No, Your Middle Schooler Doesn’t HAVE to Get the HPV Vaccine

by Kerry Dougherty

Virginia Beach Delegate Tim Anderson took his sons to see the new “Minions” movie two weeks ago at the Regal Cinemas at Town Center.

They were settled in their seats when a disturbing image appeared on the screen.

The movie wasn’t offensive. But a public service announcement from the Virginia Department of Health was. It told the audience that a vaccine against HPV — the human papillomavirus — was required for entry into Virginia middle schools.

Trouble is, that’s deceptive. While that vaccine against a common STD is listed with the mandates, parents can decide if they want their child to receive it.

Here’s the exact wording from the VDH website:

Effective July 1, 2021, a complete series of 2 doses of HPV vaccine is required for students entering the 7th grade. The first dose shall be administered before the child enters the 7th grade. After reviewing educational materials approved by the Board of Health, the parent or guardian, at the parent’s or guardian’s sole discretion, may elect for the child not to receive the HPV vaccine.

It’s confusing, but surely the VDH understands. A careful reading of the rule states that parents can opt their children out of the vaccine without giving a reason.

The mandate was first introduced back in 2007 by then-Delegate Phil Hamilton of Newport News at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry. Of course. Hamilton was convicted four years later in federal court of bribery and extortion in a matter involving ODU and unrelated to this. He was sentenced to 9 1/2 years in the federal pen and released in 2019.

The vaccine was controversial from the start. After all, it involves vaccinating 11 and 12-year-olds against a sexually transmitted disease. Plus, the drug company making the vax and pushing states to mandate it was paying off a huge legal settlement for a bad drug it had released in 1999.

I wrote against Hamilton’s bill at the time, calling it the “Merck Mandate.” It was no coincidence that Merck was in the process of settling a massive $4.8 billion lawsuit over the painkiller Vioxx that caused heart attacks and strokes at the same time Hamilton was pushing the mandate.

No wonder the drug company was trying to get states to force its expensive shots on children.

Virginia remains just one of three states to “require” the vax. The others, according to Anderson, are Hawaii and Rhode Island and the District of Columbia.

Anderson immediately fired off a letter to the Virginia Department of Health that protested the misleading announcement and contacted the governor’s office.

Youngkin’s staff was quick to respond and ordered the VDH to remove the announcement from movie screens.

On Tuesday morning, Anderson came into the WNIS studio to talk about the misinformation that entrenched bureaucrats at VDH and some school officials continue to spread.

I asked Anderson how he knew the so-called mandate had a big opt-out loophole.

“About three years ago I represented parents who were objecting when their middle school insisted they couldn’t opt out,” he recalled.

That was a Virginia Beach school, by the way, lying to the parents.

“Look, I don’t want to be the guy telling people whether they should or should not get their kids vaccinated against HPV,” Anderson said. “I think it should be up to families and their doctors.”

That winning message – parental rights – is what got Youngkin elected.

If anything good came out of our covid nightmare it’s a healthy distrust of both public health and school officials. One thing they have in common: They love mandates and loathe parents who question authority.

If you catch officials lying about the HPV vaccine, call them out.

Better yet, contact Del. Tim Anderson.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.


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68 responses to “No, Your Middle Schooler Doesn’t HAVE to Get the HPV Vaccine”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Cheap and nasty shot bringing up Phil Hamilton’s later and unrelated legal issues. I make you an honorary leftist for such behavior. Ad hominem is their forte. See guys, I call it out in both directions. 🙂

    Given how this particular virus is transmitted, it never made sense to make it mandatory for school admission. But the reality is that sexual behavior is way more common and starts way earlier than back in the day, so parents need to consider it. COVID OTOH is clearly airborne, yet the GA has come and gone in ’21 and ’22 without making those vaccines mandatory.

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Cheap and nasty shot bringing up Phil Hamilton’s later and unrelated legal issues. I make you an honorary leftist for such behavior. Ad hominem is their forte. See guys, I call it out in both directions. 🙂

    Given how this particular virus is transmitted, it never made sense to make it mandatory for school admission. But the reality is that sexual behavior is way more common and starts way earlier than back in the day, so parents need to consider it. COVID OTOH is clearly airborne, yet the GA has come and gone in ’21 and ’22 without making those vaccines mandatory.

