Normalizing Pedophilia

Allyn Walker

by Kerry Dougherty

Turns out Allyn Walker is not a lone academic pushing a repulsive agenda. Others in the woke crowd are chiming in.

Remember Walker? That was the ODU professor who was sacked last year after this site and others sounded the alarm about how they/them was preaching the gospel of “minor attracted persons” – a euphemism for pedophiles.

Calling perverts who lust after children “pedophiles” hurts their feelings, said Walker. We need to treat these monsters with more respect.

Last time I checked, Walker was working at Johns Hopkins.

Acceptance of pedophilia as just one more wrinkle in our sexual tapestry is the latest attack on children by the people who brought you drag queen story time. Those of us who refuse to recognize the humanity of men who want to rape babies are being too judgy, they say. Stop with your Christian moralizing, they scold. Pedophiles are just like everyone else, except they find Pampers sexy.

Time for normal people to shout ENOUGH. We will never show compassion to people who hurt children. And we will object every time some leftie voices these repugnant ideas.

This perps-first-victims-last attitude is the natural outgrowth of the sort of soft-on-crime policies peddled by Democrats around the country.

One minute society’s being too hard on murderers by keeping them locked up for life. Next, we’re being unkind to freaks who hurt children by shunning them even after they’ve served their prison sentences.

At least that’s the point of Downstate, a play that received a glowing review in The Washington Post under the happy headline: “‘Downstate’ Is A Play About Pedophiles. It’s Also Brilliant.”

Bruce Norris’ off-Broadway work is tough stuff, questioning how society treats those convicted of heinous acts.

The Post reviewer called this sympathetic portrayal of felons living in a halfway house “scintillating.” The point of the play is to admonish us to be nice to the animals once they are out of prison.

Tell me, how is ANY prison sentence long enough for someone who sexually abused a kid? Why would they EVER get out?

Ooops. My moral outrage is showing. I’ll try to do better

Living together in a group home in downstate Illinois, their movements monitored electronically (and their windows broken by irate vandals), four men of diverse age and backgrounds eke out marginal existences in menial jobs and managed routines. The house is like an island whose shores are washed with waves of contempt. Any protest or request is treated by their harried caseworker …as that of a passenger in steerage daring to ask for a clean blanket…the predators who’ve completed their prison terms are depicted not as monsters but rather as complicated, troubled souls.

“Troubled souls.”

Oh, please. Spare us.

But it gets worse. Apparently the most “disagreeable” character in this scintillating, brilliant play is the grown victim of one of the pedophiles, who comes to face his molester.

Why does this not surprise me? Of course the bad guy would have to be the victim.

I won’t be seeing this play and I suspect you won’t either.

But the fact that The Washington Post decided to publicize and praise the production, which clearly attempts to gin up sympathy for violent perverts, tells you all you need to know about this once-great daily.

Can you imagine what the late Ben Bradlee would have said about publishing this rubbish in his newspaper?

Left-wing woke loons are now running the show. Both off-Broadway and in Washington.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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65 responses to “Normalizing Pedophilia”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    Apparently this is the new woke project – normalizing pedophilia. As usual, the clowns in California lead the way …

    1. You know what they say: As California Goes, So Goes the Country

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      QAnon much?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Another useless comment. Is there anything specific in the Daily Mail article with which you disagree?

        When one set of wokesters tries to redefine pedophiles to be “minor attracted persons” while another set of wokesters pushes for laws and policies that allow convicted pedophiles to get out of jail after very light sentences, it sounds like something is afoot.

        Meanwhile, the rate of recidivism remains high for convicted sex offenders …

        1. One of the criticisms of judge Jackson was her consistently light sentencing of pedophiles at about half the time of other federal judges.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Do you REALLY “think” that the left wants to normalize pedophilia?

          Is that your belief?

