Norfolk’s Self-Defunding Police Force

Shootings are becoming such a problem in downtown Norfolk that city officials are cracking down on nightclubs that violate city ordinances — inspiring charges of racism in the process.

Good luck holding down the homicide rate, guys. If you shut down a nightclub, you don’t eliminate demand for partying and booze. Local businessmen will set up new nightclubs somewhere else. Young people will continue to drink, do drugs, and get into quarrels with guns.

What you need is more police. However, the police force, which is 255 officers short and operating at 33% below full staffing level, is expecting to lose another 77 officers by the end of the year. Without replacements, the force would be operating at at 44% below full staffing.

Police Chief Michael Goldsmith says the city is turning the corner, reports The Virginian-Pilot.

One problem affecting the police, which is afflicting almost every sector of the economy, is the “retirement tsunami.” Baby Boomers are hitting retirement age, and they’re calling it quits. There’s not much that Chief Goldsmith can do about the demographic bulge.

But the PD can poach officers from other localities. Norfolk signed up six officers from New York following a city ad campaign in the Big Apple. Tough luck, New York. Let’s just hope other jurisdictions aren’t poaching from Norfolk. Also, new recruitments are up, says Goldsmith. He expects 40 newbies to come on board in July.

So, the city expects to lose 77 veteran officers by December and to gain 40 junior officers by June. That leaves a six-month gap when the police force will be operating at 56%. That sound grim.

Missing from the Pilot’s discussion is any consideration of police morale. Are police quitting because they’re demoralized? If so, why?


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27 responses to “Norfolk’s Self-Defunding Police Force”

  1. What would more police do in this case? These are crimes of passion committed in an impaired state. Even we had a cop in every bar, a person so drunk and enraged they are willing to take a life isn’t going to see the officer across the room and make a rational decision to calm down.

    The problem with more police is that we fund treating symptoms and not the root cause.

    1. Richard Smith Avatar
      Richard Smith

      And the Root Cause is …. more of these bad boys need to be locked up and in jail… Some of them have been juvenile delinquents that got off easy…
      When we start locking up this trash and get serious about punishing crime the problem will go away…
      PS,, and a lot of this is gang violence, need to work on the gang problem, infects the whole 757 area..

    2. Merchantseamen Avatar

      ooops I blinked.

  2. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Would fewer firearms in combination with more police make a difference? And if the new nightclubs are not within city limits will that help?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      They have nightclubs in VB and shootings too.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Isn’t VB a 2A Sanctuary while Norfolk is not? What difference a sanctuary make?

        1. 2021 Homicide Rates

          Norfolk – 4.91 per 100K
          Virginia Beach – 1.55 per 100K

          So, yes, there is a difference.

          That being said, the City of Virginia Beach passed a resolution declaring support for the right to keep and bear arms, and urging the state government to respect the 2nd Amendment.. They did not say that they would decline to enforce the law.

        2. Merchantseamen Avatar

          2A sanctuary shots back.

      2. they have nightclubs in Jackson….. and you can carry open or concealed and enjoy libations… no shootings there….. hmmmmmm???

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Mississippi ranks BELOW Illinois as a safe place to live. In fact, if I recall, it’s the barrel bottom.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            Most of the criminal element in Chicago doesn’t have to go back more than 1 or 2 generations to find their ancestors which came from places like Mississippi.


    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      They have nightclubs in VB and shootings too.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Over the past two years, homicides and gun assaults trended upward while most property crimes receded. In the first half of 2022, crime patterns partially reversed: in particular, homicides and gun assaults declined while property crimes rose.

      The number of homicides declined by 2% in the first half of 2022 compared to the first half of 2021 (a decrease of 54 homicides). While this reduction is heartening, the homicide rate is still 39% higher than it was during the first half of 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic.
      The number of gun assaults dropped by 6% in the first half of 2022, but this trend is based on data from just 12 cities and should be viewed with caution.

      Aggravated assaults (+4%) and robberies (+19%) increased in the first half of 2022 compared to the first half of 2021.

      Domestic violence incidents decreased by 5% between the first half of 2021 and the first half of 2022. This result is based on just 12 cities studied and should be viewed with caution.

      Residential burglaries (+6%), nonresidential burglaries (+8%), larcenies (+20%), and motor vehicle thefts (+15%) all increased in the first half of 2022 compared to the first six months of 2021.

      Drug offenses dropped by 7% in the first half of 2022 over the first half of 2021.

      Never let the facts interfere with a campaign strategy!

      1. Merchantseamen Avatar

        Armed society is a polite society.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Yeah, okay, okay. Some guys with guns shoot people. We get it.

    So here’s a crime. Suppose you need a CAT scan. You’re okay because you have insurance. But the lab cost is negotiated with the insurance company at $1500. Here’s the crime — Your Deductible, oops, which just happens to be $3500. Guess what you pay?

    Well, procedures and such HAVE TO BE offered to you for CASH at the lowest negotiated cost. Meaning that if the imaging lab has negotiated a LOWER price with a certain other insurer, say $300, they must accept that amount from you in cash. You can pay less. Now, you may not get credit toward your deductible since no insurance claim, but you save money.

    That “certain other insurer” is Medicare.

    Upshot — if you file the insurance clain, you pay $1500. If you pay cash, you only pay $300.

    Yea! The American healthcare system is eff’ed up.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Calling all BaQAnon’s Rebellion Conservative Contributors! This is an emergency! Pivot quickly to CRIME! Write as many pieces as possible on crime!


    Oh, and it’s okay to make LePage-like racist remarks linking color to crime. Feel free to connect things like “reparations” to “criminals”. Don’t be shy. It’s okay to say things like “The Mexicans are coming to steal your women and rape your cattle!”

    1. The increase in homicides may not be a serious concern for people like you who live in your comfortable little worlds, but it is for the people who get killed. .. unless, of course, they’re one of the tiny minority killed by a cop.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        oh cry in a bag of money. You and your right wing opiners are pumping the vote. Cops don’t kill people. They’re called “summary executions”.

        Come November 10th, you won’t care either.

        1. What do you call Chicago? Ohhh yeah…. a hell hole thanks for LL.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            And even with Chicago, Illinois is safer than 8 Republican States.

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            Outside of Chicago, Illinois tends to be conservative.

            Trump got more votes (as a percentage) in DuPage County than he did in Prince William County.

            And I’d bet that DuPage County is safer, with a better quality of life, than Democrat-run Prince William County.

            …course that was probably also true 35 years ago, when Prince William County was run by Republicans.

            But I think the difference has less to do with Republican vs. Democrat than it does to do with Northern vs. Southern culture.

        2. Merchantseamen Avatar

          Sort of sad you really believe that.

    2. The increase in homicides may not be a serious concern for people like you who live in your comfortable little worlds, but it is for the people who get killed. .. unless, of course, they’re one of the tiny minority killed by a cop.

    3. Merchantseamen Avatar

      Mexicans are not coming. It is Central and South Americans.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    The red batman telephone is out of order!

  6. Ruckweiler Avatar

    Wonder if the lefties in their gated communities/apartment buildings are gleeful this is happening? Their ideas lead to this sort of problem. I’ve said for a long time that they want to live like free-market capitalists but speak like communists on the barricades.

  7. Richard Smith Avatar
    Richard Smith

    And the Root Cause is …. more of these bad boys need to be locked up and in jail… Some of them have been juvenile delinquents that got off easy…
    When we start locking up this trash and get serious about punishing crime the problem will go away…
    PS,, and a lot of this is gang violence, need to work on the gang problem, infects the whole 757 area..

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