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Is it possible to have a rational discussion about vaccination policy?
    Prior to Covid there was a vaccination policy that NOBODY cared about. Nobody cared because it matched most people’s desires (which makes you wonder why then write a law, other than to require generating paperwork or to lock the money flow in for the pharmas).
    Prior to the LEGISLATED, LEGAL vaccine mandates, there were no mandates and I presume fairly high acceptance.
    Under the LEGISLATED, LEGAL regime there were 2 exceptions, ROUTINELY granted – medical and religious. The VA colleges mandates were passed in 1986. If you attended college prior to then and lived, how? Did you know you were at such risk? The exemptions were basically “name it and claim it.” NOBODY cared. It worked.
    Here is the VDH religious exemption form –
    You will note it does not require an essay, unlike the UVA Covid religious exemption form which violated the VA Constitution and Jeffersonian religious liberty.
    Read for yourself –

    The CDC and the NIH and the VDH have not covered themselves with glory concerning Covid. Nor has just about any governing body anywhere. Every single Covid shot given so far has been EUA. Federal law requires for EUA “informed and willing consent.” Application of any EUA product is technically a “medical experiment.” The Nuremberg Code requires for participation in a medical experiment “informed and willing consent.” I had to sign about 10 different documents to participate in a (very dangerous!) Vitamin C experiment during bone marrow transplant. Recently, for a routine bone marrow biopsy I had to sign another 10 different forms to allow additional testing on the samples drawn from me. Apparently, I missed two places and the researchers followed up 2 weeks later at my follow up to get those 2 signatures! It’s important and it is the norm, but it was dropped for Covid – and improperly. The Covid “vax” could not be legally mandated. Persuasion was the route to go.

    And that is why the legislature has not had the “cojones” to pass a law. The product is EUA and we do not know its long-term effects. I don’t think it works, personally, and I think it has many dangerous side effects, which are not being widely reported – some would say suppressed. Given that the vaccine is not “and effective” as demonstrated by UVA, given that the “safe” could be doubtful just based on VAERS reports, the proper answer is – if you want the shot/shot/shot, get it, but you cannot mandate it. AND, if the legislature passes a law that is signed by the Governor requiring it, it should have the normal, name it and claim it, exemptions, and even then, so long as EUA, in a sane world, there is an absolute federal, and moral, right to object.

    Therefore, when the VDH states the law inaccurately, it does not build trust. And this is rampant. I recently had shingles. I never knew I had chicken pox! But apparently, as a kid, I was exposed, and the virus laid dormant, cagily waiting until after my bone marrow transplant and when I was officially “immuno-compromised” to re-surface. I would tell you that shingles is painful! But I caught it early enough that valacyclovir killed it and gabapentin for a few days killed the pain. If you are at risk of getting shingles, I would strongly consider the vaccine for it. But, now that I have had shingles, I am not convinced I need it – I’ve had it! And the medical literature says you “can” get it again. If you dig further, it is rare. So, now that I have had it and have some level of immunity, and now that I know the symptoms, I am inclined not to get the shot. But, having had it, and knowing that it took about 8 weeks for the nagging twinge to go away (and a little less for the bumps and a little less than that for the itching and pain), if I could go back in time and know I was at risk, I would STRONGLY think about getting the shingles shot. But, it is YOUR CHOICE.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Got the first one, the one they now claim is ineffective compared to the newer 2-shot shingles regime. Whatever. If so bad, why was it out there? The big one at my age was the set of pneumonia vaccines and I didn’t think twice about them.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        I’m not saying the shingles vax is bad! I have not investigated it at all. But, for me, Covid vs shingles is a quite different evaluation. If I had known I was at risk for shingles, I think I would have gotten the shingles vax. In fact, one friend went out and got it the next day after I described what I went through.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          re: ” If I had known I was at risk for shingles, I think I would have gotten the shingles vax. ”

          would that “advice” be from the same scientific consensus for other ?

          why would you accept the science on one and not the other?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Because one may work and one doesn’t?
            Because I would need one and not the other?
            Because I am an individual with my own specific risk profile and can weigh the risks and benefits better for myself than you can?
            But other than that…

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            but WHO are you getting information from – for which you make your decision?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        neither have I. I got all of them per recommendation of CDC – just like my prior.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Here’s my confusion on the shingles vax. They claim that 1/3 of people over 50 will get a case of shingles without the vax, but then 1/3 of those getting the vax will develop a mild case of shingles, i.e., reddening and itching.

        Are they the same 1/3?

        Pneumococcal pneumonia is the real killer. Combined with Covid, it will save Social Security.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          On shingles. That’s the science, the consensus – blame science…

          on SS – include Medicare/Medicaid die quicker before you cost more….

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            The point on the 1/3 germane to Steve is if you get the vax and DON’T have a mild shingles reaction, then the 2nd vax is likely OBE.

          2. CrazyJD Avatar

            So what does the esteemed panel think of the Birx revelation that she was making it up as she went along? Or has that already been discussed on this blog?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            got a link and a view?

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            What did she say about Shingles?

          5. CrazyJD Avatar

            All three responses to my query prove what I have thought all along: Most folks don’t get both sides of a story. I can only guess why. Willful or malevolent ignorance? Laziness? Who knows? Maybe everyone’s on vacation at the beach and has preceded the evening news hour with too many sodas looking at the waves.