    3. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      If wokesters along with CA and NY did not exist, woke conservatism would perish freeing it to continue to promote the Lost Cause.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        For a Mc you really obsess over the Confederacy. I’m going to diagnose you with a double case of TDS and CDS – Trump and Confederacy Derangement Syndromes.

      2. killerhertz Avatar

        For a Mc you really obsess over the Confederacy. I’m going to diagnose you with a double case of TDS and CDS – Trump and Confederacy Derangement Syndromes.

  2. In addition to praise from the WaPo, this play was selected as a ‘Critic’s Pick’ by the New York Times.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Proving that normalization of pedophilia is indeed a new project of the far left. They want to destroy America, and are well on their way to doing so.

      I often wonder if they ever stop to think what success of their model actually looks like.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Proving that normalization of pedophilia is indeed a new project of the far left. They want to destroy America, and are well on their way to doing so.

      I often wonder if they ever stop to think what success of their model actually looks like.

  3. So what’s being purported? That the left wants to legalize pedophilia?

    Walker is not trying to normalize pedophilia, but rather encourage pedophiles who haven’t done anything yet to come forward for treatment. At bare minimum, we can track them and keep them away from kids. While the violent posturing may feel cathartic, it only encourages non-offenders to stay hidden until they inevitably do something monstrous. So, unless you want to trust the willpower of a pedophile, I think Walker has the right idea, if ill-advised nomenclature.

    I haven’t seen the play, so I can’t judge what its aims are, but the NYT Critic specifically calls the Andy character a blind spot for the play, noting that one can interpret that Andy’s success in life means he’s gotten over his trauma and the confrontation with his abuser is just self-indulgent revenge. Which is…not how recovering from traumatic events works.

    Seems like just smearing your opponents as pedophiles. Which is pretty screwed up.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I’ll “purport” it. The far left wants to normalize pedophilia.

      Do you think it a coincidence that the Washington Post and the New York Times both picked this work out of obscurity to highlight it? I don’t think the “arts” editors had a zoom conference.

      They just are out there peddling societal poison.

      1. Bruce Norris, the writer of the play, is an award-winning playwright. This is not some small production plucked from the void to push an agenda. Whether or not you like his work, is another matter altogether. But it’s relevant to an Arts section of a newspaper.

        But don’t let me stop a good tilting at windmills.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          “Bruce Norris, the writer of the play, is an award-winning playwright. ”

          Appeal to Authority much? Winning an award for previous work doesn’t mean diddly.

          See Woody Allen & Raymond Polanski.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Folks on the right these days have “issues” with reality and truth. Even Merriam-Webster sees it:

        3. By your logic, we should listen to Harvey Weinstein on the subject of how to treat women.

          After all, he has won multiple tony awards and numerous oscars.

          1. If Bruce Norris has committed crimes, then feel free to let me know. I am not familiar with his work before this manufactured outrage began.

          2. I was referring to the logical fallacy of “Appealing to Authority” which you used in defending the author.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            On advice of his attorney he has declined an invitation to interview.

            Jeez, yes! Have you never seen Dateline? An interview with Charlie Manson? Ted Bundy? They are riveting. Train crash riveting.

            But that’s beside the point. Take Hemmingway. A lot of his stories broached the taboo. He wrote of homosexuality, abortion. This is just another thought provoking tale.

            My favorite Hemmingway is easily reproduced here: “For Sale, baby shoes. Never worn.”

          4. I understand thought-provoking. I enjoy reading thought-provoking literature. The play may even be what some are saying it is.

            However, I find the timing of the publicity being given this particular play about this particular issue somewhat suspect. It appears to me to be the early stages of the typical method by which “progressives” normalize other “non-mainstream” issues and activities.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I dunno, tough to determine the chicken-egg sequence when traveling at the speed of Twitter.

          6. I do not use Twitter, but I will agree that it, and things like Facebook, have accelerated a process that used to take years or even decades to weeks or months.

            Sometimes that is a good thing, sometimes it is a bad thing.

