Norfolk: Where Attorneys Flee and Criminals Go Free

by Kerry Dougherty

Let’s be frank, shall we? Republicans can’t win elections in Norfolk. They don’t even bother recruiting candidates to run in most races.

Why waste the money and effort?

Since 2009 — as far back as I checked- – Norfolk’s Democrat commonwealth attorneys have run unopposed.

While former Norfolk Commonwealth Attorney Gregory Underwood had his problems — a DUI charge that grew out of a sobriety stop and eventually became simply a refusal to submit to a breath test — he was a law and order guy compared to the current occupant of that office, Ramin Fatehi.

We’ve written about Fatehi’s adventures in not doing his job before. Most recently on Nov. 2 when his ineptitude resulted in a man accused of a triple murder walking free.

The case of Antoine M. Legrande Jr. even caught the attention of The Virginian-Pilot, probably because one of its reporters, Sierra Jenkins, was allegedly shot to death by the suspect who is now walking the streets.

A hideous crime and senseless loss of a talented young writer. Jenkins was just 25 when she died in a late-night shooting outside Chicho’s on Granby Street.

Her killer may go unpunished.

In a Sunday piece headlined, “Missteps Plague Top Norfolk Prosecutor: Ramin Fatehi Under Scrutiny For Mishandled Cases, Rejected Plea Deals” the paper reported on a number of violent felonies that resulted in lenient sentences or dismissed cases due to the lackadaisical prosecutor.

On top of what the newspaper characterizes as simply “missteps,” assistant commonwealth’s attorneys are fleeing the office as they see judges reject their lenient plea agreements.

Anyone paying attention wouldn’t be surprised. After all, Fatehi’s one of an estimated 75 prosecutors around the country bankrolled by far-left Democrat contributor George Soros who is attempting to single-handedly remake the American justice system into one where criminals walk.

In a 2019 article headlined, “PAC Funded By George Soros Pumps Nearly $1 million Into Local Races For Prosecutor,” The Washington Post quoted experts expressing shock that outside sources with political agendas were pouring so much money into small, local races.

That was two years before Soros’ “Justice and Public Safety PAC” would toss $177,231 into the coffers of Democrat candidate for commonwealth’s attorney Ramin Fatehi, indirectly making Soros his largest donor.

What’s unusual is Fatehi was running unopposed. He finished with 95.78% of the vote.

According to The Post, Soros-funded PACs have donated heavily to prosecutors’ ­races in counties and cities across the country in recent years as part of a strategy to push liberal criminal justice policies. Local prosecutors wield broad powers over who is charged, what offenses they face and how long they serve in jail, so a reform-minded prosecutor can have a major impact on the system.

Norfolk is paying the price for its soft-on-crime chief prosecutor. Murders are up 50% and Granby Street has become such a law enforcement nightmare that City Hall is shutting down clubs.

It’s a cliche, but it’s true: elections have consequences.

When Norfolk voters simply cast their ballots for the Democrat in every single election, this is what they get: an unsafe city and a prosecutor who isn’t doing his job.


This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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68 responses to “Norfolk: Where Attorneys Flee and Criminals Go Free”

  1. You get what you vote for…..hope the citizens are happy [well, the ones still alive and unaffected by crime].

    1. Well there are no Republicans or independents running so the ballot only has one name on it.

      1. When you have one party rule, it should be easy to assign blame, but apparently not.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          well, if you’re not one who voted for the candidate, then sure…. happens all the time… predictable as heck!

          1. I assign blame based on the performance of the office holder.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            The “performance” being the level of crime in his/her electoral district? A correlation?

          3. Whatever standard I want to judge by.

          4. democracy Avatar

            And how does Mr. Tom assign blame for the “performance” of Trump?

          5. disqus_VYLI8FviCA Avatar

            Ha! Ha! It took less than 10 comments for this turn to into “well what about Trump” which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Apparently there is no vaccine for TDS.

          6. democracy Avatar

            Dude, you SOUND like a Trumper. Maybe you haven’t been paying attention. Trump is a racist and the “head” of the Republican Party. Youngkin is a racist and the governor of Virginia. Virginia Republicans tried hard to KEEP Confederate monuments that memorialized slavery and white supremacy.

            See a pattern?

          7. Matt Adams Avatar

            Your comments get worse and worse the more you make them. Accusing someone of being racist without a shred of evidence is an affront on those who suffered racism.

            You accuse everyone who doesn’t follow your belief of being a “Trumper”, it’s the mentality of a 4 year old.

  2. The solution is in the primary and not in the general election.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      The solution requires a new electorate.

      1. Your approach is to use force to remove everyone from Norfolk or do you just mean the minorities?

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          The idea is to create an entire colony of beings cloned from a Sherlock gene to ensure a woke conservative constituency. All concur.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Yeah. That’s it. Stick with that.

        3. Sarcasm (n) – the use of irony in order to mock or convey contempt.

          Sardonicism (n) – to be disdainfully or cynically humorous, or scornfully mocking.

          hyperbole (n) – exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

          Take your pick – his comment included all three.

          1. He could have just said what he meant instead of beating around the bush. Otherwise it stood out as being far out in left or should that be right field.

