No Other State Plans Utility-Owned Wind Farms

Clean Virginia’s witness prepared this list of current U.S. offshore wind projects, their owners, size and contract structure. Click for larger view.

by Steve Haner

The table reproduced above may one of the most interesting exhibits submitted to the State Corporation Commission as it considers Dominion Energy Virginia’s offshore wind application. Two things jump out, both highlighted in pre-filed expert testimony sponsored by environmental activist group Clean Virginia.

First, only in Virginia is such a project being financed directly by the captive ratepayers of a monopoly electric utility. Only in Virginia will the turbines be owned by the utility rather than a private investor.

Second, Dominion’s proposal is the largest U.S. project by a big margin. In some other cases, proposals have two or three phases. But remember, Dominion’s current 2,600-megawatt plan is also supposed to be followed by a second tranche of similar size built adjacent to the first 178 turbines. Dominion’s first tranche is double the size of the largest European projects, two in the United Kingdom.

It is the recommendation of Clean Virginia’s expert that if there is a second wave, it should be financed by one of the other methods used by other states, with an independent developer finding their own financing based on contracts to sell the power and the renewable energy certificates produced. For offshore wind, the mechanism is an OREC, or offshore wind renewable energy certificate.

The motion for the SCC to try to impose that condition on Phase II, however, is well-advised but a long shot. Neither Dominion nor its allies in the Virginia General Assembly are likely to reconsider the approach which makes the most money, and produces the least risk, for the utility’s stockholders.  

The expert, Maximillian Chang of New York’s Synapse Energy Economics, had other recommendations in his filing to be explored in a later post.

You see in the list above that other states use either power purchase agreements (PPAs) or offshore wind renewable energy certificates (ORECs). With a PPA the private developer has a long-term, usually fixed-price contract to sell the electricity directly to a utility “load serving entity” or to the regional wholesale market. Dominion has often done PPAs, for fossil generation and now for solar generation and storage. But it prefers utility-owned and claims the 2020 Virginia Clean Economy Act sets a 35% cap on outside providers.

With the OREC (and this is more complicated) what the state is buying is the environmental attributes, the carbon-free energy “benefit” for each megawatt hour of electricity produced. The power generated goes through the wholesale market.

The market and monetary value for the RECs is a crucial financial subsidy behind the growth of renewable energy around the world. Companies buy RECs and trumpet they are then net-zero despite their own fossil fuel use. In this case, states like New York and Maryland are signing long-term contracts to buy all the ORECs, revenue guarantees which allow the developer to secure private financing.

New York announced a big deal in January for 2,500 megawatts (about the same size as Dominion’s) from two developers who plan to have their turbines spinning by 2027, a year later than Dominion. It claims an average residential bill cost of less than $1 per month, and an all-in development cost of $80.40 per megawatt hour. How does that compare to what Dominion’s project will cost?  The level of secrecy in the pending application makes that hard to compare.

Actual cost and customer risk comparisons between known PPAs, OREC contracts and Dominion’s accounting would be a useful addition to the SCC case record, which is still being built and culminates in open hearings in May. You can find more discussion in a 2020 publication from the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. It compares PPAs and ORECs.

Both procurement instruments have been awarded competitively based on price offers and other criteria (e.g., economic development, ratepayer, and environmental impacts). They provide a high degree of hedging benefits against otherwise fluctuating prices for delivered services (i.e., the generator receives a fixed price for services delivered, regardless of the price that the generation sells for in the wholesale market). The resulting de-risked revenue profile creates a degree of financial certainty that is often needed for securing long-term project financing.

No section of the NREL report discusses the relative costs and benefits of “utility-owned,” where the ratepayers cover all capital, pay all interest and profit and where there is no capped price for the project and no guaranteed price for the power or the ORECs. Only one state, one utility, one General Assembly and Governor have gone down that road.

Click for larger view.

The NREL also developed a table, reprinted here, comparing the costs and financing structures of the known offshore wind projects at the time. For Virginia, that included the $295 million two-turbine demonstration project Dominion built, which did start producing power last year. It’s $780 per megawatt hour levelized cost of energy was much higher than the others. Dominion claims it can build the larger project for one-tenth that LCOE (but it won’t show us the numbers.)

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28 responses to “No Other State Plans Utility-Owned Wind Farms”

  1. So…. Dominion’s wind projects are the only ones in the country to be utility owned — and the data that would allow us to compare the costs of Dominion’s utility-owned projects to independently owned projects are secret.

    That does not fill me with confidence that ratepayers will come out well in this deal.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      There are probably onshore projects owned by utilities, but of course offshore is just getting started in the U.S.

      Patience, readers, I’m going to do this is bits and bites. RTD had a pretty good summary of the initial testimony from the AG’s expert today. I’ll get to that.

      1. David Wojick Avatar
        David Wojick

        Xcel has billions worth of wind across all eight of its states, with a lot more coming. They pioneered the “asset rebuild for profit” game. Their dividends started going up and their stock price increased 50%, which is unheard of in public utilities. Other IOU’s noticed and now every utility I have looked at is doing it.