            And, if someone is trying to get their camel’s nose under the tent flap regarding the normalization of pedophiles, that is a bad thing. And I sure hope everyone here can at least agree with that.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I don’t think it is normalizing they’re trying. I think it’s coping. And it’s not the pedophile this is about, it’s the victims.

            That play, assuming Rosie’s synopsis is correct, is no different than the Catholic News Agency article I cited elsewhere. They are both about victims coping, letting go of their guilt and dealing with PTSD.

            BTW, the CNA article said the church reimbursed the priest’s victim for 1/2 of his psychological counseling… we used to have as saying, “Wow! That’s mighty (inset noble race here) of them!”

          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Oh BTW. Normalizing is the wrong word. It’s an aberrant behavior. It is “normal” only in the sense that it ain’t never going to stop. Ever. The trick is minimizing the damage.

          9. I do not use Twitter, but I will agree that it, and things like Facebook, have accelerated a process that used to take years or even decades to weeks or months.

            Sometimes that is a good thing, sometimes it is a bad thing.

            And, if someone is trying to get their camel’s nose under the tent flap regarding the normalization of pedophiles, that is a bad thing. And I sure hope everyone here can at least agree with that.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The message is not about treatment.

      The following is not flippant, but a serious sociological point. It is an easy journey from considering abortion a social good to accepting this perversion as well. We reap what we sow.

      1. Show me where Walker says we should support pedophilia. They argue that people likely don’t wake up one day with a lusting for children. That it’s a psychological problem. What should we do with people who confess attraction to children but have (yet) to commit a crime? Throw them in jail? Are we introducing thoughtcrimes now?

        And even if we did punish people for the attraction and not the deed, that just encourages pedophiles to keep it to themselves, and that will only lead to children being harmed. I have a few Catholic churches’ worth of examples.

        I disagree with Walker’s insipid MAP rebranding, which dilutes the seriousness of the situation. It’s also not a bulletproof solution: some assault for the sake of exerting power over another. But I don’t see the downside of encouraging some of these people to come to us instead of forcing us to find them before its too late.

        But please, enlighten me on how this normalizes pedophilia and what you propose we do instead.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          I haven’t read the play and don’t want to. I said that considering unborn children to be lifeless and without human value is not that distant from considering little children as acceptable sexual partners. Both are about one human getting what they want at the expense of the other. Selfishness. Dehumanization of the child.

        2. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          I haven’t read the play and don’t want to. Ick. I said that considering unborn children to be lifeless and without human value is not that distant from considering little children as acceptable sexual partners. Both are about one (bigger) human getting what they want at the expense of the other. Selfishness. Dehumanization of the child.

          1. Oh! You mean like when a Christian parent tries to stop their child from being gay or trans? Bigger human getting what they want at the expense of another, right?

            Yes, I can too can make tortured comparisons.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Dudette. That is thinner than milk gravy.

          3. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Their nonsense usually is.

          4. Oh! You mean like when a Christian parent tries to stop their child from being gay or trans? Bigger human getting what they want at the expense of another, right?

            Yes, I can too can make tortured comparisons.

    3. Matt Adams Avatar

      “I haven’t seen the play, so I can’t judge what its aims are, but the NYT Critic specifically calls the Andy character a blind spot for the play, noting that one can interpret that Andy’s success in life means he’s gotten over his trauma and the confrontation with his abuser is just self-indulgent revenge. Which is…not how recovering from traumatic events works.”

      So victim blaming.

      Also your statement that his station in life somehow means he got over trauma is utter rubbish you shouldn’t make such assertion’s. Also, people don’t remover the same either.

      You’re not Freud, stop trying.

      1. How are you this bad at reading comprehension?

        Andy, when he was a child, was Fred’s victim.
        According to the critic, adult Andy visited Fred as part of his therapy.
        Andy is successful with a high-paying job.
        The critic sees this scene as implying that, because Andy ended up successful, his visit to Fred is less therapeutic and more vengeful.
        The critic says that this is a blind spot of the play’s writer. He is critical of that scene.

