No Way Trump Wins Virginia

by Paul Goldman

The latest poll from Virginia Commonwealth University has Donald Trump up 3% — 39% to 36% — over Joe Biden after being behind by six in the school’s previous survey of public opinion. Top Trump advisor Chris LaCivita has been telling people publicly and privately Trump will win Virginia as part of a coming MAGA landslide.

Not so fast.

Having done a few polls in my lifetime, I view these results as more a reflection of Biden’s current weakness than any new Trump strength. In 2020, then-incumbent President Donald Trump lost Virginia by a whopping ten percentage points, considered a landslide defeat in the world of elections. Candidate Biden got 54% of the vote, the biggest Democratic winning margin in Virginia since FDR crushed Thomas Dewey in 1944 when Virginia was still part of the “solid South“ of Democratic segregation states. Even President Lyndon Johnson, while winning the biggest Democratic national landslide ever, carried Virginia by only 7% over GOP loser Barry Goldwater in 1964.

Sure, there was a time between 1968 and 2004 when the Commonwealth had proven to be the most reliable GOP bastion among the Southern states in presidential elections. The GOP “lock” on Virginia got picked by Barack Obama in 2008. Even defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton carried Virginia by a comfortable 5% in 2016.

Bottom line: with Mark Warner, Don Beyer and other top Democrats attacking President Biden, it is understandable why Virginia has been put in the “toss-up” column by certain wishful-thinking Republicans. As famed political columnist Will Rogers one said, “I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.“

But LaCivita knows he is blowing smoke, if not from legal weed then whatever they’re using down at Mar-a- Largo, when trying to convince reporters the Trump campaign has expanded the winnable electoral map to Virginia.

Trump will lose Virginia once again even worse than he lost to Hillary. Repeating the 10 percentage-point Biden landslide of 2020, though, is likely not gonna happen given the residual damage done to Biden by Warner, Beyer and other Democrats.

But, you say: what if Warner, Beyer and the others — which many Biden advisors privately believe includes Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton — are successful in pressuring President Biden to drop out of the race for re-election?

Forcing a Democratic incumbent to drop a reelection bid is not unknown in the modern history of the Democratic Party. President Harry Truman in 1952 and President Johnson in 1968 tried to get re-nominated, but ultimately were convinced by their Democratic opposition to drop out. But the major catalyst for both men abandoning dreams of another term were disastrous results in the New Hampshire primary, then a key contest in American nomination politics.

But here in 2024, Biden has already won enough delegates in primary contests to have a legal right to the nomination. Accordingly, unless Warner and company lead the first successful floor fight revolt against a presumptive presidential nominee in the 160-year history of the two-party system, or Biden gives in to their pressure, then the president will get a rematch against Trump here in the Commonwealth.

Even assuming, arguendo, the Democratic presidential nominee is other than Biden, Virginia will stay solidly in the Democratic column this November. Unless Virginia Democratic officials prove incredibly incompetent.

Paul Goldman is former Chair of the VA Democratic Party, a candidate for mayor of the City of Richmond, and author of “Remaking Virginia Politics.” 



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78 responses to “No Way Trump Wins Virginia”

  1. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Under normal circumstances, I would agree. But Biden is cognitively impaired and his condition is only going to get worse. If he continues in denial, he could fracture the democrat party and put Virginia in play.
    On the other hand, his staying in and his impairment could cause the Ds to turn out in mass for down ballot candidates to help Ds regain the House and to hold onto the Senate.
    the next few months are going to make this a historical election year.

    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      O'Reilly says maybe today Biden backs out…but soon. I assume that is case.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    So…how big is the cheat in Virginia?
    I have never understood why it is tolerated that Fairfax – likely the richest and most technologically savvy county in Virginia – always comes in last. Why would that be?
    Polls close – every precinct reports its number. The count how it is divided (voted) and the numbers better add up.
    He may be correct than the doddering, husk, clearly not there puppet may be able to win in Virginia which says more about the Dems desire for power than anything else…
    Be warned all you simps who plan to vote D. One day they come for you…

    1. Debra Oglesby Maddrell Avatar
      Debra Oglesby Maddrell

      What "cheat" in Fairfax? Republicans lose in Fairfax – and northern Virginia, generally, because they don't turn out to vote in greater numbers than Democrats. It's that simple.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        My question is: WHY does likely the richest and most technologically savvy county always turn in its votes last? It just seems …suspicious. And Larry Sabato always references it as the Democrat is going to pick up because Fairfax always turns in last. Turning in last has always been a campaign trick. How many do I need. See LBJ-Coke Stevenson 1948 Senate primary… Old school.
        I think – every precinct at 7 PM report your number. Then count the division of the votes. And then the precinct numbers must add up. And then the county numbers must add up. Please tell me why that is not a good process. Save our democracy!!!!

