by DJ RippertRalph Reefer.

On Wednesday the Northam Administration unveiled legislation to legalize recreational use of marijuana in Virginia. The legislation will be introduced by House Majority Leader Charniele Herring, D-Alexandria, and Senate President Pro Tempore Louise Lucas, D-Portsmouth. Sen. Adam Ebbin, D-Alexandria, and Del. Don Scott Jr., D-Portsmouth. Northam took up the cause of legalizing marijuana last November citing both racial equity and financial issues. Sale of legal marijuana would start by Jan 1, 2023, under the Northam plan.

Don’t bogart the credit. Northam’s plan is partially the result of studies conducted by two government organizations which examined the matter at the request of the General Assembly. The studies called for significant data collection, public education and efforts to prevent substance abuse. Virginia’s Legislative Black Caucus endorsed Northam’s proposed legislation. Republicans have refused official comment while they wait for the full bill to be made public.

Rules, rules, rules. The proposed legislation was surprisingly specific.

  • Customers could buy up to an ounce of marijuana which is a supply sufficient for about 80 joints.
  • The overall tax rate would be 30% composed of 21% for the state, local sales taxes and up to 3% for the locality.
  • Localities will have to “opt in.” Any locality that doesn’t want marijuana sales in its jurisdiction can elect to prohibit sales of the wacky weed.
  • Estimates of the total tax take from legal grass vary. One analysis predicted $564m in taxes over the first five years with $183m in year five. A different model pegged year five taxes at $230m.
  • Money from the tax would be split among funding affordable pre-school (40%), making restitution to people and communities hurt by the historical enforcement of marijuana laws (30%), substance abuse prevention (25%) and general health (5%).
  • Virginia’s ABC Authority will be in charge of establishing detailed regulations.
  • Home cultivation of up to two mature plants and two immature plants will be allowed.

ACLU wants more.

The ACLU of Virginia supports legalization but feels the Northam proposal doesn’t go far enough. The ACLU would like to see marijuana possession legalized while the retail regulations are being hashed out. This would result in a situation similar to that which exists in Washington, D.C., today – marijuana possession is legal but sales are not.  The ACLU also objects to the role of the ABC in writing the regulations partly out of a concern that ABC-written regulations will be detrimental to small businesses.

Tokelahoma. Northam’s proposed approach stands in contrast to the legalization effort in Oklahoma. The Sooner State’s legalization process pays homage to its history as part of the wild, wild west. Rules are few and dispensaries are shooting up like mushrooms after a rain storm. Since legalizing medical marijuana Oklahoma has the biggest medical weed business, on a per capita basis, in the United States. Medical marijuana can be prescribed for just about anything and a stunning 10% of Oklahomans have acquired their medical marijuana cards over the last two years. One Oklahoma city, Ardmore, has 36 dispensaries — one for every 700 citizens. As one grower who relocated from Colorado to Oklahoma said, “Turns out rednecks love to smoke weed.”

Rip Wrap. Good for Northam and the sponsors in the General Assembly. Making marijuana a crime didn’t stop people from using pot. Black Virginians, who use marijuana at about the same rate as white Virginians, were arrested at 3.5X a higher rate for marijuana related offenses. Our law enforcement officers, courts and jails were spending time and money that didn’t need to be spent. The profits and potential taxes on marijuana went to dealers and cartels rather than entrepreneurs and state and local government. It would be nice if Virginia could get its butt in gear and start retail operations earlier than 2023. A relatively unfettered approach like the effort in Oklahoma could cut the time to market down considerably. Finally, the ACLU recommendation of immediate legalization (before legal retail sales) is a very good idea.

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27 responses to “Northam Proposes Legal Marijuana in Va Within Two Years”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    What happened to “Coonman SUCKS” !

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    What happened to “Coonman SUCKS” !

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Yeah, really where is the Coonman DIS? You are going soft, Ripper.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Even a blind squirrel sometimes stumbles onto an acorn.

  4. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Yeah, really where is the Coonman DIS? You are going soft, Ripper.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Even a blind squirrel sometimes stumbles onto an acorn.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    We now return you to our regularily scheduled hatefest of Coonman Northam…

    1. djrippert Avatar

      As long as you can convince him that some action will promote racial equity … he’ll do it. My next effort is to convince him that all these tolls in NoVa are somehow discriminatory and emblematic of systemic racism. There are no tolls (that I know of) in lily white Southwest Virginia. The systemic racism of NoVa’s tolls is obvious.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Tolls are systemic racism? COOL!

        Maybe if they gave the toll revenues to lily white SW Virginia?

      2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Well, it’s a flat expense that, on first blush, might effect the poor disproportionately AND since the poor are disproportionately minority, sooo…

        But the toll is per car so if it is reapportioned to the occupants then so long as poor minorities pack their cars the toll can not be shown to be burdensome systemically to minorities.

        Got any data on minority car occupancy?

