by Kerry Dougherty

You would expect that Governor Ralph Northam, in the final two weeks of his governorship, would engage in a little self-reflection, maybe even a bit of humility and admit that he and his “team” made colossal mistakes on Monday that left hundreds of travelers stranded on a frozen 50-mile stretch of highway for more than a day.

Shoot, a normal person might even — dare I say it — apologize for the endangerment of so many people.


If there’s one thing all Virginians know about Northam by now it’s that this guy is incapable of admitting he was wrong and he never apologizes.

Yesterday was no exception.

As the rest of the country watched in stupefied disbelief at a snowy, clogged I-95 packed with immobile cars and trucks, Northam was resolute.

The mistakes that led to the life-threatening situation weren’t his, he declared Wednesday. They were the fault of the drivers.

“We gave warnings, and people need to pay attention to these warnings, and the less people that are on the highways when these storms hit, the better,” Northam told The Washington Post.

Fewer, Ralph, fewer. Not “less” people.

Unbelievable. I-95 was on the verge of turning into the Donner Pass and the governor points his fingers at the hapless drivers and their passengers who were caught in the mess?

How many people heard those warnings, Governor? The traffic cams were out because Virginia has no back-up generators for them when the power fails. And what motorist who’s traveling a major stretch of interstate expects that the roadway would not be kept plowed? Or plowed at all?

If you ever suspected a lack of love between this governor and U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, that was confirmed with Northam’s flippant remarks, which seemed aimed at the senator who spent 27 hours on Northam’s highway to hell and gave a detailed account of the harrowing conditions in interviews when he finally arrived at the Capitol.

Of course lots of armchair governors joined Ralph in victim blaming. On social media they lectured the unwashed about the need to keep blankets, candles, matches, mace, high-powered beacons, binoculars, tourniquets and HoHos in the glovebox for just such an emergency. Oh, and what kind of a reckless fool gets on the expressway with only half a tank of gas, they demanded to know. Or without a charging cord for a cellphone?

There’s simply no excuse for the clusterfart on I-95 Monday. A Northam apology is in order. But Virginians will never get one from the most arrogant governor in recent history.

Nine more days.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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80 responses to “Northam Apologize? LOL”

  1. When a local resident called 1-800-FOR-ROAD to report the dangerously icy main road in Mathews at 2 PM, he found out that VDOT chose not to pretreat any roads in the whole state. Whoever made that decision needs to be replaced.
    I saw the salt truck running up and down my part of Route 14 all morning, but not doing anything but driving by, then nothing until there was about 3 inches of heavy snow on the road.

  2. Virginia Project Avatar
    Virginia Project

    signs on the highway said “stay safe – mask up”

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And place transmission in “Park”

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Karen not complain? HA!

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      the ignorati personified….

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “Dahlin’. Ma ice is warm… Damn those Democrats.”

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          the infestation of Karen’s is quite alarming…these days…. I note that at least some of them KNOw that their preferred behavior will get them on the no-fly list.. so… hypocrisy to boot or .. obeying the boot of govt….

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Calling a female blogger who dares to criticize a white, male governor “Karen” is pretty damn sexist. I thought you woke libs were against sexism.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        No, we’re totally non-partisan when it comes to Karens….. they’re a scourge on mankind….

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Actually, there are two types of women, Moniques and Sheldons. A Monique lies on the foredeck catching sun and blaming the boat for breaking a nail. Sheldons will catch their hair in a winch and keep on grinding.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            There are guys also that have “names”… 😉 – often – “a -butts”…. it takes a REAL woman to earn that one!… 😉

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Women are like pianos, upright or grand.

        Sexist? Moi? Don’t know what one is. Do you?

        All I know is Liberals call me a sexist when I explain the difference between men and women, and Conservatives call me a feminist when I try to explain the difference between women and kitchen appliances.

      3. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        If you haven’t noticed from the three amigo’s postings, they are pretty misogynistic with any female who doesn’t toe their ideology.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I would say, “There’s one out there for you,” but they can be a discriminating lot.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I find it also humorous that you’re calling someone a Karen while displaying the fundamental characteristics of one yourself.

            I have a lovely wife thank you, she doesn’t care for misogynists such as yourself.

