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No More Sand Castles

by Kerry Dougherty

Two weeks ago, when Gov. Ralph Northam issued his over-reaching stay-at-home order that closed Virginia beaches to anyone not exercising or fishing until June 10, a young father politely emailed the Norfolk police for guidance.

I’ve deleted his full name and email address for privacy reasons. I have seen the emails. I know the father. The little girl is my granddaughter.

Sent Monday, March 30


I live in Ocean View right on the beach. My four-year-old daughter and I have been walking out on the beach in the afternoons to get outside, get a little exercise, walk the dogs, and I run pretty regularly. I saw in the governor’s mandate that the beaches will be closed except for fishing and exercise, but I wonder what that means for just sitting outside by ourselves on the beach. Are we not allowed to walk over the dune and dig in the sand just to get outside? or dip our toes in the water? Or I guess I should say, are you guys really going to enforce this so that we would be ticketed? We of course would continue to practice the usual social distancing, as we have over the past two weeks. Additionally, could I not sit on the beach in a beach chair to read a book, of course staying away from others outside?

I hope you can provide some clarification as to how this is realistically going to be enforced. Thank you.

Best wishes, and stay healthy,


The reply:


From: Pickering, William <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 10:44:18 AM

To: John>

Subject: RE: Beach Closing Enforcement Question

Good morning,

You may continue to enjoy the beach with your daughter as long as you remain six feet away from those who are not a part of your household. I have attached an FAQ published by the Governor’s Office that highlights the important of social distancing while out in public as well as not being in groups of 10 or more people. If, for any reason, an officer approaches you regarding this matter, please don’t hesitate to let them know that you corresponded with me. For up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in Virginia, please visit: Thank you for your time.

City of Norfolk – COVID19 FAQ

Sgt. William D. Pickering Jr.
Norfolk Police Department
Public Information Office

That was a cordial reply containing a common-sense interpretation of Northam’s extreme edict.

On Saturday, this father and his 4-year-old daughter ventured onto the beach where the little girl plopped down and did what children have been doing forever: she played in the sand. And he did what parents have done forever. He sat beside her.

The father tells me there were only a few people in sight. No one closer to them than 200 yards.

Still, a police boat was plying the water. The next thing the young father knew, three police officers roared up on ATVs and told him he had to leave.

No sitting on the beach, they said.

The dad explained that he had an email on his phone, indicating that taking a small child on the beach and letting her play was permitted.

New rules from on high, they told him. Get off the beach or get moving.

“They appeared to be sweeping the beach,” the father told me.

Not wanting a confrontation, this dad and his disappointed daughter fled the nearly deserted beach on a beautiful spring afternoon.

For no good reason. They harmed no one. Threatened no one’s health.

Disturbed no one.

What happened to these two on Saturday undoubtedly happened to others.

This is unnecessarily authoritarian behavior by the Norfolk police that did absolutely nothing to protect the public’s health or safety.

Continued harassment and bullying of ordinary people doing ordinary things will do nothing but fuel resentment toward law enforcement.

And the boneheaded governor who set this ominous nonsense in motion.

This post was published originally at

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