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Is the question: " why can't the mail-in votes be reported first right after polls close?"

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You TRY not to understand?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I guess so.. I thought the problem was late reporting of votes.. no?

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Tell me why the richest and most technologically advanced county in Va always reports last?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t know what you mean when you say that Walter. Are you talking about reporting polling results?

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Yes. Late reporting – holding back your vote count – is an old school cheating method. Read Caro’s book on LBJ and his 1948 Senate primary and the 200 votes in alphabetical order in the same color ink and handwriting, including William F.Buckley’s grandfather, who had died in 1905. From one controlled precinct in South Texas…where LBJ “won” by 84 votes.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            I know it has happened in the past for sure but more often in local and state races where some level of coordination might be easier than trying to do it on a national level.

            It happens in red states and red state precincts also.

            The 5th district in Virginia had late reporting precincts in a GOP primary.

            But, in general, I agree that late reporting especially when it changes the outcome can undermine trust in the system.

            I worked for a number of years as an election official in a precinct and it takes time to reconcile the results , an hour or two if everything goes right and longer if it does not. Machines sometimes break and they have to manually verify the ballots to be sure of the count.

            Even in my own county, we can have 3/4 of the precincts report fairly quickly and then some others take hours or overnight for some reason.

            For early voting – do you think those results should be reported earlier than the other votes done on the day of?

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Wow – Larry sort of right about a few things…Please try to keep doing that.
            Of course you had to Red States cheat, too – without evidence. But I’ll accept it with modifications – in all elections there is cheating. People are inherently bad and have to be trained to do good. If people are not punished for doing bad, then you will have more bad. Blue States have perfected cheating. So many ways to cheat. So hard to get your arms around it. Bad voter rolls. Mail in voting. Extra “ballots” floating around. Vote harvesting. And then all the Old School tricks. Not to mention the machine counts… Why can’t we verify the machines? Why is that fought? And then let’s go to the illegals – how many have been registered? You don’t “need” a national conspiracy to steal a national election. You need to cheat in 30 counites. Coincidentally, where all the ZuckBucks went… And written about by Molly Ball on March 4, 2021, bragging about how a cabal “fortified” the election. Most recently in Nevada, a federal Judge dismissed a challenge to accepting mail in ballots 4 days after “voting” closes. She said there was no proff this would benefit Democrats, so she dismissed it on standing. It is an invitation to cheat. Prestamp a bunch of mail in ballots on reserve, get ’em filled in and …voila! The Dem wins. Maybe the Pubbies need to have their cheat machine all riled up, too. Is that really how to run any election?
            As to counts – full, real time transparency. How many ballots sent out, how many received. (We should go back to absentee only for a good reason. Mail in voting is an invitation to fraud. Could the post office employees throw away ballots from red districts? Asking for a friend…) Election Day – each precinct at closing report your number of votes. Then count the votes and the R plus D better equal what was reported.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            We have R’s and D’s observers in the room where voting takes place and they are there
            when the votes are tabulated . Pretty hard to cheat.

            Are you also opposed to early voting at the county registra’s office?

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Not wild about it. Particularly if electronic. Also don’t like the time lapse.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do you not agree that voting should be made easier ?

          11. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No. Voting easier makes cheating easier. Every complication creates a vulnerability. How come the European countries do in person, same day, ID required, paper ballots, and know the results within 5 hours?
            Sounds like a way to increase trust in the electoral process to me.

  3. WayneS Avatar

    No Way Trump Wins Virginia


  4. If you wanna go for long-odds states over battlegrounds, just ask Hilary how well that strategy worked out.

  5. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Probably realistic assessment. If Virginia was really in play, Youngkin might have been VP running mate. We visited Will Rogers museum few months ago in OK as part of an eclipse vaca.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      The choice of Vance over a candidate like Youngkin was bigger than swinging a single state, especially one like Virginia that is not a swing state or important in the election. It's a bonus pickup if the Repubs turn it and that will just be part of a big national wave. It would not be surprising to see Youngkin in a cabinet level position in a Trump administration, especially if he helps Trump carry Virginia.