  4. dick dyas Avatar
    dick dyas

    Where were the State Police? You can’t tell me there was no way to direct 95 traffic onto the exit ramps. Use the road shoulders. Use tow trucks to move the cars without gasoline. Have boots on the ground! Show leadership.
    Just don’t let them sit there for 24 hours!!
    Of course Northam deserves the ultimate blame. But the State cops need some blame too.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      so going into the Youngkin years, ANYTHING that ANY state agency screws up will be Youngkins fault? COOL BeANS!

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        If Younkin screws up like this, fails to own the matter and blames drivers you better damn believe I’ll be first in line to criticize him.

        Northam as governor is a failure, pure and simple.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I’ve captured this response and plan to use the hell out of it! 😉 There is NO WAY that Youngkin won’t have his share of screwups… wanna revise now?

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Where does one cross the Rappahannock? Rte. 3.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      The kind of roads that Arlington (and other NoVa) teachers find too treacherous to navigate.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so no teachers on that 50-mile pile-up, then…right? 😉

  5. VaNavVet Avatar

    When I started reading, it sounded like Kerry was talking about our former President, Donald J. Trump, who can never admit to being wrong or to being a loser. I actually was betting that this would be a piece by Kerry just from the title. As for I-95, plenty of blame to go around. We will have to see how Governor Youngkin’s admin does when faced with a similar set of circumstances and how Kerry responds then. Perhaps an appropriate BR posting for the January 6th anniversary.

    1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      Sailor, you obviously never skippered a ship, let alone run one aground. A good leader takes responsibility. Did Lee blame his brigade and division commanders at Gettysburg? Of course not. He wasn’t you.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        Would agree that a good leader takes responsibility. Hence, my comment about plenty of blame to go around. We do seem these days to be very short on “good leaders”. Do the skippers still go down with the ship? Also interesting that you went back to the Civil War for an example. I really doubt that I would have been Lee either.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          VDOT (and others) can do 999 things right and one thing wrong – and for that they are “unfit” ….. yes indeed….

          put that criteria on ourselves….


          1. I’d love to see 999 things VDOT does right. I’ve got a book documenting VDOT failures connected to drainage and exposing their mythology. 7 years now, and they’re worse than ever. Rural area funds for local projects are gone –redirected to urban congestion through smart scale. Won’t unclog pipes because they won’t apply for environmental clearance that’s covered under blanket permits.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            They’re not perfect by a long shot but much of your issue is a policy dispute with them rather than actual failure to carry out their specified mission.

            Smart Scale is amusing because EVERYONE, both Urban and Rural are making the same claim… that SS discriminates against them AND often favors other regions over their region.!

            The politics are now out of it – or at least, it’s much harder to “fudge” the standard criteria and scoring….without it being obvious.

            I totally support Smart Scale that forces each project to be well defined and prove it’s value and efficacy and be scored on a common basis….

            We should never go back to the political games.

          3. how_it_works Avatar

            Do they use some sort of “Smart Scale” to figure out which calls to return?

            Like, for example, any calls about drainage ditches are never to be returned unless the person has already called 10 times or has brought the issue up with their county supervisor.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Smart Scale is for new stuff not existing. The drainage thing is complicated because VDOT does not take responsibility for anything beyond their right-of-way UNLESS it is actually causing the problem at the right-of-way…. AND they CAN bill anyone whose own responsibility that was not done that then cause damage to the road.

            Places where there are tidal swamps or even non-tidal upstream swamps is literally a quagmire… and VDOT will no-longer maintain a road on a dam that they are not responsible for maintaining.

            VDOT is far, far from perfect – just like virtually everyone and every non-govt entity is… You do the job, the best you can and you deal with the screw-ups as they happen and sometimes not as well as others want you to…

            It’s just immature and childish to play blame games in general for most things… IMHO.

          5. As usual, you are bypassing the topic. We’re not talking about dams. I AM talking about state road ditches intended to drain state roads and allow streams to cross roads through pipes intended for that purpose. The Commonwealth claims the land, ditches and drainage structures as assets on the comprehensive annual report–that make them the commonwealth’s responsibility. Even the attorney general’s office acknowledged that in 2016. A lot of places called nontidal wetlands are inundated uplands from lack of maintenance for appropriate drainage as designed for the adjacent road.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Right. But is your disagreement with VDOT itself or the local VDOT?

            Did the AJ say they wer the Commonwealth’s responsibility or specifically VDOTs?

