Northam to Virginians in Pain: Your Elective Surgery Can Wait

by Kerry Dougherty

Bad news for those living on pain relievers and waiting for shoulder, hip or knee replacements.

Gov. Ralph Northam has decided you can suffer a while longer. On Thursday he announced that he was extending the ban on elective surgery from today until May 1. He first prohibited such procedures on March 25.

Elective surgeries are not cosmetic procedures. They’re often desperately needed surgeries that can be scheduled in advance. That includes some heart procedures, joint replacements, kidney stone removals, gall bladder surgery, eye surgery and a host of other procedures designed to alleviate the pain of thousands.

Northam issued his latest edict while ignoring the pleas of patients, doctors and the state hospital association that begged him to allow elective surgeries to resume.

According to The Richmond Times-Dispatch, Sean Connaughton, CEO of the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association that represents 27 healthcare systems and 110 hospitals, wrote to Northam asking him to allow elective surgeries to resume.

Connaughton estimated in his letter to Northam that 60,000 people in the state have had non-emergency inpatient and outpatient medical procedures canceled over the past month and 15,000 procedures will be canceled every week going forward.

“While the crisis is far from over and COVID-19 will continue to be the primary focus of our hospitals and health care providers for the foreseeable future, we are mindful of the tens of thousands of Virginians who have deferred care for chronic conditions and other non-urgent medical needs,” Connaughton said.

He added that the association is concerned that “continuing to delay their care while we have available capacity to address and/or stabilize their conditions will have long-term negative impacts on health across the Commonwealth.”

Seventeen other states have resumed elective surgeries, but Northam stubbornly refused to follow suit despite the fact that many Virginia hospitals are virtually empty and an estimated 30,000 healthcare workers have lost their jobs in the middle of this pandemic.

What initially seemed like a series of overly cautious decisions by a risk-averse governor is starting to look like something else: megalomania.

You’d expect Northam, a doctor, to be an intelligent leader during a pandemic. Instead, his lackadaisical approach to Covid-19 testing — Virginia is now the second worst state in the nation – coupled with his extreme orders, points to a governor who’s in over his head.

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25 responses to “Northam to Virginians in Pain: Your Elective Surgery Can Wait”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Hospitals “virtually empty”? “30,000 health care workers lost their jobs”? Where does she get these numbers and claims? There is a basis for criticism of Northam on this issue, but Kerry Doughtery, as usual, uses hyperbole and unsupported claims as shock value to undermine her argument. By the way, those health care workers losing their jobs can go to New York; they still need workers. I heard on NPR this morning about RNs from Georgia getting two-month contracts at 2-4 times their pay back home.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        Thanks for the reference. I retract some of my negative comments.

        1. How many of those work in hospitals? How many work in dentist offices or other areas where normal standards of care represent high risk at the moment. How many elective procedures would have been cancelled by the patient even without an elective procedures ban? How many people would be going to the dentist for routine teeth cleaning? Point is you are cherry-picking data to make a point, which undermines credibility.

          Your general idea that it might be overkill is a fair one and I agree it needs to be constantly examined, but then saying because Northam is a doctor he should know better? Next thing we’ll hear is that he should be promoting injecting disinfectants as a cure.

  2. Please stop posting Kerry’s posts. It really undermines BR’s credibility.

    1. I second this. Especially considering there is a repetitive post about the same thing back to back.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I don’t mind Kerry’s posts. One thing is for sure they stimulate responses and sometimes the commentary is very good.

  4. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Let’s see. More than 11,000 covid cases in the state snd 542 deaths. Snd they are all Northam’s fault?

    1. CrazyJD Avatar

      Let’s see. More than 11,000 covid cases in the state snd 542 deaths. Snd they are all Northam’s fault?>>

      Peter, Fallacy of Extension. Extending or exaggerating the opposition’s point for the purpose of making it seem easier to attack. Your answer is irrelevant since it does not come to grips with the original point.

  5. The only problem with Kerry’s column is that she wasn’t harsh enough. Read my post today.

    The 15,000 figure originates from the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare estimate that 15,000 patients are having their procedures delayed each week. A one-week extension of the ban = 30,000 patients.

    And, no, Peter no one has said that 11,000 COVID cases and 542 deaths are “all Northam’s fault.” It is ridiculous to imply that anyone posting on this blog believes such a thing,. It has no factual basis whatsoever. Snark is fine. But to be effective it has to has at least a tenuous connection with reality.

    Update: In the original version of this comment, I mistakenly said that the Northam elective-surgery ban would be extended by two weeks. It will last only one week. I have adjusted my comments and posts accordingly. That’s the hazard of writing without an editor. Thankfully, the blog format allows mistakes to be corrected rapidly. I make every effort to acknowledge and correct errors when I make them.

    1. where did the empty hospital claim and 30k lost jobs number come from?

      Maybe requiring Kerry to identify data sources should be a minimal requirement of a “tenuous connection with reality”

  6. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim, there has been a steady drumbeat of anti Northam snark on this blog.

    1. Anti-Northam snark? Or factual reporting?

      Yeah, there’s been a lot of factual reporting that has called Northam’s actions into question. Very little of that has been called into question. If you’re looking for snark, look at the responses to our reporting!

      The extremely high snark-to-substance ratio tells me that Northam’s defenders have nothing in their quiver but insults, sarcasm and wild exagerration.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so right at the end of the article about elective surgeries, we slap this on for good measure: ” You’d expect Northam, a doctor, to be an intelligent leader during a pandemic. Instead, his lackadaisical approach to Covid-19 testing — Virginia is now the second worst state in the nation – coupled with his extreme orders, points to a governor who’s in over his head.”

        steady drumbeat? yes.

        facts? sometimes.

        cherry picking? always

        and all of this over what? a one week delay?

        one week?

        good grief!

        1. djrippert Avatar

          Ralph Northam’s failed testing approach in Virginia is not cherry picking when Northam himself makes “more testing” a pre-requisite for reopening Virginia’s economy.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Northam has no testing approach – fair criticism.

            tell me what states do?

            what state is doing contact tracing?

            what KIND of testing are you advocating that Virginia do? Do you know?

    2. djrippert Avatar

      In my case it’s not snark. I think the man is incompetent. Wholly and totally lost in his position as Governor of Virginia. Overwhelmed and overmatched. I wish I were being sarcastic.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well here’s what he does not do:

        1. – attack reporters who ask questions
        2. – personally attack other governors he does not like
        3. – tell outrageous lies and ungtruths on a routine basis
        4. – encourage protestors to oppose necessary pandemic restrictions that virtually all governors support…
        5.- advocatate for unproven drugs and advocate for getting rid of protections against unproven drugs
        6. in general , act like an asshat.

        1. When all else fails, change the topic to Trump.

          In other words, regarding the rightness or wrongness of Northam’s actions, you have no argument.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh you’re wrong as usual. I ask how Northam’s actions compare to other Governors.

            And I repeat – Northam ain’t perfect by a long shot – but he ain’t a liar and he does not attack news people or other governors.

            And, once again, I point out that 12% of Virginians don’t like what Northam is doing. What we’re hearing here is the 12%.

  7. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka


  8. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Fifty thousand Americans dead and we have to listen to this low grade whining?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Ever known someone who, when they were unhappy, YOU were going to be unhappy too?

      That’s where we are here .. This bad thing happened to us and messed up our lives, and by gawd someone HAS to PAY!!! Cue Kerry and fellow BR supporters! 😉

  9. […] Yet, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam recently extended his ban on elective surgeries for yet another week, blocking 15,000 more surgeries. As Kerry Dougherty notes: […]

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