  6. oromae Avatar

    No. Biden's in freefall. If he stays the candidate, pubs take Virginia.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    I don't think Virginians will let Kaine lose… they're gonna come out to the polls and whoever is Dem at the top will also get a vote.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      The Dems in Virginia consider Kaine unbeatable. They can't imagine a day when an immigrant, US Navy special operations officer who has never held elected office could beat Kaine.

      If Biden is the candidate, they will stay home.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        and let Kaine lose, right?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          They don't think there is any chance of Kaine losing. And … they may be right. He's the former Mayor of Richmond, Lt Governor of Virginia, Governor of Virginia and two term US Senator running for his third term.

          I really don't see Hung Cao beating Kaine.

          I also think some people will vote but not cast a vote for president. Or, vote for RFK, Jr at the top of the ticket as a protest – assuming he gets on the ballot. As far as I know, it's still undecided whether RFK, Jr will be on the Virginia ballot (but I haven't followed that issue closely).

          I may write in "James A Bacon" as I've done in the past – although not for president.

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          They don't think there is any chance of Kaine losing. And … they may be right. He's the former Mayor of Richmond, Lt Governor of Virginia, Governor of Virginia and two term US Senator running for his third term.

          I really don't see Hung Cao beating Kaine.

          I also think some people will vote but not cast a vote for president. Or, vote for RFK, Jr at the top of the ticket as a protest – assuming he gets on the ballot. As far as I know, it's still undecided whether RFK, Jr will be on the Virginia ballot (but I haven't followed that issue closely).

          I may write in "James A Bacon" as I've done in the past – although not for president.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            So the Dems won’t vote a Dem ticket? You should write more for BR if you got the time and motivation! You have a different perspective than some of the other conservatives here in my view.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            I voted for Terry McAuliffe over Ken Cuccinelli.

            Does that make me a 'Dem?

            I'd vote for Mark Warner over Donald Trump.

            Does that make me a 'Dem?

            There is no reasonable "one size fits all" definition of 'Dem (or Repub for that matter).

            It's a continuum.

            If Hung Cao was running against Mark Warner, I'd vote for Warner.

            As for Cao vs Kaine – I'm still considering the matter.

            There are enough people like me in Virginia to make the difference in elections.

            Ask Glenn Youngkin.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            So when you voted Dem, did you vote the ticket?

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            No. I vote for the best candidate, not the party. My ballot was split.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            so not a Dem!

          6. WayneS Avatar

            There are enough people like me in Virginia to make the difference in elections.

            I agree 100%.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Why couldn't it have been Jim Webb in 2016 instead of Clinton.

          8. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Have you seen the Mark Warner and Harris how to make a tuna salad sandwich video? Those two are more alike than I thought. I wouldn't cast a vote for either one to be elected the manager of a Hardee's.

          9. WayneS Avatar

            If all you ever do is vote the entire party-line ticket, and if you assume others to do the same, why do you even bother discussing upcoming elections with anyone once the primaries are over?

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, I don’t assume at all. And I HAVE been known to split tickets but in general, hard core Dems
            will vote the ticket and Hard core GOP will do the same. It’s the middle that changes back and forth depending on candidates, geography and overall politics that’s worth paying attention to.

        3. WayneS Avatar

          Kaine will get much more support from the independents than will Cao. He will still win even if a lot of democrats stay home – which I don't think is going to happen.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      Kaine is definitely not going to lose his race.

      I'm no longer certain about Biden.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        So, will Cao help Trump or the other way around?

        1. WayneS Avatar

          I really don't think the down ballot candidates are going to have much of an effect either way on those who intend to vote for Donald Trump, so given the two choices you laid out I'd say Trump might help Cao (a little).

          But Cao will still lose.

          1. WayneS Avatar


            PS – I'm now certain about Biden…

    3. John Fisher Avatar
      John Fisher

      My assessment as well. Kaine will pull the top of the Democratic ticket across the finish line here in VA no matter who the Democrats finally run.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Kaine is undoubtedly in a strong position. There are two questions. First is how much damage can demented old Joe do to Kaine while losing the presidential election, and second will affection for Kaine offset disgust or apathy for the top of the ballot. Uninspired voters commonly stay home.