            We have ditches and other drainage structures up this way, but I don’t recall this being an issue.

            If VDOT has a ditch – and it fills with water coming from something outside of their right of way/jurisdiction … and they just let the road stay flooded?

          7. how_it_works Avatar

            The drainage ditch in front of my house was screwed up by Verizon when they dug it up to fix a cable.

            I called the 800 number. I made VDOT aware of the issue–while the Verizon crew was still on site.

            Never heard anything from VDOT. I guess they just don’t care.

            There’s now 5 inches of mud blocking the exit of the culvert pipe.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            VDOT has an online “pothole report” that actually works… maybe try that? 😉
            I did , gave them the location and within a few days they had patched.

            Drainage is harder…. they may expect Verizon to fix it…

          9. Call 800 for road and do as I suggested. Remind them that they can bill verizon for the work since they caused the problem. Reference number and dates of calls are key to getting a resolution.

          10. how_it_works Avatar

            Thanks, I’ll see what I can do with this.

          11. contact Jim Bacon for my email if it doesn’t work. I may have some additional ideas for you.

          12. how_it_works Avatar

            Will do. Thanks!

          13. Call 800-for-road and you will usually reach a human, Document date, time and get the reference number and repeat weekly. You may not get action, but you will get s response, and sometimes, you will get action.

          14. how_it_works Avatar

            Ahh, the old “bitch at them till they get off their ass and do something” method of getting things done. Love it!

          15. Read Drowning a County. The Smart Scale issue is a policy issue. Failed drainage and other maintenance is absolutely failure to carry out their legislated responsibilities. Taking away the funds formerly allocated to non-Smart Scale localities reduces what they can and used to do on their own.

          16. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            There are downsides to independent city dwelling… not having VDOT ain’t one of ’em.

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            I believe….. VDOT … STILL is responsible for design/maintenance/operation US-signed and Va-signed roadways, even inside independent cities. They may delegate it to the city, but they have to follow US and State rules for those roads so-designated.

          18. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Maybe… but in the city, there’s a guy called the “traffic engineer ” who can be gotten to, at if necessary.

          19. how_it_works Avatar

            But VDOT has an 800 number where you can leave a message….

            …and never get a call back.

          20. how_it_works Avatar

            By the way I know of a city where the public works director (who has since retired) put his CELL phone number on the city website. Nobody had any trouble getting ahold of the guy. He didn’t hide behind an 800 number or an “administrative assistant”. That’s impressive.

          21. how_it_works Avatar

            What I have seen is that VDOT only maintains Interstate highways within independent city boundaries

          22. LarrytheG Avatar

            US-signed roads receive Federal funding but they also have Federal rules for maintenance and operation.

            Ditto for State-signed “Primary” roads.

            city-roads built with city funds are the purview of the cities… but Fed and State roads that run through them are beholden to Fed/State rules.

            ( For example, a city cannot decide to turn a Fed/State road into a one-way or close it altogether and convert to mall-type venue.

          23. how_it_works Avatar

            VDOT is supposed to check that cities are using the road maintenance funds given to them by VDOT to keep the roads in good condition. This applies even to roads originally built with city funds–VDOT funds their maintenance. The amount of funding is based on lane miles.

          24. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s pretty complicated.. I don’t pretend to know all of it by any means. There are dozens of “pots” of money for different purposes and if you go to the VDOT project pages and look at some of the projects funding … it’s dizzying… at least to me…

          25. DJRippert Avatar

            Failing to pre-treat or plow the busiest road in the region ahead of a known snow storm is hardly “one little thing” out of 1,000.

          26. LarrytheG Avatar

            what I read is that VDOT purposely chose to not brine because rain was expected in front of the snow and would wash away the brine… not a “little” thing…. but then again the blame-game folks know no limits these days… I hope Youngkin is ready….

          27. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            According to VDOT, they did not pre-treat because the heavy rain that came before the snow would have washed it away.

          28. LarrytheG Avatar

            yes…. but those words… they’re bouncing off the critics…noggins… for some reason… they gotta blame….it’s what they gotta do….

          29. how_it_works Avatar

            The “Lost Cause” theory applied to the 24-hour I95 shutdown.

          30. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I find the statement that they didn’t pre-treat because of the rain humorous. Most snow storms in VA begin with wet snow that melts once it hints the ground. So using that logic, it would be washed away before it sticks, so they should never pre-treat.