            The story has been run on Fox and OAN for the past two days. I tried to switch over to the mainstream channels to see if it was reported anywhere. I suppose it could have been since I can’t watch all six major outlets at once. But somehow, based on the responses of Nancy and Larry, I kinda doubt it. Now… I know that Fox and OAN have no credibility in the eyes of Larry and Nancy, but they appear to be reporting what Birx herself wrote in her book.

            As Yogi used to say, “You could look it up”

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Naw. She was on CNN some time ago talking about her book …no real revelations from her – directly, so assuming Crazy is sipping more FOX kool-aid as usual.

            You can Google Deborah Birx revelations or some such.. no love there either.

            so yeah… lay out what FOX is saying….


          7. CrazyJD Avatar

            So did she say on CNN that she made up the 15 day period?

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            I dunno.. what is this about? nothing comes up on google…

          9. CrazyJD Avatar

            The fact that you have to even ask these questions reveals the level of your ignorance. Your oh-so-casual reference (“Naw”) to Birx appearing on CNN some
            time ago shows that you never saw anything on CNN, confirmed by your request for a link and your reference to not finding anything on Google. You had no idea about any of this and fell victim to Google’s bias with these kinds of stories. The fact that you didn’t respond to my question whether this was the first you’d ever heard of the story further confirms that you had no clue what you were talking about when you reflexively rejected the Fox story because it was Fox You still don’t know anything about it…
            But that doesn’t prevent you from throwing off ignorant responses on this blog. I had begun to think better of you, but I will have to rethink.

            So much for public, i.e. government, health officials…and the liberals on this blog who like to shill for them

            But don’t take my word for it, just read the Vanity Fair (not exactly a right-wing screed) article, “Dr.
            Deborah Birx’s Rehabilitation Book Tour Keeps Getting Interrupted By
            Reality” which you can find if you bother to try to get both sides of a
            story rather than just relying on your preconceived notions

            By Charlotte Klein April 28, 2022

            Dr. Deborah Birx’s rehabilitation tour hit a 12-minute speed bump this
            week, as CNN anchor Brianna Keilar confronted the former Trump COVID
            response coordinator about things she said—and, perhaps most notably did
            not—during her tenure in Donald Trump’s White House.”

          10. CrazyJD Avatar

            So this is the first you’ve heard of it?

          11. CrazyJD Avatar

            It’s not what Fox is “saying”; its what she wrote in her book, e.g. about the origin of the so-called 15 day period. You apparently didn’t see excerpts from the book on the CNN interview.

          12. CrazyJD Avatar

            It’s not what Fox is “saying”; its what she wrote in her book, e.g. about the origin of the so-called 15 day period. You apparently didn’t see excerpts from the book on the CNN interview.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            trying to google the issue…not having much luck… are you sure this is a “thing” and why now?

          14. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Workers often have short term memory lapses which explains their failure to watch Fauxy and OAN for truth crusaders. Birx channeled P45’s politics. What side of the story was presented in two days?

          15. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Having read the Scott Gottlieb and Scott Atlas books, not news to me. She does not come across well in either. But Trump let her and Fauci run the train for months and months, to his discredit.

          16. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            … and to his liking.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Yes, they can get various cancers instead. Hey! But by then, there’ll be a cure. Maybe.

    I don’t understand why Republicans insist on forced birthing and not forced vaccinating.

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      Because abortion is about hating women while being an anti-vaxxer is about hating the kid from high school who made a A in all of the science classes.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Sounds about right.

  5. WayneS Avatar

    Somehow I knew the discussion about this posting would quickly devolve into insult-laden “vaxxer” vs “antivaxxer” arguments.

    However, the article is not about whether or not a parent should have their child receive the HPV vaccine. It is about state and local agencies misrepresenting the laws of the Commonwealth in order to get the “peons” to do what they want them to do.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Could be as some are often inclined to focus on nefarious purposes that overstating the law was in the ad versus the “hair on fire” perception. Perhaps a revised PSA would have been a better outcome than that which occurred.

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Cheap and nasty shot bringing up Phil Hamilton’s later and unrelated legal issues. I make you an honorary leftist for such behavior. Ad hominem is their forte. See guys, I call it out in both directions. 🙂

    Given how this particular virus is transmitted, it never made sense to make it mandatory for school admission. But the reality is that sexual behavior is way more common and starts way earlier than back in the day, so parents need to consider it. COVID OTOH is clearly airborne, yet the GA has come and gone in ’21 and ’22 without making those vaccines mandatory. No one had the cojones to even introduce such a bill, despite the virtue signaling.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: Ad Hominems… this is funny as heck – just about every single post from Kerry does that… no?

      So sexual transmission of virus is more likely than airborne breathing ?

      And you ding the GA for “not acting” in the face of the societal upheaval about COVID in general, in-person, masking, etc? Like Dr. Fauci much? 😉

      I’m no fan of the less that forthright message about school vaccinations.