        The good news is that the ranks of the poor are increasing as a disproportionately white lower middle class slips into poverty, with the help of the GOP economic policies, so eventually tolls will not be racist.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          All users have the ability to carpool or ride transit for free.

          If you are “poor” – driving a car solo every day is an expensive choice when there are other less costly ones.

          If you are poor – you generally choose hamburger over steak , etc. In fact, even the non-poor will pass on the steak and even buy the marked-down meat… I guess that also “hurts” the poor when the non-poor scoop up all the market down meat so none is left?

          Under the “you’ll hurt the poor” canard – each and every cost increase wheather private sector or government – has impact.

          But the folks who most often bring this issue up – most often are not really champions of the poor but “anti” govt taxes champions and the poor make the perfect victims.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            On the other hand, Larry, the world is electronic. Link the license plate, or EZPass, to the tax return and implement a “progressive toll”.

            (That oughta drive this crowd nuts!)

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            You are correct. Easily done – like EBT…

            You’re right.. that would royally screw up the “tolls hurt poor folks” narrative.. so back to the wealth-transfer canard…

          3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Actually, we are probably closer to a fully proportional, all electronic economy than we are to total extinction by global climate change.

            Once US currency becomes a block chain ledger sheet, everything will be based on your income. A poor person and a rich person will be charged proportional for all goods and services. For example the rich person may pay 100% price for both steak and hamburger while the poor person may pay 75% and 50% respectively, perhaps even being prohibited from steak.

            All of this will be opaque to others so there would be no stima to poverty. Everyone will wear the same qualty of clothing and thus, poverty and wealth will be unseen.

            I am preparing. I am building a machine that takes hamburger and reconstitues a steak.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Good LORD! electronic socialism ! and Soylent Green steaks!

            Be still my heart!

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Amen. He sucks possums turds.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        American opossum or Australian possum? It makes a difference.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    We now return you to our regularily scheduled hatefest of Coonman Northam…

    1. djrippert Avatar

      As long as you can convince him that some action will promote racial equity … he’ll do it. My next effort is to convince him that all these tolls in NoVa are somehow discriminatory and emblematic of systemic racism. There are no tolls (that I know of) in lily white Southwest Virginia. The systemic racism of NoVa’s tolls is obvious.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Tolls are systemic racism? COOL!

        Maybe if they gave the toll revenues to lily white SW Virginia?

      2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Well, it’s a flat expense that, on first blush, might effect the poor disproportionately AND since the poor are disproportionately minority, sooo…

        But the toll is per car so if it is reapportioned to the occupants then so long as poor minorities pack their cars the toll can not be shown to be burdensome systemically to minorities.

        Got any data on minority car occupancy?

        The good news is that the ranks of the poor are increasing as a disproportionately white lower middle class slips into poverty, with the help of the GOP economic policies, so eventually tolls will not be racist.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Amen. He sucks possums turds.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        American opossum or Australian possum? It makes a difference.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    Haven’t found a recent poll of Virginians with respect to Northam and in some respects, Virgina governors are lame ducks as soon as they take office.

    THe lat poll for Northam back in the fall was good but that was before things things got worse in general.

    I still tend to think most of the rancor is from folks who did vote for Northam to start with and dyed-in-the-wool conservatives and GOP.

    One other thing about Virginia governor elections, ther is no built-in incumbent advantage in general so both parties sort of start out more or less on even footing once they can decide on who they’re gonna run.

    Pretty much guaranteed, no Dem pick will attract conservative votes but it might some moderate GOP votes depending on who the GOP runs.

    I’m of the view that Virginia is still purple and the main reason they are blue is that of late the GOP seems unable to run moderates because their base favors folks like Stewart and Chase and not the Kirk Coxes.

    In other words, Virginia itself probably leans a little right but not far right and if they end up with a far-right choice verses a Dem, they choose Dem – at least in the more populous non-rural parts of Virginia where even in places like Henrico and Chesterfield voters won’t go for folks like Stewart and Chase.

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    Haven’t found a recent poll of Virginians with respect to Northam and in some respects, Virgina governors are lame ducks as soon as they take office.

    THe lat poll for Northam back in the fall was good but that was before things things got worse in general.

    I still tend to think most of the rancor is from folks who did vote for Northam to start with and dyed-in-the-wool conservatives and GOP.

    One other thing about Virginia governor elections, ther is no built-in incumbent advantage in general so both parties sort of start out more or less on even footing once they can decide on who they’re gonna run.

    Pretty much guaranteed, no Dem pick will attract conservative votes but it might some moderate GOP votes depending on who the GOP runs.

    I’m of the view that Virginia is still purple and the main reason they are blue is that of late the GOP seems unable to run moderates because their base favors folks like Stewart and Chase and not the Kirk Coxes.

    In other words, Virginia itself probably leans a little right but not far right and if they end up with a far-right choice verses a Dem, they choose Dem – at least in the more populous non-rural parts of Virginia where even in places like Henrico and Chesterfield voters won’t go for folks like Stewart and Chase.

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