          2. Snark is either okay for everyone or it is not okay for everyone.

            I vote for it being okay for everyone.

            …except you, of course…

            There, see what I mean?

          3. Matt Adams Avatar

            Mr. Nav and McCarthy came to this blog preaching acting civil. Those pleas only applies to their political opposition. The side of their ideology is free to do as they wish without fear of condemnation.

  3. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    There is still hope that Soros, who likely goes nowhere without armed bodyguards, will bump into whatever Karma has planned for him.

    Even very liberal people in West Hollywood, CA are concerned about crime and the need to catch criminals and give them an appropriate punishment.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      The director of Elections in Maricopa County cannot go anywhere without guards as well as Congressmen and other elected officials , SCOTUS, etc , these days.

      What’s your point?

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      The director of Elections in Maricopa County cannot go anywhere without guards as well as Congressmen and other elected officials , SCOTUS, etc , these days.

      What’s your point?

  4. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    The Soros influence whatever one makes of it was made possible by SCOTUS in Citizens United. The funds provided by Soros appear far more in sunlight than the dark money that fueled the nominations of recent SCOTUS appointees and amicus briefs targeted for the attention of SCOTUS. It is the sole court in the US not subject to a canon of ethics. The adage about fish rotting from the head may well have made it to Norfolk. SCOTUS’s approval rating is at historic low. Another leak allegedly tied to Justice Alito and anti-abortion advocates will only cause further decline in public confidence in the nation’s court system.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      So, it is the rumors, not the facts. It is the media, not the facts. “Leak attributed to Justice Alito” Not the facts.

      SCOTUS is responsible for Soros.

      Approval ratings driven by the MSM who hates the court majority speak truth.

      SCOTUS is responsible for Soros buying a candidate in Norfolk who had no opposition.

      Where have I heard that perspective. Oh, yeah.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        You connect dots exceeding well. You and Kerry agree with the fact of the Soros influence to elect liberal officials. His money is channeled to those races under Citizens United. SCOTUS approval ratings are measured by Pew and Gallup not MSM.

        It is difficult to hear contrary info with the volume so high on your Fox tuned station. But that’s OK. Time will reveal more facts to connect more dots.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          So you are OK with killers going loose and Norfolk turning into a hell scape. Must remind you of New York.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            New York is one of our safest cities, you know…

          2. democracy Avatar

            So Mr. Sherlock agrees that Trump and his January 6 accomplices should all be in prison, or in front of a firing squad?

          3. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            What I’m not OK with is your consistent attempts to twist meaning from the opinions of others. What you have consistently also maligned and
            misunderstood is New York, the state and the city. Sad!!

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Apparently…. “free speech leads to killers on the loose and hellscapes and stuff”…. sometimes…???

        3. SCOTUS approval ratings are measured by Pew and Gallup not MSM.

          He wrote driven by the MSM, not measured by the MSM. You shouldn’t let your zeal for criticizing Mr. Sherlock interfere with your reading comprehension abilities.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            I have seen other vehicles carrying the Pew and Gallup passengers being driven by non-mainstream media.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Defending Sherlock’s statements is a dicey proposition. For example, my comment clearly noted “leak allegedly tied” to Alito. The sleuth wrote in quotes, “Leak attributed to Alito.” If y’all are about finite accuracy, beware of those who reinterpret others.

          3. “You shouldn’t let your zeal for criticizing Mr. Sherlock interfere with your reading comprehension abilities.”

            He does not, but in his zeal he displays them.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar

            I’m not certain he has the ability to read, as he’s often displayed otherwise.

    2. Dodge, weave, deflect.

      But never address the subject at hand if it means admitting that a leftist/ liberal democrat dirt bag is a leftist/liberal democrat dirt bag.

      Most leftists/liberal democrats are not dirt bags, but this particular leftist/liberal democrat is one, and in my opinion it is to your own discredit that you refuse to admit it. Not everyone on your side of the political spectrum is perfect, you know.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        What I admit is that I don’t know enough to conclude or opine on the political character of the prosecutor in question. Not everyone possesses perfekt knowledge.

        1. Standing on your ignorance to avoid drawing a conclusion. Such a nice Jim McCarthy silly walk that uses your own imperfekt knowledge to rationalize refusing to acknowledge the obvious.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Now you are channeling – nay copying – Sherlock. The absence of information upon which to offer an opinion is not ignorance. It is discretion. That should be obvious even to you. But y’all don’t care how silly your comments are.

          2. “The absence of information… is not ignorance.”

            That must be very comforting to you.

          3. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            It’s OK for me but apparently a concept beyond your appreciation in offering opinion on all matters with equal ignorance. Thanx for sharing.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar

            Does it surprise you, our resident all knowledgeable “litigator” described an argument from ignorance, but didn’t realize that.

            “an assertion that a claim is either true or false because of a lack of evidence to the contrary.”

            I really would love to know what it any cases he successfully argued, without being laughed out of court or put in his place by the Judge.