        What is your disagreement here?

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          “Andy is successful with a high-paying job.
          The critic sees this scene as implying that, because Andy ended up successful, his visit to Fred is less therapeutic and more vengeful.”

          Perhaps you should reread that without your blinders on. You quoted the critic, therefore it can be stated you agree with their statement, otherwise you wouldn’t have quoted it.

          1. If that is what happened in the play, then I agree with the critic that being successful doesn’t mean you are free from the trauma of sexual abuse.

            That is the line that you left off your quote. Did you think my commented ended there? There was more! It was refers to the critic and his thoughts about my summary! For the love of literacy, read and comprehend.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            Your comment didn’t need to end there, you cited the critic. Therefore it can be concluded you agreed with the critic. Otherwise, a logical person wouldn’t cite said critic or they would state their reasons for disagreement.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Engagement is futile. He’s strictly ID 10-T.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar

          Again, you quoted the critic of the play. If you didn’t agree with the critic you wouldn’t have cited them.

          1. I am going to say it again, in simple words you will understand.

            What Happened in the Play
            Fred bad man. Hurt child Andy.
            Andy grow up.
            Andy have good job; make much money.
            Andy visit Fred.

            What the Critic’s Thoughts Were
            The critic saw the scene as implying that Andy is over his trauma because Andy is successful. The critic DISAGREES with this and calls it a blind spot of the writer.

            If that is what happened in the play (I have not seen it), then I agree with the critic in that success does not mean you have recovered from trauma.

            IN NONE OF MY COMMENTS HAVE I QUOTED THE CRITIC. Everything I have said is just summarizing because the article is paywalled and I ran out of free articles.

            Do you understand now? Yes, I agree with the critic on this one scene. No, the critic is not blaming the victim but in fact criticizing the writer for the how victim is presented in the play.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            The condescension isn’t warranted.

            “Rosie James C. Sherlock • 2 hours ago
            Bruce Norris, the writer of the play, is an award-winning playwright. This is not some small production plucked from the void to push an agenda. Whether or not you like his work, is another matter altogether. But it’s relevant to an Arts section of a newspaper.

            But don’t let me stop a good tilting at windmills.”

            Your other comment goes against what you’re trying to state here. So which is your opinion, because they both cannot coexist.

          3. This isn’t relevant to our specific discussion.

            Sherlock is trying to claim that the play was specifically chosen for review because of its content. I am saying that the writer of the play is an award-winner and not some obscure nobody the Times and Post dug up to push an agenda.

            The play is noteworthy because the writer is noteworthy. This is not a value judgment of the play itself, just its relevancy in a newspaper’s art review.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar

            “I am saying that the writer of the play is an award-winner and not some obscure nobody the Times and Post dug up to push an agenda.”

            So they aren’t pushing an agenda, because the writer has a previous awarding winning play?

            That is illogical, the fact that it’s a prominent voice would do the opposite.

            Oh it’s relevant.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar

            The condescension isn’t warranted.

            “Rosie James C. Sherlock • 2 hours ago
            Bruce Norris, the writer of the play, is an award-winning playwright. This is not some small production plucked from the void to push an agenda. Whether or not you like his work, is another matter altogether. But it’s relevant to an Arts section of a newspaper.

            But don’t let me stop a good tilting at windmills.”

            Your other comment goes against what you’re trying to state here. So which is your opinion, because they both cannot coexist.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Here Rosie… Andy’s true story.

      Apparently, the Catholic News Agency is ‘normalizing’ pedophilia too.

