At this time, the US is still dominant in mathematics, and by a wide margin. Denmark runs number 2, I think. In the remainder of the STEM, alas we are running 2nd. One is a measure of the immediate future, the other measures the likelihood of dominating a more distant one.

        What I cannot say, is are we cultivating or importing.

        One of the problems with the “White Privilege” attitude is the slow slide, boiled frog results.

  5. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Who are the real bigots and racists in American society. That become clearer everyday. And the racist parade of bigots is lead by American higher education at institutions such as UVa. and Yale.

    For details see The University of Virginia’s Racial Equity Task Force ‘s final report, “Audacious Future: Commitment Required at post here titled UVa Task Force Doubles Down on “Anti-racism.

    And see today’s Wall Street Journal article:

    “Yale Discriminated by Race in Undergraduate Admissions, Justice Department Says –
    Federal officials give university two weeks to agree to adjust practices or face lawsuit after probe finds white, Asian-American applicants rejected based on race, dated August 13, written by Melissa Korn:

    The Justice Department said Yale University has discriminated against Asian-American and white applicants, issuing its findings roughly two years after opening an investigation into the school’s admissions practices.

    The department said Thursday that it found Yale discriminates based on race and national origin, violating federal civil-rights law, and that race was the “determinative factor” in hundreds of admissions decisions each year. It said for the majority of applicants, Asian-American and white students have one-tenth to one-fourth the likelihood of being admitted as African-American applicants with comparable academic credentials.

    “Yale rejects scores of Asian American and white applicants each year based on their race, whom it otherwise would admit,” the Justice Department said.

    Yale President Peter Salovey called the Justice Department’s allegation baseless and said the school has been fully cooperating with the investigation. “However,” he wrote in a letter to the school community Thursday evening, “the DOJ concluded its investigation before reviewing and receiving all the information it has requested.”

    The Justice Department asked Yale for 10 years worth of detailed admissions data; the school so far had produced three years of information, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

    Yale says it relies on a holistic review of applicants, including academics, leadership experience, their backgrounds and more.

    The Justice Department’s move marks an escalation of Trump administration efforts to challenge the longstanding consideration of race in selective colleges’ admissions decisions.”

    For more of this article see:

  6. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Who are the real bigots and racists in American society. That become clearer everyday. And the racist parade of bigots is lead by American higher education at institutions such as UVa. and Yale.

    For details see The University of Virginia’s Racial Equity Task Force ‘s final report, “Audacious Future: Commitment Required at post here titled UVa Task Force Doubles Down on “Anti-racism.

    And see today’s Wall Street Journal article:

    “Yale Discriminated by Race in Undergraduate Admissions, Justice Department Says –
    Federal officials give university two weeks to agree to adjust practices or face lawsuit after probe finds white, Asian-American applicants rejected based on race, dated August 13, written by Melissa Korn:

    The Justice Department said Yale University has discriminated against Asian-American and white applicants, issuing its findings roughly two years after opening an investigation into the school’s admissions practices.

    The department said Thursday that it found Yale discriminates based on race and national origin, violating federal civil-rights law, and that race was the “determinative factor” in hundreds of admissions decisions each year. It said for the majority of applicants, Asian-American and white students have one-tenth to one-fourth the likelihood of being admitted as African-American applicants with comparable academic credentials.

    “Yale rejects scores of Asian American and white applicants each year based on their race, whom it otherwise would admit,” the Justice Department said.

    Yale President Peter Salovey called the Justice Department’s allegation baseless and said the school has been fully cooperating with the investigation. “However,” he wrote in a letter to the school community Thursday evening, “the DOJ concluded its investigation before reviewing and receiving all the information it has requested.”

    The Justice Department asked Yale for 10 years worth of detailed admissions data; the school so far had produced three years of information, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

    Yale says it relies on a holistic review of applicants, including academics, leadership experience, their backgrounds and more.

    The Justice Department’s move marks an escalation of Trump administration efforts to challenge the longstanding consideration of race in selective colleges’ admissions decisions.”

    For more of this article see:

  7. James,

    This is an important topic for several reasons, but the bottom line is that we can choose to have either equality, or liberty. We can have only one, and the stakes are very high indeed.

    I do not believe any race is superior or inferior, but culture and environment vary widely from group to group. On the whole, children of tiger moms will out perform most other groups academically. This is not an endorsement, as I believe it to be too extreme. But I support parents’ right to do what they think best for their children (within obvious legal limits).

    The problem of how to achieve a utopian equality of outcome was taken to its logical conclusion with the Kibbutz movement in Israel. I stayed in one as a guest many years ago, and also visited others. The result for me was an aversion to utopian fantasies, and a greater appreciation for liberty with all it’s potential short comings.

    Here’s an introduction to the topic if you are interested.

    Efforts to achieve equality of outcome will ultimately fail without heavy handed authority, and abandonment of individual and parental rights.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      A Vonnegut story you might enjoy.

      And NN, “are we cultivating or importing?” I don’t actually care and will take the talent either way. But we do need to do more cultivating, far more. But then comes the cry of “that’s not fair!”