        Numbers to think about are turnouts for different elections. Presidential years have by far the highest turnout. Years where there are statewide races, Gov or Senator, have lower turnout. Years where there are only House or state legislators lowest. Dems in Virginia in recent elections have run better in years with higher turnout than in years with lower turnout,

        How far off of usual presidential years can unhappiness with the Dem nominee drive the vote? If Cao runs a decent race while Trump fires up his supporters and Dem frustration is high that could threaten Kaine's re-election. OTOH, Kaine is unlikely to inspire enough voters to carry an uninspiring prez to victory over Trump who energizes his supporters, especially if he has a comfortable lead. The logic goes like this: Timmy doesn't need my vote this year, and the idea of voting for dementia and Giggles is depressing. It's easier to just stay home.

        We'll have a better sense of how the issues shake out in another 2 months. Right now the tea leaves are unclear, but their indication that Virginia is a toss up is a message in itself. There's a lot of what ifs. The one thing we can be pretty sure of is that it's not going to be the slam dunk for Kaine it would have been with a strong Dem candidate and Repubs divided and uninspired.

        Interesting times, oh joy… not.

  8. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    "Virginia will stay solidly in the Democratic column this November. Unless Virginia Democratic officials prove incredibly incompetent."

    Uhh..think back to Aunt Terry and Uncle Ralph.

    Paul is probably right. Donkeys win dear ole Virginny. Might be close though like Carter vs. Ford in 76.

  9. DJRippert Avatar

    First, Biden won't be the candidate. He's mentally gone. I've been saying he was senile for more than 2 years. I am now proven correct. In a recent interview with BET, Biden couldn't remember the name of his Secretary of Defense. Sadly, dementia does not "level out", it does not reverse. It only gets worse. The rambling, incoherent, bumbling, angry, Joe Biden you see today will be the best Joe Biden you'll ever see. It's all downhill from here.

    Those who say some magical committee will successfully run the country while Biden spins in circles like a malfunctioning Roomba are already being proven wrong. Apparently, the disastrous selection of Kimberly Cheatle to run the US Secret Service was driven by the unimpressive, unvetted, and unelected Jill Biden. While Ms. Cheatle may have been a fine secret service agent, she lacked the seniority and experience to run the organization. If Biden is reelected, Virginians know that ever more important decisions will be made by unelected people operating in the shadows with no accountability.

    "But LaCivita knows he is blowing smoke, if not from legal weed than whatever they’re using down at Mar-a- Largo, when trying to convince reporters the Trump campaign has expanded the winnable electoral map to Virginia."

    Recreational marijuana is not legal in Florida. One would think Paul Goldman would know that, having been born into significant wealth in Palm Beach. But facts rarely intrude into the thoughts and words of lifelong political dilettantes like Paul Goldman.

    The Democratic Party's gaslighting of America as to the mental state of Joe Biden is over. In the few short weeks between Biden's hopeless debate performance until today, the president's true mental state has become obvious. His constant gaffes, shouting, brain freezes, lies, and confusion are so obvious that he has lost the support of Democrats from Mark Warner to George Clooney. Only the very worst partisan hacks continue to pretend that Biden is a viable candidate for any elected office.

    If, by some miracle of collective incompetence, the Democrats put Biden on the ballot in November Virginia will be very much in play.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      If you look at traditional turnout for Dems and GOP in Virginia, what numbers do we get?

      Do you think that some Dems will now vote for Trump or not?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        To paraphrase Bill Clinton, "It depends on the definition of Dems".

        By my guess, 35% of Virginians are hard core Democrats. They will come out and vote D no matter who is at the top of the ballot. 30% of Virginians are hard core Republicans. They will come out and vote Trump. The remaining 35% are swing voters and those who sometimes vote and sometimes don't. I think a lot of the 'Dems in that group will stay home rather than vote for Biden or Trump.

        If, however, Biden is not the candidate – the calculus changes considerably.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      The Biden Harris signs are appearing in Warrenton. The blue team is going to have to ride this donkey to the finish line. I suppose he might have a weak moment and step aside. But if his first lady intends to fight it out, I don't see what the donkeys can do at their convention. Remember, 14,465,519 people voted for this ticket in the primary.

  10. Carter Melton Avatar
    Carter Melton

    I had an interesting experience some months ago. In search of a new 20 gauge for skeet, I went to a local gun show. At the front door was a tent and table with a banner that said "Never Trump" with the Marine Corps logo ! I stopped and chatted up one of the attendants…and said that I thought bunch of Marines would be pro Trump. The response was:"Not after the way he treated General Mattis and General Kelly".

