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For those still at sea over Kelo v. City of New London and eminent domain, The Lincoln Land of Land Policy has a nice, evenhanded item titled “Squaring the Eminent Domain Circle: A new Approach to Land Assembly Problems ” at

I am behind in reading. This was published in “Land Lines” in January but it is worth digging up if you missed it.

The article recognizes the need for land assembly to evolve more functional settlement patterns and the concern of legitimate property rights well as the real dangers of land speculation. There is a nice picture of Susette Kelo, a reprint of the picture of WaPo picture of Architect Sprigg’s holdout and a site plan for the Fort Trumbull redevelopment.

For the record: The Fort Trumbull plan is a disaster and it is not worth taking down an outhouse to build. It is an autonomobility fostering abomination. There are many 50s and 60 Urban Renewal plans that are superior, it fact this looks just like one of them. But that is another story.

What I really like about the article is that is advocates a variation on the process we designed 20 years ago to insure equity is served in Subdivision Recycling processes such at that which has been at the heart of a lot of RB projects and of METRO West. We outline this strategy in “The Shape of the Future.”

In other, more current news check out the Affordable and Accessible Crisis story that Jim features in “The New Homeless” but do not miss the story in WaPo Business on Alan Greenspan. (He foresees the possibility of a recession by fall.)

All of those who have been championing Business-As-Usual and glorifying the “Capital Accumulation” of a Winner Take All Economy that leads to Mass Over-Consumption get out your apron and be ready to man the soup kitchen. Autonomobiles and home building are not likely to pull us out of this one. We have no built ourselves into such unsustainable settlement patterns that a lot, if not all of us, are going to be hurt.

Yes Tobias, Jingoistic bragging and international advertising that promotes an Over-Consumptive lifestyle in the US of A has induced a lot to migrate. On that score see the current “Unte Reader’s” collection of articles on Illegal Immigrant Slavery.

Lets see, we have the Access and Mobility Crisis, the Affordable and Accessible Housing Crisis, the Illegal Immigrant Crisis, the War(s) in the Middle East, …

Did someone say the stock market went go down this morning? Where Oh Where can someone get a decent return on their gambling / speculation? Real estate is rotten, now stocks, what next? The NCAA tournament is near, perhaps you can score the winning bracket.

Have a Nice Day :>)


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