  4. So what’s being purported? That the left wants to legalize pedophilia?

    Walker is not trying to normalize pedophilia, but rather encourage pedophiles who haven’t done anything yet to come forward for treatment. At bare minimum, we can track them and keep them away from kids. While the violent posturing may feel cathartic, it only encourages non-offenders to stay hidden until they inevitably do something monstrous. So, unless you want to trust the willpower of a pedophile, I think Walker has the right idea, if ill-advised nomenclature.

    I haven’t seen the play, so I can’t judge what its aims are, but the NYT Critic specifically calls the Andy character a blind spot for the play, noting that one can interpret that Andy’s success in life means he’s gotten over his trauma and the confrontation with his abuser is just self-indulgent revenge. Which is…not how recovering from traumatic events works.

    Seems like just smearing your opponents as pedophiles. Which is pretty screwed up.

  5. Jim Loving Avatar

    The left has a problem with the “woke project”. There are issues around the original iniative for “woke”, which was centered around racial justice (as in American needs to “Wake up” from its history of racial discrimination, including post 1960 Civil rights), morphing into today’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion iniatives across major American institutions (Universities, Hollywood movies and TV programs, Corporations, governments) and social media-fueled cancel culture for many. The right smells blood in the water and has, per usual, done a very good job of deflection away from its own many sins by lumping every societal sin into the policies of the left and the “woke project.” It is a rallying cry for the right in the culture wars – see exhibit A – Florida’s Ron Desantis, the latest GOP savior for POTUS.

    “Woke” is the new communism or socialism for the right. Everything wrong and terrible that can be attributed to the poltical left fits nicely under the umbrella of one word, “woke.”

    Pedophilia promotion? Sure, why not – every Democrat and leftist is a supporter of pedophilia, just like the Comunists and Socialists were. Whatever you say, Kerrie, you be you.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      The bizarre ideas and policies of the left require that group to engage in regular rebranding. From the left to liberal to progressive to woke. After ValueJet Airlines mis-managed cargo storage of oxygen tanks and crashed into the Everglades (killing all aboard) the reborn airline rebranded itself as AirTran. Once liberal policies became synonymous with failure the liberals rebranded themselves as progressives. Now that progressive policies are being seen as failures a new rebranding is apparently in order.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: ” “Woke” is the new communism or socialism for the right. Everything wrong and terrible that can be attributed to the poltical left fits nicely under the umbrella of one word, “woke.””

      yep. Basically re-cast McCarthyism… talk about gaslighting!

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Not woke… Nick Fuentes.

    4. A right-wing wacko commits murders with a gun (although, truth be told, most murderers lean leftward is they lean at all). Left-wing commentators blame all gunowners and try to ban firearms. And that’s okay with you.

      Some right-wing wackos invade the Capitol building. Left-wing commentators blame all republicans and conservatives, and endorse violations of civil rights for the offenders. And that’s okay with you.

      Some left-wing wackos try to normalize pedophilia and some right-wing commentators call them on and point out the dangers of doing such a thing. That’s not okay with you.


      1. We are pointing out that it is not normalizing pedophilia. That is the central disagreement between us.

  6. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    There is no way to put a good spin on pedophilia or this play. Pedophiles who have abused children should be locked away period. Those who have such tendencies don’t need to “be encouraged to come forward.” They know that their tendencies are destructive and should seek treatment.
    The Post should be ashamed of itself. In addition to what Ben Bradlee would do, think about what Katherine Graham would do. Jeff Bezos is in line for a lot of trouble if he lets woke principles go unchecked.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    You want to see a rogue’s gallery of pedophiles just Google “Youth Pastor Arrested”. Enjoy.

    1. Maybe one of the characters in the play should have been a former youth pastor…

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Was there a point to Karen’s screed of disconnected nonsense?

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Normalizing pedophilia?! What?! Has the Pope done something?

  10. killerhertz Avatar

    MAPs – minor attracted persons. Smart people have seen this going on for a while now and it was obvious this behavior was tolerated on social media. The left is now upset that Elon is going after these predators on Twitter.

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