Next Up: Strike Down the Airline Mask Mandate

by Kerry Dougherty

Hang in there’re kids. Just eight more school days until you can see the smiles of your classmates again and breathe freely.

On Tuesday, the Virginia State Senate approved Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s emergency clause to the mask-optional bill that will make the law go live on March 1.

Three Democrats joined the GOP in approving the governor’s request: state Senators Chap Petersen, Joe Morrissey and Lynwood Lewis. Well done, gents.

All that remains for the measure to become law is for the House of Delegates to vote. It will easily pass the House with its GOP majority.

Remember, kids. It’s Democrats who want you to keep wearing masks indefinitely. They know that cloth masks don’t stop viruses. They do not care. Masks are a sign of obedience. They want to get you accustomed to authoritarian government measures while you’re young.

Stay strong.

Shoot, it’s the ultra-left wing ACLU of Virginia that filed papers in federal court to effectively keep you in face diapers forever, to protect your immunocompromised classmates. You know where this is headed, COVID or seasonal flu, it would make no difference. Mask up!

Pray this outlandish legal quest is dismissed quickly.

With student mask mandates disappearing around the country, it’s time to turn our attention to the skies.

In one of his first ridiculous acts as president, Joe Biden signed an executive order requiring masks for everyone ages 2 and up on planes, trains, buses and ferries.

No legislature has ever voted on this. It is one man’s edict. A man with a history of atrocious decisions and declining mental faculties.

While Biden’s order is widely ignored on buses and subways it is strictly enforced on commercial aircraft, which have some of the most high-tech air purifying systems in the world.

Guess what happened as a result of Biden’s order? Reports of unruly passengers soared. In fact, CNN reports that 2021 saw a record number of incidents involving out-of-control air travelers with a total of 5,981. Of those, 4,290 or 72% were mask-related.

Some of those reports involved tots. Anyone who’s ever had a two-year-old can imagine how hard it would be to keep a mask on someone that young. But airlines will toss families off an aircraft for an uncooperative toddler.

Look, air travel has been unpleasant for decades. Airlines shrank seat size, reduced leg room, downsized “meals” to microscopic bags of pretzels, and began charging for “extras” like assigned seats and any bag bigger than a toaster.

Putting up with these indignities while wearing a mask — or worse, trying to keep one on a toddler — was the breaking point for some.

The federal transportation mask mandate has been extended three times and is set to expire in a little more than four weeks, on March 18.

Let it die, President Biden. Make flying fun again. Or simply less awful.

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33 responses to “Next Up: Strike Down the Airline Mask Mandate”

  1. Now the courts will have the final say. We shall have to wait and see if Kerry is celebrating prematurely.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Given only 1% of assaults on flight attendants over mask mandates are referred for criminal prosecution…

  2. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I am very anti-mask mandate. But I find it very curious that Youngkin’s Executive Branch employees are still mandated to wear masks at Executive Branch offices.
    Maybe one of the journalists here at BR can ask him or his staff why he hasn’t ended that mandate.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      “Maybe one of the journalists here at BR can ask him or his staff why he hasn’t ended that mandate.”

      Probably prioritizing campaign pledge and realizing there is more an affect on school children vs adults in the Government. Plus if the courts rule he has no power to revoke previous admin’s EO’s what’s the point.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      and…………. crickets…. 😉

  3. killerhertz Avatar

    Does this only apply to public schools and daycares? What about private schools? It wasn’t clear to me based on reading the bill.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    By mid-April please….:) Uh, didn’t the masking on federal regulated public transit start before Biden took office? Could be wrong but didn’t it?

    If the person in the next seat is spewing virus, and you are in their company for three hours, four or on an overseas flight longer, even the high grade mask is a useless as a tissue. (Likewise a school classroom, BTW, where kids are around each other all day.)

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      School and daycares have been forever a breading ground for illness. It’s the nature of the beast, it also develops their immune system.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        My wife claims that the years in the classroom have given her the immunity to avoid this mess so far, more so than the shots! Who can say? Yes, by now the vast majority of school kids have been heavily exposed and probably unknowingly developed immunity. The Pfizer trials for under five just failed to produce an immune response — perhaps because it is done already? Or at that age they just don’t need the shot?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          What’s the natual immunity to polio look like?

