No Surprises in Democratic Primary

by Kerry Dougherty

Well, it looks like at least half of what the former chair of Virginia’s Republican Party predicted last night has already come true: the GOP slate is more diverse than the Democratic ticket.

In fact, Virginia’s Democratic primary voters shunned African-American candidates for governor and attorney general to nominate two white men. Retreads at that: Terry McAuliffe for governor and Mark Herring for attorney general.

They also nominated a woman for Lt. Gov., Del. Hala Ayala who describes herself as “Afro-Latina, Lebanese and Irish,” making her the lone minority on the Democratic ticket.

Frankly, I don’t care about the race or ethnicity of public officials. I want good government. It’s Dems who relentlessly use race as a political weapon. Anyone else remember the 2017 gubernatorial race when Ralph Northam was willing to smear a mainstream Republican — Ed Gillespie — as a bigot just because the Republican supported a crackdown on MS-13, a ruthless street gang? Yet all the while, Northam had an ugly secret hiding deep in a copy of his medical school yearbook.

The audacity of that man.

In fact, these three Democratic nominees all have on thing in common: They boldly called on Gov. Ralph Northam to resign in February of 2019, when those racist photos surfaced.

Yet Northam didn’t slink away, and the trio will proudly campaign with the governor whose nickname in college was “Coonman.”

In the fall, the Dems will face Glenn Youngkin for governor, Winsome Sears — an African American former Marine — from Winchester, for lieutenant governor and Jason Miyares — a Cuban-American — for attorney general.

McAuliffe will do his best to link Youngkin to Trump. He’s already started. Even though Youngkin was the least “Trumpian” candidate in the GOP contest for the nomination.

If they’re smart, the Republicans will focus on issues.

Their campaigns should be laser-focused on education and public safety. The Democrat’s love affair with teachers unions should hurt them if Northern Virginia’s pinot noir moms are still seething over closed schools this fall, as they should be.

NoVa once boasted some of the best schools in the country before militant unions kept them shut down for months after private schools safely reopened. Fairfax County’s remote learning program was an unmitigated technical disaster in the spring of 2020 and teachers union leaders there were loud and clear about not wanting to return to the classrooms.

The parole board scandal won’t help Democrats, either. Tossing murderers and sex offenders into the community rarely wins over suburban voters.

Will Trump, Trump, Trump be enough to win?

Perhaps, But Youngkin is a human ATM machine. He can flood the Republican ticket with enough money to counter the millions of out-of-state dollars that will pour in from trade unions, abortion enthusiasts and anti-gun groups who helped turn the General Assembly blue last time out.

Let the games begin!

This column is republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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13 responses to “No Surprises in Democratic Primary”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    Winsome Sears is also an immigrant to the United States.

    McAuliffe must answer for Charlottesville, GreenTech and the actual results of his self-heralded economic development programs.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      and that’s how the GOP will lose.

      In order to win over true moderates beyond the gullible right-wing base – they have to present their own optimistic view of the future. What do they have to offer Virginia to make it better?

      Gillespie lost BECAUSE he tried to use MS-13 fearmongering and the like for his vision, something Conservatives can’t seem to evolve away from these days.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Gillespie lost because he had Trump hanging around his neck like an albatross. Albatross! Get yer Albatross…

        Huge winner yesterday? Dominion. Huge loser? Clean Virginia. Clean Virginia helped to knock off one of the Democrat House incumbents who lost (Heretick), but the LG candidate Dom bought at the last minute (Ayala) came through for them and McAuliffe is an old Dom friend and ally. Herring has been a fairly weak advocate for consumers IMHO, despite some good work by his staff in the cases.

        I do not disagree, Larry, that the job that faces the Republicans is to paint that upbeat, positive vision for the state that underlines the case for change. It can be done. Biden probably won’t be an albatross, although he is giving the GOP some serious ammo.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Waiting to hear from DJ about the concept that a Va Gov cannot do two consecutive terms but he/she CAN do more than one term , how many?


  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Winsome Sears is also an immigrant to the United States.

    McAuliffe must answer for Charlottesville, GreenTech and the actual results of his self-heralded economic development programs.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Wait. Aren’t both tickets two white guys and a minority woman?

    As for Gillespie suffering Trump as an albatross, Youngkin is waving Trump like a flag.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I couldn’t help but to notice a hard leftie, Mark Levine, and a devout Democratic Socialist, Lee Carter, are out of a job in the House of Delegates. A sign of things to come?

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Not necessarily. They both were also campaigning for statewide office. Either the voters did not like the idea of their trying to have their cake and eat it, too, or the two candidates spent so much time on their statewide contests that they neglected their House races.

      Other “progressives”, Lopez and Guzman, won their primaries against more liberal candidates and a centrist, Heretick, lost to a more liberal candidate.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Talk about your incumbent protections….do other states let people run for two offices at the same time? A bunch of Democrat House member were both on the statewide ballot and then also their local primary. Had they won both they would have to drop out of one of them. The voters should have chucked every one of them out the House.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          Vermont, at least, allows someone to run for more than one office at a time. Several years ago, a guy was running in the Democratic primary for both Governor and Attorney General!

        2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          Republians played this game, as well. Both Glenn Davis and Jason Miyares were raising money for both House races and statewide races.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            yep – goose, gander, etc, et al

            want reform Steve? call for it when YOUR guys run! 😉

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I couldn’t help but to notice a hard leftie, Mark Levine, and a devout Democratic Socialist, Lee Carter, are out of a job in the House of Delegates. A sign of things to come?

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