Norfolk Shoot-Out on Granby Street

by Kerry Dougherty

In March of 2021, the Virginia Beach oceanfront was the scene of a shooting spree that left two people dead.

Last weekend, Norfolk’s Granby Street experienced something similar.

These shootings shock the senses, especially when innocent people are among the victims.

At least one of the Granby Street victims was a bystander, Sierra Jenkins, a 25-year-old Virginian-Pilot reporter. At the Beach last year 28-year-old Deshayla Harris was also killed by a stray bullet.

The deaths of both of these young women who were simply doing what young people have always done on a spring Saturday night were unspeakably tragic.

No sooner had the Granby Street shoot-out happened than headline-grabbing politicians announced their plans to deal with “gun violence.”

Guns aren’t violent. People are. And chances are very good that none of the shooters legally owned a weapon.

Yet, according to a report by Brett Hall of Wavy-10, at a Downtown Norfolk Civic League meeting Monday night, Norfolk City Councilwoman Courtney Doyle grabbed a mic and declared that she wanted to make Granby Street a gun-free zone. How she intends to do that is unclear. There’s a little thing called the U.S. Constitution that may stand in the way.

Hall reported that Doyle said she’s going to propose an injunction to close all business at midnight.

An injunction? Courts issue injunctions. City Councils pass ordinances. And there’s something called the Dillon Rule in Virginia that might also block such a rule unless the General Assembly acts first.

A question for Doyle: Why a midnight closing and not, say 11 p.m.?

“Nothing good happens after midnight,” Doyle reportedly said.

Where have we heard that before? Oh, right, that was the Ralph Northam family motto and the reason everyone in Virginia had to be home by 12 during the pandemic.

Time to find solutions to violence that don’t involve moth-eaten maxims.

Shutting down businesses that are still recovering from government-mandated closures during the pandemic is a drastic, business-killing measure. Then again, Norfolk is a city run by Democrats who are famously unfriendly to small businesses.

Police Chief Larry Boone claims the shootings started over a spilled drink and that he may put drones in the air to keep an eye on the late-night crowds.

Here’s an idea, Chief, how about putting more patrolmen on the beat around clubs and restaurants that are open late to deter crime?

Oh, that’s right, he can’t. There’s an “astronomical” shortage of Norfolk police officers. Two hundred vacancies, reports Hall.

Perhaps that’s due in part to the chief himself.

Here’s Boone marching with Black Lives Matter — in uniform — in May of 2020. Yet this hypocrite was running the department when former Lt. William Kelly was fired for anonymously sending $25 to the Kyle Rittenhouse defense fund.

Who’d want to work for a partisan chief like that?

What happened in Norfolk Saturday night was hideous. Two people were killed, one was a bright young lady at the beginning of her career in journalism.

Instead of tossing around hot button terms like “gun violence,” blaming weapons and pretending that midnight closures are the solution, how about getting illegal guns off the street and putting more officers out there?

And fire the chief.

Hey, it’s a start.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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20 responses to “Norfolk Shoot-Out on Granby Street”

  1. Lee Faust Avatar
    Lee Faust

    Yes, certainly nothing good happens after midnight…I’d say even 10 p.m.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      That bedtime keeps getting earlier and earlier.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    You’re late to this party, Karen.

  3. And…. punish the criminals to the fullest extent of the law — with both state and federal charges, and keep them in jail for the full time! PERIOD. FULL STOP. Criminals behind bars make the streets safe even at 12:01.

  4. VaNavVet Avatar

    So Kerry wants to find solutions to gun violence that don’t involve moth-eaten maxims, and her suggestion is to fire the police chief. Just like the NRA, it is blame the cops and resist all attempts at reasonable gun control. It would seem obvious that bad people should not have access to guns legal or illegal. Why doesn’t Karen support stopping the illegal gun trade, red flag laws, and universal background checks.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      What reasonable “gun control” would’ve stopped this crime?

      You’re also generating a strawman with the following:

      “Why doesn’t Karen support stopping the illegal gun trade, red flag laws, and universal background checks.”

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “What reasonable “gun control” would’ve stopped this crime?

        The concept of what gun control measures may have “stopped this crime” seems to be a bit of goalpost shifting at this point. Nonetheless, since we don’t know the details on who the shooter was nor how the gun was obtained, it is possible that the reasonable gun control measures suggested may have thwarted the crime in this instance.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          False, the poster claimed reasonable gun control should be used. I countered that because gun control is only followed by law abiding citizens.

          Criminals do not procure their firearms by legal means, nor do they care about the laws that govern.

          You are invoking an appeal to ignorance, which is a logical fallacy. It doesn’t work.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            If we make it more difficult for a potential shooter (you don’t know the reason for this shooting… you are assuming it was done by some hardened criminal element) to obtain a gun, there are certainly some shootings that will be avoided. Since you really know nothing about this shooting, you can not make the statement that gun control measures (most of which are designed to make it more difficult for a potential shooter to obtain a gun) would not have stopped this particular one.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I’m making an educated guess, where as most lawful firearm owners don’t get in shootouts in downtown Norfolk.

            Again, you’re making an argument from ignorance and that is not logic, but rather the opposite.

            I will also take that as no, there are no measures that are reasonable that would’ve have stopped this, and this your defense is an admission of that.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Please don’t put words in my mouth. I can not agree with that statement. For instance, if this gun was purchased through a background check loophole strengthening the background check requirements may have prevented the shooting.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I’m making an observation that you’re unwilling to concede that most lawful firearms owners do not use their firearms in commission of a crime.

            There is no background check loophole. It’s a misnomer that is stated by individuals who don’t know firearm laws.

            If you purchase at a gun show, background check. If you sell a firearm to someone you have reason to believe cannot posses one, it’s a felony.

            Dollars to donuts the firearms used in this crime were stolen and or illegally purchased. There are no additional background check laws that would have prevented it.

    2. The NRA does not blame cops for crime. The NRA supports the police.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        They could really support the police by helping to get high powered weapons off the streets and out of the hands of bad guys. Instead they are quick to criticize attempts at community outreach and policing that do not fit their narrative of get tough on crime.

        1. Please provide your definition of “high powered weapon”.

          Also, please identify the specific community outreach efforts which the NRA criticizes.

          Finally, please list the specific “policing” policies/activities which the NRA criticizes.

    3. Where in the article did the author state that she does not support stopping the illegal gun trade?

      To the contrary, she wrote: “how about getting illegal guns off the street”, from which it would not be unreasonable to infer that she does support stopping illegal gun trade.

    4. Where in the article did the author state that she does not support stopping the illegal gun trade?

      To the contrary, she wrote: “how about getting illegal guns off the street”, from which it would not be unreasonable to infer that she does support stopping illegal gun trade.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        So why not write an article on it and the involvement of the Commonwealth in it. How many handguns per week can one legally purchase in the state?

        1. How many handguns per week can one legally purchase in the state?

          0.25 (or one per month)

          Unless you’re a licensed firearm dealer, police officer, licensed security officer or a concealed handgun permit holder. There are also certain exceptions for replacing lost/stolen handguns and trading one handgun for another.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Pat, I would like to solve the puzzle.

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