      But it really does bring up the core issue of public health and transmission of disease and what to do about folks who want to congregate with others without being vaccinated.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        No, it is airborne transmission that is most likely, and thus mandating vaccines might reduce spread to bystanders. A couple of teenagers in the back seat of a car are both willing participants. And I ding the Democrats for posturing about vaccine mandates but lacking the courage of their convictions. Talk is cheap.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          You ding the Dems for the Conservatives raising hell about vaccines, in person, masking, etc?

          So you ding them for not rolling over the “anti” folks?

          Did you see how the Va Gov election went and what happened after?

          I’m confused…… I thought the Dems were thoroughly out-voted… no?

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          “FRIDAY, Feb. 15, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Human papillomavirus (HPV) is easily transmitted during sex, but it is unlikely to be passed by the hands, Canadian researchers report.”

          Note the date. 2019. The vaccines and the connection to cancer have been known for longer than the surety of transmission method. BTW, unlikely does not mean with certainty.

          The problem with associating the spread through only sex, i.e., monkey pox, is the way it gets downplayed.

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        One doesn’t get HPV by “congregating”.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          depends on how close they are “congregating”. right?

          I’d say 5 folks in a hot tub with a carrier might qualify or I can think of a number of other ways folks could spread it… short of coitus…and related.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Phil got what he deserved. Too bad more of the self-enriching bastards don’t. But Phil was a clear violation of the public trust. McDonnell only used his position to obtain “loans” and swipe steaks, Phil took taxpayer money.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        cogent point.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “Parents need to consider it.”

      If only that had been the message from the VDH on the movie screen, Kerry’s column would not have been necessary.

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    It was also misleading to try to tie the vaccine to a legal settlement against Merck for a totally unrelated drug.

    So, Kerry thinks it is a good idea to allow parents who are in denial about sexual behavior in teenagers to refuse to have their kids vaccinated against a disease that can cause cancer in women later in life. By the way, the vaccine is highly effective and has few, if any, side effects.

    Next, Kerry and her ilk will be challenging the requirement that children entering school be vaccinated against measles on the basis that it should be up to the parents.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: ” denial about sexual behavior in teenagers ”

      not that different than those who oppose easy OTC birth control for teens , no?

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      No, Dick, you are making a false and equally unfair argument when you claim she will also oppose the measles vaccine mandate. She said no such thing.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        maybe trying to understand why one or not the other? rationale for one or the other?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        She’s working that way. Give her time.

      3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I did not say that she said that. I said, “next”… because the same rationale, i.e. parental choice, would be involved.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Not just women. The HPVirus is tied to rectal, testicular, and a few other cancers common to both sexes. The papillomas can develop anywhere after infection, on the hands, feet, or even in the nasal passages.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        of course, all of that fear-mongering data, you get from those nasty lying scientists… do you actually trust that crap?

        After all, they been proven to lie about other stuff..right?

    4. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “Next, Kerry and her ilk will be challenging the requirement that children entering school be vaccinated against measles on the basis that it should be up to the parents.”

      A politically charged statement followed by non sequitur. The advertisement misrepresented the law. I seem to recall you questioning me about “attacking” people, perhaps you should take your own advice.

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        Her ilk? Nice. How does this posting and condescending attitude advance the discussion?

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          It doesn’t that’s why I took exception with Mr. Hall-Sizemore’s words and quoted him while doing so.

    5. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Nah, Kerry is investing in a vaccine to prevent CRT.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Helpful contribution.

    6. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Seriously, Dick: you say the government “allows” parents to refuse vaccinations for their children against a sexually transmitted disease and you object.

      Measles is airborne. HPV is not.

      But that is not the issue. Progressive insistence that government acting in loco parentis is the issue.

      Conservatives will always try to set strict boundaries for that intrusion. As will parents for their own children. As does the American constitution.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        What about the requirement that children be provided an education, even if it is at home and according to state standards? Isn’t this a case of the state acting in loco parentis?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Yes. Public school is a service. Parents can opt for a different option for religious or other reasons.

          STD vaccinations of young children are a values judgment to some parents. There is an opt-out there, but the state misled parents in a PSA.

          Conservatives oppose the superimposition of progressive values on parents everywhere they rear their head.

          The Democratic interregnum in Richmond produce a Code of Virginia full of them. The Northam BOE and VDOE took it from there – and much further.

          If they had not, the library of posts on here would be a lot fewer and far between.

          Conservative position: Parents “allow” the government some control over children.

          We dispute your stated position that the government “allows” parents that control. It flows off the pen of progressives without a thought.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Government acts in loco parentis from birth to death in behalf of children including, but not limited to, dependent tax deductions, public schooling, school breakfasts and lunches, libraries, play spaces, etc. In some cases the boundaries are fairly unlimited. Parents opt in or participate pretty much at will. Latinate appeals to vague doctrines are bare attempts at some faux rectitude. Neither conservatives nor the Constitution are alone in protecting the interests of children. Nor are progressives solely insistent upon in loco parentis. Pure baloney.

