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No Boys in Girls Sports. Period.

by Kerry Dougherty

Good news for mediocre male athletes in Virginia: tired of getting cut from the boys’ teams? Slap on some lipstick and play with the girls. The governing body of high school sports has your back!

Yep, the Virginia High School League this week gave the middle finger to Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s policy that biological sex should dictate which sports teams kids can join.

These wokesters just announced that they will continue to follow the policies of the Northam administration that allowed boys pretending to be girls to take coveted slots on the formerly all-female teams. Ralph Northam didn’t give a rat’s patootie about girls’ sports and neither do they.

According to the AP, VHSL executive director John “Billy” Haun said this:

“As the VHSL fall sport season begins this week, I am recommending the League stay with the current policy which has served us well…”

The AP was careful to point out that very few boys have tried to play girls sports.

A miniscule number of students participate under the policy, according to data provided by VHSL spokesman Mike McCall. Between 2014 and the 2022-23 school year, 38 trans athletes filed appeals to participate under the process, with 34 granted.

Fine. That means a “minuscule” number of girls didn’t get to play a sport so a boy could take her spot.


That “miniscule” number will grow because it’s apparent that transgenderism is a social contagion, with ever-increasing numbers of disturbed children declaring that they’re trans, nonbinary, furries or something else.

The idea that female athletes should give up their chances to play competitive sports so a boy can play is outrageous.

On Thursday’s Kerry and Mike Show Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares vowed to do everything within his power to fight for girls, recalling that it wasn’t long ago that Eastern Bloc women taking male hormones were banned from Olympic competition.

Now Virginia sports officials are playing along with the fantasy that boys can become girls and putting girls in peril to encourage such insanity.

Someone needs to speak up for the girls. The real girls.

I’ll do it.

Allowing boys into spaces formerly reserved for girls isn’t fair to females and we need to demand that it stop.

As a woman who loved high school sports I can tell you that the locker room and bathrooms were safe, girls-only spaces for us. To allow boys to invade them is to change the entire team dynamic and make them unsafe for the girls.

Putting boys – even effeminate ones – on girls teams shouldn’t happen. No school girl should be forced to undress in front of biological boys. Ever.

Apparently feminists have been cowed into silence. So it’s up to us — the common sense crowd — to protect girls’ sports.

This November vote like your daughter — or granddaughter’s — future depends on it.

Because it does.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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