          5. That includes items not in evidence, that he ever actually made it as far as court.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar

            Haha true enough. Given how much he uses it as an appeal to authority, I would hope so, but you’re probably correct with your assertion.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Virginia was a one-party state for decades and a vigorous competition existed between Democratic factions, usually Machine and anti-Machine. But also within the machine. It is somewhat on the Democrats to challenge this insanity internally. If they don’t, why should I worry about Democrats killing Democrats in a city I refuse to frequent? That’s a bit of sarc, but not entirely. Mayor Alexander? As a member of the Senate I considered you fairly sane…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Well, with news of the Chesapeake shooting, I expect to hear shortly that , that region of Virginia has become an official “sh_thole region”.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Right behind Colorado Springs…??🤷‍♂️

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “In a Sunday piece headlined, “Missteps Plague Top Norfolk Prosecutor: Ramin Fatehi Under Scrutiny For Mishandled Cases, Rejected Plea Deals””

    I thought only Liberal Woke prosecutors took plea deals… 🤷‍♂️

    Btw, nice link back to another Kerry article for what was supposed to be a newspaper piece… circular argument much…?

    1. Ethat: I thought only Liberal Woke prosecutors took plea deals🤷‍♂️

      From the post: “assistant commonwealth’s attorneys are fleeing the office as they see judges reject their lenient plea agreements.”

      Perhaps if you read the post it will make more sense to you.

      It is really pretty simple. Prosecutors (Liberal Woke and otherwise) negotiate plea deals. Judges accept or reject plea deals.

  7. Allowing people like this guy to run unopposed is a big mistake, in my opinion. Even if an opposition candidate loses 80%-20% (or worse) the opposition’s message will still be heard by some, and result in some people changing their minds. And if enough minds are changed…

    One thing is certain, though: if no one ever runs against this radical ‘prosecutor’ no one is ever going to unseat him.

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Another shooting in Virginia…. this time in a Walmart… looking forward to the Conservative argument that what we really need is more guns… coming to a Kerry article near you…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Chesapeake. Good little Republican enclave…

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Sherlock’s insightful piece condemning the Walmart TAT incoming…??

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          It should be a law enforcement function… oh wait, considering the number of cops moonlighting at Walmart to make ends meet…

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Chesapeake. Good little Republican enclave…

    3. democracy Avatar

      The governor is offering more thoughts and prayers…

    4. One less Walmart employee will improve things too.

        1. The Walmart employee who took his fellow employees along on his suicide was a mental health issue too.

          The illustrated folks appear obsessive-compulsive, but not likely homicidal. Very different disorders, both in affect and danger to society, but both in the DSM.

        2. The Walmart employee who took his fellow employees along on his suicide was a mental health issue too.

          The illustrated folks appear obsessive-compulsive, but not likely homicidal. Very different disorders, both in affect and danger to society, but both in the DSM.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The amazing thing is how all the other developed countries of the world are not plagued by “mental health issues” occurring on what now seems to be a weekly basis…

          2. With about 340M people in the US even with as low as an .00001 level of incidence there’s some seriously crazy folks around. We do a piss poor job helping them, but countries where they just “disappear” are not a better solution.

            You should be embarrassed by the ignorant graphic you posted.

            Happy Thanksgiving.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So you think guns give the mentally ill a voice here in the US…

          4. I did not say that at all, and you know better, shame on you. I do not believe abrogating the Constitutional rights of the 99%+ of law abiding citizens because of the mental aberrations of a tiny fraction of crazies is either consistent with our form of government or rational.

            Treat the crazy people, provide them mental health services and leave the honest citizens alone.

            As a nation we have utterly failed to help most people with severe mental illness while some misguided elitists have embraced a crusade to gut the Bill of Rights instead. That is a game for fools. We can see how disdainful it is every day as we look at the homeless encampments full of mentally ill, destitute and drug addled people fouling our cities.

            Wake up and show some compassion and support for your mentally unhealthy and less fortunate fellow citizens while embracing the Constitution and your honest country men, women, et al.

            It would help this become a great country if people like you got their heads out of their butts and reached out to their fellow citizens in need.

            My mother used to observe that “As the richest nation in the history of the world surely we can figure out how to take care of one another.” Perhaps one day her dream will be realized.

            Happy Thanksgiving.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The two issues: gun regulation and treatment for the mentally ill are not mutually exclusive. Further, only a very tiny percentage of mentally ill individuals turn to mass shooting. Finally, we are hardly the only developed country with mentally ill citizens.

          6. They are different in several respects.

            The gun control you advocate is in violation of the Constitution and affects hundreds of millions of law abiding citizens.

            As you note there are “a very tiny percentage of mentally ill individuals turn to mass shooting.” We can solve the mass shooting problem by treating the tiny percentage of people with severe mental illness at a fraction of the cost and civil unrest caused by abridging the rights of hundreds of millions of law abiding citizens.

            Even if you don’t care about the Constitution the far simpler and far cheaper KISS principle of dealing with a tiny percentage of people with severe mental illness should appeal to you. Unless, perhaps, your gun grabbing has more seditious intent.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Norfolk sucks, but if you’re a mass shooting victim in one of the beautiful surrounding cities, they take you to Norfolk General, so…

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