    7. WayneS Avatar

      It does not matter whether or not she thinks it is a good idea for the state to allow parents to opt their child[ren] out of the vaccine. The fact of the matter is, the law does allow them to opt out.

      The VDH message on the movie screen was, at best, misleading in that it misstated the law. At worst it was a deliberate attempt to obfuscate.

      Is it okay with you for state and local agencies to misrepresent the laws of the Commonwealth as long as it is for a “good cause”?

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore


  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I wish the government would bring back and mandate the small pox vaccine.

  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    A sure sign that Covid is slowing down… Kerry puts out an anti-vax piece to promote the spread of STDs… par for the course…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      rump in an uproar bloviating…at it’s best…

  10. Deborah Hommer Avatar
    Deborah Hommer

    The HPV is one of the worst vaccines. I wrote a well-researched letter to Dr. Levine and Ms. Hanrahan in 2017. I tried to post with links; however this platform would not allow me to do so.

    In researching information regarding the HPV vaccine in order to become well-informed, I have uncovered several alarming and disconcerting facts that I am sharing with you about the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix in bullet point form. The bullet points highlight alarming and disconcerting information but are not to be construed as comprehensive of the facts/studies surrounding the negative effects of the HPV vaccines. In light of the information contained herein illustrating the high number of serious adverse reactions and deaths, the criminal lawsuits and controversy globally, the false claim that these HPV vaccines protect against cancer, and the large number of physicians who are hesitant to promote these vaccines, I am hoping your department will investigate the information, re-evaluate the promoting of said vaccines, conduct a risk-benefit analysis, and/or at the very least make provisions that require that parents be given full informed consent and complete disclosure of the HPV vaccine(s) information, including the providing of the vaccine information sheets. On pages 7 – 9 of this letter I cite the many reasons why I do not trust CDC information and also provide information regarding the fact that citizens of the United States cannot sue vaccine manufacturers, doctors, and nurses for injuries due to vaccines.

    In addition, I am sharing this reply letter with Secretary Hazel, Senator Petersen, and Delegate Keam due to the alarming and disturbing information in hopes that they are willing/can be part of the process of making provisions regarding re-evaluation, risk-benefit analysis, and/or complete disclosure and informed consent. Thank you-all in advance for your consideration.

    • Spain, France, India and Japan have criminal lawsuits against the manufactures of the HPV vaccines1

    • Nordic Cochrane Collaboration filed a complaint with the European Medicines Agency citing dishonesty of risk-benefits of the HPV vaccine. This article also cites protests and controversy around the globe with the HPV vaccine – Japan, Denmark, Columbia, Ireland, Swedan, Spain, New Zealand, France, Canada, and India.2

    • In 2013 Utah’s Southwest Health Department banned Gardasil, “citing low demand, high costs – and questioning the benefits (1).”3

    • “VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System] Figures & Report that HPV Vaccines Adverse Reactions are 50% Higher than other Age-Related Recommended Vaccines.”4

    • “Gardasil is the ‘overwhelming majority (76%) of VAERS reports since 2006 with ovarian failure, premature menopause, and/or amenorrhea are associated solely with Gardasil.’ Additionally, Dr. Field writes that ‘when VAERS reports since 2006 are restricted to cases in which amenorrhea (period stops) occurred for at least 4 months and is not associated with other known causes like

    Page 2 of 9

    polycystic ovary syndrome or pregnancy, 86/89 cases are associated with Gardasil, 3/89 with Cervarix, and 0/89 with other vaccines administered independently of an HPV vaccine.’”5

    • “According to the VAERS website, as of February 201767 – [and note that these numbers are only from the US HHS (Department of Health and Human Services) VAERS database, not global]:

    *adverse events # c/b as high as 100 x 14,214 x 100 = 1,421,400

    • “Another major concern with any spontaneous reporting system is underreporting of adverse events[16,30-32].”8 “Only about 1% of serious events are reported to the FDA, according to one study.”9 “The real number of adverse events related to HPV could be as high as 100 times more than the reported statistics above!”10 I took the liberty of multiplying events by 100 times, and the numbers are astonishing.