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            My cousin who had it and survived, as did millions. Look, we were talking about masks. I’ve never argued against the vaccines, but if the kids don’t get an immune response that means something.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            My mother-in-law too. Got it at 16 and was over it by 21. Of course, her gimpy leg became an issue at 60, but c’est la guerre.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar

          I think it’s curious that they don’t get an immune response, but I too agree that most likely they been exposed and previous had it. My daughter had a case of MIS-C just after COVID wad diagnosed.

          My wife (a Nurse) was in the hospital prior to its announcement for a curious virus they couldn’t yet identify. I myself was ill prior it’s announcement and I took public transportation daily.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Tic-Tac-Toe. Chess. Covid. Measles. All solved problems. Time to stop fighting Darwin and end all vaccine mandates and requirements. All of them. Sure, we’ll lose a few who cannot take these vaccines, but we’ll lose far many more to choice. The best recourse is remorse. Hopefully, when some kid is facing a life of permanent disability or his death he’ll look at mom and dad, and say, “Eff you!”

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      Except SARS-COV-2 was created by humans.

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        It depends on what the definition of “gain of function” is.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        So was Tic-Tac-Toe, what’s your point?

    2. Matt Adams Avatar

      This article was about “masks” not vaccine mandates that have been proposed and established via Law, and voted on by legislatures.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        All mandates. Vaccines, masks, etc. no more putting masks on TB patients either. All choice.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          “Nancy Naive Matt Adams • a few seconds ago
          All mandates. Vaccines, masks, etc. no more putting masks on TB patients either. All choice.”

          Irrelevant, vaccines are mandated through Law. Masks’ have been “mandated” through EO. If you want a mask mandate, write your Congressmen and express your wishes to have a Law establishing it enacted.

          TB has steadily decreased in the US since 1993 as it’s resurgence was 1992, medical professionals are yearly subjected to TB tests.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I’m saying, “Get rid of all the mandates, even those prescribed by law.” We have a solution. Let those who don’t want to use the solution choose not to.

            In the past 100+ years, we have separated ourselves from the process of natural selection. It’s time to put our species back in the game. Making the conscious decision to not take vaccines is the equivalent to being genetically predisposed to not see tigers, or at the very least, the same as smoking.

            Whether I’m right or wrong, nature will sort it out, and the species will be better for it.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            Conflating the difference between edict and Law is your problem. There is nothing wrong with what is currently mandate by law and process to which you can apply for exemption. There is a problem with mandates which aren’t backed by the weight of the law and are hard to acquire an exemption.

            “In the past 100+ years, we have separated ourselves from the process of natural selection. It’s time to put our species back in the game. Making the conscious decision to not take vaccines is the equivalent to being genetically predisposed to not see tigers, or at the very least, the same as smoking.”

            Your comparing all vaccines to a novel vaccine, and again all those other vaccines are mandate via Law.

            “Whether I’m right or wrong, nature will sort it out, and the species will be better for it.”

            Nature always wins, your vaccine will not save you from nature. As the litany of variants have amply shown.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Not my problem. I don’t care.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar

            If it’s not your problem and you don’t care, why make so many comments on the subject?

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You said, “your problem” wrt law v eo. Not my problem.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Nancy Naive 15 minutes ago
            You said, “your problem” wrt law v eo. Not my problem.”

            Pointless statement.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You’ve got a point.

          8. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Silly analysis of law versus emergency mandates for the common and public good.

          9. Matt Adams Avatar

            “James McCarthy Matt Adams • 8 hours ago
            Silly analysis of law versus emergency mandates for the common and public good.”

            Define silly? While you’re at it provide your opinion on Jacobson and it’s progeny.

            You’re baseless and useless comment is par for your course, devoid of fact and heavy and opinion.

            The common good isn’t grounds for suspending civil rights, see Korematsu (which for your edification was a progeny of Jacobson, as well Loving v US).

      2. When one has no facts to support one’s position, one changes the subject.

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yet, GA crossover has come and gone and no mask-wearing, school-protecting Democrat virtue signaler put in a single bill to mandate a single shot in state law. Not for school kids, college kids or workplaces. Zip. That would be the lawful route.

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Sorry, I do not recognize your right to cough all over me on a plane. Keep your Covid laden spew to yourself.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      OTOH, you are free to rabbit punch the flight attendant so long as it is your intent to protest the mask mandate.

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