          31. how_it_works Avatar

            Even if that were the case, why didn’t they start putting salt down after the rain changed to snow?

          32. DJRippert Avatar

            Because VDOT is incompetent, at least under the Northam administration.

          33. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            You’re guess is as good as mine, it sounds more like a look over here answer. They got caught with their pants down and now are reeling to answer. Well they can’t a redo tonight, so lets see how bad they can Charlie Foxtrot it again.

          34. DJRippert Avatar

            You refuse to hold Coonman accountable for anything.

          35. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well yeah… when you start off with “coonman”, we know who you are to start with before you say much more, right?

            I guess you’re ready for Youngkin to now take over the punching-bag role from the boo-birds left and right also?

          36. DJRippert Avatar

            Then they should have had the plows ready to go on I95 as soon as the rain changed to snow.

            You are attempting to defend the indefensible.

            I95, perhaps along with I81, are THE two major highways in Virginia.

          37. LarrytheG Avatar

            I-64 also… parking lot from Richmond to Tidewater some holiday or beach days…

            I-95 is a problem…. even on “good” days these days….

            It’s a lose-lose. You can’t plow until some snow accumulates… and by that time the idiots have already proceeded to drive like they typically do and shut down the highway. They DO THIS even when there is NO SNOW but they are especially good at it when it does snow.

            wanna blame? blame the idiots who drive like they have a “right” to….their individual “liberty’…. that thang…

          38. And the excuse for not sanding as it iced? Or not plowing as it accumulated? or not using Brine where it stopped raining before the snow?

          39. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            SOP when I lived in NOVA was any predicted snow storm resulted in plow trucks being parked under overpasses on I-66.

          40. DJRippert Avatar

            Exactly. But Northam apparently didn’t do that and it’s the drivers’ fault.

          41. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Clearly Gov. Northam didn’t remember the MDMP and TLP’s he was required to learn to get his Commission from the US Army.

          42. how_it_works Avatar

            VDOT: Helping to confirm exactly what the folks in the other 49 states think of Virginia!

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    VDOT has said before, that they won’t brine the roads if the snow starts as rain because it just washes the brine away anyhow. That happened in Fredericksburg before when they DID brine and it did get washed away and the snow did it’s thing …..

    This is a natural disaster – not that different than floods, tornados, wildfires, etc… and the blame game is IMHO childish behavior over something that affected them that they did not like and someone has to be “responsible’ for it. We got some of that going around over COVID also IMHO.

    It’s not right that bad stuff happened and SOMEONE …. NEEDS to be ‘responsible”… that’s where we are now as a society…

  7. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Not an excuse, but it was a strange storm…if you were in the path, I never recall seeing so many trees and shrubs broken. And it was just a sliver of Virginia, and not well predicted, so motorists up and down I95 barreling down the highway from out-of-state like nothing much going on. Day before in short sleeves at 64F and then 16F next night to freeze everything. We are KVABURKE 60 new personal weather station on , but still getting the bugs out.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Hey, I LOVE you wunderground folks! Thanks!

    2. It wasn’t all that well predicted unless you were constantly tuned in to weather. Even that morning they were saying for my area it would snow in the afternoon, but not stick except on grassy areas, and be clear by 5 because the bay water was 52 degrees. (That did save us from what hit further north.) It was a shock at 2 to see blizzard-like conditions, 30-mph winds with heavy clumps of snow falling and sticking.

      The warnings were originally for coastal flooding and winds, not dangerous snow and ice conditions.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        we got wildly ranging estimates … it was clear to us that they did not have a tight prediction…

        so yeah, we can blame the weather folks also for not precisely predicting a variable like weather.

        We have become a bunch of demanding idiots who expect perfection even when natural disasters occur…

        AND THEN – we blame…. and say they are unfit and bad people and gawd knows what else…

        I hope Youngkin is ready for this… 😉

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        VDOT doesn’t tune into the weather. I mean why should they when there are so many hilarious Hee Haw reruns to watch instead?

  8. that 9 days cannot get here soon enough.

  9. Timothy Watson Avatar
    Timothy Watson

    Northam claims that the state was aware of the snow and ice projections and drivers were warned to say off the road, but his VDOT claims the storm was “unprecedented” and there was nothing VDOT could do to get enough plows on I-95 to clear the snow before accidents occurred.

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