    • “A new study out of Canada shows just how dangerous HPV vaccines are. The study looked at 195,270 girls who received HPV vaccination. Of the vaccinated girls, there were 958 hospitalizations and 19,351 ED (emergency room visits).”11

    • According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), HPV 4 was licensed in 2006 (targets 4 strains out of 120 strains of HPV). HPV 9 was licensed in December 2014 (targets 9 strains out of 120 strains of HPV).12

    • “This vaccine [9vHPV] contains over twice as much aluminum as its predecessor, Gardasil, one fact that should be noted by all parents considering the new vaccine, as highlighted in a recent article written by Sane Vax Inc. They stated that: “The proposed Gardasil 9 package insert and the current Gardasil package insert are a good place to start a critical examination. The table below lists the ingredients of both Gardasil [4] and Gardasil 9. Although I only show the aluminum


    4,546 x 100 = 454,600
    299 x 100 = 29,900
    6,388 x 100 = 638,800
    795 x 100 = 79,500
    315 x 100 = 31,500
    9,177 x 100 = 917,700
    630 x 100 = 63,000
    283 x 100 = 28,300
    124 x 100 = 12,400
    59,092 x 100 = 5,909,200

    Page 3 of 9

    adjuvant, the rest of the ingredients of the vaccines can be seen on the table by clicking on footnote 13.

    Gardasil Ingredient Gardasil 9

    225 mcg AAHS (aluminum adjuvant) 500 mcg”13

    • “The FDA maximum requirements for aluminum received in an IV is 25 mcg per day. The suggested aluminum per kg of weight to give to a person is up to 5mcg. (so a 5 pounds baby should get no more than 11mcg of aluminum.)”14

    • “Currently, ethylmercury (EtHg) [thimerasol] and adjuvant-Al [aluminum] are the dominating interventional exposures encountered by fetuses, newborns, and infants due to immunization with Thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs). Despite their long use as active agents of medicines and fungicides, the safety levels of these substances have never been determined, either for animals or for adult humans-much less for fetuses, newborns, infants, and children.”15

    • “100 Studies on Aluminum in Vaccines – What the Medical Literature Says.”16 This illustrates there are numerous studies demonstrating deleterious effects of injecting aluminum into the body, but not one study showing the safety of injecting aluminum in the body.

    • “Furthermore, in the US, the current age standardized death rate from cervical cancer according to World Health Organization (WHO) data (1.7/100,000) (Table I), is 2.5 times lower than the rate of serious adverse reactions (ADRs) from Gardasil reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) (4.3/100,000 doses distributed) (Table II).”17

    • “Dr. Diane Harper, one of the lead researchers for the Merck HPV vaccine, questions the risk- versus-benefit and states parents should receive more complete warnings before receiving the vaccine.”18 She states, “Although these two vaccines are marketed as protection against cervical cancer, this claim is purely hypothetical. Studies have proven “there is no demonstrated relationship between the condition being vaccinated for and the rare cancers that the vaccine might prevent, but it is marketed to do that nonetheless. In fact, there is no actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent any cancer. From the manufacturers own admissions, the vaccine only works on 4 strains out of 40 for a specific venereal disease that dies on its own in a relatively short period, so the chance of it actually helping an individual is about about the same as the chance of her being struck by a meteorite.”19

    • “In conclusion, the present study provides epidemiological evidence supporting a significant relationship between HPV4 vaccine administration and SAAEs [serious autoimmune adverse events]. The results are consistent with a number of previous case-series of SAAEs observed following HPV4 vaccine administration, and are also consistent with the known biological plausibility of vaccine administration to induce SAAEs in some vaccine recipients.”20

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    • Dr. Dalbergue, a former pharmaceutical industry physician with Gardasil manufacturer Merck, was interviewed in the April 2014 issue of the French magazine Principes de Santé (Health Principles) states, “The full extent of the Gardasil scandal needs to be assessed: everyone knew when this vaccine was released on the American market that it would prove to be worthless! Diane Harper, a major opinion leader in the United States, was one of the first to blow the whistle, pointing out the fraud and scam of it all. Gardasil is useless and costs a fortune! In addition, decision-makers at all levels are aware of it! Cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralysis of the lower limbs, vaccine-induced MS and vaccine-induced encephalitis can be found, whatever the vaccine. I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers.”21

    • Other less-frequent illnesses reported by VAERS included: “autoimmune hemolytic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, lymphadenopathy, pulmonary embolus, nausea, pancreatitis, vomiting, asthenia (weakness), chills, death, fatigue, malaise, autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity reactions (including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, bronchospasm, and urticaria), arthralgia, myalgia, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, dizziness, Guillain-Barré syndrome, headache, motor neuron disease, paralysis, seizures, syncope (sometimes resulting in falling with injury), transverse myelitis, and deep venous thrombosis.” 22

    • “After seeing several healthy girls developing a severe chronic illness soon after HPV vaccination [1], I analyzed all HPV vaccine randomized controlled trials. The overwhelming majority of pre- licensure HPV vaccine randomized trials did not use inert placebo as comparator. The largest nine-valent HPV immunization trial [2] compared the newly developed nine-valent HPV vaccine vs. the four-valent HPV formulation. The innovative nine-valent HPV dose has more than double HPV virus-like particles and aluminum adjuvant than the previous formulation. Double-blind safety analysis contrasted 7071 subjects immunized with the nine-valent vaccine vs. 7078 who had the four-valent dose. The nine-valent cohort had significantly more systemic serious adverse events; n = 233 (3.3%) vs. n = 183 (2.6%) in the other group. Our calculated 2 × 2 contingency table p value was 0.0125. Oddly, only two subjects (0%) in each group were judged to have a vaccine- related serious adverse event. The authors did not comment on this incongruity.”23