      My educational adviser tells me she can’t find any evidence the U.S. is at the top of any math rankings. Usually in the top group, but not #1 anymore. And of course China has more identified gifted than the U.S. has total enrollment. Quality and quantity.

      1. One of my favorite Vonnegut short stories.

      2. That’s great. Thanks.

        It reminds me of what happened in our local school. With so much riding on passing SOL tests, my son’s gifted teacher was reassigned to help struggling students. Gifted students were also deployed as mentors for struggling students. That’s all fine, but it doesn’t help the U.S. to compete with counties like China. We need to help struggling students, but not at the expense of providing opportunities for gifted students to advance as far as their abilities will take them.

        No student left behind is a fitting description. It pictures everyone walking at the same pace.

  8. James,

    This is an important topic for several reasons, but the bottom line is that we can choose to have either equality, or liberty. We can have only one, and the stakes are very high indeed.

    I do not believe any race is superior or inferior, but culture and environment vary widely from group to group. On the whole, children of tiger moms will out perform most other groups academically. This is not an endorsement, as I believe it to be too extreme. But I support parents’ right to do what they think best for their children (within obvious legal limits).

    The problem of how to achieve a utopian equality of outcome was taken to its logical conclusion with the Kibbutz movement in Israel. I stayed in one as a guest many years ago, and also visited others. The result for me was an aversion to utopian fantasies, and a greater appreciation for liberty with all it’s potential short comings.

    Here’s an introduction to the topic if you are interested.

    Efforts to achieve equality of outcome will ultimately fail without heavy handed authority, and abandonment of individual and parental rights.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      A Vonnegut story you might enjoy.

      And NN, “are we cultivating or importing?” I don’t actually care and will take the talent either way. But we do need to do more cultivating, far more. But then comes the cry of “that’s not fair!”

      My educational adviser tells me she can’t find any evidence the U.S. is at the top of any math rankings. Usually in the top group, but not #1 anymore. And of course China has more identified gifted than the U.S. has total enrollment. Quality and quantity.

      1. One of my favorite Vonnegut short stories.

      2. That’s great. Thanks.

        It reminds me of what happened in our local school. With so much riding on passing SOL tests, my son’s gifted teacher was reassigned to help struggling students. Gifted students were also deployed as mentors for struggling students. That’s all fine, but it doesn’t help the U.S. to compete with counties like China. We need to help struggling students, but not at the expense of providing opportunities for gifted students to advance as far as their abilities will take them.

        No student left behind is a fitting description. It pictures everyone walking at the same pace.

  9. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    What do you expect from a Southern elite family member who wore blackface right before graduating from medical school; got caught decades later after getting endorsed by Joseph Goebbels a/k/a Fred Hiatt and the rest of the Nazis at the Post; admitted one day, only to deny it the next; and has been virtue signaling with taxpayer money ever since?

    1. djrippert Avatar

      One would think that a merit based nationally recognized public school with a student population over-represented by immigrants and people of color would make Northam happy. Of course Northam isn’t a member of the liberal elite. He’s merely one of the useful idiots following orders and serving the elite. I guess we need to find a true member of the liberal elite to determine why Thomas Jefferson High School is such a thorn in their side. I sent an e-mail to Joe Biden asking him why Thomas Jefferson High School was such a problem for the liberal elite. He wrote me back saying “Thomas Jefferson is dead, dumbass and if you don’t like that then we can have a push up contest and we’ll just see who is right.” Given how unhelpful that was I asked the same of Hillary Clinton. She replied that “all people of color are equal but some people of color are more equal than others”. I’m not exactly sure what that means but I have the weird sense that I’ve heard something like that in the past.

  10. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    What do you expect from a Southern elite family member who wore blackface right before graduating from medical school; got caught decades later after getting endorsed by Joseph Goebbels a/k/a Fred Hiatt and the rest of the Nazis at the Post; admitted one day, only to deny it the next; and has been virtue signaling with taxpayer money ever since?

    1. djrippert Avatar

      One would think that a merit based nationally recognized public school with a student population over-represented by immigrants and people of color would make Northam happy. Of course Northam isn’t a member of the liberal elite. He’s merely one of the useful idiots following orders and serving the elite. I guess we need to find a true member of the liberal elite to determine why Thomas Jefferson High School is such a thorn in their side. I sent an e-mail to Joe Biden asking him why Thomas Jefferson High School was such a problem for the liberal elite. He wrote me back saying “Thomas Jefferson is dead, dumbass and if you don’t like that then we can have a push up contest and we’ll just see who is right.” Given how unhelpful that was I asked the same of Hillary Clinton. She replied that “all people of color are equal but some people of color are more equal than others”. I’m not exactly sure what that means but I have the weird sense that I’ve heard something like that in the past.

  11. VaNavVet Avatar

    As for the “elite” part you need only look in the mirror. Liberal or conservative when it comes to elite the stance is the same.

  12. VaNavVet Avatar

    As for the “elite” part you need only look in the mirror. Liberal or conservative when it comes to elite the stance is the same.

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