    There are a lot of subterranean political cross currents in America today which will make this election interesting, to say the least.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Exactly right. And I bet those people with the Marines banner at the gun show almost always vote Republican. But not if the candidate is Trump. It would have been interesting to hear what they planned to do in a Trump – Biden election. Vote Biden? Stay home? Vote down ballot but not for president? RFK, Jr?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Maybe not after they saw the RNC Gold Star families performance last night?

        1. Carter Melton Avatar
          Carter Melton

          Good point, Larry. I think this election will be " uncallable".

    2. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      But what about the new 20 gauge, Sir???? That is the best part of this set of comments.
      This Marine held a great admiration and respect for General Mattis, going back 40 years or so. Not sure what happened on the political side of his endeavors. Still support both General Mattis and President Trump.

      1. Carter Melton Avatar
        Carter Melton

        New Benelli Super Sport 20 ga….one sweet gun

        1. Chip Gibson Avatar
          Chip Gibson

          Sweet, indeed!!

        2. WayneS Avatar

          Based on what I have gleaned about you from your past comments, I'm guessing you went with the Walnut furniture rather than plastic/composite. Am I right?

  11. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    I believe Trump will win Nationwide against whoever the Democrats put up. But probably not in Virginia, simply because of NOVA, with career Government workers and their families who are part of the problem as they thrive with bigger bureaucracy. People in this country are fed up and are starting to realize that Trump, with his flaws, has positive qualities and professional advisors that far exceed his liabilities.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      The professional advisors part is pretty sketchy. Think jerks like Pompeo at State, Bolton as Nat Sec Advisor, Sessions as AG, Kushner and Bloody Gina at CIA. Let's hope he has a learning curve.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      The professional advisors part is pretty sketchy. Think jerks like Pompeo at State, Bolton as Nat Sec Advisor, Sessions as AG, Kushner and Bloody Gina at CIA. Let's hope he has a learning curve.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      The speech at the RNC last night was nothing short of cringe-worthy – even the Wall Street Journal agrees:

      " But as the address went on, wandering on and off script, he stuck closely to his familiar style: casting illegal immigration as a threat to U.S. jobs, portraying criminal indictments against him as political retribution and insulting political rivals, including “Crazy Nancy Pelosi.”

      While advisers have encouraged him not to speak so much about the 2020 election, Trump could not resist and touched on that and other items from his greatest hits in a speech that lasted more than 90 minutes.

      He called Covid-19 the “China virus” and said Democrats “used Covid to cheat,” one of several mentions of his false claim about the 2020 results. Of President Biden, he asserted, “The damage he has done to this country is unthinkable.”

      Trump often exaggerated and made bombastic claims, such as “I could stop wars with just a telephone call.”

      1. Chip Gibson Avatar
        Chip Gibson

        It was all great, for those who support a Great America Again.

  12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    So why Trump won’t will Virginia… we know a con when we see one… here they spelled the name “Comperatore” wrong… what a scam…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      be that as it may… we KNOW that this kind of thing "works" and DID!

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Why would I retract anything? That is not what we do anymore. If the last week of Trump propaganda is any indication we are supposed to just keep repeating our incorrect claims until they become fact. Any word on the fate of the “late, great, Hannibal Lecter”, btw…?

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Well, it's what I do when I make a mistake. I don't care who doesn't do it any more – Trump, Biden, you, or anyone else.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I agree, tbh… my mistake… better…?

          2. WayneS Avatar

            Yes. Thanks.

          3. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Both spellings fall short. He is "American Hero" now.

  13. I don't doubt you. What passes for conservative in Virginia is left of a blue dog democrat. You can see this firsthand on which claims to be Virginia's conservative voice. With conservatives like that, who needs democrats?

  14. Chip Gibson Avatar
    Chip Gibson

    Real Virginians will vote for President Trump. The remainder don't even know who the Democrat nominee is…..

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      The thing is most Democrat voters KNOW the difference between most all Democratic candidates and Trump and Trumpster candidates. If they show up to vote, the Trump folks will well know it. In 3-4 months voters will well know how each will govern if elected.

  15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Kamala Harris is running against the oldest nominee for president of the United States in American history… I mean, the man is nearly 80-years-old and so the question is, can he serve another four years? I'm not sure he can.”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      What's his name for her?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Loving it!

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