    • “A recent study conducted by Canadian scientists Professor Christopher Shaw and Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic revealed that the more vaccines that children receive containing the adjuvant aluminum, the greater their chance is of developing autism, autoimmune diseases and neurological problems in the future.”24

    • “The number of studies that show that partial immunization via available HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines is not only insufficient at reducing overall HPV infection rates; the vaccines actually cause rarer, more lethal types of HPV to sweep in and the net effect could be devastating increases in HPV-related cancers.”25

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    • “Scientists Lucija Tomljenovic, Christopher A. Shaw, Judy Wilyman, Eva Vanamee, and Toni Bark use the example of Merck’s Gardasil, a human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, to demonstrate the point that HPV vaccine activism is not based on science, but instead on misrepresentations of science. In a letter signed by all five of these scientists, they point out several flaws in the claims that Merck’s Gardasil and Pfizer’s Cervarix make to sell their vaccines.”26

    • “After a four year, $270,000 study, Concordia University’s Genevieve Rail concluded there is no proof that the human papillomavirus directly causes cervical cancer. In addition, Rail stated: ‘I’m sort of raising a red flag, out of respect for what I’ve found in my own study, and for the despair of parents who had totally perfect 12-year-olds who are now in their beds, too tired to go to school,’ she said. ‘Yes, we’re going against the grain, and we are going against those who are believed, i.e. doctors and nurses and people in public health. There continually appears to be criminality, fraud, and severe violations of medical ethics that surround the HPV vaccine push in each country.’”27

    • “A study published in 2015 in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, looked at the quality of physician communication to their patients about the HPV vaccine. ‘The single biggest barrier to increasing HPV vaccination is not receiving a health care provider’s recommendation.’ … The study’s author Melissa Gilkey, an assistant professor of population medicine at Harvard Medical School. That’s more of an issue, she says, than parents’ decisions to refuse or delay HPV vaccination. One of the top answers given for why physicians are hesitating to recommend the HPV vaccination, according to the study, is due to safety concerns about the vaccine.”28

    • Gardasil Vaccine Package Inserts29

    • Vaccine excipients (ingredients)30

    • Detailed information on the ingredients in vaccines31

    • “Lead, chromium, nickel and other metals linked to brain damage and IQ deficits were detected in every adjuvant sample tested by the vaccine industry, study confirms Italian research.”32

    • “Safety concerns and hidden agenda behind HPV vaccines: another generation of drug-dependent society33

    • 30 quick facts about HPV and Gardasil for consideration.34

    • Victims of HPV vaccine35

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    This article highlights and sums 11 facts:36

    1. Gardasilwasfast-tracked

    2. vaccine may be more dangerous than the condition it is claimed to prevent

    3. no evidence Gardasil can actually prevent cervical cancer, et al one cancer deaths

    4. the “placebo” used in Gardasil clinical trials was an injection of aluminum

    5. Merck’s fingerprints are all over school mandates and compulsory vaccination programs

    6. Gardasil alone associated with 61% of all serious adverse reactions reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), including 63% of deaths, and 81% of permanent disability in females younger than 30

    7. may exacerbate pre-existing infections or pre-cancerous lesions and increase risk of cervical cancer by 44%

    8. results in the body making antibodies against oneself

    9. Polysorbate 80 linked to reproductive problems and infertility in animal studies, crosses the blood brain barrier, and has not been studied for synergistic toxicity with other ingredients, such as aluminum

    10. The pap smear largely has decreased cervical cancer by 74%

    11. 90% of HPV infections clear on their own within 2 years without treatment. “In the chart below, notice the increase in abnormal pap smears, cervical dysplasia, and cervical cancer AFTER injection with the Gardasil vaccine.

    • ”What’s even more concerning is that girls who have already been exposed to HPV have a 44.6% increased risk for precancerous lesions developing after inoculation with Gardasil.


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    Yes, you read that right! The cervical cancer vaccine raises the risk of cervical cancer for anyone exposed to HPV before they were vaccinated.”