      2. Looking forward to the future bits and bites (bytes?).

        DOM has to sell its solar and wind generator output to PJM at a compettive wholesale market price, but it does not have to justify the project’s capital cost to its investors, its shareholders, if, as in Virginia, the project is “ratebased.” There are plenty of independent solar generation companies out there that are willing to build for investor profit (and at investor risk) to sell to that same PJM wholesale market — but not DOM.

        We can surmise why DOM won’t choose to invest in offshore wind at shareholder risk when it can get a guaranteed regulated return with zero risk. Why the SCC allows any generation to be ratebased like this by a utility buying its power in PJM, the largest of today’s regional energy markets, is the mystery.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Once again, Virginia leads the nation… TJ’s spinning! Spinning? Say, I just had an idea.

  3. tmtfairfax Avatar

    Nasty old Dominion is out of my life, but for an affiliate providing natural gas service in the Raleigh area.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Oh yea! Let us know how Duke measures up. BTW, might I suggest something akin to “TLSRaleigh” as your replacement.

      1. tmtfairfax Avatar

        We aren’t served by Duke Power. Our electricity is provided by Wake Electric Membership Corporation. I paid our $5 membership fee.

        I don’t see NC as nirvana, but the North Carolina Utility Commission doesn’t appear to be hamstrung by the General Assembly, the extreme enviros or the fans of illegal immigration – subsidize the bills of those who have off-the-books-cash-income.

        Maybe I need to become TMTWake? And I need to look up Avangrid Renewables LLC. It seems to have won the BOEM lease for NC in 2017.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          RALEIGH – North Carolina comes in third nationally for growth of energy produced through solar, a new report finds. But in other areas of renewable energy such as wind and sales of electric vehicles the state isn’t a current leader but is showing strength.

          So says the “Renewables on the Rise 2021” report published Tuesday published in part by the Environment North Carolina Research & Policy Center and Frontier Group.

        2. Love it! TMTWake for sure.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Coming to NC as well, tmt… See my post on upcoming BOEM lease auction.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I’m hoping TMT stays in touch and lets us know his dismay as he finds out NC is not exactly nirvana either! I’ve never seen so many solar panels as I’ve seen in NC…. for instance.

        And some relatives that live in NC, speak of Duke with the same derision that Virginians speak of Dominion!

  4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    When huge money flows are promised and you get enough lawyers, insurers, economists, energy market specialists and brokers involved, there is no government agency in existence that can sort it out, much less the SCC. It is way above their pay grade, and the GA’s. Clean Virginia is the wild card, though. That organization has the money to go toe to toe with Dominion.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, certainly not if you’re going to change the command structure every two or four years, or so. Bigger fish to fry.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Luke, I am your father.”

    Windmills?! We don’t need no stinkin’ windmills! Bring on the coal-fired plants! I’m ready for your soot!

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    Excellent reporting by Haner. thank you!

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Did you see that BOEM is opening up two leases off the coast of NC? Auction to take place May 11th. 1.3 GW or more. Will be interesting to see who takes this one…

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Bight Wind Holding has won the auction for the largest project planned to date at 3 GW off the NY coast. This list seems to be a little out of date. Your point of only Va has utility-owned offshore wind projects is valid… so far…

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The table is clearly marked as to its date, as is the one at the end. Moving target, no question. Much more in the works, no question.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The table is clearly marked as to its date, as is the one at the end. Moving target, no question. Much more in the works, no question.

  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Bight Wind Holding has won the auction for the largest project planned to date at 3 GW off the NY coast. This list seems to be a little out of date. Your point of only Va has utility-owned offshore wind projects is valid… so far…

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    It is ironic that Trump’s 2020 offshore energy moratorium for the SE coast potentially hobbles both the offshore wind as well as oil and gas industries in those areas. Will Congressional Republicans support or stymie its reversal…?? Get some popcorn…!!

  11. DJRippert Avatar

    No other state on the list allows regulated monopolies doing business in the state to make unlimited donations to the state politicians who regulate that monopoly.

    Virginia is the most corrupt state in America.

  12. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    For the table of wind projects, the expected start dates seem outdated or wildly optimistic. But obviously our elected officials are teaming with Dominion on a major boondoggle with huge profits to Dominion and associated campaign donations. Overall what we are apparently seeing in the USA is, due to our monopoly utility model, it makes sense for utilities to build out renewables and reap the profits, that the captive ratepayers must pay, even if the project is not needed. Even Berkshire Hathaway’s Charlie Munger seemed to recently say he loves this trend. It is reminiscent of the nuclear build out of the 1970’s which we experienced in NJ as very high elec costs, which helped to chase industry away from the state.

  13. LarrytheG Avatar

    Have there been similar complaints about how Dominion builds generation in Virginia when it not renewables but coal, gas and nuke?

  14. Merchantseamen Avatar

    Follow the money government and private in it together? It is a scam.

  15. […]  An outside expert hired by advocacy group Clean Virginia also recommended a cost cap in his previously reported […]

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