    37 Reasons I do not trust CDC information:

    • Two significant investigations have been commenced at the Federal level, the results of which cannot and should not be ignored. In this regard, Chairman Chaffetz of the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has launched two investigations – one regarding Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, who was a senior scientist and one of five scientists (William Thompson, Frank DeStefano, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, Colleen Boyle, and Tanya Bhasin), stating that the team sliced and diced data, manipulated data, and discarded data that showed a direct correlation to the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. Dr. Thompson kept the data and digital files because he thought it was illegal. He complained all the way to the top to Dr. Julie Gerberding. Thus, the leadership at the CDC is implicated in the fraud, and now the second Federal investigation is underway of the CDC itself, both internally and by the OGC.3839 Although I have not seen the Chairman’s Letter regarding these investigations, here is a Youtube video of Chairman Chaffetz in Michigan commenting on the investigation: %20investigation

    This past October a group named CDC Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research, or CDC SPIDER, which entails a group of more than a dozen senior scientists, have reportedly lodged an ethics complaint alleging the Federal agency is being influenced by corporate and political interests in ways that short-change taxpayers. Their complaint contains the words “cover up,” “misrepresent,” “data cooked,” “unethical,” “questionable,” “findings essentially suppressed,” and “norm rather than the exception.”41

    There is a Federal lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Two former Merck & Co., Inc., scientists accused Merck of falsifying tests of the MMR vaccine by adding animal antibodies to blood samples to maintain its exclusive mumps vaccine.4243

    There is a Federal lawsuit in the United States District Court of Utah. Dr. Judith Zimmerman alleges that McMahon and his colleagues acted improperly in retaliating against her for raising concerns over their research misconduct, violated university policies by terminating her contract without proper

    “Four scathing federal studies, including two by Congress, one by the US Senate, and one by the HHS Inspector General, paint CDC as a cesspool of corruption, mismanagement, and dysfunction with alarming conflicts of interest suborning its research, regulatory, and policymaking functions.”40

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    review, and impugned her reputation in the process.44 “[T]he whistleblower has also alleged that the CDC’s ADDM Network allowed research misconduct and persistent data errors in their autism prevalence reports. These whistleblower allegations reveal serious concerns over the legitimacy and integrity of the CDC’s management of its widely cited ADDM Network reports.”45

    The CDC currently spends over $4 billion purchasing vaccines from drug makers, and wants to increase that amount by over a half billion for 2015.46 CDC’s purchase of $4 billion of vaccines is a conflict of interest.47

    A patent search was done, and there were 57 granted US patents with the CDC listed as an assignee.48

    The CDC is listed in the official Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) directory as a for-profit corporation.49 The CDC has a foundation sponsored by the same companies they are monitoring for safety.50

    In the United States vaccine manufacturers, physicians, and nurses (administrators) cannot be sued for injury or death related to vaccines.

    1. National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 PUBLIC LAW 99-660-NOV.14, 1986 100 STAT. 3759 “(2)(A) “No person may bring a civil action for damages” — 51 A more direct site is http:// “The reason this Act became law is back in 1982, the four big drug companies (Merck, Wyeth, Lederle, Connaught) blackmailed Congress by threatening to stop selling vaccines in America unless a law was passed giving them complete immunity from prosecution.”52

    2. U.S.C. 300aa-11 (a)(2)(A) states that one cannot bring action against a vaccine administrator (i.e., nurse or doctor) administering vaccines.53

    The 1986 Law permits them the right to not disclose known risks to parents or guardians of those being vaccinated. Resting on the ‘learned intermediary’ doctrine, manufacturers bear no

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    liability for giving, or failing to give, accurate or complete information to those vaccinated, and have only to provide relevant information to doctors, who must give patients CDC Vaccine Information Statements.[49].”54

    3. 2011 U.S. Supreme Court Bruesewitz case summarizes the 1986 law, but the court’s ruling in this case narrowed industry liability even further than the original wording and interpretation of the law.55

    The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 set up the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) as a no-fault compensation program for injuries or deaths created by unavoidably unsafe vaccines.56

    1. There is a searchable database of the nation’s vaccine settlements of injuries or deaths.57

    2. There are limits of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, VAERS. VAERS is a passive system which is underreported from a factor of 10 to as much as a factor of 100.58

    3. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) provides monthly data on the program. 59This report is dated January 1, 2017, and the court has awarded a little over 3.56 billion dollars since the inception of the program. Note, as stated above, there is an underreporting from a factor of 0 to as much as a factor or 100. So 3.56 billion x .10 equals an incomprehensible astronomical number. There are numerous flaws of the vaccine court.60 The history of the vaccine court.61

  11. Warmac9999 Avatar

    Tucker Carlson just destroyed the COVID vaccine rationale. He described a horror story based on scientific investigation and evidence. Essentially, the more shots you get the greater the damage to your immune system. This makes the fully vaxxed and boosted not only susceptible to COVID but to any disease whether bacterial, viral, or self generated by mutation.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    And, on lighter side…

    “Although routine spread has been halted for decades, occasionally travelers with polio have brought infections into the U.S. In 2013, a case occurred in a 7-month-old who had recently moved to the U.S. from India.

    The patient in the new case, a young adult who did not recently travel outside the country, was hospitalized but is no longer, officials confirmed. Officials said the person had presented with paralysis but wouldn’t say if the patient was still dealing with that side effect.

    The person had not been vaccinated against polio, health officials said.”

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